Jenna Ortega One Shots (x Fem...

By oh_cara_mia

9.8K 298 45

Short stories for characters portrayed by Jenna Ortega, and Jenna herself hehe** I'm mainly giving this a go... More

Curious (C.S.)
Hell is a Handmade Card (W.A.)
My Vada (V.C.)
Promise (J.O.)

You Underestimate Me (W.A)

2.8K 74 17
By oh_cara_mia

i'm rewatching wednesday rn so i got inspired... ok here goes nothing go easy on me pls xx

Wednesday had a vision that you failed your final exam, so she requires you to study*

*AU where the outcome of Wednesday's visions can be changed lol

"What?" I huff in stress, bringing my fingers to my temples, "Shit. I already have a C in that class. I really can't afford to fail." I bore desperate eyes into Wednesday's, who's only display of emotion was a knot of concern in her brows, slightly concealed by her front bangs.

"Not to mention the fact that having a failed student on my arm is not an ideal image for me." Wednesday casts her hardened eyes downward, darting them across the floor in a subtle portrayal of panic.

My face falls with a soft glare, "Wednesday."

Her dark eyes find mine, a flash of confusion running through them, "Was that... unkind?"

A small smile tugs at my lips with her innocent questioning, of which occurred more often than not considering her notorious lack of concern for a filter. Though I thought it was adorable, my girlfriend's bluntness was widely perceived as harsh, and rude, and we've been working on adjusting her verbiage in order to come off as... slightly less harsh, and rude. She's still Wednesday Addams, after all, and I would never try to change who she was at her core - not that I would have any success, anyway. No one ever has, and no one ever will.

"Very much so." I nod, my smile growing when Wednesday also nodded in timid understanding. It was cute, but she hated being called as such, so I kept the sentiment in my head - this time.

"Allow me to rephrase." Wednesday straightens her spine - if that were even possible - which was a charming tell of hers that meant she was taking her reattempt seriously, "I wear you and your academic achievements proudly, in tandem with my own. I'd prefer it if you upheld your adequate status of intellectualism." She deadpans before her lips reassumed their signature pouted position. I feel a warm blush grace my cheeks as I bit my lip in a face-eating grin, feeling more than satisfied with her adjusted articulation. Her way with words was... unique, sure, but they were hers, and I could always detect the sweetness she intends for me - and only me - even through the empty, monotonous tone.

"That's better." Wednesday nods with my approval, a ghost of a proud smile attempting to curl her lips past their nearly impermissible boundary, but ultimately failing - as expected.

"I require the next twelve hours from you to commit to your studies." Wednesday continues without missing a beat as she signaled Thing to fetch my textbook with a tick of her neck. How he managed to carry it on his own was beyond me, but hey - he's a living, decapitated hand, Wednesday is a psychic, and I'm a time traveler, so - his super strength was the least abnormal factor in the room, strangely enough. Soon enough the book was in my lap, heavy and daunting, prompting a deep groan to rumble from my throat.

"Twelve hours, babe? That's ridiculous." I whine, which I know Wednesday hated, but I couldn't help it. Her way of doing things was sometimes - most times, actually - violently irrational. Emphasis on the violent.

We're working on that, too.

"It's necessary. I already have espresso being delivered to keep your unproductive napping habit at bay." Wednesday retorts, her tone twinging slightly in a way that conveyed I was the ridiculous one - cause in her mind, I was. Though there was of course a jab thrown at me and my sleeping habits in there, her ordering coffee was endearingly thoughtful, earning another fond smile from my lips.

"That's sweet, my love, thank you. But I can't possibly study for that long. My brain doesn't work like yours does. I'll fry after, like, four hours - if that." I pout slightly as my shoulders slumped. I was always envious of the way Wednesday could have her nose in a book for 12 hours plus and not need a single break. Her head was a dark, twisted place, but above all else - she was fucking smart.

"You are one of the few people I know who is not an imbecile, my beloved." Wednesday's tone softens, and in combination with the pet name, my chest glows with burning affection at her adorable attempt to soothe my insecurity.

"Thank you, baby. But I didn't say I was dumb." I giggle teasingly before scooting on my bed to make room for her, "Here, can I show you how I usually study?"

Wednesday eyes me in a moment of suspicious contemplation, "I suppose. But make it quick. We're already cutting into valuable study time."

She sits next to me on the bed, the morgue-like chill from her body mixing with my natural warmth in a conflicting concoction that I've grown to find immense comfort in. I open my textbook to the first chapter I'm meant to study before leaning over to my nightstand, pulling out the stash of jelly beans that I kept in the drawer for my late-night cravings. Wednesday always made sure I had a stock since they're my favorite - albeit begrudgingly, considering her distaste for overly sweet confections. Still, she did it for me; most times without me even knowing.

"So, I usually break up the material into chunks, that way it's more digestible." I explain to my girlfriend, who leans over the book ever so slightly in knotted-brow curiosity.

"A wise approach. I'm following."

"Then, when I feel like I've retained a section thoroughly, I reward myself." I place 3 jelly beans at the end of a reading section, "With these." I turn to Wednesday with a grin, only to be met with a subtle frown of disapproval.

"Sugar is detrimental to cognitive function. Especially those unshapely globs of foul-flavored fructose that you call candy." Wednesday nods toward the jelly beans, her face contorting further in disgust. I laugh at her comment, earning a bewildered glare from her dark chocolate eyes.

"Oh, the drama." I roll my eyes playfully, "It's what works for me." I continue with a shrug as Wednesday visibly tries to process what I'm showing her.

