By theyluvpixiewixie

2.4K 109 25

I was bored so I wrote this... A 15 year old boy named Oliver was living his life happily with his old grandf... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Authors Note
Authors Note

Chapter three

270 8 2
By theyluvpixiewixie

Please read the note at the end of this chapter. Happy reading<3

Oliver sat in his usual spot at the dining room table. Not too close to Azeil but not too far away, or else Azeil would make some awkward joke about how he doesn't bite and Oliver would have to adjust closer to him. Oliver was keeping to himself as their new guest was conversing with Azeil and keeping this awkward situation not awkward. Or at least Oliver thought it was awkward. I mean really this guy just shows up out of blue claiming he knows him and moseys his way in here for food and conversation? This hands down has to be one of the most awkward moments Oliver has ever encountered.

"Oliver don't pick at your food. If you don't like it then eat something else, we have a variety." Azeil said as he nodded towards the spread of food on the long table. It was like the painting of 'The Last Supper' had been  put into a reality in their dining room. Oliver nodded without the appropriate verbal response but Azeil let it go this time. August had ignored the tension between the two and just passed it as a new settling matter with the boy. He continued his conversation with the same amount of passion and enthusiasm as always. August was more of the sensible friend, he was slow to anger and he always gave people more than second chances. He was like a mother in a way, very doting and caring and sometimes strict, but if you mess with his friends or family he can switch like a light.

Azeil was the complete opposite. He was very stern and only believed in 'One and done'. He was more of the strict fatherly kind of man. Though in his defense his father was a marine for 20 years and his mother was a CEO of a large incorporated business. He knew nothing else other than tough love. But one thing August and Azeil did have in common was that to always protect family, including friends.

"So", August began. "I'm sure you are probably asking yourself how I know you," August said as he put down his fork and gave his upmost attention to Oliver. "Well, I don't know if Azeil has told you this, but I was very close friends with your dad and your mom; and so was Azeil. Us three would always hang out together and on more than one occasion would your father bring you with us to wherever we were going. You were so cute as a little baby, you couldn't have been but 3 or 2 so it's not like you can remember us." August went to explain about all the things the four of them would do and where they went. The more August was going down memory lane, the more it felt awkward for Oliver, if that was even possible.

It almost felt like August was talking about for his sake and for the nostalgia and reminiscing about his younger days when he didn't have to worry about getting wrapped up in family business. Oliver was silent the whole entire time while occasionally picking at his food, despite Azeil's wishes not to. It's not Oliver could cut himself in and also share the memories he had as a two year old. Oliver could feel himself getting frustrated with all these fun memories of his parents that Azeil and August share. Meanwhile, Oliver was stuck with the same story about how his father died of car accident and his mother fell ill two months later and died that same year. And it never seemed to bother him until now when he started to feel jealous of the brother's experience with his parents.

Azeil started to notice this when Oliver kept his head down and didn't bother acknowledging August anymore and stopped eating. His brother can ramble on sometimes and not even realize that he was in a conversation with someone else other than himself. Azeil knew this behavior from Oliver too well as he studied his behavior the past week. From Monday to Thursday he could tell that Oliver was just falling deeper and deeper into his own sinkhole of negative thoughts. Azeil wanted to help but he didn't know how; thinking it was better to give Oliver some space was a mistake that Azeil now knows. No one really helped Azeil when his parents passed away and left him with oceans of work and tears. He would just freeze as he sees his younger version of himself in Oliver.

"Uh, alright August, I think that's enough. I'm sure he understands it just fine now." Azeil says while cutting August off from his trip down memory lane. August looks at Oliver and feels a pool of shame around him as he sees Oliver looking downwards and not interested in entertaining this now depressing conversation.

"Oh right, I'm so so sorry Oliver. I just got wrapped up and I didn't once check on how you were dealing with this. Y'know, Azeil and I had to deal with the loss of our parents around your age," His voice was light and airy as he treaded lightly over a very sensitive subject like glass. One wrong move and you cut yourself deep.

It seemed to catch Oliver's attention though and his eyes seem to have the look of hope and despair at the same time. Just a swirling pool of confusion that looked all too familiar to August. "It was hard for us too, having to deal with that at a young age and taking on the family line of business at that. Azeil had it hardest since he had to take care of me also, so, I don't want you to feel alone in this process of settling in. And I want you to know that we are both here for you, and we love you with every muscle, bone and nerve in our body okay?". Oliver found it hard to believe that both of them could love him with everything they had even if it wasn't his own flesh and blood.

