Red Shadow : The Hidden Uzuma...

By Tsuki8866

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Have you ever heard of Naruto Uzumaki? The hero of Konoha, the host of the nine tails, the defeater of Kaguya... More

Naruto's Childhood
Chapter 1: The Red Flash...?
Chapter 2 : The Calm Before the Storm
Chapiter 3 : The Havoc of the Century
Chapter 4 : Nine Tails Beast Released
Chapter 5 : Unexpected Friendship (Part I)
Chapter 6 : Unexpected Frienship (Part II)
Chapter 7: Kinoe
Chapter 8 What happened..?
Chapter 9 : The Truth
Chapter 10 : Unexpected meetings
Chapter 11 : A Nara's Mind
Chapter 12 : Red Eyes
Chapter 13 : Training and Byakugan
Chapter 14 : Politcs Are Everywhere
Chapter 15 : Suspicious Uchiha, troubles?
Chapter 16 : Catalyst of a Futur Mess
Chapter 17 : A Storm Is Coming
Chapter 18 : Assuming Consequences
Chapter 19 : The End of Tranquility
Chapter 20 : Unexpected outcome
Chapter 21 : Wandering Travellers
Chapter 22 : Unwanted Attention
Chapter 23 : The Slug, the Flash and the Kage
Chapter 24 : How It Ends Well...?
Chapter 25 : Uchiha's demise and Tomorrows
Chapter 26 : The Begining After The End
Chapter 27 : In Between the Chunin Exam
Chapter 28 : The Destiny of the Third Hokage
Chapter 29 : Sharingan Versus Sharingan
Chapter 30 : Akatsuki's New Member
Chapter 31 : Acquaintances From the Past
Chapter 32 : Sasuke's Defection of Konoha
Chapter 33 : A New Rogue and Unexpected Events
Naruto Shippuden
Chapter 34 : Chunin Exam of Konohagakure and Sunakagure
Chapter 35 : The Mess of reuniting the Five Hidden Villages
Chapter 36 : Suspicious Behaviour at the Desert Checkpoint
Chapter 37 : Roots and Hidden Villages
Chapter 38 : The Blond Hair is Back in Town
Chapter 39 : The Akatsuki Strike One
Chapter 40 : Don't Mess Around Uzumakis
Chapter 41 : Rescue the Kazekage
Chapter 42 : The New Team 7
Chapter 43 : Definition of a Revenge..?
Chapter 44 : Inevitable Deaths
Chapter 45 : Deceased and Hebi Team
Chapter 46 : Running After the Past
Chapter 47 : The Eternal Circle of Hate
Chapter 48 : Pain, Destruction and Remembering
Chapter 49 : Counter Attack and the Fourth
Chapter 50 : Aftermath of Pain and Kumo Clash
Chapter 51 : Danzo and the Uzumaki Clan's Fate
Chapter 52 : Sister and Brother..?
Chapter 53 : Premise of a War and Fratricide
Chapter 54 : Being an Uzumaki
Chapter 55 : Endo Tensei and the Red Death
Chapter 56 : The Snake, the Kages and Madara Uchiha
Chapter 57 : The Past Hokages and Yuki Namikaze
Chapter 58 : Uzumakis & Uchihas
Chapter 59: The Jubii and the Sage of six paths
Chapter 60: The Rise of Kaguya
Chapter 61 : Naruto Namikaze (Part I)
Chapter 62 : Naruto Namikaze (Part II)
Chapter 63 : Naruto Namikaze ( Part III)
Chapter 64 : Uzumaki Clan Tragedy (Part I)
Chapter 65 : Uzumaki Clan Tragedy (Part II)
Chapter 66 : Uzumaki Clan Tragedy (Part III)
Chapter 67 : Menma Uzumaki
Chapter 68 : The downfall of Kaguya and Unsettled Matters
Chapter 69 : The Valley of the End
Chapter 70 : Yuki Uzumaki
Chapter 71 : The Kazegake and the Red Flash
Chapter 72 : Yuki's dream and the Uzumaki siblings
Chapter 73 : Uzumaki vs Uchiha vs Namikaze
Chapter 74 : More Uchiha or Uzumaki?
Chapter 75 : Otsuki and Love Triangle
Chapter 76 : The Darkness of Naruto and Sasuke's dilemma
Chapter 77: From Blue to Red
Chapter 78: Wedding Preparations and the Akatsuki?
Chapter 79 : Broken Mask and Danzo's Shadow
Chapter 80 : Cousin and Brother of the Uzumaki and Uchiha....?
Chapter 81 : Izuna & Uzumaki Clan's Grand Revival?
Chapter 82 : Love is complicated and Uzumaki's matters are even more!
Chapter 83 : Uchiha Brothers Reunited for the Better and the Worse?
Chapter 84 : Madara's Lover and Yuki & Sasuke
Chapter 85 : Happy Ending...?!
Heiress of the Red Shadow : Boruto's Cousin

