Marvel Oneshots X Male reader

By IDK6123

209K 5.4K 1K

Hopefully people requests something to me to write about, if not than you only have the request page I guess... More

Requests Open!
Tony setting Peter up with Y/N
Steve and Tony fighting for Y/N love
Steve and Tony fighting for Y/N love Part 2
Scott Lang introduces Cassie to his boyfriend
Pietro and Y/N are having a prank competition
Clint and Y/N adopting a child
Steve and Y/N dating in the 40s
Tony giving his son advice about his crush, Peter
Pietro getting comfort from another enhanced
Scott Lang getting visited while being in house arrest
Tony getting married with his fiance
Steve dealing with his cussing boyfriend
Y/N lifting Thor's hammer
Thor looking for his future spouse
Peter playing Pokemon Platinum with his boyfriend
Who's Y/N secret admire?
Who's dating Tony's son? Part 1
Who's dating Tony's son? Part 2
Who's dating Tony's son? Part 3
Who's dating Tony's son? Part 4
Who's dating Tony's son? Final part
Peter and his boyfriend playing Pokemon Heartgold & Soulsilver
Clint taking care for his sick crush
Scott Summers and his 'closely' best friend
Bobby getting a crush on Logan's son
Alex's and Scott's little brother dating Pietro
Y/N gets flirted by Gambit, who's on the enemies team
Wolverine meeting a dangerous mutant
Piotr is Y/N's new retainer
Piotr is Y/N's new retainer Part 2
Warren's new flying buddy
Kurt and his secret crush
Peter and his boyfriend body-swapping
Steve having a Rehabilitating session with a prisoner
Logan and Scott fighting over Y/N's love
Logan and Scott fighting over Y/N's love Part 2
Tony's new assistant
Tony's new assistant Part 2
Clint's rivalry with Thor's and Loki's brother
Steve playing Minecraft with his boyfriend
Thor getting drugged with a love potion
Johnny's crush with Reed's assistant
Deadpool flirting with Piotr's husband
Steve and Thor getting a crush on the transfer teammate
Clint getting a divorce Part 1
Clint getting a divorce Part 2
Clint getting a divorce Part 3
Clint getting a divorce Final part
Scott Summers' highschool crush
Peter Parker's bad-boy boyfriend
Steve and his boyfriend going camping!... With the rest of the team
The Most Toxic Avenger Meeting
Peter's crush on the most populair guy, who has a crush on Spider-Man Part 1
Peter's crush on the most populair guy, who has a crush on Spider-Man Part 2
Peter's crush on the most populair guy, who has a crush on Spider-Man Part 3
Peter's crush on the most populair guy, who has a crush on Spider-Man Final Part
Scott Lang & his boyfriend getting stuck as tiny people
Spending Christmas with each Avenger
Spending Christmas with the X-Men and Fantastic Four
Having an crush on Scott Summers as a student
Bobby and his fight with his teammate Part 2
Bobby and his fight with his teammate Final Part
Bucky & His Husband helping their mutant son
The Time Steve Got High
Being Thor sponsor and coach
Peter dating the Maximoff's brother, who hates Tony Part 1
Peter dating the Maximoff's brother, who hates Tony Part 2
Working With The Winter Soldier As An Hydra Member
Working With The Winter Soldier As An Hydra Member Part 2
Tony Working Together With His New Lab-Assistant
Steve's affair with Tony's husband Part 1
Steve's affair with Tony's husband Part 2
Steve's affair with Tony's husband Part 3
Steve's affair with Tony's husband Part 4
Steve's affair with Tony's husband Part 5
Steve's affair with Tony's husband Part 6
Steve's affair with Tony's husband Final Part
Bucky and his husband adopting Pietro and Wanda
Helping Bucky With Recovering His Memories
Thor Flirting with Tony's New Assistant
Gambit's Boyfriend Getting Flirted By Scott & Logan
Peter setting his dad up with Tony
Logan getting helped by his wingwomen Rogue and Storm
Pietro Getting Cared By Clint's Son
Deadpool wanting to be a throuple with Logan and his partner
Loki Wanting To Join The X-Men

Bobby and his fight with his teammate Part 1

694 18 2
By IDK6123

Nobody really knows why Bobby and Y/N were constantly butting heads. They know they're completely opposites in almost every way. First, their mutation, Bobby uses the ice element, while Y/N uses fire. Funnily enough, their personality doesn't align with their elements. Bobby is caring, kind and always open for a chat. Meanwhile the other man prefers to be alone and can be viewed as coldly, though he considers himself blunt. Even so, even if they don't match in anything, that doesn't mean they're meant to be hostile. Yet, they are.