The only person that could truly love him that deep was his grandpa, and he's off to god knows where leaving Oliver to himself defenseless. He nodded at them both just to get both of their deep stares off of him and to move on from this depressing subject.

"So!," August began. "What are you guys going to be doing for the day?". Oliver continues picking at his food not acknowledging the pending question. Or he just decided not to acknowledge both of them. It was very likely it was both options. Azeil peered over at Oliver still seeing him pick at his food. He could tell Oliver was developing a habit of not listening;which was going to stop very soon.

"Oliver, stop picking your food. I'm tired of telling you." Azeil reprimanded Oliver with a harsh state, a stare that says 'stop or there will be consequences'. Oliver slowly looks up at Azeil with a deadpan but his eyes show fiery rebellion. The mood at the table shifts from an awkward atmosphere to a tense atmosphere.

Oliver looks straight at Azeil while he continues to pick his food even more obvious than before. Azeil's eyes darken as his hand twitches to spank the brat out of Oliver immediately. August notices this and quickly interferes before Azeil makes a move on the poor kid.

"If you're done with your food I can take it for you". August offers as he reaches over to grab Oliver's plate, but is met with an annoyed stare.

"I can finish my food by myself, I'm not a fucking baby." Oliver rolls his eyes at him. I mean seriously, first Azeil and now August? He wasn't even hungry to begin with. He practically got forced to "eat" with the last two people he wants to be around and they expect him to be jumping for joy? What a load of bullshit.

"Hey! Watch your language. You do not speak with an adult like that, or for that matter anyone. If you want to be mad at someone be mad at me, but you do not curse at an adult. Do I make myself clear?". Azeil demands as he stares Oliver down with a deep stare and a stern voice. He was walking on thin ice around him and needed to smarten up before he had to do it himself. Azeil was raised around people who demanded respect and it grew on him and went with him everywhere. It also helps that he is a pretty famous CEO of an insurance company in the country.

"Yeah no, I'm not doing this shit." Oliver shoves his plate away from him and storms off from his seat; traveling towards the stairs. However, he doesn't make it far when Azeil also gets up quickly and snatches his forearm and squeezes tightly so Oliver can't get away. Oliver tries to yank his arm away from the creep holding him captive. All of this over a word? What chef pissed in his coffee this morning?

"Let me go! Don't fucking touch me!" Oliver would scream and yell at Azeil but there was no getting away. Azeil has had it with this blatant disrespect from the teenager and he was in desperate need of discipline.

That's why he sends out ten sharp smacks to his bottom. This startles Oliver and makes him cover his abused bottom to protect himself. What the hell was that?

"Walk to my office now." Azeil orders coldly to Oliver who is red in the face. He slowly puts one leg in front of the other out of embarrassment and out of fear of getting smacked again. Though he does have on jeans, the sting was still heavily noticed. August was still seated at the dining table shaking his head from amusement and pity. He might as well start cleaning up around here since he had a feeling they were going to be "talking" for a long time.

When Oliver sits down (or tries to with a sore bottom) in a brown leather chair, Azeil sits behind his desk straight at him.

"Your behavior this morning was unacceptable. Firstly, when I told you to stop picking your food the first time, you not only ignored my order but didn't even reply properly. I have said to you, it is either "yes sir" or "no sir". You don't shrug or nod at me. Ever. Second of all, this straight out disrespect stops now. I know you're still settling in here but that does not give you the reason to start acting crazy with me and being disrespectful. If you have a problem then you talk to me, you don't go cursing up a storm. Do I make myself clear?" Azeil finished waiting for Oliver's response.

How could he be serious? There's no way he's talking to Oliver like that. He wasn't three, he didn't need a lecture. His reaction was completely normal and understandable; it's not like he flipped a table or something. One thing for certain was he was is not going to give in so easily. So what? A lecture is supposed to scare him? Ha! He's in for a rude awakening.

