Twins of Mewni

By YvieLeaf

40.1K 1K 59

What if Star had a twin sister named Comet ? What if they were complete opposites of each other? How will t... More

Star and Comet come to earth part 1
Star and Comet come to earth part 2
Star and Comet come to earth part 3
Star and Comet come to earth part 4
Star and Comet come to earth part 5
Party with a pony part 1
Party with a pony part 2
Party with a pony part 3
Match Maker part 1
Match Maker part 2
Match Maker part 3
School Spirit part 1
School Spirit part 2
School Spirit part 3
Monster Arm part 1
Monster Arm part 2
Monster Arm part 3
The Other Exchange Student part 1
The Other Exchange Student part 2
The Other Exchange Student part 3
Cheer Up, Star part 1
Cheer Up, Star part 2
Cheer Up, Star part 3
Quest Buy part 1
Quest Buy part 2
Quest Buy part 3
Comet Celeste Butterfly
Diaz Family Vacation part 1
Diaz Family Vacation part 2
Diaz Family Vacation part 3
Pie Butterflies
Brittney's Party Part 1
Brittney's Party part 2
Brittney's Party part 3
Mewberty part 1
Mewberty part 2
Mewberty part 3
❄️ Christmas Special ❄️
Pixtopia part 1
Pixtopia part 2
Pixtopia part 3
Lobster Claws part 1
Lobster Claws part 2
Lobster Claws part 3
Sleep Spells part 1
Sleep Spells part 2
Sleep Spells part 3
🎆 New Year's Special 🎇
Blood Moon Ball part 1
Blood Moon Ball part 2
Blood Moon Ball part 3
Fortune Cookies part 1
Fortune Cookies part 2
Fortune Cookies part 3
Freeze Day part 1
Freeze Day part 2
Freeze Day part 3
Royal Pain part 1
Royal Pain part 2
Royal Pain part 3
St. Olga's Reform School for Wayward Princesses part 1
St. Olga's Reform School for Wayward Princesses part 2
St. Olga's Reform School for Wayward Princesses part 3
Mewnipendence Day part 1
Mewnipendence Day part 3
The Banagic Wand part 1
The Banagic Wand part 2
The Banagic Wand part 3
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Interdimensional Field Trip part 2
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Marco Grows a Beard part 3

Mewnipendence Day part 2

89 3 0
By YvieLeaf

Toffee's POV:

"This is amazing! They thinks it's The All-seeing Eye but it's not", Ludo laughed, happily playing with the remote to the spying device we had installed in the Princesses' home on Earth. "It's the most efficient way to spy on our enemies", I replied, continuing to read my book 'A History of Mewni'

This was the first step to gain control over Ludo's army. With such a simple device, I would be able to plant the seedling of destructive chaos in the group of monsters, allowing me to gain full control.

With the constant attacks from the monsters, the Mewmans decided they had to finally defend themselves. The Queen of the time, Solaria Butterfly, used her magic and intellect to create a new spell, which allowed her to transform her people into strong warriors. She called out to the brave Mewmans to join her army, later named 'Solarian Army', and in an act of solidarity and courage, thousands of men and women signed up to her resistance.

With their newfound strength, granted by Queen Solaria, and the Pony Head Resistance (more on that on p. 394), the Mewman Army fought against the terrible monsters, officially starting the Mewman-Monster War. The war would continue on for generations, up till the young Queen Moon would finally triumph over the monsters and demand a peace treaty that would ensure the safety of Mewni and its people.

I scoffed at what I read. Typical Mewman behavior. Twisting the gruesome reality to fit their ideal fantasy world.

I heard the sound of a portal ripping into the space of the room. From it, Buff Frog jumped out. "Ludo, Master", he saluted, only to be interrupted by Ludo. "Yeah, yeah, yeah", Ludo dismissively mocked, "Bleugh! Look at this!" He giddily showed Buff Frog the screen, on which the princesses' abode was shown. "Now we can watch Star and Comet wherever they go: in the kitchen, bedroom, even in the bathroom! ... Maybe we don't keep the bathroom channel..."

"But Ludo, this eye only has one eye, and my face has two: That's twice the number of eyes!", Buff Frog complained. Using the book, I hid the small smirk that grew on my face. All according to plan...

"Now that you don't have any spying work to do you should get us some popcorn and milkshakes. I'm pretty sure we're gonna binge-watch this video all night. You can join us if you want, as long as you keep quiet and sit on the back", Ludo ordered Buff Frog, who seemed upset, sighed, and left the room, glancing at me as if he were to tell me, 'I know what you're doing.' I couldn't care less if he knew; In fact, it would perhaps be even more efficient if he did.

"She doesn't even know we're watching her!", Ludo laughed. Right. Back to babysitting the oblivious idiot... "Sometimes your biggest threat is right under your nose", I replied, slightly amused. "My nose is in my beak!" "Mhm", I hummed condescendingly, though Ludo was to naive to even notice.

