The doorstep baby/Larry styli...

By stephaniekw1234

1.9K 29 2

Brianna has a one night stand with Louis Tomlinson from one direction and ends up pregnant with his baby but... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12-end

Part 3

179 3 0
By stephaniekw1234

It's been a 3 mouths since I found Freddie at my door and I love him so much and finally today's the day that legally adopt Freddie I dress Freddie in a simple white onesie and I was already dressed and I put him in his car seat and put in the back of my car and get in and start driving to the court house when we arrived I already saw my parents and sister cars I get out and grab Freddie and I walk in and see my family 

I remember telling them about the baby boy and how his mother was apparently unable to look after him and she left him on his doorstep I visited my mom the next day "hey mom I have a surprise" I say showing her Freddie she looks at me in shock "Harry did you get a girl pregnant and not tell me" she says sternly "what no no of course not mom can I come in this is something we should sit down for is dad and Gemma here" I ask walking into the living room 

"Yes let me just go grab them" I nod as she walks away I look down at Freddie sleeping and he walks up looking around I smile and pick him up resting him on my chest over my heart I hold my finger out to him his he grabs onto it I kiss his head right as my family walks into the room my dad and sister look at me in surprise but motion for them to sit 

"So I know you all probably have a lots of questions but first let me explain no I did not get a girl pregnant last night when I was reading I heard the door bell and when I opened the door nobody was there and before I closed the door I heard something looked down and saw this little guy alone on my doorstep there was a note and it said the his mother couldn't look after him and the father isn't around and the mother doesn't want to be found she just said that she wants whoever finds him to take care of him and give him a good life so I've decided I'm gonna do just that" I finish saying and look at my family 

They all look at me fondly "oh Harry what your doing I support all the way" my mum says sweetly "yeah your taking in this small little infant when he was abandoned it takes a lot of guts to do that" Gemma says Des nods in agreement "well everyone meet Freddie Reign" Harry says standing up letting everyone hold him 

Now finally this is it once this is over Freddie will officially be my son even though I already see him as my son anyway my family comes up and hugs me "oh Harry I'm so proud of you I know you've been waiting for this for quite awhile" my mom says "yeah big day how do feel son" my dad asks "happy but also a little nervous I mean if this goes the way I want it to I'll get to permanently be Freddie's father and you know how much I wanted to be a father" I say "don't worry little brother there's no way they won't let you keep Freddie you got this" Gemma says patting me on the back 

We go in and after about 10 minutes the judge comes in "so we are here today because Harry styles wants to adopt Freddie Reign" the judge says "yes your honour" Harry says they continue for 20 minutes until final the judge makes his choice "well Mr. Styles I can see how much you love this baby and you have shown me that you are a very loving and good person and reading about your past I can see no reason why you shouldn't have this boy so I give you Harry styles custody of Freddie Reign" the judge says ending the court case 

Harry's family come over they have a group hug then Harry picks up Freddie and kisses his head "don't you worry I promise I'm going to take great care of you and give you the best life possible" 

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