Herobrine: Izuku Yagi Reborn

By SerratedSamurai

222K 4.5K 2.9K

Izuku takes Bakugou's advice and jumps off of a cliff. His neglectful parents realize their mistakes only too... More

A King's Return
Boss Fight
Boss Fight Part II
Boss Fight III
The Meeting
Welcome Back
Herobrine's Kingdom
Overworld (Info Chapter)
Attempts at Peace
Meeting Eri
Heading Home
A Princess' New Home
A Night at Home🍋
A Night at Home Part Two 🍋
A Treaty To Change The World
An End And a Beginning
Overworld II
A New World Awaits
A Very Eri Christmas
Terraria II
Dungeon Raid
Another Poll
The Alliance
The Visit


1.2K 37 17
By SerratedSamurai

David stared at the red dust through the microscope. He scratched his chin as he studied the composition of the powder. Slowly, he placed a live wire onto the powder, and jumped back when the dust lit up. Checking the sample again, he noticed something. "Hey Melissa, come take a look at this." Melissa walked over before taking a look at the dust. "What is it?" "Just take a look." She looked down through the microscope and studied the material. "It's conducting." "Yeah, but look at this." He said as he rolled his chair over to the other end of the table. Sitting on that end was what appeared to be a large looping circuit.

"A circuit? What's it for?" "If the book that I got is correct, this should be a very important find for us. The blue prints were a bit primitive but I'm sure that if this works, this could be a serious game changer." He said as he attached the wire to the circuit. The dust started glowing as the circuit began its work. "Yes, but what is it supposed to do?" David turned to his daughter before gently grabbing her shoulder. "Melissa, move that wire please." She complied and watched as the circuit continued to glow. "Hand me that multimeter please."

She passed the tool to her father and watched intently as he placed the test probes onto the glowing red dust. The meter buzzed as David smiled. "You see this? " He asked as Melissa stared curiously at the circuit. He grabbed a phone charger before gently connecting it to the circuit. The phone vibrated as it received the charge. Melissa looked at the multimeter before gasping. "It's the same. It hasn't lost any current." David smiled at his daughter. "No external power source, non fluctuating current. Melissa, do you know what this means?" She smiled. "An infinite source of electricity."


Herobrine sat at Eri's playroom table, filling out paperwork. Eri sat next to him, coloring in a picture of a farm. "Papa?" "Yeah Eri?" "Do you think Hanako is ever gonna come live with us?" He paused. "I honestly don't know." He said, his mood dampening. Eri hugged his arm. "I'm sorry if I made you sad." She said as he smiled at her. "You didn't do anything wrong Eri, I just wish your sister could stay with us but people would ask questions." Eri nodded. A knock on the door alerted Herobrine to someone at the door. "Who is it?" "Sir, you 'ave a letter." Kenichi said as he opened the door and handed a letter. 

Herobrine looked at the logo before slicing open the envelope. A small silver disk slid out onto the table. A hologram of a white haired man in a lab coat and glasses appeared on the table.

"Greetings, your highness. It is our esteemed privilege to reach out to youOn behalf of David and Melissa Shield, you are cordially invited to this year's I-Island Expo. Due to your status and political standing, security will be present upon your arrival and until your departure. Additional security may be provided upon request. Our finest hotel has prepared its presidential suite should you confirm your stay. If there are any problems, you may reach management at-

Herobrine turned off the hologram. "What was that?" "That, Eri, was an invitation to go to a very important event. Would you like to go?" Eri brought her finger to her chin. "Will there be a party?" "Yes, but a fancy one, so you're gonna have to get dressed up for it." Eri nodded before going back to her coloring. "I'll go." She smiled. "Good, I'll go get your mamas." He said as he put down the disk and gathered his paperwork before leaving.

