"Stardust Dunes" (Apocalypseb...

By Princess_Dangervest

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(APOCALYPSEBURG AU) What if Apocalypseburg and The Systar System never made up? After the attack of the alien... More

Chapter 1: "Apocalypseburg"
Chapter 2: "Princess and Commander"
Chapter 3: "Emotions"
Chapter 4: "Love"
Chapter 5: "Amongst the Sand"
Chapter 6: "A Not-so-familiar Face"
Chapter 7: "Remembrance"
Chapter 8: "Night"
Chapter 10: "Emends"
Chapter 11: "Change"

Chapter 9: "Rage"

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By Princess_Dangervest

After everything was sorted out in Noctis, Rex and Marie returned to Apocalypseburg with Lucy.

It wasn't much, but for the meantime, the Commander gave her a spare apartment to stay in. The couple had to think about how they were going to confront Watevra about the truth.

It wasn't necessarily easy to explain, and Marie wasn't even sure if she should bring her boyfriend with her. Knowing the fact that the Systarians still weren't fond of him.

They also considered just writing a letter, but wondered if that would be too rude. Considering important things were often discussed in person.

The two seemed stuck on their decision.

Due to the lack of sleep, they gave themselves a day to rest and recover. That next morning seemed peaceful, especially since Watevra had almost no more pills to give. Apocalypseburg had no attacks or interruptions.

Rex and Marie lay asleep, cuddled up close in the same bed. She was snuggled into his chest, and had her arm wrapped around him.

His alarm clock sounded, right on time, disturbing his peaceful sleep. He woke up, and slowly reached out his hand to turn it off.

He lay there for a few sweet seconds, before opening his eyes and staring at the ceiling. Marie hugged him tighter, and groaned quietly.

"Don't go yet..." She muttered.

"I'm sorry, Starlight. I have work to do."
"But I don't. You should stay with me."

"I wish I could."

He kissed the top of her head, before sitting up. His girlfriend yawned, and sat up with him. She rubbed her eye, and fixed her messy hair.

"You've been through worse than me." The Commander continued, "You should stay in bed. It's still early."

"Fine...but can I at least have a kiss first?"

He chuckled softly, then accepted her request. The two shared a sweet kiss, before he finally got out of bed.

Marie lay back down, and snuggled into the pillows.
"What do you have to do today anyway?"

"Ya know, stuff." He started getting dressed, "Organizing. Directing. Hopefully releasing criminals. We'll see how things go."

"Hmm...do you guys have donuts?"

Rex smiled, "Yes. I'll bring some to you before I start working."

"Thank you. Love you."

After the Commander finished dressing, he adjusted his coat, and walked towards the bathroom. Before her could enter it however, his girlfriend called out to him once again.


He held the doorframe, "Yeah?"

"I think I've decided. We should tell Watevra together. It's the best approach. I know it's scary, but I think it's the only way for her to truly see what we mean."

"...yeah, you might be right. I've never actually seen the Queen face to face before. Just in photos and by voice."

"She's...difficult to understand sometimes, but if we can get this whole thing cleared up, I think she'll get better." Marie replied.

"I hope so, because I want this war to end. Even
if it will take some time to adjust afterwards."


Lucy walked through the streets of Apocalypseburg, just taking in the scenery of the city. After being trapped in one place for so long, it was nice to finally see something different.

Though it was a rowdy atmosphere, it was a decently nice change. The weather that day was perfect, and the citizens were out and about.

She sat down on a nearby bench, and took a moment to herself. Her only problem was that loneliness had started to creep it's way into her heart.

She had spent a good while trapped with other people, but without them, and after giving up on her boyfriend, everything weighed heavily on her.

"Emmet...I wish I could have saved you." She sighed, "What do I do now? Just live? Find another boyfriend? But...there was no one like you."

She started to recollect the memories of TAKOS Tuesday, where Lord Business tried to take over the world, but was stopped by the Special. Emmet.

She wished she could have been by his side always, and now, they would never be together again.

"You seem really down. Are you okay?" A sudden voice called out to her.

The Master Builder looked up, and noticed Larissa standing there. The Sorceress smiled at her.

"Uh, no. Not really."

She had a cute purple and black sundress, with a sun hat to match. She looked nothing like the other citizens of Apocalypseburg.

That intrigued Lucy.

