Phai & Bank ( Love Syndrome)

By unaisaas

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#Bl # lovesyndrome #mature #bl #boyxboy #bxb #bxblove #lovesyndrome #mature #maturelanguage #maturity #mxm #r... More

CHAPTER - 12 🔞
CHAPTER - 18 🔞
CHAPTER - 20 🔞


1.6K 54 2
By unaisaas

After sleeping with Bank in his arms, Phai felt that his head was clear and he felt more relaxed than when he was alone. Although the feeling of stress from what happened remained, at least it made him fall asleep quickly. As for Bank, realizing that Phai was sleeping, he slowly pulled away from his embrace, sat down and looked at the face of the person he loves. Bank wants to stop this time for much longer than he should, he wants to spend time with Phai like he always has, but it's not possible.

- Huh. - Bank sighed. He was feeling really sorry for himself, falling in love with someone who already had someone else in his life like Phai. Even though hearts feel the same, Bank feels bad. Leaving Phai and returning to the billiards, Bank continued for a long time immersed in his own thoughts.

- What are you doing here, Nana? - Bank said. The girl came with a friend named Som.

- We were walking nearby, we stopped to look for Bank. - said the woman with a smile. If it had been before, Bank would probably have asked her out, but now that he knows what he really feels in his heart, he doesn't want to give anyone false hope.

- Sit down. Bank said and Nana immediately sat down next to Bank while Som sat on the other couch. Bank kept his distance so the girl could sit comfortably and not get too close. Bank invited the young ladies to discuss general matters like a friend, not long after, Phai's tall figure walked in and frowned with dissatisfaction when he saw a

girl sitting next to Bank.

- Bank. - Phai echoed causing all three of them to turn to look. The two women were shocked when they saw Phai.

- Are you awake? Did you turn off the air conditioning for me? bank

he asked in a normal tone.

- It's off. are you free? Is it okay to sit down and talk? - Phai said sarcastically. He knew he had a bad habit, so he also didn't clarify the matter itself, although he didn't tell Bank about Pin,

he had a jealous attitude towards Bank.

- I just look at the store and talk here.- Bank replied.

- If you are free, go to the restaurant with me. Help me decorate the restaurant for Christmas - Phai finds an excuse to

separate Bank and the girls.

- You're not going to ask P'Pad, are you? - Bank refers to the bank manager


- Yes, but you always have better ideas for me, don't you? - Phai said again. Bank gave a slight sigh, as he wanted the manager of the

restaurant was also there to avoid getting close to Phai.

- Okay, I'll ask Ai Moss to help me with billiards. Bank said.

- Nana, Som, first I'm going to help Phai's work. We will talk later. Bank said. They both nodded.

- Then let's go back first. - said Nana before turning around and raising her hand to bow to Phai because the other party is older. Phai nodded.

- Did you set an appointment? - Phai asked in a stern voice when the two women left.

- I didn't make an appointment, they came

visit me. replied Bank honestly.

- I'm going to see Moss. interrupted Bank before getting up and walking over to

Moss, looking at customers. Bank ordered the store to be attended to, before returning again.

- Okay, let's go to your restaurant. - Bank said. The two walked


- Let's leave the car parked at your store and walk. - said Phai because Bank's billiards is not very far from Phai's restaurant. Do you like that woman? - Phai

he asked, still a little upset. Bank turned to look at Phai with a slight frown.

- Are you sure you want to ask this question? Bank asked, a little quiet.

- You should know who I like, or do you think I changed my mind so quickly? - Bank asked in a slightly irritated tone.

- Well, it seems like you're trying to stop thinking about me quickly. Who knows if you are attracted to someone to stop liking me or not? - Phai said while thinking.

- I would like to do that too. But I don't want to drag anyone down to get hurt. - Bank replied bluntly, and the two remained silent as they walked towards Phai's restaurant.

- Bank, why don't you go out with someone? You should give yourself a chance. - Phai repeated as he stopped walking, causing Bank, who was walking, to turn around and look in incomprehension.

- For what? Do you really want me to forget you? - Bank asked back, his eyes hurting. Seriously, Bank wasn't ready to open up to anyone yet. Although he could get someone now too, he didn't understand why Phai had to ask him that. Bank was silent because he didn't know how to explain, then he saw Phai's worried face. This surprised him quite a lot.

P'Phai, what do you have? – Bank asked, taking a deep breath.

- Nothing, I'm just worried about you. Phai said. Bank admits it's good, but in his heart, he's slowed down at the same time.

- I couldn't care less

you in another way. - Bank replied and the two looked at each other.