He found Bruja in her study, monitoring a glowing blue liquid in a flask. "Making something?" He asked, leaning against the door frame. She turned and smiled awkwardly. "Oh, I was just testing a new type of hallucinogen potion." "Okay. We recently received an invitation to a science expo at a mobile research lab on Earth. I take it you want to go?" She smiled. "Absolutely. When is it?" "The day after tomorrow." "Great, I'll get my notes ready. Formal or casual?" "It's an island, bring both." She nodded before going back to work. "Oh, and Bruja." "Yeah?" "Bring a few weapons just in case. I have a feeling we won't be the only special guests there."

Charlotte was feeding the moss in her vivarium when Herobrine entered their room. "Oh hi honey, how's your paperwork going?" Herobrine sighed before flopping onto the bed. "It's paperwork. It sucks." She nodded before turning back to her moss. "There's an expo we were invited to in a few days, you wanna go?" She turned back to him "What kind?" "Scientific, its on the island I told you about." "The one your uncle works on?" "Yes. It's the day after tomorrow and I want to see my uncle and Melissa again. I-Island does have sizable entertainment and shopping districts." She perked up before running over and jumping onto the bed. "Are we taking everyone or is it just us going?" "It's me, Eri, Bruja, and maybe Bub." Charlotte nodded before telling Kenichi to get her suitcase.

"Hey guys," The Tax Collectors looked up from their TV. "Yeah?" Reaper answered "Do you want to go to I-Island?" "Okay." Jeff said "Cool."


Toshinori took a deep breath as he stepped off of the plane, Izumi following closely behind him. "Come on mom." Izumi shouted as she hopped down the stairs. "Honestly Izumi, you're lucky I even came on this trip. Your father and I aren't on good terms at the moment." She said, glaring at the blonde. "Do you think Melissa will like the apology gift I got her?" "I'm sure she will." "I can't believe David still invited you after the shit you pulled." "I got season passes." Toshinori said as he approached the gate.

Inside the compound, people milled around the stores and buildings. "Hey Izumi!" Izumi turned and saw Shoka running toward her. "SHOKA!" Izumi shouted as the girl stopped in front of her. "I was wondering when you would get here." "I literally just got here. And we talked this morning." Shoka shrugged before pulling Izumi away. "Don't run off yet sweetie, we haven't checked in yet." Inko said as Shoka let go of her hand. "Is anyone else here?" "Shoto is here too. Mom and Natsuo came with us because dad was busy and didn't trust us by ourselves. And I think I saw Iida and Momo around here somewhere." Izumi nodded.

On the other side of the island where more important guests came and went, an icy wind stirred up as a black portal opened. Green specks danced around the miasma of the portal as security and travelers watched a tall man wearing a light blue shirt, jeans, and gray shoes exited the portal, a small group of others following behind him. "Ahh, Lord Herobrine. You're just in time." The same man from the invitation approached the young king, who towered over him. He adjusted his glasses before bowing to the king. "With the highest regard we here at I-Island have to offer. Allow me to introduce myself, I am Dr Elvin Gadd, current standing Chief Scientific Officer of I-Island." The man held out his hand and Herobrine took it. "I shall have one of my assistants show you to your hotel and afterwards, I will give you the grand tour." He said as he trotted away.


Dr Gadd walked alongside Herobrine as the group made their way around the island, presenting a holographic map to the monarchs. "The first district of the island is devoted to its original purpose in heroics and quirk study. There, we create support gear and study how to use our quirks most effectively. The second district, the residential section, stemmed from the need for housing the scientists and their families, and for other work on the island such as maintenance that had to be done professionally. The third district is the business section where the desk jockeys do the bean counting." Herobrine nodded before speaking. "And I assume the fourth section of the island is for the stores and entertainment?" "And other scientific pursuits not strictly based in heroism, such as medicine and technology." Herobrine nodded again.

"Can we stop in the shopping district first?" Charlotte asked, Eri's hand gently clutched in her own. "I wanted to stop and get lunch before we started exploring. Do you have any recommendations?" Bruja spoke up "All in due time, right now Professor Shield would like to speak with his majesty. Is that alright with you?" "I had planned to speak with him anyway. Could you take us to him?" "Of course." Dr Gadd said as he led the group to David's laboratory.