[Special Chapter : Going back to Konoha's Foundation]

201 10 11
By Tsuki8866

Konohagakure, Uzumaki appartement

Naruto had been beyond happy these days. His friends had to ask him to stop smiling so much. He was about to get muscle cramp of it. He couldn't help it. He was really happy and for once at ease. Since the end of the Fourth Great Ninja War, Yuki had been forgiven by the Kages. After all, she had mostly tried to help others. When she was trial, many came from the most remote area of the element nations to vouch for her.

Naruto was finally able to rely on someone. He may have made a family of friends over the years but it couldn't replace having his siblings by his side. He liked that idea of having someone waiting for him at home. The first time that he had told Iruka sensei that he had to head back home because Yuki was waiting for him, he was delighted.

Naruto had never seen himself as an annoying sibling when he imagines in his time at the orphanage that he had an older sister or an older brother. Although, his friends begged differently. Naruto wanted to follow Yuki everywhere. More than once Tsunade had to make him fly to the other end of the village to have him let Yuki alone.

After a long day of work, he came back from an A rank mission, he was relaxing at home. Yuki had made the diner and he had helped her with the preparation. He just finished to wash the dishes. He jumped on the coach. Yuki was reading some scrolls on the other one. Their apartment was twice the size of his old one. She told him that she had bargained with the owner and it was in fact theirs. He had gaped at her when she told him that. How in the great sage's name did she managed that. She answered him that she could be very persuasive when she wanted. He let this sink. He didn't want to know how exactly.

The Uzumaki clan, their clan, was filthy rich from being relatives of the Senju and by their father's legacy. They owned at least three quarters of the shops in the village and an insane amount of money. They were well off and Yuki was doing a good job at managing all that. They had not to worry about their expenses. It was really nice to have the feeling of peace and comfort since she was here. He feared although that his sister would one day disappear again. As he was about to ask her how was her day. A bright light blinded him. Yuki was already on her feet and her katana unsheathed.

"What the heck!?" She yelled.

They were in the middle of the forest. Weren't they earlier in their apartment? What the fuck?


Yuki wasn't one to lose her mind but in the present moment, she wanted to let her Uzumaki side takeover and knock her little brother into oblivion. He was freaking out and it made it impossible for her to think.


Her hair went up and Naruto shrieked backwards.


"Shut up, dattebane..." She said this single verbal tic was enough to make Naruto obediently sit down and stop panicking.

They were in the middle of the forest. Although earlier they were in their newly built apartment. As she was making her brain pounder on this, a villager pass in front of them. He looked at them in shock. But his weary face changed to a kind one.

"Are you searching for the newly established ninja village?" He asked them looking at Yuki's katana strapped on her back and their ninja pouch.

"Yes" answered Yuki before Naruto could say anything.

"It is this way, you go straight to there and you will find it. "

"Thank you." She said bowing while Naruto looked confused. The man left. As soon as he left, Naruto bombarded her with questions.

"Nee-chan! Where are we? What newly established ninja village?"