"Are you done?" Oliver said unamused by the scolding.He also planted a smirk on his face for good measure,

"Excuse me?" His voice darkens and you could tell he was getting pushed closer and closer to the edge. His jaw was clenched so hard you would have thought he was going to chip a tooth. It would be a wise decision to not give him a smart mouth. Oliver wasn't that big on wise decisions. Well, not yet anyway.

"I just feel like you going on and on about the same thing is annoying. I personally didn't do anything wrong. You're just overreacting." He stated with arms crossed. He was not going to let Azeil walk all over him. Especially not like this. Azeil had finally had enough when he shot up from his chair and marched over to the stubborn teenager; flipping him over his knee in a near by vacant chair.

This couldn't be happening! All he did was say one little joke and now he's some sort of vigilante? Oliver was kicking and screaming at the perpetrator to put him down and let go of him. Neither request being fulfilled. It was when Oliver could feel a breeze on his ass he started to really freak out. Azeil had to hold his legs down with one of his own. Seeming that was taming him, he got to lecturing.

"I'm sorry I didn't make it clear to you from the start that you will listen to me," With a swift movement his hand shot up and connected down harshly on his bare cheeks, following with a loud clap. "When I tell you something, and I expect," Another loud smack was followed, along with the occasional squirming and hissing from Oliver. "You to do it with no questions asked," Another. "No back talk," this one landing brutally on his sit spot; causing Oliver to yell out. "And absolutely with the proper response." From there the torture of the spanking felt never ending. It was already bad enough he was half naked in front of him, but having to endure through this pain was something totally different.

Though Oliver did try not to have a reaction, his body was rejecting him and falling closer and closer into submission. At one point he had to put his hands on his butt to try to stop the assault. Even for a couple of seconds. "Remove your hands Oliver. Now" Azeil growled out. Oliver was not moving and even then showing signs of rebellion against Azeil. This only proved to him that they had a long way to go unt he finally gets through to him. And unfortunately for Oliver, it won't be an easy ride.

"Remove them or I will make you remove them. And you won't like it if I have to." Azeil scowled down at Oliver.

"I can't!" He admitted while slowly being brought to tears. Maybe out of being brutally humbled or in hopes he will have pity on him and call it quits. Most likely both. Azeil would heavily sigh before moving his arm up which Oliver sensed and quickly removed his hands. But just as quickly he removed them, he brought them back out and shielded his behind.

Azeil was finding this almost amusing as he could see Oliver battling with himself if he is ready to continue or not. Maintaining composure Azeil rubbed his back soothingly. "Just five more, and I want you to count them out understood?" It caught Azeil's surprise when Oliver croaked out a 'yes sir' considering his manners was the reason he was in this mess. Azeil shook his head at the irony.

This first hit was painfully close to Oliver's sit spot. Oliver made it apparent with the groans and the hisses spewing from his mouth it is not a walk in the park. He could barely say the proper response. "O-one." The other two were undoubtedly landed harshly on each cheek. The color of his butt painted into a red and dark red. "Four!" He yelled out after another was connected. Azeil could tell he just wanted this to be done because before the last one he had to call out he was clenching his butt. Again, Azeil had to maintain his composure even though Oliver was bringing out some good memories in him.

"F-five!" He cried out and toppled onto the floor holding his butt. He was trying hard not to cry and give Azeil the satisfaction of seeing him cry. He was being pulled into a hug by his tormentor in chance of making him feel better but resulted in a push back. Oliver silently, with a side of some sniffles, pulled up his pants again not making eye contact.

"You know why I had to discipline you right? I don't want you acting this way as an adult because I care for you and want the best for you. I still love you with all of my heart, since you were a little boy to now. You understand that right?" But how could he understand much of anything. Azeil knew for sure after he was punished and got the 'I do it because I love you' talk, everything went through one ear and out the other. He could tell Oliver wanted to open the distance between the two so he dismissed him and watched him scurry off.

It would be best to talk to him before dinner once he's cooled off, Azeil thought to himself. As he sat back in his chair with a glass of whiskey in his hand he could only imagine the discussion they were going to have about school.

He knew one thing, it was going to be one hell of a week.
Hey guys long time no see (mb that's on me) sorry it took me a year to update this book and this chapter. I swear I didn't have writers block, I just didn't have the time bc of school and stuff. But I am going to try to update more sooner. Also sorry for the long chapter and the grammatical errors.

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