Beyond the Spike

By stanloonahehe

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Several years have passed since Oikawa Tooru's heartbreaking defeat at the hands of Karasuno, just shy of rea... More

Chapter 1: Echoes of the Past
Chapter 2: Unspoken Words
Chapter 3: Echoes of Redemption
Chapter 5: Harmony in Diversity
Chapter 6: Tokyo Expedition
Chapter 7: Tangled Threads
Chapter 8: A Symphony of Set Points

Chapter 4: Whispers of the Past

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By stanloonahehe

The return to Japan was a symphony of familiar sights and sounds for [Reader's Name] and Oikawa Tooru. As the plane touched down in Tokyo, the anticipation of the upcoming world match hung in the air, mixing with the echoes of their shared history. The Tokyo skyline, adorned with city lights, seemed to wink in acknowledgment, a silent spectator to the rekindling of connections.

The world match buzzed with excitement as teams from across the globe gathered in Tokyo. The gymnasium echoed with the vibrant energy of athletes, coaches, and supporters. [Reader's Name], now back in her element as a sports journalist, navigated the bustling arena with a confident stride. Her presence exuded a blend of professionalism and approachability, drawing respect from her peers and a nod of acknowledgment from the players.

Oikawa, draped in the scarlet scarf, cut a figure of determination and leadership. The threads of the past intertwined with the present as he guided Team Argentina through rigorous practices and strategy sessions. [Reader's Name] observed, her camera capturing the essence of Oikawa's presence on and off the court.

One morning, as they strolled through the athlete's village, [Reader's Name] and Oikawa encountered familiar faces. Hinata Shoyo and Kageyama Tobio, once opponents on the court, now stood as teammates representing Japan.

"Hinata, Kageyama! Fancy seeing you two here," Oikawa exclaimed with a grin, extending a hand.

Hinata, his eyes sparkling with enthusiasm, shook Oikawa's hand. "Oikawa-san! It's an honor to be playing against you."

Kageyama, though less expressive, nodded in agreement. "Yeah, let's make this a training to remember."

The banter between the generations of volleyball players became a source of amusement. Oikawa shared stories of his adventures in Argentina, his experiences clashing with formidable opponents, and the growth that came with leading a team on an international stage.

[Reader's Name], ever the reliable journalist, captured candid moments between the players, her insightful questions drawing out genuine and humorous responses. The camaraderie between the athletes became evident, transcending the competitive spirit of the upcoming world match.


One evening, [Reader's Name] found herself in the midst of a lively gathering at a local Izakaya. Laughter echoed through the air as the players, including Oikawa, Hinata, and Kageyama, shared anecdotes and jokes. The scarlet scarf became a point of discussion, a tangible link that connected their stories across time and space.

Ushijima Wakatoshi, known for his stoic demeanor, joined the gathering. His presence added a layer of intrigue, a reminder of the shared history between him, Oikawa, and [Reader's Name]. The scarlet scarf caught Ushijima's eye, and he nodded in acknowledgment, a silent understanding passing between them.

"Oikawa-san, the red scarf suits you," Ushijima remarked, his usually reserved expression softening with a hint of a smile.

Oikawa chuckled, a glint of nostalgia in his eyes. "It has its history. Iwaizume picked it up for me, and it's been through a lot."

Ushijima's gaze shifted to [Reader's Name], a thoughtful expression crossing his face. "I remember our conversation about that scarf. It seems to hold significant meaning for both of you."

[Reader's Name] nodded, appreciating the way Ushijima's words acknowledged the intricacies of their shared past. "Yes, it's a symbol of resilience and the unexpected turns life can take."

As the night unfolded, [Reader's Name] showcased her adeptness in navigating both the professional and personal dimensions of her role. Her interactions with the players, insightful commentary, and the ability to capture the essence of each moment became a testament to her competence as a sports journalist.

The world match drew closer, and [Reader's Name] immersed herself in the preparations. The gymnasium, a battleground of dreams, hummed with anticipation. The scarlet scarf, wrapped securely around Oikawa's neck, became a symbol of unity among Team Argentina, a shared talisman that transcended individual histories.

The competition took the form of a round-robin format, featuring the top 16 teams that had qualified for the world event. Each training session with different teams became a test of skills, strategy, and adaptability. The echoes of their shared history resonated through every practice match, a precursor to the larger narrative that would unfold in the weeks to come.


The day before the next round of training, [Reader's Name] found a quiet moment with Oikawa atop the same rooftop that had witnessed their reflection upon returning to Japan.

"Tooru, you've come a long way since we stood here last," she remarked, the city lights shimmering beneath them.

He nodded, a mix of nostalgia and determination in his gaze. "And it's not just me. We've all grown, and the scarlet scarf is a reminder of the connections that endure."

Their conversation shifted to the upcoming matches, the challenges, and the potential for victory. Oikawa's leadership, tempered by his experiences in Argentina, radiated a quiet confidence. [Reader's Name] listened, her trust in his abilities evident in the way she framed her questions and captured his responses.