<>< Back on Earth ><>

Comet's POV:

"There, that'll keep your 'Entrails' to become 'Out trails'!", Star said, stuffing the pillows into Ferguson's costume, before using her sword to check the pillow's ability to keep our friends safe. Apparently, it wasn't very safe, for the sword easily punctured the pillow, strewing feathers all over the ground. "... My pillow..."

Marco, in his grand knight costume, approached us. "Hey, Star, Comet: I've been looking through your... Hold on", his voice echoed from the metal armor. He lifted the costume's vizard to talk better. "I've been looking through your book and something seems... Off."

Star and I glanced at each other. "What do you mean?", I asked, and Star jumped up and down, trying to get the book. "Let me see!" Marco's suit was simply too tall for Star to reach the hand in which the book was, so instead, Marco dropped the book on the ground for us to catch. Star caught it and opened the book to one of the pages depicting the glorious battle between the monsters and Mewmans. On the right we're the fierce, barbaric monsters, attacking the Mewmans with their bare hands, while the Mewmans stood on the left, in shining suits granted by their Queen.

We looked up and checked the teams. "Hmm... Okay... Wow. You're right, Marco", Star agreed, "I can't believe we haven't noticed that before..." She pulled out her wand, turning to our team of Mewmans. "Sharper, sharper, stabbier. And you need to be on a unicorn." She conjured a unicorn for Francis to sit on. She then turned to the monsters and proceeded to make their weapons disappear. "Alright, now it's perfect!"

"Hey, what do we get?", Ferguson complained. "Hello? You are monsters: use your claws!", Star replied, simulating monster claws. "We want this reenactment to be as historically accurate as possible", I told Ferguson. Star conjured her cloud which lifted us to the balcony of our loft. Marco stepped to our side. Now that we were on the balcony, we were actually on the same eye level. "Guys, I know monsters are bad", he started, "but this seems... Unfair." "Unfair?", I asked.

Suddenly, we heard a loud clang. Looking down, I saw Ferguson lying under the large mace StarFan13 had wielded before. "I'm so sorry, Ferguson...", she apologized, as Ferguson's panicked screams were heard. "Do something, he is writhing in pain!", Alfonzo yelled. Ferguson stopped screaming. "Oh, nevermind: He stopped." "Mooom...", Marco called out his mother to get some help.

"Is everything alright down there?", Star yelled, receiving a thumbs up from Ferguson under the mace.

<>< Meanwhile in Ludo's castle ><>

Buff Frog's POV:

I couldn't just let Toffee manipulate Ludo like he was. If it was to go on like this, soon there would be no army left for me to fight in, just as there would be no army for all my comrades. I decided I had to step up and do something, so I gathered all my comrades in the common room.

"Comrades: it's beginning! Toffee replaced me with electronic eye!", I started. "Ah, we don't care...", Bearicorn interrupted me. "But you should!", I objected, determined to let them now of the danger our jobs were all in, "Toffee soon will replace us!" I pointed at each of them. "With electronic ice-cream cone. With another electronic ice-cream cone. And you with... What is that you do exactly?"

"Well, there's two of us, so maybe that's a thing?"

Right as I was to talk again, I felt a cold hand on my shoulder, the missing finger prominent. "Are you finished?",Toffee coldly asked me, ignored me, and turned to the rest. "Gentlemen! Allow me to direct your attention to our new surveillance device." He guided their eyes to the giant screen that had been installed into the room ever since that All-seeing Eye had entered our lives. "Princesses Star and Comet Butterfly are re-enacting our favorite holiday: The great monster massacre", he explained.

From our crowd, disapproving noises were made. "That is my least favorite holiday!", Bearicorn voiced.

"Don't worry. We can take advantage of this opportunity", Toffee assured, taking out something that looked like a mace. He used a button at its handle to reveal the small portal within the mace. "Why send an army after the wand when it can be hand-delivered?"

He took the remote from Ludo, who had been sitting on the couch, staring blankly at the screen. Toffee put the remote through the portal, which opened in front of Ludo. Ludo seemed to be very impressed. I grumbled under my breath. This is exactly what I was warning the other from!

"Oh, isn't that a thing thing?", Ludo asked. "And it's not like they are going to notice a real monster...", Toffee said, ignoring Ludo's question. He pointed at the screen, on which the princesses were shown, talking to the karate kid. "Those aren't real?", Ludo laughed. Toffee looked at him with utter condescension, humming in agreement. He doesn't even bother to hide the fact he has no respect for any of us!

"Okay... Now, who would want to bring Ludo his wand?", Toffee turned to us, looking expectantly into the crowd. "I will go", I said. I wasn't going to let Toffee seize control over all of us! I was going to prove that we monsters were worth more than these electronic devices. "I thought you might", Toffee coldly remarked, handing me the mace. Using my dimensional scissors, I entered the realm of Earth once more. Perhaps for the very last time.

Word Count: 1413

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