I Never Forgot

By kay_kay27

938 2 0

16 year old Paris is the most popular girl in school. She is stylish and everyone loves her. Underneath her... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38

Chapter 31

11 0 0
By kay_kay27

It was spring break and none of my friends will talk to me because of what happened on my birthday. I found out that my bosses daughter is.....Aimee? I didn't see that one coming. I went to Michigan with Kobe. Carla came along and apparently she hates me? Doesn't matter now, we got it straightened out. Now there is a strange girl hugging my boyfriend. Michigan is much more interesting than I thought.


I looked back and forth at Carla then at Kobe and the girl hugging him. I kept this up until they stopped hugging. Kobe looks at Carla and I and notices our confused looks.

"Oh guys, this is my friend, Jessica, from my old high school in Michigan," Kobe introduces us. Jessica had a curly long blonde hair, grey eyes, and plump lips. She was beautiful and she was hugging my boyfriend.

"Hi, I'm Jessica."

"I'm Carla, Kobe's family friend." I give Jessica a dirty look.

I'm Paris, Kobe's girlfriend." I put an emphasis on the girl in girlfriend. I could feel a tension between the two of us.

"Well, I'm going to get ready," Carla says breaking the silence. She walks to the room and I follow her, not wanting to be in the presence of Miss Boyfriend Stealer any longer.

"Umm I think Jessica has a crush on Kobe," I state the obvious to Carla.

"Uhh, Paris they just hugged, they are friends."

"Well still, I still think she does."

"She might, but you just need to trust that Kobe won't fall for her."

"I trust Kobe, but he is so oblivious that he probably won't even know what is going on." Carla giggles.

"Ok true, but he knows the boundary and you made it pretty clear that you are a couple."

"Yeah, I hope I did."


I sit at the edge of the lake. Kobe invited Carla, Jessica, a couple of his other friends, and myself to his secret lake spot. Him and his guys friends all got on a canoe and drifted on the lake. Carla, Jessica, and I all hung out. I didn't really want to hang out with Jessica, but Kobe insisted.

"So how long have you been dating Kobe?" Jessica asks.

"Oh almost 2 months. We started dating on Valentine's Day," I tell Jessica.

"So it isn't that serious?"

"I don't know." Where were these questions coming from?

"Hey do you guys want to get on a canoe, I see one that hold 3 people," Carla suggests. I shrug. Jessica gets the canoe and slides it halfway into the lake. I get in the front, Jessica gets in the middle, and Carla gets in the back. We push the canoe into the lake and drift off. We row toward the boy's canoe, but we realized Carla and I have never rowed a boat. Jessica was an expert because she hangs out here a lot.

"We have to row on the same side, at the same time," Jessica commands getting ticked off.

"I'm sorry we don't live near any lakes!" Carla exclaims getting annoyed.

"Do you ladies need a man's assistance?" one of Kobe's guy friends laugh. I glare at him.

"Paris you have to row harder!" Jessica demands.

"Paris you have to row harder," I mock in an annoying voice. She gives me a dirty look. I take my paddle and splash her.

"What was that for!" She cries.

"Oops that was an accident!" I lie. Jessica's face contorts and she stands up. I start laughing. She grabs me and throws me into the water. All the boys whoop," Ahh yeah! Cat Fight!!" My head pops up, out of the water and I pull Jessica in with me. Carla justs stares at us. Jessica starts splashing me and pulls Carla in for no reason. I swim away from the fight and over to the boy's boat. I start to rock it, causing them to fall into the water. We all start to splash each other. I look around and spot Kobe, he didn't look amused. I swim over to him.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"Why were you fighting with Jessica?" He asks seriously.

"Because she was being demanding and annoying."

"Paris, she is my friend."

"I'm sorry, but after she hugged you I got a little jealous," I confess.

"Really? Jessica is just a friend, and I would never cheat on you." I smile and give him a kiss. I guess I was overreacting just a little with Jessica, but she is beautiful and very clingy with Kobe.


The next day Carla, Kobe, all of Kobe's family, and myself all went to the park and had a picnic. Carla and I just hung out together, we didn't really know his extended family that well. After that we all went bowling. In fact pretty much the rest of the week was exactly like this. Friday night Kobe and I went to the secret lake spot on a little date.

"So do you like Michigan,"Kobe asks.

"Yes, it is absolutely beautiful. I don't want to go back home."

"Why not?"

"Well none of my friends will talk to me."

"You can hang out with your guy friends, they are talking to you."

"Yeah, but I sort of need my girl friends."

"You four will work it out, you always do."

"I know Summer, Kailah, and Lina will forgive me, but I'm not sure Aimee will."

"Of course she will, Aimee really likes you."

"Is that what she is telling everybody?" I ask smirking.

"Yeah, aren't you guys friends?"

"I have already told you my assumptions of who she is."

"Samantha? Really?"

"Actually yes, I do think she is."

"What makes you think that?"