David and Melissa waited patiently in David's lab for Herobrine to arrive. "So we're one hundred percent certain that Izuku is Herobrine?" "Nezu gave me the DNA tests and Endevour told me that Herobrine told him something that only Izuku would know. Right now, I have some doubts but if he is Izuku, we have our chance to make up for the years we failed him." Melissa nodded. The sound of the door unlocking alerted them to Herobrine's arrival. Dr Gadd opened the door and the two entered. "Hello David, Melissa. I would stay and chat but I have urgent business to attend to." He turned to Herobrine. "Your Majesty, a word of advice. Don't let your entourage wander too far, a few of our more curious minds may try to dissect them." "Noted." Herobrine then took a seat at the table.

"So is that really you, Izuku?" "It is. Do you want me to prove it?" "We have tests and I trust Nezu, but I want to be sure. Go ahead." Herobrine nodded before speaking again. "When Melissa was seven and I was five, for her birthday I wanted to get her a very specific Lego technic set. Me, being five years old at the time, I didn't really have any money because Izumi or her mutt usually took it. So I sent you a limited edition hoodie that I got after sending in seven hundred fifty box tops. Next year, for my birthday, do you know what you got me?" Melissa's jaw dropped. "The same Allmobile Lego technic set you wanted to get for me." She said. Tears welled in the girl's eyes as she stood up. Herobrine walked around the table and Melissa tackled him in a hug.

She sobbed as David joined in the hug. "I'm so sorry." He said as he clutched his nephews shirt. "I should've been there, we should have been there for you." He wept as the two clutched their lost family member. "It's okay, you were half way across the world and perpetually busy with Melissa and your job. If you have anyone to blame, it's the Yagis." David nodded. "Oh, there's some people I want you to meet. Do you mind if they come inside?" He said as David shook his head. "Not at all."

Herobrine opened the door before ushering the others inside. Eri immediately hid behind Charlotte's leg, still peaking out to get a look at the two. Melissa kneeled down to get a better look at the girl. "Aww, who's this?" Eri slowly moved out from behind Charlotte and turned to her father. Herobrine smiled before urging her to go on. "I'm Eri. What's your name?" "Hi, my name is Melissa," She gestured to her father. "And this is my father, David." David smiled at the girl who nervously waved to the two. "Uncle, Melissa, these are Charlotte and Bruja, they are my..." "Consorts." Bruja said as she shook David's hand. "That's nice." Melissa said as Charlotte looked her up and down. Then Herobrine gestured to the Tax Collectors. "These are my personal guards. Bub, Blaster, Jeff, Goliath, Reaper, and Squirt." David and Melissa looked at the group. "That's an, uhm, interesting name." David said as he got a closer look at Bub. "Are you an actual corpse or is that just your quirk?" "I don't have a quirk." "None of us have quirks." Reaper stated. David nodded as Melissa tapped her cousin's shoulder before pointing to Eri. "So who is she exactly?" "My daughter."



Izumi and Shoka met up with Shoto training grounds where they had also ran into Kirishima. "So Kirishima, what are you doing on I-Island?" Shoka asked as the group moved through the training area. "Bakubro brought me, how manly is that?" Izumi stared at him before smiling. "That's... Nice." She said as the group moved to a nearby restaurant. "I forgot Bakugou was going to be here." Shoto said as the group sat down at a table. Izumi picked up a menu as Shoka called over a waiter. "May I take your order?" "Yes, how's the- Kaminari?" "Oh, I'm fine, thanks for asking. How are you?" Izumi shook her head. "I mean, what are you doing here?" "Oh, me and Mineta got jobs as waiters for some extra money." "Oh, ew. Anyway, what would you recommend?" "I like the barbecue ba-" "I want a cold soba." Shoto interrupted. "I want a warm soba." Shoka said after. "Can I get the yakitori with a side of gyozas?" Denki sighed before writing down the order.

