Rose's Dream

By Libby_the_survivor

92.7K 3.6K 313

Isaac Sirius Black was the son of Marlene McKinnon and Sirius Black, all his life he had to live with people... More

Main Characters
Background Info
Settling In
Day Care
Meeting the Family
Getting Ready
First Date pt. 1
First Date pt.2
Vampires, wizards, and a Muggle
Family Meeting
Vampires, Wizards, and a Muggle Oh My!


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By Libby_the_survivor

Isaac drove home and got Teddy out of the car and into his baby bouncer seat, with the dangling toys he had twirled around with a simple spell.

Isaac got to work getting the groceries out of his car and into the house, he put everything he didn't need away in their appropriate places so that he only had the things he needed for dinner out and ready to cook.

Whilst he was cooking his record player magically turned on and a son from Queen started to play, his father's favorite song actually.

It was also the song that his parents first dance at their wedding to.

Somebody to love by Queen.

Isaac danced and sung the song as he prepared his meal.

This was the first song his father played the night that they first spent together in 13 years.

Andromeda had allowed him to have a sleep over with his father who had taken to staying at Grimwauld place.

The first night they spent together was amazing.

They sung Queen, they danced, they ate shepherd's pie, that even talked about their best and favorite memories.

Those were the good days, before all the other drama set in.

Once he was sure his food was done, he made sure that he had everything ready for him to eat and went about making a plate for himself.

It took him about thirty minutes to eat.

When he was done he used his magic to start the dishes and place the leftovers in the fridge for lunch tomorrow.

He made a quick bottle and scooped Teddy up from his bouncer seat before feeding him his dinner.

When that was done, he quickly washed the bottle out and then went upstairs to conquer bath time.

Whilst Teddy wasn't adverse to baths, it didn't mean he didn't put up a fuss about them sometimes.

He hoped that tonight wasn't one of those times.

Whilst he set about making sure the bath was to the right temperature, he also decided on what onesie Teddy should wear to bed that night.

He decided on a onesie that was a light blue with flying little snitches on it.

Something that Teddy godfather and Isaac's best friend Harry had bought for the little tyke.

Teddy of course had loved the little article of clothing since he tried to repeatedly grab at the snitches that moved.

Isaac figured it would help his motor skills develop so he let Teddy wear the pajamas at least once a week.

He of course had many types of outfits, but his favorite pajama set wasn't actually the snitches one believe it or not.

His favorite outfit was one that Tonks had got him.

The outfit had little moons and stars on them which glowed in the dark and moved.

The clothes were the last outfit that Tonks had put him in before she died.

Once the outfit was ready, Isaac went about undressing Teddy, quickly and placing the young boy in the little baby tub that was placed in the sink.

The water was just right, not too cold, and not too warm.

He went about lathering the boy's hair with baby soap, then rinsing it out.

He then went about washing baby Teddy in all his nook and cranies just making sure he got everywhere before drying the boy off.

It seems as if Teddy was in a good mood that night since he didn't fight Isaac at all when he went into the bath.

Once he was finished drying the boy off, he cast a water reflecting charm on the boy, making sure all of him was dry, before he placed him in his jammies.

Teddy seemed to light up upon seeing what he was going to wear, giggling excitedly.

"I know Teddy, it's the moons and stars pair tonight!" Isaac said with a smile on his face.

Enjoying the sound of his son's laughter as it filled his ears.

Honestly, it was one of the best sounds in the world to him.

As he finished making sure the boy was dressed properly, he went into the nursery with the boy and sat in the rocking chair.

As he did that, he went about rocking the boy to sleep like he did every night.

"I'm going to tell you a story Teddy, it's a good one to. It's about a beautiful girl who could change appearance meeting a dashing wolf such as yourself, and how they fell in love with each other." Isaac said.

Going about telling the story like he did with other memories that he told Teddy and planned to tell the boy when he was older and could understand.

For now, just telling the boy had become somewhat of a comfort for Isaac, and a bit of a coping mechanism.

Because telling people about his cousin and her husband was keeping their memory alive.

That's all Isaac ever wanted to do, keep the ones he lost memories alive.

Remembering the good times and the bad, telling people made it feel real, like he wasn't still in the war.

Sometimes he couldn't tell if he was alive anymore and that scared him, but then Teddy cries or giggles and it brings him back from his thoughts and makes him realize that he had something to fight for and that he wasn't allowed to give up.

Sometimes when nightmares kept him up at night he'd just walk into the nursery and watch Teddy sleep. Just seeing the little one brought great comfort to him.

Once he was sure that Teddy was asleep, Isaac placed the boy in his crib, sticking a sticking charm on him so he wouldn't turn over and suffocate in his sleep.

He pulled his baby blanket up around him, and then set an alarm charm on the crib, so that it would warn him if he awoke during the night.

With that done, Isaac went downstairs to watch some TV for a little while.

He didn't need to be asleep for another hour or two.

He got lost in watching some drama called Criminal Minds, it was actually a very interesting show about crimes being committed and these profilers studying patterns and behaviors to catch the criminals.

He wondered if profiling would have helped during the war or not?

It seems like a useful skill to have and he wondered if he should pick it up for fun.

He turned the TV off, making sure all the lights were off and the window were locked before heading upstairs to his room so that he could go to sleep.

He took his nightly potions for anxiety hoping it would help him sleep and keep the nightmares at bay.


At the Cullen House.

The Cullen's were all doing their average nightly routines.

Some were returning from feeding, like Jasper and Caroline, while Emmett was playing video games, Alice was picking out outfits for tomorrow and Esme was thinking about Isaac and his little boy Teddy, the same as Rosalie actually.

Then Rosalie decided to drop the bomb.

She had asked her siblings not to say anything, and she hadn't gotten the chance to tell her parents yesterday since she was busy with Isaac and then Edward made a big deal about heading out to Denali.

"So I met my mate yesterday." Rosalie said.

Her adopted parents froze in shock before smiling at her.

"Oh that's wonderful Rose! What is their name?" Carlisle asked.

Knowing that everyone was listening in anyways, Rosalie smiled as she looked towards her sire and his mate.

"Isaac Black." Rosalie said.

Carlisle seemed to freeze in shock whilst Esme smiled.

"Oh, I met him today, he was very lovely, his son Teddy goes to the day care that I volunteer at sometimes and the boy was just like his father." Esme said.

Rosalie smiled thinking about her mate's son.

"Teddy looks just like him." Rosalie agreed.

Meanwhile the siblings were all shocked that Isaac was a father to respond properly to tease Rosalie.

"Did you say Isaac Black?" Carlisle asked.

Rosalie nodded in confusion.

"I swear I've heard that name before. I just can't remember where." Carlisle muttered before smiling at Rosalie.

"Well, I'm happy for you Rosalie. This is good news." Carlisle said, still a bit lost in thought.

"Thanks Carlisle." Rosalie said with a smile.

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