Let's go to the restaurant. - Phai broke the silence. The two then walked towards the

restaurant. Arriving, Phai asked Bank to talk to Pad, the restaurant manager, about what kind of decorations to put up, as Bank always comes to help Phai.

Trim... Trim... Trim...

Phai's cell phone rang making Bank look a little worried. - Speak first. Dad called. said Phai, because he wanted Bank to know that the caller was his father. And Bank himself was unconsciously relieved. Phai went out to talk to his father behind the store, as for Bank, he continued talking to the restaurant manager. After a while, Phai came back stressed. Bank looked at him, worried and suspicious.

-P'Phai, P'Pad and I have come to a conclusion. Bank said. - Can I go back and listen? I have to

Go see my father now. said Phai with

a slightly strained voice.

-Okay, but why are you in a hurry now? What happened?- Bank asked worriedly, because he thought Phai's father wouldn't make him uncomfortable all of a sudden.

-Nothing, everything is fine. Well, I'm going to do some urgent things. You can stay here? I'll finish talking and be right back. Now, talk to Pad about the decoration costs first. Phai said, because he wanted Bank to stay at his restaurant first.

-All good. Bank responded. Phai smiled slightly before grabbing some of his belongings and his car keys. So, he quickly went back to get the car from Bank's store. As for Bank, he continued talking to the restaurant manager.

- Khun Phai trusts Bank a lot. Otherwise, he wouldn't let him handle anything in a restaurant like this. - said Pad smile, when

Fai saiu.

- I don't want to get into trouble, P'Pad. I'm afraid that other people will slander me for harassment, but P'Phai asked me to help come up with some ideas. so I came to help.-replied Bank.

- Oh, no one thinks like that. Everyone knows what kind of person Bank is. As for anyone who sees that we are busy, no one will think so badly, because no one would dare say anything

about the Bank anyway,

if they did, Khun Phai would definitely

I would fire him for gossiping. he said jokingly, because everyone knows that Bank is Phai's beloved nong. All of the employees at Phai's restaurant know Bank as Phai's brother. This made Bank sob, if the others knew the two were attracted what would they say? Furthermore, Phai
is married and has a son.

-Where are we going to buy these things?

- Bank invites him to talk about the restaurant's decor to change the subject, then sits down and talks for a while. When they reach a conclusion, they return to making a list of values ​​for Phai. Bank was sitting

in Phai's office waiting for

he came back.

About two hours later, Phai

returned to the restaurant again with a serious face. Your father knew that

Pin had taken the child to his parents' house, so he called to see if there was any problem. So, Phai decided to go back and talk to his parents to warn them, considering it is a very serious matter. After telling the story and thinking of a solution together, Phai asked to go back first to see the restaurant and

When he returned to his office he saw

Bank, who fell asleep while playing

on the cell phone itself.

Bank shook his head slightly

as Phai slowly picked up the

phone from your hand to turn it off.

Phai crouched on the floor in front of the

sofa where Bank was lying and looked

to Bank's sleeping face. bank

not a cute or sweet boy, but

is considered beautiful, otherwise,

there would be no girls approaching

from him. Phai couldn't resist and reached out to kiss Bank's lips, but didn't invade his mouth, it still scared Bank.

- P'Phai. - Bank gritou para Phai em

state of shock, before quickly sitting down, he knew exactly what Phai was doing when he opened

the eyes.

- I'm sorry for waking you up. -

said Phai.

- It's not a problem. said Bank in a stressed tone, and Phai smiled happily because he knew what Bank

meant. Phai was still standing and sat at his desk as Bank looked at him in surprise.

-About the store decoration, what

Did you decide? Phai asked in a serious tone. Bank frowned. But he did not ask what he doubted. Bank stood up to tell him what conclusion they had reached about opening the

restaurant for Christmas Day.

The next day, Phai asked the employees to decorate the store as proposed by the Bank. bank

also helped him decorate, but noticed that Phai seemed stressed and thoughtful.

-P'Phai... P'Phai. Bank called him several times, but Phai didn't listen.

-What is wrong? - Phai

He asked.

- What is wrong? I already called you

several times. - Bank said.

-Sorry.-Phai replied.

- Why did you call me? - Phai

he asked again.

- Where are the other decorations? -

Bank asked.

- Let's go get them. said Phai, Bank

nodded but was still confused

With Phai's attitude making him very worried, Bank tried to approach and ask, but Phai said everything was fine.

- P'Pom, did P'Phai tell you something?-Bank asked when Pom arrived at the restaurant. Bank and Pom sat down to drink at the

Phai's office, while Phai

greeted some of the customers.