"May I sit with you?"
"Oh, yeah. I suppose."

Larissa sat down, and looked up towards the sun, before turning towards her.

"I haven't seen you around here before."

"I...haven't been around. Things have been crazy since the apocalypse started. I came back here to be with my boyfriend but...he has no idea who I am. He has amnesia. He's...in love with someone else."

The Sorceress perked up, "...your ex-boyfriend wouldn't happen to be Commander Dangervest. Right?"

Lucy was equally shocked, "That's him! How did you know that?"

"There's only one guy with amnesia around here. Besides, if I can be honest, I saw him the night he got his memories back. I helped him. The only way I knew how."

"You helped him? Are...you the one that reset his memory?"

"Yes. That was me." Larissa confessed, "I'm sorry if I caused any trouble...but a confusion like that takes months to clear up. He didn't have months. His princess needed him as soon as possible."

"...that's a good point. I guess I was too optimistic in hoping it would just magically make things the way they were. I miss his old self a lot, but that's not possible for me anymore."

The Sorceress frowned, as she thought up an idea in her head. Perhaps it was possible in some way. She hated seeing Lucy so sad.

"I can do magic." She confessed, "Without potions."

"You can? How? I thought Apocalypseburgers didn't have the interest in magic."

"Some do, but to be honest...I'm not exactly from Apocalypseburg. I'm Systarian."


"Shh!" Larissa hushed her, "I know. It's a shocker, but no one knows. Not even the Commander. I snuck in while they were rebuilding everything...and I stayed. Yet, people still get along with me. I think that really says something."

"That you guys can get along. If only they tried."

"Yeah, but enough about me. I'm worried about you. Your aura radiates such a deep sadness."

"...I just wish I had Emmet back."

The Sorceress shifted nervously, "I...uh...I think I know a way. Without interrupting his current life here."

"What?" Lucy turned, "How is that possible? Don't get my hopes up. Come on."

"I'm not trying to. Honest. It's just...I have a physical form of his memories. It's all of Emmet Brickowski, in that tiny little orb. I've heard his laughter. His joy. There's...ancient stories of memories being so strong that they can become a person again."


"Ah! I just said 'stories'. Not fact. However...if they are true, maybe there's hope for you to get your boyfriend back. There would have to be more research involved...but as luck would have it...I know a guy who's far better at magic."


Larissa stood up, and adjusted her dress. She turned towards Lucy, as a gentle breeze moved through the area.

"I can wait to open shop today." She said, "Why don't we go pay him a visit? He lives on the edge of town. Doesn't like to be bothered. But I can see him when I wish. Since we're bother magic users."

Lucy stood up, and nodded.
"Anything it takes. I just want a chance at having him back. It can't end sadly for me. It just can't."

"I like your mindset. Let's just make a quick stop first. Oh, my name is Larissa. By the way."

"Wyldstyle. It's...nice to meet you."


The two women walked to the edge of the city, where a large metal structure sat. It was like a house, but a little bigger, and had added cylinder shapes.

Larissa knocked on the front door, and turned towards Lucy. "He's a little harsh at times, but I'd give him a break. He was lost out in the universe for a while."

"He was?"
"Yeah. He won't say much...but it really effected him."

After a few seconds, the door finally opened. A tall man with fluffy black hair peeked out, the shadows from within his home covered most of his features.

"...Hi, Caylus." She smiled, "Sorry, is this a bad time? You look kind of tired."

"No. No." The Sorcerer pushed the door open, "I just stayed up late last night. You know, working on stuff. The Commander reached out to me earlier in the month to make weapons, but I still haven't completed them."

Larissa stepped aside, and presented Lucy to him.
"This is Wyldstyle. She's hoping you can help us with something, or at least answer some of our questions."

"...she's not from here." Caylus mentioned.

"No, she's not, but you can trust her. I already checked in with her."

"...okay. Come inside."

He moved out to the doorframe, allowing the two women to step in. He closed the door behind them, and they examined his living space.

The entrance area was a small living room, with a desk area to do his work. It was messy, and unorganized. Much like the city he lived in.

He hurriedly tied up his desk a bit, putting papers in their place, and putting a few books back on the nearby self.

"Your name is Caylus." Lucy mentioned, "That's a beautiful name."

"Thanks. My parents picked it." He joked.

"Larissa here says you're pretty good with the study of magic. I was hoping you could help me."