It started out small, with them not getting along during group projects or not clicking when they hang out with their friends. Then later becomes bigger during their mutation training, as one of them accuses the other one of slacking and the other one criticizing about the other's technique. Still, it doesn't appear anything noteworthy, until one day during practice Y/N accidentally almost burned Bobby, and then a fight broke out.

That leads to the two teenagers inside of the principle office, both sitting in front of the desk of Charles Xavier. Neither are in the mood to deal with each other right now.

"If this were a real mission, the entire team would be as good as dead." Scott concludes the story, standing at the rear end of the desk.

"I see. Thank you, Summers. Please go back to your class." Scott nods and walks out of the office, leaving Charles to look at the culprits. "Do I dare to ask what started all of this?"

"Ask Y/N. He almost burned me alive."

"I was aiming at the enemy. It's not my fault your idiot brain decided to jump in front of the fire ball."

"Enough." Charles stops the two before another argument can start, causing the two look back at him. "I take it you two don't get along well for a while."

"You can say that again." Y/N comments with snark.

Charles hums. "I understand. Sometimes in life, there are people we don't get along. Such relationship can remedy and end up as a dear friend, or it won't. And that's alright. I'm not a teacher that forces their students to apologize even if they don't mean it. However, because you two are enlisted to become X-Men members, this needs to be fixed."

"What do you want to do?" Bobby asks.

"I give you two options. Either I can write you both out of the X-Men for not only endangering yourself, but others as well. Or, you two will go through multiple meetings to build trust and respect for each other."

Both teens look at each other, not looking excited for either option. While Bobby knows what he's going to pick, Y/N has one question to ask. "How about the option Bobby get kicked off and I stay?"

"I think it's better to kick off the problem." Bobby says.

"That's why I said your name."

"Silence!" Both teens look startled a bit as they focus back on him. "Either you both are off the team, or you will fix this. What will it be?"

Both teens look back at each other again for two seconds, before looking back at Charles. "Fine."


"This is an easy exercise. One of your falls, and the other one catches." Today, Logan is standing in his classroom with the two troubled teens. They continue to frown. "Questions?"

Y/N put his hand up. "Can I catch Bobby first?"


"What!?" Bobby looks furious. "He's going to let me fall."

"Then you let him fall." Logan really doesn't care about their issues. "Either the two of you can screw each other over, or you don't. Have fun."

"By the love of-" Bobby sighs. He begins to turn his back to Y/N. Before falling, he looks back at Y/N, who has his arms open. For whatever reason, he has a feeling there may be a chance for Y/N to catch him. So, he falls backwards, instantly feeling the other teen's arms, only to let him drop on the ground.


After one thud, Bobby glares at Y/N, who did his best to fake his smirk. "You did that on purpose."

"I really didn't. I didn't expect the amount of weight that mine arms needed to carry. Maybe cut with the burgers?"

Bobby stands up. "Maybe your blind, because my weight is perfect. How about you should train more?"

Logan groans annoyed. "God, you two girls can yap. Bobby, it's your turn to screw over Y/N."

"Thank you." Bobby says with a smile.

The two begin standing in position, but this time on the opposite side. Bobby is waiting for Y/N to drop, only after 3 seconds realizing he isn't going to do it.


"I'm not feeling it today."

"Drop." Bobby says more insistently.

That's when Bobby grabs Y/N's shoulder and pulls him to the ground. When on the floor, the fire mutant gasps and gives a bitch-slap from the ground. That's when a fight started, with both boys on the floor.

Logan, who looks even more annoyed, stands up and walk towards the two. "These two-"


"I heard the trust fall didn't work." This time, the two teenagers are sitting right in front of each other. Besides them is their teacher, Scott. "Clearly, gimmicks won't work to trust each other. Thus, today we're just talking. It can be about anything."

"I hate you." Y/N is quick to insult Bobby.

"Please try to not insult the other person." Scott adds.

"It wasn't an insult. It's a fact."

Scott sighs. "Alright. How about we explore your feelings. Why do you hate him?"

"I hate how fake he is." Bobby looks confused at hearing that, not really knowing what he's talking about. "He always is so chirpy and get so along with everyone. I hate how he thinks he's the best of the best."

"The hell are you-?" Before Bobby has the chance to finish his question, Scott interferes.

"So basically, you don't like him because you think that he is thinking he's better than everyone else?"

"Yes. And now he's up my ass about how I must act, about how I must fight. It's goddamn annoying."

Scott hums. He looks back at Bobby. "And what do you think about that?"

"That's full of horseshit." Bobby snaps back. "I only tried to help, but this anti-social guy only thinks about himself. Like, I'm sorry if I tried to help. I'm sorry I'm being nice and tried to help out a classmate."

Scott hums. "So you think because of Y/N's reluctance to accept help is the cause what happened?"