The night before the next round of training unfolded with a sense of anticipation and camaraderie. Team Argentina, a tapestry of individual stories, gathered for a final pep talk. Oikawa, wearing the scarlet scarf like a badge of honor, addressed his teammates with a blend of encouragement and determination.

As the team dispersed, [Reader's Name] approached Oikawa with a reassuring smile. "Tooru, tomorrow is another chance to not only showcase your skills but also to celebrate the journey that brought us here. No matter what happens, we've already come so far."

He nodded, gratitude in his eyes. "Thank you, [Reader's Name]. Your support means a lot."

As they found a quiet corner of the gymnasium, away from the bustling activity, Oikawa's gaze lingered on [Reader's Name]. The scarlet scarf, a silent witness to their shared history, hung around his neck, its vibrant hue mirroring the intensity of their unspoken connection.

"Hey, [Reader's Name], there's something I've been meaning to say," Oikawa began, his tone carrying a touch of vulnerability.

Her attention fully on him, [Reader's Name] nodded encouragingly. "What is it, Tooru?"

Oikawa hesitated, choosing his words carefully. "I... I want to apologize for the way things ended back in high school. I know I hurt you, and it wasn't fair. My journey in Argentina made me realize a lot, and I've grown as a person since then."

[Reader's Name], however, simply blinked at him, her expression one of genuine confusion. "Apologize? Tooru, what are you talking about? High school was ages ago, and we've both moved on."

Oikawa's attempt at a heartfelt apology seemed to have gone completely over her head. He chuckled softly, a wistful smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "You really haven't changed, have you? Still as oblivious as ever."

She furrowed her brow, not quite catching his drift. "Changed? Oblivious? Tooru, you're not making any sense."

Taking a deep breath, Oikawa decided to shift the conversation. "Alright, let's talk about something else. How did you end up becoming friends with Ushijima? Was it before or after me? I never expected to see you two hanging out."

[Reader's Name] laughed, the innocence of her response only reinforcing Oikawa's observation. "Oh, that. It happened after you left for Argentina. Ushijima and I crossed paths at an international volleyball event, and, well, one thing led to another. We started talking, and I discovered that beneath his stoic exterior, there's a genuinely kind person."

Oikawa raised an eyebrow, a playful smirk on his face. "So, Ushijima, huh? You have a thing for the serious types."

She rolled her eyes, playfully nudging him. "It's not about 'types,' Tooru. Besides, you were the one who left without a trace, leaving me to navigate through life without your charming presence."

As [Reader's Name] playfully nudged him and mentioned his departure, Oikawa winced inwardly. Her words brought forth a flood of memories, transporting him back to the time when he made the decision to leave for Argentina, a decision that unintentionally left [Reader's Name] navigating the twists of life without his once-constant presence.

In the quiet recesses of his mind, a vivid flashback played out. Oikawa found himself standing in a familiar spot, a secluded place they used to frequent during their high school days. The air was thick with unspoken emotions, and a heavy snowfall painted the surroundings in a serene white.

[Reader's Name] stood before him, her eyes reflecting a mixture of hurt and confusion. The red knitted scarf she had gifted him dangled loosely around his neck, a poignant reminder of their connection. Oikawa's gaze was distant, torn between pursuing his dreams and the realization that he was about to break [Reader's Name]'s heart.

"I can't keep our promise, [Reader's Name]," he had uttered, his voice laden with a heavy weight of regret.

She looked at him, her eyes pleading for an explanation. "Tooru, what do you mean?"

Oikawa took a deep breath, grappling with the turmoil within. "I'm leaving for Argentina. I want to become someone even greater than I am now, and I need to chase that dream. I'm sorry, [Reader's Name]."

The weight of his words hung in the air, and [Reader's Name] clutched the ends of the red scarf as if seeking comfort. Her voice quivered as she spoke, "But you promised, Tooru. We promised each other we'd face the future together."

Oikawa's heart ached at the sight of her pain, and for a fleeting moment, doubt clouded his resolve. Yet, the allure of the unknown, the desire to stand alongside his volleyball idols in Argentina, propelled him forward. With a heavy heart, he gently removed the red knitted scarf and handed it back to [Reader's Name].

"I can't keep that promise, [Reader's Name]. I'm sorry," he murmured, his gaze avoiding hers.

As he walked away, he could hear her voice, soft yet filled with unspoken emotions, echoing in the snowy silence. "I like you, Tooru..."

The memory lingered in Oikawa's mind, etched with the regret of causing [Reader's Name] pain. The wince he felt in the present was a reflection of the enduring guilt, a reminder that even in pursuit of his dreams, he had left behind a trail of heartache.

Back in the present, he shook off the weight of the past, returning to the banter with [Reader's Name]. The scarlet scarf, wrapped around his neck, served as both a symbol of their shared history and a silent witness to the intricacies of love and dreams that had shaped their paths.

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