-You told me what? Pom asked in a normal tone. He knew exactly what Bank meant, but he pretended

not knowing why Phai had to speak

by itself.

-About any stressful or worrying situation? P'Phai seems strange lately, Bank said.

- Then why don't you ask

him?-Pom asked.

- I asked him, but P'Phai just said that there is nothing wrong, but I'm sure there is something wrong. with him and P'Phai won't tell me.- said Bank in a slightly irritated.

- Are you worried about this? - Pom joked.

- Aren't you worried? - Bank asked. Pom smiled slightly.

- I care about him as a friend, but what about you? - Pom asked jokingly, leaving Bank a little confused.

- I'm... worried because he's my Phi. Bank said calmly.

- Bank, I don't think you need to stay away from Phai. - said Pom, because he saw that Phai and Bank still had hopes of being together.

- Why? Didn't you tell me to give up first? - Bank asked.

- Well... - Pom was about to find a good answer, but at that moment, Phai opened the door.

- Why are you sitting so close? - Phai asked when he saw them sitting very close.

-A lot?-Pom asked, Bank looking confused.

- Go sit on that couch. Phai reached over and pushed Pom with his knees to sit on the other couch. Pom stood up easily with a smile and Phai sat down next to Bank. Bank poured some drink for Phai to drink while they talked about Christmas activities.

Suddenly, Phai took out his cell phone and stared at Nong Win's image longingly. Even though he knew that Nong Win was not his own son, Phai was already very attached to him, as he helped raise him since he was born. Bank, who was next to him, felt a tremor in his chest, remembering that Phai has a family.

Do you miss Nong Win, Phi? - Bank asked, doing his best to speak in a normal tone.

- Hmm, a little. replied Phai, covering the image on his phone.

- You'll see him when you get home, Phi. - said Bank, because Bank didn't

you know what happened.

- Pin took Nong Win to sleep at her mother's house. - Phai spoke in a normal tone.

- Ah... - Bank didn't know what to say so he could only remain silent. All

They continued to drink until Bank asked to go back to overseeing his own store, in part because Bank wanted to step away and rest his heart, as being around Phai hurt him.

- So where are you going to sleep tonight? Pom asked, because now all that was left was the new house where he

lived with Pin.

- Should I go to Bank's house? Do not wanna go Home. - Phai said.

- Best not. Bank still doesn't know what happened and you will feel guilty for sleeping with you. - Pom said, Phai sighed softly.

- Today I just want to touch him. said Phai before being hit by Pom.

- It hurts. - Phai scolded, not taking it seriously.

- Stop thinking about it, resolve your situation first. If you do something, Bank will feel really bad.

Do you want him to feel guilty? Pom continued.

- I was just kidding. - Phai

he replied with a heavy sigh.

- I'm going back to sleep at my parents' house. - Phai said again, Pom nodded.

- Day and Brick came to Kan? - Pom asked Phai at Christmas, as his

friends had promised to visit Phai's restaurant.

- They arrived. - replied Bank.

- I saw that Day came to do some business

in the hall. said Bank again as he looked at Phai, who had a stressed expression on his face, but Bank didn't want to ask,

because he has asked several times and has not

received a response. Bank assumes that Phai wants to act normally

so as not to worry anyone, but those close to Phai, like Bank,

they will understand easily.

- I called him and asked if they were coming. They will come in a little while. said Phai, then they all sat down to drink and wait, Day and

After a while, there was a knock on the office door. Phai got up to open the door

for Day and Brick to enter. Day immediately realized something was bothering Phai.

- Come here, sit down. - Phai greeted with a smile. Day looked closely at his friend, but didn't ask. Day picked up Brick and sat down on the other couch. Brick raised his hands in honor of Phai and his veterans. Bank also raised his hands in tribute.

When did you arrive, P'Day? Bank asked.

- In the afternoon, Brick helped us decorate the hall, Day said.

- I saw it on your store page. Advertising will attract many customers. - Pom said with a smile as she handed Day a glass of drink and then turned to Brick.

- Brick, do you want a drink or do you have to ask Ai Day? - Pom asked jokingly, Day slightly raised a smile.

- Hmm. replied Day, and Pom poured Brick another drink.

- And Ingfah, Bank? - Brick asked about Bank's daughter, since Day and

Brick loves Bank's daughter very much.

- Go sleep with my mother, Phi. - Bank replied with a smile. Then turning to look at the light in Day's eyes as he looked at Brick, Bank sighed deeply. After a while they continued to talk about the accessories store that Day runs in Chonburi.

-I am going out. said Bank, standing up.

- Where are you going? - Phai who was talking to Day immediately asked.

- To the bathroom. - Bank replied, and Phai nodded.