Scott then looks at both men, one after the other. "So correct me if I'm wrong. You tried to help Y/N. And you find his help disingenuous, which causes this trust issue that you two are having."

Both teens look at each other, realizing what Scott just said is true.


"That's true."

"Alright, and now we know how to fix this." Scott continues. "It requires both of you to work on these warped views you have on each other."

"Sorry. Me too?" Bobby is surprised by hearing that he's part of the problem.


The teen looks with disbelief at him. "All I do is offering help. Why am I the problem?"

"This narcissistic behavior is what I'm constantly being bothered with it." Y/N is quick to insult Bobby as he talks to the teacher.

"I'm sorry if I find it ridiculous that I'm in the same boat with the guy that is constantly insulting me."

"At least I know what I did. You can't even reflect on the shit you pulled."

"Both of you, let me talk." Scott gestures them to shut up. He looks at Bobby, who still is in disbelief this is happening. "There is a time and place for anything, but there are times when offering help could be interpret as mocking or condescending."

"I was trying to help him."

"And that is great, but sometimes people need to figure things out on their own." Scott looks back at Y/N. "I take it you're someone that needs help when you ask for it, right?"


Scott then looks back at Bobby. "Is it possible that you can refrain from helping Y/N unless he asks to?"

Bobby still looks in disbelief. He looks back at Y/N, who's smirking smugly. "Is this serious? Are you kidding me?"


"No, this is ridiculous!" Bobby stands up, furiously. "Why am I being punished for this asshole's behavior?!"

"Nobody is being punished."

"Like hell I am!? I'm not being treated like shit by you too! I'm- I'm done with this!" With that, Bobby storms away, leaving Scott alone with Y/N.

The teacher sighs and looks back at Y/N. "He comes around. Just give it time. Meanwhile, I request one thing to you. Try to not agitate him. I know it's hard, but don't let the situation drag you down."

This time, Y/N's smile looks genuine. "Thanks. I try not to."


It's another training session in the danger room for the future X-Men members. This time, it's a fight against fictional aliens. The mission concludes sneaking around to diffuse three bombs at the same time and requires great teamwork. So, the teenagers all split up in three groups. Luckily for the two troublemakers, they're in different groups. Though that won't stop them.

As Bobby's groups sneak through the rocky terrarium, he notices on the other side the other group Y/N is in. He can't believe what's he doing. The fire mutant is stealth kills every alien that is in the way and burn all the remains. They suppose to do this without causing any suspicion, and yet Y/N is risking this.

And so, after several minutes of sneaking around and Bobby getting irritated with Y/N bending the rules, the mission successfully ended. Everyone looks happy with the result, and thus meets up in the middle.

"Great job everyone!" Kitty is quick to give her support.

"I'm surprised that you managed killing the aliens without being spotted." Rogue gives her admiration to her classmate.

"I knew what I was doing." Y/N says casually. "Timing is key."

"Well, your timing if way off." Bobby criticizes him. "We were supposed to sneak around, not kill enemies along the way."

"I was just neutralizing a threat that may catch us." Y/N justifies his actions. "The mission never specified I was never allowed to kill the aliens, and the fact we finished the mission makes my statement correct."

"You're correct, but you're also an idiot that wanted to risk the operation."

Y/N glares at the other man. "An idiot would get caught while killing. I did not. Maybe you're too daft to realize that?"

Bobby gets in front of him. "I doubt that. I wasn't the one that tried to risk everything."

"And the risk paid off."

"Barely. It wasn't even worth it."

"How would you know?"

At this point, the students begin to back off the two students as they continue argue with each other. Eventually, their powers begin to act up and a fight breaks out, with Bobby turning into ice while Y/N turning into fire. As they were about to lay a punch of each other, a gust of wind blows them some feet away and falls them on the ground. They look up to see Ororo glaring at them.

"Both of you to the principal office!"


"I've warned you before, and I'm not doing it again." Charles looks disappointed in the two students. "You're both off the team."

"Are you kidding me!?"

"He started it!" Y/N is quick to give the blame. "He must be a gymnast, because he makes stretches about me about everything just to talk shit."

"You're the one that made unnecessary risks, you fucking moron!"

Charles slams the table, getting the attention back to him. "That's it! The nerve you both have to continue argue about something so petty. Detention for both of you."


"For how long?" Y/N asks.

"A month." Charles coldly says, making both teens gasp. "You will be a perfect example of how not to behave as a student and an X-Men. To put salt on the wound, I make sure Mr. Howlett will be overseeing you." He then points to the door. "Now out with you both. And if I hear one more complain from your teacher, I will consider suspension."

Still shocked with the news, both teens remain quiet and merely stand up to quietly walk to the door and exit, not knowing what to do now they lost their dream position within the X-Men. 

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