"So what are you thinking of getting? I'm probably gonna get some karaage. What do you want?" "For fucks sake, Shitty hair. Do you ever stop talking?" Kirishima was about to answer only for a loud squeal to interrupt him as a pink form tackled the pair. "OH MY GOSH! What are you guys doing here?" Mina shouted as she wrapped her arms around the necks of both boys. "S.. Struggling for air." Kirishima managed to gasp out before collapsing, taking the other two with him. Mina let go of the boys before standing up again. "So, how's it going boys?" "Great, we were just going to get something to eat." "Super, I could really go for a smoothie right now. Just wait'll Ochako and Hakagure and Tsu hear about this." Mina said as she pulled out her phone.

Hakagure felt a ding in her pocket. "Hmm. It's from Mina. She says that Bakugou and Kirishima are with her, and that they're going to see Izumi and the twins." She said as Ochako smiled. "Well, where are they?" "Near that one cafe in the entertainment district. Let's go get Momo and Jirou and meet up with the others." "You think anyone else from class is coming to the island?" "Don't be silly. Why would the entirety of class 1A be in one place at one time outside of school?"

Aizawa sneezed, wondering if someone had figured out his plot to get some peace and fucking quiet.


After explaining the raid on the Shie Hassaikai, Eri's grandfather being arrested, and what Overhaul was using Eri for. Melissa threw up twice and David five times.

"Did he not realize how bad that would be? I mean, a lot of economies are quirk reliant these days. Millions, no, billions of people require quirks for day to day survival. Farming alone is pretty much reliant on plant quirks now. And do you realize just how many heroes would be out of work. There were criminals before quirks and with the governments almost complete reliance on heroes, crime rates would skyrocket and I wouldn't be surprised if society collapsed." David ranted as he wretched. "And he did this to bring back the Yakuza's supremacy? He does realize that most heroes won't do anything about organized crime not involving quirk usage, right?" "Overhaul's mind was an amalgamation of scientific genius and little to no common sense." Herobrine said as he patted Melissa's back. "That poor girl. That horrible man was punished right?" Herobrine nodded. 

"He was sent to Tartarus, but I had Bub and Jeff take him to my personal dungeon where... You know what, it's better if you don't know." Melissa nodded before turning and watching Eri play on the playground. "Is she doing better now? Is she seeing a therapist?" "She's in therapy now, but still has a ways to go. A childhood filled with neglect and abuse is not something easy to get over." Melissa nodded as she patted his shoulder. "You're okay now. The Yagis can't touch you anymore." Herobrine nodded. "Honestly, after I mastered control of the Command Block and gained the ability to open portals between dimensions, I was afraid of coming back because of how the others would feel. That they would be disappointed, that they would hate me. I didn't know Hanako existed until after the USJ incident. What I meanis," He turned to Melissa "How did you feel when I committed suicide?" Melissa took off her glasses before pinching the bridge of her nose. "There aren't words to describe how sad I was. Honestly, another quirkless kid around my age and intelligence was a godsend, but with you living in Japan, we hardly ever got to see eachother. After your funeral, I looked up quirkless suicide rates and discrimination and realized I was better off staying on I-Island. I haven't been treated nearly as badly as you were treated, but I still hear them speaking behind my back. But you, you took it face first, they treated you horribly at home, school, in public. It was everywhere for you. To go on as long as you did, I considered you stronger than Unc- All Might." Melissa said.

"Sir, we have a problem." the group turned to look at Bub. "What is it?" "The Yagis arrived on the island." Herobrine sighed before putting his palm to his face. "As much as I would like for you to send them home, All Might is the face of heroism internationally and removing him from an event like the I-Expo would cause problems. Is anyone else we know here?" "The mutt and the blunder twins, plus their brother and mom. A lot of the kids in the class your Uncle teaches are here too." Herobrine nodded before turning away. "Just make sure they don't come too close." Bub nodded before finishing his ice cream cone. Melissa felt a thug on her pant leg. She looked down and saw Eri trying to get her attention. "Hi, do you need something, sweetie?" "Do you think we could go explore now? Papa said we would soon." Melissa turned to her father, who shrugged. "I don't see why not." David said. Eri cheered before hugging her fathers leg. She then looked up at him, using the puppy eyes. "Carry me, please."

