A Crazy Adventure! (A Puyo Pu...

By VeemoSweet

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allow me to keep things brief first off, This is my first book ive ever made on this app/site Second, this is... More

Request page thing (Open)
Chapter 1. Prologue
Chapter 1. Of Mind and Heart Alike! ⭐️
Chapter 1. A Battle in the Name of Love?
Chapter 1. The Mystery Girl Appears
My bad
Chapter 1. Reunited with the Red hat Girl and Meeting a dimensional hopper?

Chapter 1. A Puyo Tetris Battle?

38 0 2
By VeemoSweet

Ringo: Its such a peaceful day...!

Ringo: So peaceful... and quiet...!

Y/N: You could say that again!

Ringo: Its so peaceful, i could just sing at the top of my lungs! 🎶


Y/N: What is it?


Ringo: Come to think of it, as great as peace is... its actually kinda boring. Dont you think so Y/N?

Y/N: Yeah... Your actually right Ringo.

Ringo:Dont you think it would be more fun if something crazy and over the top happened?

Y/N: Somewhat. But hopefully it isn't that crazy... right?

Ringo: Like what if our friends came bursting outta the sky!

Y/N:That sounds... cool actually!

Ringo: Ha! Oh, but thats nonsense!

Ringo: Something like that would NEVER happen on such a peaceful day, right?

Y/N: i think you might have jinxed it.

Ringo:But if did happen it would be so- Huh...?

Both Ringo and Y/N see something fall from the sky

Ringo: OH MY!


Explosion sfx plays

Ringo and Y/N: Wh- What's happening!?

Ringo: I think someone's bursting out of the sky!

Y/N starts to get scared

Y/N Wh-what do we do?

???: Yeeouch

???: Where am I...?

???: Pipiii!?

Ringo: W-well, can't say i excerpted something like this!

Y/N: I t-told you! You jinxed it!

Ringo: Um, hey... Mr. Tight-Clothes Sky Diver?

Ringo and Y/n: Are you okay/Hurt?

???: Pipi!

Ringo: Oh, hey there, little yellow guy.

Y/N: he looks like Carby but... floating?

???: Pipii?

???: Uh, Y-yeah, I'm fine. Thanks.

???: ahem Captain's report.

???: We've been summoned here by the Keeper of Dimensions...

???: ... Ex.

Y/N: whispers to Ringo They sound familiar...

???: We appear to have crash-landed.

???: And We've done so right in front of a young girl with unusual hair and a boy with... Horns?

Y/N starts to panic and puts his hands over his horns

Y/N: Ah! I'm s-sorry...

Ringo: Is he reporting to that yellow ball?

Y/N: Looks l-like it...

Ringo: Hey, you seem like your doing all right.

Ringo: Oh, hang on haven't we met before?

Y/N: I was about t-to ask the same thing.

???: You know, I was actually thinking the same thing...

???: Tee! O! Glad to see you were able to land safely.

Ringo: Whoa!

Y/N jumps a bit in surprise and fear

Ringo: Hey, you with the weird outfit!

Ringo: I was about to remember something, but you crashed so hard you made me forget again!

Ringo: You look kinda familiar yourself, now that i think about it...

Ringo: But enough distractions! We've gotta figure out whats going on.

Y/N: Y-Yeah!

Ringo: Between this guy with the super tight clothes and this yellow fluff nugget...

Y/N: whispers to Ringo Isnt that a but rude...?

Ringo: How the heck are we supposed to process whats going on!?

???: Im sorry, but there's no time to explain.

???: Ringo, Y/N. I know this is sudden but i need one of you 2 to battle Tee.

Ringo: Okay, sure! Y/N you want to battle him?

Y/N: S-sure! I'll do my best!

Ringo: Its just like that old saying goes...

Ringo: "When things don't make sense, battle until they do."

Y/N: Its a good saying too.

Ringo: That's why you want them to battle right?

???: Exactly.

Tee: Ah... of course.

Tee: Whenever a battle presents itself, the only solution is to battle!

Y/N: Most of the t-time its true...

O: Pippipipipi! 🎶

Ringo: Hey, your pretty sharp!

Tee: Well you said it best yourself. Now, are you ready Blue haired kid?

Y/N: Y-Yeah! And the n-name is Y/N!

Tee: Alright Y/N, lets do this!

Y/N: Puyo Puyo time!

Tee: Tetris time!

Y/N and Tee: IT'S ON!

Y/N, Tee, and Ringo: Huh!?

Y/N and Ringo: You/He Doesn't play Puyo Puyo!?

Tee: They don't play Tetris!?

Y/N: But that might...

Ringo: OH WAIT! You two are starting!

Timeskip to after the battle, Y/N won by the way

Y/N: Huh, we were still able to b-battle, even if he was using colored blocks instead of Puyo's.

