The Shadows of Fate

By Yunmis

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In a world that's ruled by witches, Kuroko Tetsuya, a Shadow witch that's being hunted, stumbled upon a group... More

Bridge over Shadows
Bright crystals, Dim thoughts
Frantic feelings
Hot surprises, Cold discovery
Countless questions, One answer
A stranger.
Invisible string
Something inevitable
The energy that sprouts
Threatening to take over
Incompletely complete
Driven to a corner
Healed and Drained
Unknown soul
Set unease
One after another

Who will you save?

303 11 4
By Yunmis

A sigh can be heard in the four corner room. A green-haired doctor stared blankly on the ceiling. He was currently in Ryouta's and Taiga's room, sitting beside the bed where his boyfriend is currently sleeping.

After Seijuurou left, he went back into the room, worried that something might happen again. And he was right. A few minutes after he went inside, Ryouta started shaking. His eyes were open and was crying. He was wincing, crying how it's too hot yet too cold.

Shintarou did everything to calm him down, he tried controlling his body temperature, he tried giving him a big amount of warm energy, he couldn't panic or else his energy would get affected. He had to maintain his calmness which was hard for him.

Thankfully, after 20 minutes, it worked. But his energy is too low, he's drained inside out. It's hard to move.

And because his energy is too low to even perform small spells, the side effects are starting to get him. His body is flaring on the inside, but all he could feel outside was coldness. His left hand was shaking, his head was pounding, his eyes were blurring.

He knew he was already affected the same night Ryouta was. Since he and Ryouta met him on the same day, it wasn't hard for him to know.

Though unlike Ryouta, he's a green-witch–well partly–but he still has the energy of a healing power, which made the symptoms for him lessen because his magic is the one who's protecting him from it.

However, now that he used more than half of his power to sate Ryouta's pain, his magic is worn out and at the same time the side effects are setting in.

He hid it from his boyfriends. He didn't tell them he was also feeling the symptom, knowing that his boyfriends are stressed enough for Ryouta. Besides, he doesn't need anyone worrying over him when his boyfriend is taking the pain worse than him.

He can handle the pain, but his boyfriend can't.

So he makes sure he's their only priority.

A loud ring interrupted his thoughts, he turned at the nightstand where his phone was. He groaned at the noise and decided to ignore it. He's too tired to converse with anyone right now.

The ringing continued, and after two more rings he decided it was enough. Annoyed, he picked up his phone, not bothering to look at the caller ID.

"What?" He hissed


It was Takao. Of course it would be him.

"If you want to bother me, well I'm sorry to tell you but I'm busy and tired enough to even hear your voice—"

"No! No..Shin-chan, I need your help. This is an emergency, please..."

Shintarou was surprised he was hearing his obnoxiously loud and too energetic and cheerful friend begging in a trembling voice. It was enough to alarm Shintarou.

One would think that this might just be another prank of his, considering the latter is a prankster and a good actor.

But Shintarou knows otherwise, despite denying it over and over again, Takao is his friend ever since their childhood till now. Takao is not the only one who knows him well, Shintarou knows his friend too.

"What happened?"

"A friend of mine is hurting right now."

Now this made him furrowed his brows, "Can't you just take them to the hospital–"

"We can't!! It's already too dangerous to get close to him. Tatsuya-san is already trying to calm his energy down but it's barely working! Besides, our town's hospital is probably too full right now."

He knows about Himuro, afterall he's Atsushi's close friend. And he also knows that he's a practical witch who's adept to every spell out there.

A practical witch can heal just like a green-witch or a hedge-witch, but not as powerful as them. And considering how Shintarou clocked out of the hospital too early and hasn't been in the hospital since yesterday, the hospital might be packed right now as of the moment.


"Energy? Is his sickness related with his magic?"

"It is. He's experiencing–I don't know–rejection?? But his magic is bursting now and Tatsuya-san's power is not strong enough to hold it down!" Takao shouted from the other side.

Shintarou's breath hitched, isn't he in the same situation? "What's his name?"

"Huh? It's Kuroko, Atsu knows him!"

His hunch was correct, fuck. Takao has the person they're looking for and is literally experiencing the pain right now.

He jerks up, the chair rustled from how forceful he was. "I'm coming there, just keep on trying to calm him." He promptly said.

"Will do. Please come here fast, I don't know how long we can keep on doing this." He heard how desperate Takao was.

"I will." Shintarou cuts the connection and he immediately dials another number.

"Hello Akashi?"


"If he's not here then where.." Seijuurou was mumbling to himself until his phone rang, startling the two witches present there.

Muttering a small apology to Riko, he picked his phone and read the screen.

It was Shintarou who was calling him. Shintarou never calls Seijuurou when he knows he's doing something or is busy, unless it's something urgent.

If he's calling him now then....

He closes his eyes to stop himself from thinking about all the worst case scenarios his mind could come up with and answers the call.


"Akashi. Where are you right now?"