Herobrine carried Eri on his shoulders as the group made their way through the entertainment part of the island. A handful of people had stopped to get a picture of him. He would have turned them down because it was his vacation, but he knew what it was like getting turned down by your idol. While he carried Eri around the toy stores and tech centers, the others looked around. "So, how is Hanako doing? I know I saw her just the other day, but she's such a cutie pie." Melissa cooed as they continued walking. Herobrine smiled as he spoke. "She's doing great. Just the other day she said her first word." "Really, what was it?" Herobrine grimaced before turning around, putting a finger to his lips before pointing at Eri. David nodded, remembering that Hanako was currently living in the Bakugou household. Herobrine turned to his minions and girlfriends. "All right, we meet up back here in an hour. Don't get lost and don't kill anyone unless necessary." He said as he handed Eri off to Charlotte before leaving.

Charlotte, Bruja, and Eri made their way to the nearby shops. Eri looked enthusiastically at a toy store before turning to her mothers. "Can we go there first?" "Alright." "Yay." She said as she trotted into the store. Inside, they watched excited children run around the aisles, looking for the next thing to beg their parents for. Eri smiled before looking around, Charlotte following closely behind. "Bruja, you go look for your science stuff, I'll watch Eri." Bruja nodded as the two girls traversed the store. "Ooh, look at that." Eri said as she pointed to a shiny red bicycle. "Can we get one?" She said as stars filled the young girls eyes. Charlotte smiled. "Okay, fine. But you have to get a helmet." Eri nodded before looking around for a helmet. Meanwhile, Bruja was at a scientific equipment outlet looking at laboratory glassware. "Hey, do you know where the funnel drips are?" She asked the customer next to her. "They're by the Bunsen burners, over on aisle three." "Thank you." Bruja said before walking away.

While Herobrine spoke with his family and the girls shopped, and Bub was shaken down, the Tax Collectors decided to go play laser tag. Bub was the team leader, Goliath was recon, Jeff was the assassin, Squirt was the meat shield, Reaper was the heavy gunner, and Blaster was the taunter. They put on their light vests before moving into the course. "So then I said "All Might? All Might sucks though." Bub said as they entered, only to realize some of the other patrons were glaring at him. "We heard that story before Bub. It wasn't funny the first time." Jeff said as he cocked his gun. "So, who's ready to die?" Reaper asked as he pulled out two blasters. "They're not lethal." Jeff said. "Aw."

"Do you want us to call you Herobrine or Izuku?" David asked. Herobrine shook his head. "Either is fine. I'm Herobrine, but I'm still your nephew deep down." David smiled before fluffing Herobrine's hair. "Your hair is still so soft." He said as Melissa felt it for herself. "Hey, we're in public. I have an image to keep." Herobrine said as he scrunched his neck. "Anyway, I have some questions about that redstone you sent us." "Okay, go ahead." "So where does it come from?" "It's mined from the ground. Its about as rare as copper." David nodded, calculating just how much a ton of the stuff would be worth. "Is it dangerous?" "Not really. It doesn't even conduct into anything organic." "Is it carcinogenic or something?" "No, it's safe, we even use it in some of our medicine." David nodded frantically as Melissa took notes. "What kind of effect would it have if wildlife were exposed to it? Is it poisonous, or explosive?" "It's used to ignite explosives, the dust itself is only harmful if inhaled or if you ingest a lot of it." Melissa spoke up next. "Are there any other things you could share with us?" "Yeah, like that Bub guy or the skeleton. How do they work?" "Skeletons are animated by a spectral energy that acts as basically every organ except bones, and zombies only have it in their brains." "What about Goliath, how is he so big?" "How about I give you a copy of the same book I gave Nezu."


