The evil King /Lee Minho

By Minkn0ws

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|COMPLETED| Lee Minho the evil heartless king or that's how he's portrayed himself to his people. Park Jiae i... More

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By Minkn0ws

Snow White, John Michael Howell

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Chapter 10

Everyone returned to their business as soon as the man got dragged away. "I told you not to wander off on your own."

"You knew where I was and I can take care of myself you know." She scoffed and Minho rolled his eyes.

Minho dragged her back to the others. "Minho!" A obnoxiously annoying voice stated.

"Naeya what do you want?" Minho asked voice cold as ice.

"Aw don't be like that baby~" she spoke as she grabbed a hold of his arm which he shrugged off. "Don't touch me." He spat and she rolled her eyes.

She scoffed as she looked at Jiae. "Don't tell me you replaced me for this ugly human whore?"

"At least he upgraded to actual skin and not plastic and silicone." Jiae fired back and naeya gasped.

"How dare you!" She raised her hand to hit her but Minho held her hand and stopped her. He gave her a deadly glare. "Do I have to repeat myself? Do not touch what's mine." Minho voice was carrying authority and immediately naeya's hand fell limp against his hold. Minho scoffed and dragged Jiae away from the bitch.

"Can't catch a break huh?" Hyunjin said and Minho sighed. Jeongins eyes sparkled as he genuinely enjoyed chaos like this.

"I'm starting to think you host these things purely for the purpose of chaos." Minho said and Jeongin chuckled.

"I would but Chan says I'm not allowed to do so. Doesn't mean I can't ensue some chaos myself." Jeongin chuckled.

"Of course."


"It's my nature babe, can't fight it."

Chan shook his head teasingly. "It's one of the reasons why I love you."

Jeongin blushed and everyone else cringed.

"Now someone should really tell me why she is so important."

Jisung sighed. "You know how the prophecy states their will be a great and deciding battle for the fate of the world?"

Minho nodded. "And that you are the one who will either win and save the world or lose and let the world be ensued by utter chaos."

Minho nodded once again.

"Well more has come to light. You see Jiae will play a part in it. She has a vital role in the battle. That's why she's important and that's why I told you to treat her nicely." Jisung finished clearly withholding something but it was probably something minor.

Minho sighed. "You're telling me she's important? Good lord. She has literally no battle experience whatsoever. It means I'll have to train her." To say Minho was annoyed was an understatement.

"Yeah I'm beyond confused right now. Me? I am important in some world ending prophecy battle? Isn't this battle just between the mythical? I don't get why a mere human like me should be involved?"

"Oh she's smart. I like her!" Jeongin smiled.

"I don't think she knows what we are though, just that we aren't human." Hyunjin stated.

"Mhm, I just know you guys aren't what you seem."

"Time for proper introductions then no? Seeing as you'll be seeing us a lot then. I'm king bang Chan and I'm a hybrid shapeshifter."

"Me next! Yang Jeongin Gumiho (9 tailed fox spirit) I'm also married to Chan hyung."

"Hwang Hyunjin, nymph."

"Han jisung, shapeshifter."

"Okay and what do you shapeshift into?"

"Jisung turns into this adorable little squirrel! He's so tiny and cute!" Hyunjin cooed. Jiae chuckled. "Ah so you're the the squirrel who's been following me around, keeping me company."

Jisung nodded.

"Channie can turn into whatever he wants!" Jeongin stated proudly.

"Okay tell me this, if you're the king then why does everyone listen and fear Minho?"

"Oh! Right I forgot none of your people know."

"It's none of their business to know. They'd destroy it anyways." Minho muttered before walking away.

Jiae looked confused. "Minho is special. He's the rightful king."

"He's not quite human is he?"

"Yes and no. Minho is human, he has human blood but that blood is also magical blood."

Jiae looked even more confused.

"You know you're land used to have wizards and witches?"

"Yes but wasn't that ability only granted because of magical objects?"

"Hm yes and no. You see those who were able to wield magic had the affinity for magic. It's a gene that now lays dormant. They were also human but not quite because their blood possed the affinity for magic."

"And Minho's blood is pure magic? But also human?"

"Yes, if you test his blood you'd find no mythical trace. Just regular human blood, but it's also his blood which gave him his magic."

"Humans don't accept him because of it." Jeongin spoke up.

"Why? Because he has magic? He's human like the rest. People accepted wizards but they don't accept Minho even though it's almost the exact same principle."

"Wizards is a concept they'd understood. Minho isn't. He has no weakness, his magic isn't tied to any object. They fear his power. Humans fear what they don't understand."

Jiae nodded and looked to see Minho standing at the end of the opening just looking out on the city.

Wow I updated a lot today haha

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