"To where your magic led me, which is where he's staying. But he's not–" He was unexpectedly interrupted by the other man

"Not there. He's not there isn't he?" He could hear Shintarou's short breaths, his deep voice sounding through the device.

"Yes. How do you know, Shintarou?"

"Takao called me and–" He heard a sharp intake from the other side, "And he told me that he's there. Already in agony."

Seijuurou froze, Kuroko is not where he should be staying, but in another coven's house. What's more is that the coven mentioned is one of their closest and trusted covens.

But he couldn't help but feel relieved, because he knows that Kuroko is not in bad hands and is safe.

Of course he'd rather find him safe than find him in the hands of the enemy. He doesn't want to fight anymore, and it will only make his boyfriend suffer longer, he can't afford to slow down the process.

They needed him after all.

"I see. I'll be heading there then. Thank you for telling me." He ended the call shortly, not needing anymore words to tell one another.

They'll talk together again.

Right now they must set their priorities.

Seijuurou turned to Riko who was inside the room, she didn't want to eavesdrop on something that seemed so serious and private. Seijuurou respects her for that.

Stepping inside, he said "Aida-san, how many days does he have here?"

"I believe 2 more days. Why?"

"I'll check him out and I'll be getting his clothes." He proceeded to walk over the cabinet, and opening it, he found a bag there.

"Wait–hold on, you can't do that! This is not for you to decide–"

"Aida-san, I appreciate your concern towards your customer. However, if he stays here any longer, he'll be in danger because he's away from us. Which is his current situation right now." Seijuurou seriously interjects

The brunette stopped, he was right after all. "...Do you already know where he's at?"

The red haired nodded, "Yes. And I'll be on my way to him after I get all his stuff. He'll no longer stay here."

"You mean he'll..?"

"Yes. He'll stay with us." Picking up the bag, he summoned a book from his hand before opening it to an empty page.

He casted a spell, all the stuff of Kuroko was stored in the book which he holds like an inventory.

After that, the two witches went downstairs after the room was cleaned by one of Riko's spells. Riko escorted Seijuurou out of the inn. Before they say their goodbye, Seijuurou asked something.

"Is there anything else he needs to pay? I'll pay for it."

The brunette shook her head, "No. He already paid for everything."

Seijuurou nods, "I see. I'll be off to him then. Thank you for letting me in his room, I'll be sure to repay you next time."

Riko shakes her head, "No, you don't need to. Besides I understand that you need to save either of your soulmates. Which you must do right now."

She said as she stared at Seijuurou sternly, "Go get him. Save him and make sure everyone's fine."

Seijuurou smiled before bowing. "That's my intention from the start."

The two bid their farewells and Seijuurou made a run for it. He'll definitely save his soulmates.

Even if it means accepting Tetsuya as their soulmate.


A red haired male stared dazedly at the boiling pot down the stove. Unable to think clearly, everything that had happened for the past week has been plaguing him. What happened to Ryouta yesterday was the last nerve.

All of them were tired, none of them had rest nor sleep. And out of all of them, Shintarou is the most restless one. Being their only doctor, he bears the responsibility of their well-being.

It aches Taiga how he couldn't help him. He doesn't possess healing magic, and going inside the room will only disrupt his focus.

Maybe if they hadn't met him it wouldn't be like this. Maybe It would be just them till' now, them in their own world. Living peacefully as they set on their normal life. Maybe if they hadn't found and encountered him then maybe they'll be here in their kitchen right now, eating their breakfast that he and Atsushi will cook.

Maybe if they had not completed the bonds then maybe the six of them will be together without agony, without anyone in misery and on the verge of dying. It would've been just them.

Until they find out about him.

The sound of the stove being switched off snapped him out of his daze. He saw a hand on the knob of the stove, he turned at the owner of the hand–

"The soup will taste bad if you overheat it too much." Daiki told him with his rough voice.

"Corn soups shouldn't be cooked for that long, Taichin" Atsushi said from the dinner table, when did they get here?


"Yeah we get it, this whole thing is stressing you but don't overthink while cooking, idiot." The blue-haired male huffs

"Right. I'm sorry."

Daiki removed the ladle from the pot and grabbed the lid to cover the pot. "Don't apologize, all of us are in the same condition."

It was quiet, how anguishing the silence was.

"When I...found out that we have another soulmate, I was dismayed. I never thought someone would enter our life again and make their way to our connected strings. I was afraid, the first thing I thought–no, the first thing I swore was to not meet him and complete the connection." Daiki rambled

"I never thought that on that same day and after I had thought of that, I'll meet him. I'm sorry."

Daiki didn't dare to look at either of his boyfriends. The other two looked at him, and Atsushi sighed. "Meeting him wasn't something we expected. So none of us are at fault here. It just so happened that our destiny has plans for us already."

This made Taiga and Daiki snap their gaze to him, it was rare for Atsushi to say things like this.

"Ahh~Now I sound like Mido-chin there." Atsushi's face scrunched up in playful distaste.