It was the big night. The I-Expo was open and the most important guests were sitting politely in the reception hall. David's assistant, Sam, was walking around, looking for David. He adjusted his tie nervously as he looked for his boss or informant. Some of the hero students from UA sat nearby as his eyes scanned the crowd. He noticed David on the far side of the room, helping to set up seats at the VIP table. He was about to approach when suddenly, a loud slam was heard as the doors to the room opened. 'Oh no, they're early.' He thought as he prepared his escape. A man with green skin and black eyes,  a skeleton, a tall black humanoid, a green quadruped, a large green mass, and a giant spider walked into the room before moving to the sides of the door. Behind them, a tall man with brown hair and white eyes wearing a blue shirt walked in. People gasped as they recognized the man, even some of the more important figures in the audience acknowledging his presence. Sam watched Herobrine approach David before shaking his hand and taking a seat at the table. Sam broke out in a nervous sweat, hoping nothing international would break out. The Yagis looked at Herobrine surprised that he was there and excited for a chance to reconnect until Bruja glared at them and Bub tapped his hand against his holster.

Herobrine pulled out Eri's chair for her before taking his own seat. "Thank you." She said as she patted down her dress. He nodded as he turned to the other occupants of the table. Charlotte and Bruja took the seats on either side of him and Eri as the Tax Collectors stood around the table. A handful of other people sat at the table, their own guards standing vigil. Herobrine watched as David approached the podium before speaking. "Everyone if I may have your attention please. Quiet down. Now on-" He was cut off as an alarm started blaring. "AAAAAHHHH!" Someone screamed as a group of masked men with guns barged into the room. Light blue tentacles shot out from the tables and wrapped themselves around the heroes. "Oh, goody. More villains." Herobrine said sarcastically as he took a sip of his sparkling apple juice. The Tax Collectors pulled out their own guns before flipping the table over and firing at the masked men. Several fell as Jeff teleported Eri and Bruja back to the hotel room before returning to evacuate more guests. Bub pulled out his sword before hacking the arm off of one of the attackers. Another emptied their entire magazine into Squirt, who merely spit the bullets back into the face of his attacker. The bullets distracted them for a moment as Squirt tackled the man, smothering him.

Reaper armed his auto rifle and LMG before hopping out from behind the table and firing, nailing quite a few of the terrorists. "Stop, or I shoot the bitch!" One shouted, holding his gun to the head of one of the attendees. Suddenly, his gun was ripped from his hands as Jeff reappeared, before grabbing him by the head and using him as a flail against the other armored men. As most of the attendees were hiding under the tables or attempting to escape, Reaper continued firing, leaving a ring of incapacitated villains around him. One attacker screamed as he fired at Goliath, whose exoskeleton shrugged off the bullets. "MOMMY!" He shouted as Goliath climbed on top of him. Blaster was surrounded by villains, not having arms to defend himself with. "Don't shoot, I will explode. Don't think I won't." He said as some of the attackers noticed the grenades and sticks of TNT he had strapped to himself. The terrorists backed off as Blaster ran towards the nearest door, next to the stage. He hissed as he detonated, blasting the doors clear from their hinges, as well as opening a hole in the floor.

While the guards fought the villains, Herobrine and Charlotte went around freeing the heroes and evacuating the civilians. He ran to the Yagis table before begrudgingly severing their restraints. "You're lucky people are in danger here, otherwise you'd be on your own." He said as Toshinori nodded before rushing off to help evacuate. One of the henchmen attempted to fire at Herobrine, only for a dagger to nail him in the throat, before exploding. The other attackers turned to see Charlotte armed with several more exploding daggers. "Sir, look." Bub shouted as Herobrine watched what he assumed was the leader of the armored men aim his gun at the backs of David and Sam. He rushed at the man only for another with swords for hands to attempt to intercept him. Herobrine immediately bisected the man from shoulder to kidney before attempting to stab the leader. The leader ducked out of the way, narrowly missing Herobrine's sword.