"We shall see... But first change to this." She ordered him getting out traditional clothes from her kamui dimension. It was two Yukatas. One yellow for her stopping at her ankles with a black silk to hold it, she kept her katana on her back and it still permits her to move around as if it was a bit loose. The other one was a pale blue kit which was in fact two parts, a pant and a top which she added a marine one over it. Naruto strapped his ninja pouch to it.

"It feels strange, I only ever wear that when there is a festival or in onsen. Can I keep my ninja protector, I feel weird without it?" He tried to guilt trip her.

"Nope, it may expose us and we don't want that which could result in another war?"

"Of course!" He said seriously. He gave her all his other belongings and she made along hers disappear in her kamui dimension.

"It is very useful." Observed Naruto intrigued.

"You have no idea." Yuki answered with a Cheshire grin. Hey girls had to have some secrets.


Naruto walked along Yuki. It was odd no to be in his signature jumpsuit. He felt that something was missing. They followed the path that the man indicated them. His sister seemed to easily walk with these different clothes. After all, she was used to wear more or less the same thing but more modern. They arrived in a valley. Homes were just starting to be built. A tall mountain was over it. It looked beautiful. They went to its constructed gate. Guards stopped them.

"Who are you? What is your clan?" He asked wary of them and suspicious.

"We are members of the Uzumaki clan." She said with a smile. This made the guards straighten up and bowed.

"We are deeply sorry for the offence, we weren't aware of your arrival. We shall inform your fellow clansmen of your arrival." One of the guards said standing up. He led them through the still in construction village. There were a lot of people, some of the clan symbols looked familiar to him. Wait a minute, Uzumaki clan member!? Weren't they extinct or dispatch through the element nations?

Suddenly they arrived in a finished part of the village which seemed to be occupied by the most renowned clans. There were large compounds similar of those of the Hyugas. He started to go there more often to see Hinata. As they went in the largest courtyard, he saw whirlpools all over its walls. They were really in a village which had gathered members of the clan which survive the destruction of their village. Yuki had told him that four hidden ninja villages gathered to destroy them. This made him initially want to scream into oblivion but he knew that they couldn't do much about it.

The guard went in and came back with someone. That someone was dressed all in white with a green clothes underneath, she had a purple diamond on her head like Tsunade oba-san. Yuki seemed to be very confused.

"Hello, I heard from the guards that you are members of my clan. I am..." started to say the lady but was interrupted by someone. Two men arrived talking loudly. Yuki turned around and her face expressed shocked. Naruto looked at them. He had to refrain from jumping on him. There stand Madara Uchiha and Hashirama Senju.


Uzumaki's Compound, the Main House

Hashimara had yet again convinced Madara to come have lunch with him at his fiancé's house. It was starting to annoy him. If he wanted to spend time with her, he was better to do it alone and not bring him. He didn't need to remind him that he had yet to find a spouse himself. Damn.

As he expected to find the delicious Mito training or screaming at someone, instead he found her with two young ninjas. They couldn't be older than eighteen years old. His eyes narrowed at the katana that the girl was holding, it had the uzumaki crest on it while the boy didn't have an apparent weapon on him.

As the girl turned around to see why the member of the main house of the uzumaki clan had stopped talking, their eyes met. It was discreet but her eyes seemed to harden at his sight. What a strange reaction. As the boy did the same, he had a notably more violent reaction. His eyes became fire. He looked at him as if he had become mad. What the hell did he do to the poor boy to earn such an intense glare? The girl coughed and hit the boy who fell on the ground complaining about annoying woman.

She throws him an even nastier glare which made him look at her with fear.

"I am sorry for this..."

"There is no need to excuse yourself, some members of our clans still hold grudges against the Uchiha clan." Mito said her kind mask on.

"Still, I am sorry."

"As I was saying, I am Mito Uzumaki. I welcome you in this newly village. May I know who are your parents and your names?" She seemed curious. After all, only the girl had red hair but no the boy, he had blond hair instead.