Daiki and Taiga couldn't help but laugh. "Hearing those words, you sounded like him" Daiki wheezed

"I didn't expect that to come out of your mouth, Murasakibara." Taiga laughed

The room lightened up, laughter bouncing on the walls. Atsushi lazily smiled at them. "Maybe I'm starting to catch Mido-chin's cringeness." He cringed at the thought

"What cringiness are you talking about?" They snapped their eyes to the new voice. Midorima stood there, brows raised.

"Eh, "Today's lucky item is a frog sunglasses"" The purple haired mimics, "I think that's enough to explain it"

And again, the other two burst out laughing. Shintarou rolled his eyes lightheartedly.

When the laughter died down, Atsushi took notice of the doctor's attire. "By the way Mido-chin, why are you dressed up?" He pointed. Shintarou suddenly stood straight,

"Because I'm going out."

The rest blinked at him, processing the words he had just said. " where? What about Kise?" Taiga confusedly questioned.

"He had an attack one hour ago, but he calmed down. I gave him our coven bracelet. One that contains all our energy, and another one to relieve his temperature. I've already enchanted a banishing spell that will expel the dark energy when another attack starts." Shintarou dictates

"So where are you going?" Atsushi repeated the question

"Akashi already found where he's living, however he wasn't there." He calmly answered, "I received a call from Takao earlier. He told me that Kuroko is there with them and is also suffering. So I'm going there to–"

"Hold on–you're leaving us here? You're going to leave Kise alone? What if another disruption happened? Who will be there to make it calm down then?!" Daiki raged.

"That's why I already put–"

"But what if that wasn't enough?!" Daiki interjects

"I'll only be out for not less than 30 minutes!" Shintarou snapped, "That's why I'm already telling you this while Ryouta is calm."

"Can't Akashi just–"

"You know it wouldn't be easy to go near him while he's outbursting." Shintarou took slow breaths to calm himself. "Akashi won't be able to handle him alone. Moreover he might get affected by the energy. It might even cancel his witchcraft against him."

Daiki has a frown on his face. He wanted to say something but he kept his mouth shut. Shintarou rubbed his temples.

"I know we're all worried about Ryouta, I am too. I don't even wanna leave him alone. However, if we don't do something, this will continue. We must also prioritize Kuroko because we need him. He's our only hope and solution."

Daiki stayed quiet after that. Shintarou can see how he's pondering on what's right and what must be done.

"We'll be–" Before Shintarou can reassure him, they heard a very loud thud, a groan of pain followed after. They all snapped their heads to the sound and their eyes widened.

Taiga is lying on the floor, face scrunched. And what's more is that,

His aura is starting to glow, his energy is starting to flow out of his arm.

"H-hot. Fuck too much" He gasped. It's too much, the throbbing is. His whole body is burning from inside out.

Now he should already be used to this, given as he's a solar witch. But if his own witchcraft is against him, it fucking hurts. It is as if his own magic is attacking him.

Everything was too fast, he tried to look for his boyfriends and reach out to them, his vision was getting hazy. The last thing he saw before blacking out was his boyfriend's face that wears terror.


"-rima. OI MIDORIMA!"

A shout of his name snapped him out of his daze. He blinked at the man who had called for him.

"What are you doing? Kagami is unconscious!"

His eyes widened again as he turned swiftly to find him, and he was there on the floor, Atsushi was beside him, trying to touch him in order to carry him.


He ran to the body and kneeled beside Taiga. It was no mistake, this is another attack.

Taiga is already feeling the symptoms.

Fuck. Everything happened so fast. Just a minute ago he was arguing with Daiki, and now Taiga has already passed out.

When he tried touching Taiga, his hand immediately flew away from the contact. It was too hot. Like his body is burning by the flames of the Sun.

He hissed as he performed a banishing spell for witchcraft on his palm. His energy is already running out, this is the only spell he could do in order to touch him. Taiga's witchcraft did not work on him as soon as he touched him again because of the spell.

Once he got a contact on his soulmark, he immediately lowered Taiga's body temperature to calm the pain and the energy that's bursting out.

Ryouta calmed down and is in their bedroom.

Taiga is starting to feel the symptoms.

And Kuroko is also experiencing the same, in a different place.

Shintarou, the only witch whose hedge is too strong and the only doctor of both sides, has his eyes widened on the series of the events.

When everyone is facing danger and you're the only one who can save them all, one thought will form on top of your head,

Who will you save first? 


Fourteenth chapter: Posted


Sorry for the long wait, but we can finally continue this part hehe

THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR SUPPORTING AND WAITING FOR ME <33 I love you all SO SO MUCH MWAA 🫰Because of ya'll I didn't lose motivation (I almost stopped writing during my break tbh, but I kept reading your comments and I know I'll regret not fulfilling my promise.) I hope ya'll are doing better, just like I am. <33

I hope you enjoyed this chapter~! I'll see you next week~! ❤ (ɔˆз(ˆ⌣ˆc)

Next chapter: Composures

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