Herobrine swiped again and the man was knocked to the floor as the mask the man was wearing fell in two halves, revealing the man's scarred face. As Herobrine swung downward, the leader pulled various pieces of silverware and metal scrap to shield himself as Herobrine hacked away. The leader rolled out of the way as the sword cleaved cleanly through the makeshift shield. He jumped to his feet and attempted to run only for Charlotte to nail him in the shoulder. He screamed as his arm exploded. The leader slipped on a puddle of viscera before falling to the ground, with the young King pointing his sword at the man's throat. "Don't kill him." He heard someone say as Herobrine placed his foot down on the villain's sternum. He turned and saw Melissa approach him, along with David and Sam. "I think he's done, right?" David turned to the villain, who nodded wincingly. "You got lucky this time, had I been prepared to fight, you and your men would have never made it into the building." Herobrine said as he placed his sword on his shoulder. Suddenly, a large purple shape knocked into Herobrine before grabbing the leader, Sam, and David. Another man enlarged his hands before attempting to go for Melissa, only for Herobrine to sever one of his fists, immolating the man. Herobrine watched indignantly as the purple thing jumped through the ceiling. Herobrine turned to Melissa before speaking. "I'm gonna go get your father and Sam, you go disable the security droids and make sure nothing else has been broken into." He turned to the Tax Collectors who were rounding up the rest of the goons.

"Bub, Jeff, go with her. Goliath, you disable the security in the vicinity with the civilians. Reaper, you, Squirt, and Blaster dispatch the rest of the insurgents. Charlotte, check on Eri and Bruja and make sure everyone is accounted for." They all gave their affirmations before doing their assigned tasks. "Are you sure you can do it?" Melissa asked. "I'm not out of tricks yet." Herobrine grunted as he summoned his shield and crossbow before tossing the crossbow to Melissa. He made his way to the hole in the ceiling before attempting to jump up when a group of heroes stopped him. "You can't seriously be going up there. You need to stay with the rest of the civilians." Herobrine glared at the hero, who immediately shrunk back. "Go help the civilians and leave this to the professionals." He said before teleporting up.


"This isn't how it was supposed to go!" David shouted as Wolfram nursed the stub that used to be his arm. "You really thought we were gonna give it back. And I thought you scientists were supposed to be smart." Wolfram chucked as Daigo and the rest of his men aimed their weapons at David. "Sam, where did you find these guys?" "I'm sorry David." Sam said as he handed a briefcase to Wolfram. "Sam, I-" "Save it Dave. I threw the best years of my life away for you and didn't see any credit when you won your Nobel. While you were off in the spotlight with All Might and what's her face. Well I want my work's worth." Sam said as he turned to the scientist. "And here it is." Wolfram said before pulling out his pistol and firing. David watched as the bullet punched through Sam's shoulder. He shrieked in pain as he fell over. "SAM!" David shouted, rushing to him. "Now then, I think it's time-" Wolfram didn't get to finish as a loud scraping was heard. He, Daigo, and David turned to see a pair of glowing white eyes attached to a silhouette only illuminated by the light of the enchanted sword he was holding. "KILL HIM!" Wolfram shouted as the villains fired at Herobrine.

Suddenly, the lights cut out and the eyes shot forward. "Oh shi-" The armed assailant was cut off as his head fell from his body. Several more attackers fell as Herobrine attacked. Limbs and heads went flying as blood stained every side of the room. One fighter, whose quirk gave him night vision, fired at Herobrine. Herobrine grabbed a nearby goon and used him as a shield before charging the villain and killing him as well. Groans and surprised shouts filled the air as the young King finished his foes with such speed that not one managed to scream before he killed them. As the last goon fell, Herobrine turned to Wolfram and grinned, the bodies of the villain's henchmen creating an ominous glow behind him.  Wolfram cracked open the briefcase and attempted to pull out the device inside, only for Herobrine to kick him in the chest and grab it midair.