"I am Yuki Uzumaki and this is my younger brother Naruto Uzumaki. We have come here in search of our clan, our parents died recently and the only thing that they left us is this katana with the Uzumaki crest." She said unstrapping her katana and presenting them to the Uzumaki princess. "We were previously living peacefully but our parents were murdered by an alliance of small ninja clans and ask us to run away to a safe place which I deemed was here." She continued. She talked a bit too well for someone who only lived a secluded life until now.

Mito looked carefully into this sword.

"This is the sword that was given to my cousin years ago when she went on a journey..." She said sadly, which was extremely rare. "Rest assured as her children, I shall take good care of you." She patted the shoulder of this Naruto boy and gave a hug to Yuki. The girl shed some tears. Mito ordered the servants to prepare and show them rooms to rest. Yuki bowed great while her brother hadn't let his eyes off him.

Hashimaru coughed, feeling that he was intruding.

"Hello Mito, I am sorry but do I arrive at a bad time?" He asked with a small smile and scratching the back of his head.

"Not at all, I simply seemed to have found out that my favourite cousin had children and she died but it happens from time to time..." She hadn't finished to talk that Hashirama hugged her deeply and they kissed. The matriarch let some tears escaped before burying her head in his friend's arms. Madara simply retreated to his own compound. He still couldn't help but feel that he was missing something and that this whole thing was strange.


Two Days Later, Konohagakure

Yuki was beyond confused. Her holiday of her work had been cut short. She had simply been transported back in time during the foundation of the village. What the hell, how? That she didn't know but she thanked her quick thinking to not have made them too suspicious.

Hopefully, her mother's scrolls along with abandoned scrolls that she had found in an old Uzumaki temple retold the long journey of forty years of Akemi Uzumaki, adopted daughter of the Asura Uzuamki, the father of Mito Uzumaki.

It was said that she came back to see the destruction of Uzushiogakure and die while trying to protect it. Kushina only inherited the sword because her mother was given it for safe keeping after the fall of their village. It was made of the same metal and craftsman as Madara's Gumbei.

Naruto had been very confused but she explained to him everything and warned him.

"You mustn't tell a soul that we aren't from this time. It would change the future!" She said very seriously.

"But neechan, he is here!"

"Yes but remember that in the end, he too was tricked and used. Also, he still hasn't done it. It is useless and extremely dangerous to try to change it, we may not even exist. We are here temporarily and we will not mess up our timeline!" She explained sternly to which Naruto nodded. "Until further ways to return to our time, we shall stick to this story. We are the children of Akemi Uzumaki and our father had yellow hair which meant that we are only half Uzumaki explaining your hair. Is it clear?" Naruto confirmed that they had understood and she let him go by making him swear to no mess around too much.

He grumbled yes before going to explore this version of the village. Yuki just to be sure to send her crow to watch over him.

She too chose to take a stroll around. Unknowingly to her, her footsteps brought her to the Uchiha compound. Damn. She must have been thinking of her own three Uchihas. As she peaked through the gates of the clan head house, she was surprised to see Madara Uchiha training. He was shirtless. He turned towards her and she wanted to shunshin away but was stopped.

"Yuki Uzumaki." She heard him say. Ah, that was terrifying.

"Hi?" she answered, trying to back off. But the Uchiha patriarch only got nearer to her.

"Do you know who I am?" he asked, looking straight into her eyes.

"Madara Uchiha?" she said, more like a question than a statement. Her back hit the gates of his compound.

"Then I have some questions for you." He put his hands on the wall right around her shoulders.

Damn. He was one too near and two threatening her while being shirtless making it impossible to escape. OK, that was not awkward at all being Kabedon* by your great-grandfather. This felt so wrong and additionally, she already had her own boy's problem. Yuki still didn't know how to deal with them. She needed not her ancestor meddling in her life, one uchiha being around was enough.

"Hum, yes?" she answered, unsure of what was that about.

As he was about to start interrogating her, a grey hair put himself between them and pushed away the Uchiha clan leader.

"Uchiha, I didn't know that you liked to assault underage members of another clan..." None other than Tobirama Senju said coldly. This earned him the infamous Uchiha glare. Deadly to all except some people. Such as her.