"How do you explain a C in quantum mechanics, then?" She raises the question with curiously concerned eyes.

I stare at her blanky, as if the answer were obvious - because it is, "Because it's quantum mechanics, Wednesday."

Wednesday ponders the answer as she averted her gaze back to the textbook. She nods slightly as she pursed her lips.

"I suppose that's fair. I despised that class. Which is exactly why I passed with flying hues of black." Another hearty laugh escapes my chest at her comment while her expression remained unmoving. She never knows how unintentionally funny she can be - it's one of the many things I adore about her.

"Typical." I respond through spurted chuckles, shaking my head at her truly one-of-a-kind antics.

"I still don't see how this tactic is effective. It seems rather... childish." Wednesday glared at the jelly beans as if they were the most vile things on the planet. Which, between their assorted colors and sugar content, they probably were - in her world, at least.

"You underestimate me. How about this - I'll study this section for, let's say, an hour? Then you can quiz me." I propose with a smug smile, knowing how much Wednesday couldn't resist a challenge. Another beat of pensive silence passes before Wednesday huffed her stubbornness through her nostrils.

"I'll allow a trial. If it doesn't work, we're doing my way. I have my best medieval padlock prepared to encase you in the library." Wednesday concedes just as a knock came to the door. She promptly lifts herself from the bed and opens the door, crouching for the package that was left there before returning to my side with a drink carrier full of 4 coffees. She hands me one, and although no words were spoken, her stern eyes and pouted lips said it all: "Get to work."

So I did. I read, and read, and read some more while Wednesday sat on the balcony, playing the beautiful cello piece that always helps me focus - flawlessly, might I add. Thing aided in writing notes for me, and one espresso and 12 jelly beans later, I was wired and ready for my quiz. Wednesday showed no mercy in testing me - "mercy" wasn't in her vocabulary - but at the pleasant surprise of us both, I got every question right.

"Hm." Wednesday dropped her arms by her sides, one hand full of flash cards. A cheeky smile spreads on my face as I took sight of her pursed lips and knitted brow. To anyone else, she would appear deeply unimpressed, but I knew that look all too well.

"I know that hum. You're impressed." I respond teasingly, to which Wednesday's features soften slightly.

"I'm... lukewarm to the concept of your technique." Wednesday always choked over her words whenever she had to admit that someone else's idea overshadowed her own, but it didn't matter so much to me - as long as she said them.

"Come on, you can say it. My method works." I singsong, chasing the thrill in seeing how far I could push it with her.

Wednesday huffs, but the faint lift in the corners of her mouth betray her, "There's been an upward shift in my confidence that you'll pass your exam."

My smile spreads as my heart flutters, "I'll take that."


"Guess what!?" I exclaim as soon as I enter the dorm. Wednesday slowly turns in her desk chair without so much as a flinch at my volume, which she only just now was starting to get accustomed to.

"You passed?" Her eyes widen the slightest bit - her version of excitement - to which I nod giddily as I rushed to hand her my final exam, marked with a large "A" in bold red. Wednesday takes the test, feasting her eyes in subtle wonder.

"This is great news for us." Wednesday states blankly, to which I glare at her amusedly before she met my eyes, a hint of an apologetic expression casting over her pretty features, "Primarily you, of course. Well done, cara mia." Her dimples appear in one of her bigger smiles - the one she only reserved for me and her Uncle Fester - causing the butterflies in my stomach to go haywire as I beamed in return.

"Thank you, mia tempesta." I then situate myself behind her chair, loosely draping my arms around her neck as I leaned my chin near the side of her face. It took a long time for Wednesday to warm up to the whole physical affection thing, but she's grown so much in the time that we've been dating that she actually started to prefer it now - only in complete and total privacy, of course. I feel her small frame relax into me, causing a tender smile of content to spread on my lips before my face contorts when I notice what's on her desk.

"Baby... what are you doing?" I question knowingly as I eyed the open textbook in front of her.

"Studying." She responds matter-of-factly, as if she didn't know what I was really asking about. I chuckle in disbelief before I point to the shiny piece of black candy that was rested on top of one of the pages.

"Is that... black licorice? Did I really just catch you eating sugar?" I ask with an open-mouthed, utterly shocked smile. Not only was she eating candy, but she was using my study method.

She's so fucking cute.

"No." Wednesday deadpans as she fixed her eyes to read, seemingly ignorant to the fact that she was full-on gaslighting me right now.

"Wednesday. That is very clearly black licorice."

Wednesday turns to me, her face a mere inches from mine as her eyes bored into mine, an all-too-familiar menacing gleam sparkling within them, "It's sugar-free." The faintest of faint smirks tugs at her lips, her dimples threatening to peek again as I rolled my eyes playfully.

She's such a fucking smartass.

"Eating candy and using my study method. Look at me, rubbing off on you." I tease proudly, my arms tightening slightly around her as the smile on my face grew to new heights.

"I... don't hate it." Wednesday mutters reluctantly, but her inflection was playful - which served as music to my ears, considering how "playful" wasn't in her vocabulary, either.

"I think that's the sweetest thing you could ever say to me." I respond tenderly, feeling my pulse race when Wednesday then brought a cold, delicate hand to my chin, inching me closer to her before capturing my lips in a soft, chaste kiss. It's over quickly - we were still getting used to that depth of affection - but there's fireworks in my head and thunder in my chest nonetheless as my eyes fluttered open to meet hers in a dreamy daze.

"You underestimate me." Wednesday whispers against my lips, her eyes crinkling under those long, dark lashes as another dimpled smile made its rare, breathtaking appearance.

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