- I will go too. Day said, before looking at Brick.

- Sit down and continue talking to these two first. Day said, and Brick nodded before Day stood up with

Bank to go to the bathroom.

- Don't come back yet. Come smoke with me. said Day, and the two

they went to smoke together in the back of the restaurant. Day handed over a cigarette

to the Bank.

- I thought you had stopped

smoke. joked Bank, before lighting the cigarette for Day.

- I reduced the number, I haven't stopped yet. - Day replied bluntly.

- P'Day, do you have something to ask me? - Bank asked when Day called him to the back of the store. That means there must be something he wanted to talk about.

- Did Ai Phai tell you something? - Day asked, Bank paused for a moment before sighing and shaking his head.

- No, he just said it was okay. Do you know anything?

- Bank asked.

- Why don't you ask him again? Day asked, smiling.

- No matter how much I try to ask, he just doesn't say anything until I get mad at him. -

complained Bank.

- P'Day, please press P'Phai. If you can help him, you don't need to tell me. Bank begged hopefully.

- Um, but not today. For now hurry up to smoke before Phai comes after you. - Day said in a calm tone. This made

Bank froze a little, but they

they only smoked half a cigarette before returning. Phai looked at Bank as if he was sensing something wrong.

You secretly smoked again. - Phai said in a harsh tone when he smelled the faint smell of cigarettes on Bank.

- P'Day invited me. bank

Day quickly accused. - Are you going to stay at home for the new year?

- Day avoided them.

- Are you having a party? - Pom asked curiously.

- Um, I want to stay and celebrate.

I haven't seen you for 3 or 4 years. - Day turned to tell his friend.

- Well, you can celebrate at

my house. replied Phai, before

for the conversation to move on to preparing for the New Year's party.

Bank proposed defining a budget

of just 100 bath, Brick also had fun as they talked and drank. As night fell, Day and Brick returned first, then Phai left to see them off.

- I'm not going to ask what's wrong, but when you're ready I hope you'll tell me. Day said, Phai smiled a little, as he knew

very well we really couldn't

hide nothing from Day.

- Um, thank you, I need a little more time before I tell you. - Phai replied. Soon he would have to

make a decision about what to do next with Pin. After saying goodbye to Day, Phai returned.

Pom was also about to leave.

- I have to go back. I have an appointment tomorrow to speak to a client. Pom said, remembering. Phai nodded.

- So I... - Bank also pretended to leave.

- Stay here for a while. - Phai said hurriedly, making Bank sit down again.

- P'Phai, what happened? - Bank asked before Phai raised his hand to clamp Bank's mouth.

- Ugh... What's wrong with you, P'Phai? - Bank said while taking Phai's hand away from his mouth.

- You smoked. - Phai said in a normal tone.

- P'Phai, I haven't smoked for a long time. - Bank said.

- You must not do this again, for Ingfah's sake. - warned Phai.

- You smoke too. replied Bank.

- I'll try to reduce it so I can stay with you for a long time. - Phai said, causing Bank to stop a little. Although his heart skipped a beat when Phai said this, at the same time he felt a pain in his chest, but Bank didn't say anything.

- I'm going to sleep with you tonight. - Phai said, begging. At times like this, he wants to be with Bank.

- If you don't come back, P'Pin and Nong Win will sleep alone. said Bank, ignorantly.

- Pin took Nong Win to sleep at her parents' house. - Phai replied, Bank frowned slightly.

- Why is P'Pin taking Nong Win to sleep with his parents so often lately? Do you have any problems? - Bank asked worriedly.

- No, it's okay, let me sleep with you. Or will you sleep with me? - Phai let Bank choose.

- I better sleep in mine

House. I do not want to bother you. - Bank replied in a low voice, not wanting Pin to feel dissatisfied if she knew that he slept at her house on the days she didn't.

was nearby.

- Do you have clothes for me? - Phai asked, Bank nodded.

- Yes, in the usual place, Phi. - Bank replied calmly.

- Then you can go back and watch the billiards

first. I'll just answer one

customer for a moment and follow him. - Phai said. Bank agreed before returning, but instead of going back to the store, he went back to his room to check that the room was clean and tidy. Anything that was messy, he quickly cleaned up until everything was done. Finishing, Bank stood up and looked at his clean room and let out a light sigh.

- Why are you so excited? It's not the first time P'Phai has come. - Bank muttered to himself. After the night he confessed his

feelings, Bank felt guilty.

We're just... Phi e nong, that's all.

- - Bank consoled himself, although he knows that

now he couldn't look at Phai as his big brother like before. After a while, Bank

He immediately returned to his own store.

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