"Very well. I got the message but do not believe one second that we will not resume this discussion later on." He threatened her before returning to his training.

Yuki let out the breath that she didn't know she had been holding. It was only afterwards that she realized that Tobirama, the future Nidaime brought her out of the Uchiha compound.

"An advice, do not go anywhere near his compound in the future." The older ninja said seriously as if talking to a child.

"Thank you for helping me." She said gratefully, bowing. It was better to be more than formal with him.

As she did so, she gave the man a bright smile. The ninja didn't know but his cheeks redden. Yuki didn't see it.

"It is nothing but if you are searching for your brother, he is with mine." He added coughing a bit.

He led her to the Senju compound. It was odd because as much as it still existed, she never went near it. It was more spacious and luxurious than all the others that they passed in front earlier. Inside the main house, she found Naruto and the future Shodaime casually talking about what she believed perverted things. With one look, the Nidaime and her acted. Perfectly synchronized, they hit the head of their brothers. Hashirama whine while Naruto almost destroyed the steps of the house on which he was sat. He complained and pouted.

"Naruto Uzumaki. Have you learned nothing with this perverted master of yours!?" She said, cracking her knuckles ready to beat him up more.

As the two brothers look at the other sibling pair, Tobirama nodded at her actions.

"I like her." He said looking at his older brother who face paled while he saw this seemingly polite and cute girl beat up her brother hard. She was indeed an Uzumaki.

"You do..." Hashirama said before processing this. "You do!? Is it possible that you have finally found a woman whom you are interested?" He is hitting him with his elbow.

The Nidaime sighed. His brother was an idiot as Yuki's brother seemed to be. Hopefully, they were there to watch over them because he feared what would become of them if not. He smiled, thinking that he would have another responsible person to rely on to look after Hashirama in the future. He had to test her capacities soon. She could be a real asset to the village.


Two days later, Uzumaki household

Mito Uzumaki had been surprisingly pleased of the arrival of these siblings. She was curious at first but this curiosity morphed into real interest. Although as all Uzumaki, they did seem to bring troubles. After less than a week, Yuki had seemingly had a rough encounter with the Uchiha prick and made the Ice princess herself save her and express a favourable opinion of the said girl. Then, Naruto had befriended most of the Uzmaki and Senju compounds by playing games and talking with most of the clansmen of these two clans.

Even herself had been swarmed by their brightness. They simply attracted people to them. Less Yuki than Naruto, their way of doing things were different. She liked to assess the situation and then unknowingly help others not displaying immediately her intentions. Whereas Naruto's was written all over his face. In that regard, he was more Uzumaki than Yuki. Although, the Red hair of the girl made it clear that the legacy of their clan was burning deep in her blood. She was had been curious to see how strong were the descendant of her adoptive sister.

This is why she had planned this sparring match between the siblings and Hashirama. It may have looked suicidal and slightly sadistic to put them against the Senju leader but he was by far the best opponent for them. He was versatile in the fight and used unconventional jutsus such as his Mokuton. The Uzumaki lady wanted to know what kind of ninja she was housing.

"Remember Hashi do not hurt them too much!" She screamed at her fiancée who like a good boy nodded while his younger brother sighed at the undignified behaviour of his brother.

"Neee-chan ! Can I go first? Can I? CAN I??" asked excited Naruto. One could almost see a tail wagging behind him. The sister also let out a deep sigh, muttering that she hadn't sign for this. She nodded nothingness.


Yuki had almost lost hope regarding her brother. He was like four-year-old kid. He liked a bit too much fighting against someone that he recognized his strength. She had said repeatedly before agreeing to this mock battle that Naruto wasn't to use the Nine Tails or any techniques related to sage mode.

He couldn't use his kagenobushinjutsu because the Nidaime hadn't invented it yet. If either Kurama or Naruto was to forget it, she wouldn't stop herself from using seals to seal their chakra which would leave them limping for three days. It would be more than painful. She was sealing chakra in a similar manner as the Hyuga. It hurt like shit.