"It depends what you need help with."

"Right, um..."

Larissa stepped forward, and reached into her bag. She pulled out the small jar with the orb of memories.

"It's a complicated situation, but these are her boyfriend's memories. He currently doesn't have a use for them. We're wondering if the stories are true...that memories can be so powerful they can take a physical form of the person they once were."

"...unfortunately, that's tricky." Caylus replied, "It's possible, but...more so when the person is dead. Her boyfriend is still alive, right?"

"Yeah. He is."

"Then there's already a body present in this universe. To make a brand new one would be a challenge. It would need an entirely new structure. Samples of DNA. He'd be...more like a clone really."

"I don't want just a clone. I want him." Lucy stated.

"Yeah, that makes things really hard. It's a big favor. I'll...do some research and see what I can do, but no guarantees. If you can get me DNA samples from your...ex-boyfriend...?"

"Right. I'll keep that in mind. I understand that it's probably important."

Larissa smiled, "I trust you with this, Caylus. I know you're new to this whole thing. You had to obtain magic out there on your own...but you have a natural talent with it."

"Thank you, but...like I said, I'll see what I can do. It might not be him, but...it could be something. I can start by taking a look at those memories."

The Sorceress stepped forward, and very carefully handed the jar to Caylus. He focused his magic on it, trying his best to see what the memories had to offer.

After a while he gasped, and he held the jar away from him. "The Special?! Your boyfriend is the Special?!"

"Well, uh...he was." Lucy admitted, "I honestly thought no one remembered him. You seem to be the only one."

"Oh, I remember him alright."

His once soft expression had changed to one of pure anger. He held a type of hatred in his heart. One that could transcend dimensions.

"He was supposed to save everyone from the Kragle, but he didn't save me. I was stuck for years!"

"Oh, I'm-"

"We don't need another one of him walking around. I'm sorry, but I refuse to do this for you."

The Master Builder frowned, "What?! No! You have to."

"Since when are you the boss of me? I said 'no'. I mean 'no'. I don't like the guy."

"You can't blame him!" She argued, "We were attacked my aliens that day! It was overwhelming with all the chaos. He literally had amnesia! I mean, come on! Larissa!"

"Ah..." Larissa paused, "Caylus, is there any way you would reconsider? Please?"

"Sorry. That's my answer." He handed the jar back to her, "You can try on your own, but I won't do it."

Lucy was done with him at that point. She was angry that he was so unforgiving, and refusing to understand the reality of the situation.

"Fine! We'll leave then!"

She stormed off, absolutely furious. The Sorceress politely waved to Caylus, before she followed after her.

The was a tricky situation, but Lucy should have suspected that it wouldn't have been that easy.


That evening in the Systar System, Watevra sat on her throne, completely lost in thought. She looked through pictures of her lost love, Batman, torn away from her by the sheer embarrassment he felt after not living up to his own expectations.

Their had been so much pain in her heart since that day. The day he left, and never turned back. That was the day her anger started.

When true love is ripped away from someone, they seemingly become a different person.

No one could have expected that she had a crush on someone from Apocalypseburg.

Ice Cream Cone entered the throne room, and called out to her. "Your Majesty."

She quickly put the pictures away, and out of sight. Her assistant had taken her by surprise, but she tried her best to regain a tough aura.

"Um, yes? What is it?"

"My apologies if I'm interrupting anything, but...I have some news for you." He started, "Princess Marie is here to see you."

The Queen perked up. A visit from Marie wasn't expected. She was convinced she had abandoned her kingdom.

"So...she finally decided to show up. After all the time? She just shows up without even a notice?"

"She's waiting for you in the garden. She says it's an important matter. She wants only you to be present."

"Only me? Why?"

"I have no idea, but that was her only request. Otherwise, she said she would change her mind, and head back to Apocalypseburg."

Watevra was a bit suspicious, and undoubtedly shocked. "I don't understand why she suddenly has the nerve to show her face...but I'm choosing to trust her. Have the guards ready just in case."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Ice Cream Cone bowed, and exited the room. The Queen hesitated, but finally slid down from her throne, and made her way towards the palace garden.

As expected, due to the state of the kingdom, the once colorful flowers and bushes were nearly dead. The greenery was overgrown, and unkept, making the area look like a chaotic mess.

Watevra shifted her bricks nervously, as she approached the center of the garden. As she expected, Marie was there waiting for her.