"Give up yet?" Wolfram stared in fear. Not even All For One's presence matched the utter malice Herobrine was radiating. David was shocked that his sweet little nephew could be so terrifying. Daigo activated his quirk before charging Herobrine, who dodged. Daigo launched another attack, only for Herobrine to block it with his shield. The purple villain screamed in pain as Thorns CCLV kicked in. White lines appeared over the man as pain filled his body. "The more you fight back, the more it's gonna hurt. So just do yourself a favor and die already." He said as Daigo finally dropped dead. Herobrine turned back to Wolfram before walking towards him. "Answer the question. Because what I'm going to do to you if you don't give up in the next ten seconds is going to be much worse than whatever the heroes or the court systems or the horny jailbirds waiting for their new butt buddy are going to do to you. Regardless of how many men or quirks you may have," Wolfram's eyes widened as Herobrine smiled smugly. "Sometimes you just can't win. So what is it gonna be? Surrender or Hell?"

Wolfram, in one last desperate attempt, raised his pistol. Herobrine did nothing as Wolfram pointed the gun at David. "If I die, he dies too. It's his faul-" Wolfram was cut off as an arrow punched through his sternum. "LEAVE MY FATHER ALONE YOU SON OF A BITCH!" Melissa shouted as she fired Herobrine's crossbow. "Melissa!" David shouted "Papa!" Melissa hugged her father as he stood up. Sam also tried to get up, only for Bub to hold his head down with his foot. The two hugged as Herobrine watched the pair. Melissa turned to him before opening her arm. Herobrine smiled before joining in the hug.

"What I don't understand is, why didn't you ask me for help? I could have bought, bribed, or assassinated your sponsors." Herobrine said as he and Melissa sat with David in one of the hospitals of the island. "I don't know. It was a lapse of judgement I guess." "Why would you hide it from us?" David sighed. "As you know, Toshinori was getting weaker. Even after our falling out, I still know that Japan would not survive without their Symbol of Piece. So I created the quirk amplifier." Melissa frowned. "But what if it fell into the wrong hands?" "That was a risk I was willing to take. You'd have to be a great thief to steal from All Might. That, and I wanted the war against All for One to end as soon as possible. I realized that at this point, One for All must have reached singularity. If All for One, the origin of the quirk were to be defeated, One for All likely wouldn't be able to be passed on anymore, I figured. That horrible boy's new quirk is going to kill him, and I can't see a more poetic way for him to die." David said. Herobrine thought about it for a second.

"Why not create a counter device." "What do you mean?" "Rework the machine so that instead of powering quirks, it weakens or even cancels them." David nodded at the idea. "But even then, the threat of being captured by villains is present." "Still less dangerous than a quirk amplifier. People can live without quirks. They did so everyday for tens of thousands of years." Melissa nodded before speaking. "What about heroes? What if a hero gets hit?" Herobrine turned before speaking again. "It wouldn't matter. If you can't be a hero without a quirk, you shouldn't be a hero to begin with."


Herobrine stood before the crowd of the I-Island Expo. It had been twenty four hours since the failed invasion of I-Island, and many news outlets were already hounding the monarch. Dozens of people sat in relative silence as Herobrine spoke. "Who here has any questions they would like me to answer about last night?" Several hands went into the air as Herobrine pointed out various askers. "Hi, is it true that you recently introduced a new fuel source to I-Island?" "Yes. It is called redstone, and I think I'll leave the rest for Professor Shield to answer. Next." "Is it true that you killed Wolfram, the leader of the group of villains?" Herobrine looked at Melissa, who pursed her lip. "Yes it is true. It was in self defense. Next." "Just what is the Overworld? Is it another planet? Are you an alien?" "The Overworld is a parallel plain of existence that doesn't exactly line up with Earth's physics. Next." One reporter stood up before speaking. "Just what exactly is your quirk?"

"I don't have a quirk."

I have beaten my record at 6480 words. Wow. Sorry if it's long. So to make up for it, here's what Eri, Bruja, Charlotte, and the Tax Collectors wore to the Expo. Remember to vote and comment because those are the only thing keeping me going at the moment. I own none of these images. Sorry its messy, I haven't seen two heroes and I just wanted to get this chapter done. I may be taking a break from this story to work on other stories and ideas, so check those out while you wait for the next chapters. Until next time.

Eri's Dress

Charlotte's Dress

Bruja's Dress

Bub's Suit

Reaper's Suit

Blaster's Vest

Jeff's Bow Tie

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