"Oh I don't know maybe that she is threatening me to stay away from you, or that she practically admitted it to me, or maybe that she has a picture of you holding hands with Samantha!"

"Wait what!" Kobe exclaims shocked," Why didn't you tell me!"

"Because you never believed me."

"Did you tell anyone else about this?"

"Yeah all my guy friends, except you, Carson, and Jack because you guys love her."

"Paris-" Kobe stops talking and looks over at some bushes. I heard a rustling sound coming from them.

"What was that?" I ask.

"I don't know..." Kobe replies. All of a sudden people pop out of the bushes. It was Carla, Jessica, and some more of Kobe's friends.

"Surprise!" They exclaim.

"We are throwing you a little going away party, since we won't see you until summer!" His friends annonuce.

"Thanks guys," Kobe replies. Some of his guy friends start a bonfire, and put some tunes on. We all start to dance, completely forgetting the conversation. While I was dancing Jessica grabs me and pulls me into the forest.

"What is it?" I ask.

"Ok, well I got here earlier than the rest of my friends, and I happened to overhear your conversation. About Samantha," Jessica tells me.

"So you were eavesdropping?"

"No....well yeah, but that's not the point. I have to warn you about Samantha."

"You don't need I warn me, I have met Samantha way before you or Kobe has."


"Yeah, I didn't tell Kobe this, but she was stalking me in 8th grade, telling me to stay away from Kobe. Of course I didn't listen."

"Did she try to hurt you?" Jessica asks seriously.

"No, all she would do was frighten me and be creepy."

"Well when Kobe and Samantha were dating she used to think I liked Kobe and she was afraid I would try to steal him away from her. Of course she didn't know I was gay-"

"Wait your gay!" I interrupt surprised.

"Oh...I see, you thought I was trying to hit on Kobe. I might seem like I am but I'm gay."

"......Oh...continue your story please," I reply awkwardly.

"Anyway, she would threaten me to stay away, I didn't listen, and I wish I would have." Jessica pulls up her shirt showing me burn scars.

"Aim-err Samantha did that to you?" I whisper loudly.

"Yeah, she set me on fire. She thought I would die, but I was able to get the fire off of me. I didn't tell anyone because I was afraid," Jessica explains," You might think Samantha is crazy, like normal crazy, but she is mentally crazy, like the kind of crazy that should be in a mental asylum." I couldn't respond to that.

"Samantha burned me because she thought I liked Kobe, I don't know what she would do to someone if they were actually dating Kobe."

"I-I need to break up with Kobe," I stammer holding my fear inside me.

"Kobe is my friend and I don't want him to be hurt, but I don't want you to get brutally murdered."

"I don't want to hurt him, but until Samantha is gone I can't be with him," I confess. Jessica nods.

"Did you ever tell Kobe about the burns?"

"No, because I was afraid she was still lurking around. I didn't want to get hurt even more. Then Kobe moved so I never got be chance to tell him."

"I'm sorry Jessica, about Samantha, and about earlier this week at the lake."

"It's fine, I just don't want you to get hurt, like I did."

"Thank you, and unfortuantly I will have to break up with Kobe, but I will blow Samantha's cover and give you and all of her other victims justice."


Spring break ended, and I apologized to my friends. They forgave me.

"So how is it going with you and Kobe?" Summer asks. I look at Aimee who was giving me a dirty look. I can't believe I have to do this.

"Well actually," I start," I think I'm going to end it."

"Why!" All my friends and Aimee exclaim shocked.

"Well in Michigan I discovered weird things from his past, that I can't handle." A smile appears on Aimee's face.

"Like what?" Lina asks.

"I can't say, it is to horrible."

"I'm sorry, Paris," Kailah soothes.

"Yeah me too, whatever happened must have been truly horrible. You have been crushing on him for so long," Aimee pitches in.

"Yeah, it was horrible....."


I walk up to Kobe, he smiles and goes in for a kiss, but I push him away. Tears start to form in my eyes.

"What is it?" He asks.

"W-we need to b-b-break u-up," I stammer holding in my tears.

"What!" He exclaims shocked.

"I discovered something in Michigan, and it was too horrible, that I can't date you."

"Was it Samantha? Is she bothering you?"

"Umm, actually I was lying about Aimee being Samantha."


"Because I was jealous, and I didn't want you hanging out with her."

"So you lied to me about something serious." I nod.

"And then you break up with me and won't even tell me what I did." I look at my feet.

"Whatever Paris...I don't need you."

"I don't need you,Kobe...."I lie. His jaw drops.

"Screw you Paris! Screw you!" Kobe's voice fills with rage. He walks away heated. I break down in tears. This was probably the hardest thing I have ever done. And proabably the most selfish.


The next day I walk into the diner. I go towards my booth. Toby, Blake, Jake, Bryce, John, and now Rose who was a part of the group, were all sitting waiting for me. I slam my hand on the table of the booth. I announce smirking," Down with her Royal Fakeness!"

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