In her new dress, and overall clean appearance, she looked much better than the last time she saw her.

She hummed happily, as she ran her fingertips over the gentle water that remained in the nearby fountain.

She seemed to be in a good mood. Something that was now incredibly rare for the Systar System.

"What are you doing here?" The Queen called out to her.

The Princess turned towards her, and fixed her posture. She walked over to her friend in royalty, prepared to discuss things as professionally as possible.

She wished for a world where she could be with Rex, and she knew she had to take the first step. Despite her feelings of nervousness.

"I know you're angry with me-"

"Furious!" Watevra shouted, "I thought those pills would help you realize that your duty is to your kingdom, and yet you still stayed. Why would you turn your back on us? On me!"

"It's not like that, Watevra!"

"You spoke of the Leader of Apocalypseburg positively! He is our enemy! Don't you realize that? There will never be peace between us while he is in charge."

"...I know about Batman." Marie confessed, "I know what you thought about him. That you were in love with him."

The Queen's eyes widened, and she immediately shook her head, denying the truth.

"Girl, that's crazy talk! Why would I love someone from Apocalypseburg?!"

"Don't lie to me. You're my friend. Since the day you came to this system, you've been my friend. Louis told me everything. He's been tricking you."

"Louis?! But he-"

"He convinced someone to kidnap me." Marie continued, "When your trade didn't work, he took matters into his own hands. He confessed that the pills are magic made to induce anger. He confessed that he fed on your anger, so that our kingdom would give in to him."

"I made no mistake in trusting him. He promised me strength, and I got it!"

"It was a mistake. No matter what 'good' you think you're doing, all because you resent Rex, it won't change the fact that this is pure evil. Batman or not, you can still change things!"

Watevra was a bit fed up. She was blinded by anger, and simply wished for things to be done her way.

She shifted her bricks angerly, but was still curious on Marie's part of the story.

"...you said he had someone kidnap you?"

"Yes. While I was in his custody, he used a love potion on me. He wanted me to marry him. So that he could have a place in commanding Stardust. If it seemed like I loved him...then no one would question it."

"...he said you liked him."

"I used to, before I found out he was a massive jerk." the Princess paused, "Please believe me. He told you to take those pills. He made you instruct everyone else to, because anger would control you. Don't let that be your fate. We don't have to be tough."

Watevra crossed her arms, and looked at the sun setting over her kingdom. Marie was her friend, and she thought what she was doing was right, but with the new information she wasn't so sure.

Though she could admit, she didn't know Louis like the Princess did. She didn't have any opportunities to become close with him. He was just her supplier.

"I'm still not convinced." She admitted, "Give me one good reason why we should stop this war? I see none."

The Princess's heart raced, and her anxiety weld up within her. She had a good reason. A very good reason. She just feared that it would backfire on her.

"I brought along someone who wants to speak with you, and please, I beg of you. Hear him out."

She stepped back slightly, and turned towards the nearby flower filled hedges. She called out in a soft tone, and waved her hand.

"You can come out. I think it's okay."

After the sound of footsteps echoed throughout the empty garden, Rex emerged from behind the hedges, and finally came into view.

He dusted the stray leaves off his shoulders, and he stepped up beside Marie. The Queen was shocked.

"Rex Dangervest?!"

"I know he's not your favorite person ever." The Princess started, "But he really wants to talk to you. Just hear him out."

"I intend you no harm, Your Majesty." Rex stated.

"How do I know that's the truth?! Huh?!"

"Because, despite all you've done, Marie still chooses to see you as a friend. And I would never hurt a friend of her's. You have my word."

Watevra was skeptical, "What have you done to him, Marie? Have you spelled him? I didn't know you could do magic."

"No. This is genuine. He means every word."

"Since the Princess has been in my care, I've grown a...fondness for her." The Commander continued, "I have no intention of keeping enemies. It's time for our two worlds to find peace."

"...I still don't believe you." The Queen replied.

"Why? Because I'm not Batman? I promise you that even though I'm not him, I am capable of making emends. Marie trusts me. Let that be enough for you."

"Which some hope, maybe this war ending will bring Batman back. He'll hear the news of it, as it spreads across the galaxy. Then, he can come back and be with you. Without fear holding him back." Marie added.