"Begins!" Shouted Mito.

Naruto and Hashirama started battling. It would lead to an interesting fight. Naruto used mainly taijustus and in that regard, he seemed to be rather as good as the Shodaime. Although, they started using jutsus. As she was deeply immersed in this fight, someone comes to tap her shoulder.

"Who do you think will win?" The Nidaime asked.

"I would say your brother, but my brother could very well surprise us." Yuki answered.

Just as if on cue, Naruto made a medium rasengan orb which threw Hashirama a few metres away. The future hokage was smiling.

"Is that so?" said a deep voice. "It seems that your brother and you are skilled ninjas..."

Madara Uchiha arrived looking attentively at the fight. Yuki looked a bit wary at him. Tobirama Senju put himself between him and her.


"I am simply here to visit my friend, princess." He spat to him.

"You are more here to continue to harass the young Uzumakis, aren't you?"

"That is for you to figure out... Yuki Uzumaki shall we get back to our previous interrupted discussion." He demanded more than asked. He pushed the Senju away. He looked straight into her blue eyes, "Dance with me."


OK, her great-grandfather had to be kidding. There was no way that any sensible adult would ask this from a seventeen-year-old girl.

"No, she isn't!" Try to argue Tobirama. As he shouted that, Hashimara, Naruto and Mito came by running to see why there was a commotion.

"What is going on here, Madara?" asked friendly the shodaime. He was completely oblivious to the building tension.

Naruto came by her sister looking like one of Kakashi's watchdogs. It was simply adorable. She would have cooed at him and teased him with it for days if it wasn't for the current situation.

"Onechan, is there a problem here?" He asked, ready to bite Madara at the first sign of aggression.

"Nothing, we are just going to dance a bit and see how she fares..." He said deeply serious.

Mito was red of anger. Her hair went up. That is not a good sign. A storm was coming.

"You are not! You are not going to destroy my honorary niece! Madara Uchiha, I swear that if you do the Uzuamki clan will declare a feud war with the Uchiha clan!!!" said the matriarch readying her own weapon, a naginata.

Although, she was stopped by Hashirama's laugh. As always, he was an idiot at the wrong time. Didn't he understand the tension among the two?

"You want to measure up to Mito's clan, Madara? That is a first, why not?" He questions Yuki is she wanted. The red hair girl got out of the Nidaime's shadow.

"Sure but if I get hurt, you are not going berserk, Naruto!" she warned her little brother while the adults were a bit confuse by this.

"Don't worry, nee-Chan, I will not..."

"You say that but once when I fought against Neiji and ended up breaking my arms, you were so close to lose it. Sensei and the three sannin had to knock you out together to stop you from doing something stupid!"

Naruto sweat dropped.

"OK, OK, I get it. I will be good, don't be mad at me anymore please?"


Madara was observing the brother and sister bickering. She was indeed an Uzumaki, but his guts told him that he should be wary of her and that she was withholding secrets.

As she threatened her little brother, the air seemed to be ticker. It was becoming harder to breathe. Although as Naruto calmed his sister, it became bearable again. That only made him more excited to dance with this girl.

"I am ready." She said unsheating the infamous Uzumaki katana. A beautiful craft as his gumbei. He too had come with the weapon made by the same Smith.

"Shall we dance, then?" As he said this.

He ran towards her expecting to surprise her but he just had the time to see her flash in a red blur. In less than a second, she was behind him and kicked him hard with his right leg. He flies further away. This much couldn't hurt him for real but it still was very unpleasant.

Then she flashed in front of him again but this time attacking him with her katana. He had to say that she was a very good kenjutsu user.

"Go nee Chan! Kick his ass!" He screamed only to be hit by Mito for swearing.

She was merciless, her speed with her kenjutsu was making her a fierce konoichi. He was dealing with her attacks seriously, one hit and in the war zone, it would mean his death. Interesting. Although, he had the feeling that she wasn't going all out.

"Is this all you have to show me?" He was going to up his game then.