Ringo: That's weird... And you still did great Y/N!

Y/N: Thanks R-Ringo...!

Tee: What were those squishy blobs with... faces?

Tee: It appears that when four or more of the same color match up, they vanish

Ringo: Couldn't have described Puyo better myself. You really ARE sharp!

Y/N: I a-agree!

Ringo: And from what i saw, you have some serious skills.

Y/N nod's their head in agreement

Ringo: Lining those shapes up and erasing them... You made it seem like a piece of cake!

Tee: Ah, Those shapes are what we call Tetriminos.

Tee: But first things first. Both of you.

Tee: Allow me to properly introduce myself.

Tee: Im Captain Tee of the SS Tetra.

Tee: Im also the Tetris King.

Ringo: Well, my name's Ringo!

Y/N: Im Y/N b-but i already told you that...

Ringo: Me and Y/N are just normal junior high students! Im crazy about Puyo Puyo battles.

Y/N: Im just g-good at it. Me and Ringo friendly dual a lot!

Y/N, Tee, And Ringo: Wait a second...

Y/N, Tee, And Ringo: I knew it! We HAVE met before!

O: Pippipipi!

???: Excellent. You three managed to restore a bit of your bond with each other.

Ringo: Oh, its the confusing outfit guy.

Y/N: you could at l-least try to describe him in a nicer way Ringo!

???: Its fine Y/N. Anyway, that'll be enough battling for now.

Y/N sighs in relief

Y/N: Ok. I thought you would make us do m-more.

???: although... I know this is out of nowhere, but i need you two's help.

???: Some kind of strange phenomenon is at work.

???: Its trying to merge the worlds of Puyo Puyo and Tetris yet again.

Y/N: A-again!?

???: Yes, and they'd already been separated once before...

Ringo: Wait, wait, wait. Hold it right there.

Ringo: "Separated once before"?

Ringo: Does that mean this isn't the first time this has happened?

???: ... That doesn't matter now.

Y/N: It kinda does...

???: While the two worlds had previously merged, the circumstances this time are different.

???: Someone is behind all this. I can sense it.

???: If the worlds merge, we'll be consumed by unimaginable chaos.

Y/N flinchs at that and slightly hugs Ringo's arm in fear

???: And it seems someone is intent on unleashing such chaos.

Ringo: Oh.

??? And Y/N: ..."Oh"?

Ringo: Sorry. This all just sounds like a huge deal.

Y/N let's go of Ringo's arm

Y/N: It...Kinda is a big deal Ringo!

Ringo: I know but its kinda going over my head. But please, go on.

Y/N:...When he's done ill battle you to tell you the gist of it.

Ringo: Thanks Y/N

???: Anyways. Ringo, Y/N, Tee. I need the three of you to work together.

???: You need to discover what and who-is causing all of this.

???: Well, im off.

Ringo: You're WHAT now!?

Y/N: You cant just L-LEAVE after telling us all this!

Ringo: (Geez, i didn't mean to yell at him, but what the heck? So abrupt!)

Y/N: S-sorry, I'm just surprised...

Ringo: hang on, Mr. Fancy suspenders.

Y/N: I mean... it's b-better

Ringo: Are you going to help us or not?

???: Im sorry, Ringo, but i have matters of my own to tend to.

Y/N: (He is a keeper of dimensions. At least thats what he and Tee told us.)

???: There's an important task i need to take care of.

???: and with that, I must return to my post.

???: I know we'll see each again, but for now...

Tee: Ex, wait!

Y/N: (hold on a second... It IS him!)

???: I must leave it in your hands!

???: Find out who's behind all this!

O: Pipiiii!?

Y/N, Tee, And Ringo: confused thinking sounds

Y/N, Tee, And Ringo: Not as confused thinking sounds

Y/N, Tee, And Ringo: Pretty calm thinking sounds

Ringo: Well we better get started.

Y/N Yeah, lets move!

Tee: You two are handling this quite well!

Ringo and Y/N: Yep I/She stay/stays calm during extreme situations. And, They/I stay calm when friends know what's going on. Its a strong suit of ours.

Ringo: Besides...

Ringo: I can already tell this is going to be one wild adventure

Y/N: hopefully not too wild...

Ringo: I cant take it! I'm so pumped!


Ringo: even outrageous impossible requests like this get my blood going!

Tee: it's curious, i must say.

Y/N: Thats Ringo for you!

Tee: I cant tell my left from my right in this strange place, and ive been given an unreasonable task.

Tee: Yet here i stand, undaunted.

O: Pippipi~! Pi!🎶

(A/N: funny how i said they were bite sized lol. anyway first real chapter done! and the chapter where Y/N is shown! hope you like at and next chapter will come out sometime next week. im trying to aim for 2-3 posts per week because school's a bitch.)

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