That statement caused Watevra to think, and somehow her heart softened. Though it wasn't what was originally planned, there was still a chance it would work.

Still, she wasn't sure how Batman would feel about not being the Leader of Apocalypseburg. The whole 'bring me to your leader' nonsense would still involve Rex in the end.

"I need a moment to think about this. Marie, are you sure you trust him? Like...how much do you trust him?"

"A lot. He's proven to me that he is kind, and cares deeply about his city. Despite the differences between us, they're not bad. Just desperate for peace."

"...fine." Watevra sighed, "If this is so important to you, let me go over things and I'll come to a fair decision."

"Thank you for hearing us out. It means a lot."

"Yeah just...let me discuss this with my team. Excluding Louis, of course."

"You don't have to worry about him." Rex spoke up, "He's locked up on Noctis. His oldest brother is set to deal with him."

"Well, at least that's taken care of. Um, excuse me."

The Queen slithered away, leaving Rex and Marie to themselves. The couple sat down on a nearby stone bench.

"Well, we can't do back on this now. I hope this works." The Commander said.

His girlfriend leaned up against him, and gently held his hand. The two enjoyed the quiet moment, and took in the nearby scenery. A brighter kingdom was in a potential future.

One where the flowers were in full bloom, and the animals had the freedom to roam through endless shades of greenery.

They had hope that the Systar System would be a land full of glitter, pop music, and parties again. Without the need to feed into anger.

"You look tired." Rex noticed, "You doing okay?"

"Yeah. It's just...these past couple of days have been a lot. I was kidnapped, put under a spell, I dreamt about you all night so I just kept waking up."

"Really?" He chuckled.

"You're just so cute-!"

"Hot." Marie continued, "Does that sound better?"

"Gosh, thank you. I suppose I'll accept that. Mostly because it's true. Well, whatever you call me, I'm just happy to be your prince."

She giggled quietly, and touched his chiseled cheek, running her forever gentle fingertips over his stubble.

"I'm happy to. I've waited so long. I've gone through so many struggles. You're the hero I deserve, Rex."

His expression changed slightly. A spark of light seemed to twinkle in his eyes. He glanced slightly downwards.

"...what's wrong, Honey?" Marie continued.

"Nothing. It's just...I got a weird sense of deja vu. Like I've heard something like that before."

"Oh. Maybe you have. Somewhere in your past."



On Noctis, Louis's oldest brother, Orion entered the dark castle. He was the King, and away on important duty during the time of his brother's mischief.

He had been in that role since his parents passed away. On their deathbeds, he swore to them a joyful kingdom.

He didn't appreciate getting a call about his youngest brother kidnapping a princess. He was immensely disappointed.

"We leave him in charge for one week, and he's literally kidnapping princesses for a throne."

"Sorry to call you home early, Your Majesty. This matter was just too urgent to ignore." The castle employee stated.

"No, it's okay. I should have known better than to trust my youngest brother. He's gotten in trouble more than enough times. He's in the dungeon, correct?"

"Yes. We tended to his wounds, and made him comfortable. Last we checked, he didn't feel like talking."

"Well, wether he likes it or not, he's talking to me. Oh, um...my fiancé Princess Selena is waiting in the lounge room. Can you tend to her?"

"Yes, Your Majesty."

The Palace employee left, and Orion continued towards the castle dungeon. He eyed every cell, but despite that fact, he didn't see any sign of Louis.

He sighed deeply, "Where are you hiding, Brother? You can't escape punishment this time. You've gone too far."

He once again looked through every cell, but found no one. Eventually, in the very last cell, he found a piece of paper left behind on the cot.

The King walked over to it, and picked it up. It was a note. Left behind by his brother. He couldn't leave the castle without leaving his words behind.

'Orion, I expect that you only have words of  disappointed for me. So, I won't stay to hear them. I had a spare key hidden in my boot, and extra potions stored away in my bedroom. Don't bother looking for me.'

"Louis! Ugh!" Orion threw the note to the ground, "He thinks he can just get away with anything. Well, not under my care. Still unmarried, still a prince in my kingdom."


Rex and Marie still sat in the garden, still trying to pinpoint where his deja vu feeling came from. It bothered him, to the point where it was all he could think about.

"I've felt this feeling before." He mentioned.

"When was the last time you felt it?" Marie asked, "Maybe that will help."