He didn't care if she was hurt badly. He wanted to know what she was hiding. Her way to fight it was uncompleted. It was as if as much as she was probably downplaying her skills, a piece of it in this ninjutsu combo was missing.

His sharingan swirl to life. If he was going to go all out, he was going to be really serious. The pattern of his three tomone sharingan changed again to the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan.

"MADARA UCHIHA!" roared Mito Uzumaki about to stop this fight but Hashirama prevented her from doing so.

The Senju chief was now serious. He too seemed to want to know why he used his ultimate clan's jutsu. Not that any of them knew how powerful in reality was his eye but only that using his kekkai genkai was dangerous to whom they haven't fought an Uchiha before.

As he did so, Yuki's eyes narrowed. Suddenly, her speed increased. She couldn't be seen anymore for normal eyes. Although with his sharingan, he could see her and hit her exactly in her stomach. She too flew away. A little bit of blood came out from her mouth. Although, she wasn't even showing a sign of stopping even so. As she stood up, she went even faster. Even with his sharingan, he wasn't able to completely see her.

"Katon : Gokakyu no justu! " He screamed, having made the signs almost as quickly as Yuki's speed.

Mito was now fighting against Hashirama to release her so she can kill him. Sigh woman. Although as he was expecting to find the girl severely hurt, he heard something.

"Suiton: Daibakufu no jutsu" He heard the younger girl screamed. A gigantism vortex countered his fire ball. It created smoke alike mist. He couldn't see throught it. He simply knew that Yuki was inside of it and occasionally, he saw her blade crash with his Gumbei.

That fight was more challenging than expected. He saw sparks swirl to life as he was almost hit by some raiton attacks. Hell that hurt. As he was about to seriously get pissed off, he felt wind aimed at him. Alike blades. Shit. OK, that was enough, she wanted to tick him off?

As he was about to form his susano, he felt something on his wrist. Suddenly, most of his chakra vanished and the mist cleared out, revealing a dishevelled Yuki. She was bleeding a bit from their fight and her eyes were bleeding. She too had a chain wrapped around her wrist.

"THAT IS IT, YOU TWO STOP IT!" said Mito Uzumaki enraged, those chains came from her back and God she was really pissed. She wanted to make sure that Yuki was fine but she suddenly collapsed. Her brother ran to her.

"NEE-CHAN!!!!" He said screaming very seriously. As he looked at Madara, he gave a look full of hatred. Even the Senju couldn't rival that glare during the wartime period. It seemed that the uzumaki wasn't as much as a softy and an idiot as Hashirama.

"You shouldn't have gone so far, you are still some backslash from that time. Oba-chan said to take it easy!!!" He scolded his older sister.

"Sorry, I know. I shouldn't have..." The girl said not opening her bleeding eyes. She had a sheepish smile.

As they were about to go on, Mito had still her hair up and went towards the siblings.

"You have to learn to use your brain, young lady! You do not accept a fight against the Uchiha patriarch after four days in the village!" She rambled. Mito flicked the forehead of Yuki hard enough to leave a trace.

The two Uzuamkis were frightened by her angry demeanour. Yuki as much as her eyes were bleeding, she was most likely a sensor and could feel the high chakra emitting from the matriarch.

"Sorry?" She said, unsure what to say.

"Mito, I agree with you that it was foolish and unwise to do so but still the fault lies in the Uchiha, he shouldn't have proposed this fight in the first place." Butt in the annoying ice princess.

As Mito finally realized that Yuki needed real medical attention, she ran along Naruto to the hospital.

As Madara was about to depart to him but he was stopped by the Senjus.

"I think that you go to hospital, too..." he started to say Hashirama.

"I may have a bit overdid it but she will be fine, her wounds are superficial."

"No, no I mean, you are bleeding quite a lot..."

"What? Where!?" He demanded. His friend indicated his arm. It was bleeding and his muscle seem to have been pushed too much. It was starting to be red and purple.

"Interesting." Said at the same time the Senju and the Uchiha.

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