The Commander looked through his memories, finally recalling the last time he experienced a similar feeling. He had so much going on, that the event had completely slipped his mind.

"The last time? Well...I remember I went to the coffee shop. The day after you came to Apocalypseburg. And I saw a...unicorn cat arguing with some guy over money. I didn't remember her yet...she felt so familiar."

"Familiar, huh? And a unicorn cat? She sounds so cute!"

"Yeah. She mentioned living with her friend Benny, and thought she...wanted to live with her other friends. Lucy and...Emmet. But they never returned."

"Lucy. That's Wyldstyle's real name!" Marie responded, "And...when she met us..."

"She called me 'Emmet'." Rex blinked.

"...so...you actually could be him? Maybe you felt that way because you did know her. Oh my gosh, why didn't you mention this earlier?"

"I forgot about it. That...seems to be a pattern with me." He paused, "But I don't want to be anyone else. I just want to be your boyfriend."

A part of Marie still wanted to believe that Lucy was wrong, because she didn't want to lose Rex. But now there was evidence to back up her claim completely.

She was scared that if Rex gradually remembered, then he would change his mind. She loved him too much to loose him. Still, his choice remained obvious.

He still chose her.

She smiled at him, and lovingly held both of his hands. Once again noticing, how perfectly they fit together.

"I love you, Rex. It doesn't matter if we can't spend every single second together, or if you're busy. Never feel bad about that. Even with our worlds at peace it will take a while for people to accept. Even apart, you are always in my heart."

He returned a smile to her, and leaned in to kiss her. After the two of them shared a quick kiss, he separated and opened his mouth to speak again.

However, his words were stopped, and replaced by a wince filled with pain. He groaned.


"Huh? What is it, Honey?"

The Commander reached for the source of his discomfort. He grabbed something solid, just under his shoulder, and pulled it out.

He grimaced, uncomfortable with the pain, as he held the object in front of him to observe it. It was a dart, labeled with the symbol of Noctis.

His eyes widened, as he turned, looking into the shadows between the garden hedges. Marie followed his gaze, and she gasped, as a figure stepped out to reveal himself.

Louis lowered the hood of his cloak, "Shadows as dark as night. Easy to blend in with. This kingdom really has gone dark."

"Louis?! That's not possible! You were locked up!"

"Anything is possible when I'm still a prince. You ruined my happy ending, so...I'm afraid I have to ruin yours. Consider us even. I'm surprised, Dangervest. You usually have such a good sense of things. Has she made you soft?"

Rex froze up, and his body became tense. He felt something arise inside him. He blinked rapidly, and stepped away from Marie.

She reached out to him, "Honey?"

"I...no. Stay back." He held his head.

His eyes frantically moved, as if he was looking for a way out, but no matter where he went, he would still feel an uncontrollable rage.

He felt it, working it's way into his mind, and he knew at that point, he wouldn't be able to escape it. He shook, as the anger overwhelmed him.

"Honey!" The Princess called again, "What's wrong?"

A faint glimmer of magic sparkled in Rex's eyes, and his breath slightly quickened. Afterwards, his expression changed into one of intense anger.

He grabbed onto one of the nearby benches, and broke it in half with his bare hands. Marie shivered.


He growled under his breath, recognizing everything as Systarian. The enemy side. He continued to destroy every piece of stone furniture in the garden, and tear the greenery from its roots.

The Princess teared up, and stepped back.
"Louis, what did you do?"

"Well, since you asked, I had a little bit of agitation potion left. But enough for it to be triple the dose."


"And I put it into that little dart there, shot it, thus it entered your poor boyfriend's bloodstream. It's in so deep, there may be no hope for even a kiss."

"What?! No! He's too strong! He'll destroy everything. This isn't what he wants." Marie cried.

"That's exactly what I want. He's the best of the best. The Systar System doesn't stand a chance. When it falls due to his strength, you can kiss any chance of peace...and him goodbye."


She ran up to Rex, and grabbed his arms. She looked into his eyes, begging him to stop with her gaze.

"Honey! Come on. You don't want to do this."

Blinded by his own rage, he threw her across the garden, and she landed on the hard ground. She groaned quietly, and quickly composed herself.

"Honey! Rex!"

Despite her desperate calls, his acts of destruction didn't stop. He continued, until the entire garden was in pieces. His next stop was the palace itself.

Marie shivered at the thought. Louis stood amused.

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