The king is back and it's her...

By Kinstrak

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Monkey D Luffy watches as his crew is murdered by Sakasuki Akainu and Blackbeard. Luffy is angry as the corru... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 8

2.2K 41 11
By Kinstrak

Close to the Gecko islands

Syrup Village

Usopp POV

He froze when he saw the straw hat Jolly Roger. He didn't know who it was but he had a feeling that they were true pirates. Now Usopp wasn't an idiot and knew the villagers wouldn't believe him, he had lied too much. So, he is going to hope this pirates aren't blood thirsty ones. He told his followers not to follow him, as this were true pirates. He just hope they don't kill him when they find out he was lying. Just when we the ship was about to land, another ship appeared. It was the black cats and their Captain was Kuro of a thousand olans, with a bounty of sixteen million berris!. But just as the battle begun, it ended very fast. The black cats were screaming in terror as their ship was sinking. Whatever happened, the other ship's crew was more powerful and deadly. Usopp changed his mind and decided to ask nicely to not kill them all

"Usopp?" Said a voice behind him. He turn around and saw Kaya, his best friend. Her parents have help him when his mother died and so he has become close to Kaya. She even following him in lying for fun, even though they were later Kaya's mother would gave them a talk about why they shouldn't lie "is that a pirate ship?". Kaya's ears changed to those of a wolf. Apparently, she had eaten a devil fruit by accident two years ago. It was the inu inu no mi mythical model: white dire-wolf. She also had the power to freeze things "they are saying that the black cats attacked them and their Captain, Kuro was pathetic"

"Who are these guys?" Usopp said then "Kuro was one of the most dangerous pirates in the East Blue!". Usopp saw her eyes turn red. He saw her eyes widened

"He is Monkey D Luffy!!!!!" She said

"The kid with a bounty of eighty five million Berris!!!" Usopp said very scared

"That's right" said Kaya "let's see what they want. For what I read, they don't attack civilians"

"Okay" said Usopp "I hope you know what your doing, wolf girl"

"Very funny" said Kaya. Ask they were talking, the pirates arrived on the beach and look at their direction. The one called Monkey D Luffy look specially at him

"Do you two know a pirate by the name of Ussop?" He ask making him gulped

A few minutes earlier

Luffy POV

"Is this the place?" Luffy ask Nami

"It is" said Nami

"Captain, a ship with a black cat Jolly Roger is getting close" said Mari

"Those are the black cats" said Luffy "as we are new pirates, they don't know who is the captain"

"They will suffer for attacking us, then" said Hancock

"Don't forget pissed themselves" said Robin in a thinking pose "and probably they will die in a horrible way or suffer a crushing defeat while they ask for mercy ". Luffy sweet-droop at that. Even when having a different life, she still was Robin.

"Rookies" said the familiar voice of Kuro "you are in my territory. Surrender your treasures and women. And maybe, I will let you live"

"You don't know who I am, do you, kitty cat?" Luffy said with a serious tone, making the cannon fodder shivered "so, mr hypnotist, should I tell him or will you do it?". Luffy saw Jango froze and soil himself instantly as he has recognize who Luffy was

"Captain, we need to leave!!!" He said "he is Monkey D Luffy, bounty of eighty five million Berris!!!!!"

"This brat?" Kuro scoffed "don't make me laugh!".

"Captain, don't do it!!!" Luffy heard Jango screamed, as knowing what Kuro was going to do. Luffy, seeing the future with his observation haki, saw Kuro jumping with his claws, ready to try to slice him but Luffy was faster. When Kuro jumped, Luffy cut Kuro in two with Ace. The two halves of Kuro went down to the sea, never to be seen again

"Captain!!!!" Screamed the Black cats

"Bring it down" said Luffy. Making the black cats soil themselves as the canons of the Sunny were been directed at them

"Please no!!!" They screamed but they were ignored. Those guys  destroy villages and murder innocent people. It took only seconds for the canons to destroy the ship and soon it was sinking in the sea

"Nami, do you know why I did it?" Luffy ask his new friend

"They provoke us" Nami answered "also, they were monsters and if you let them go, then they would have attack innocent people"

"Correct" said Luffy "I don't like killing, unless I am provoke"

"So, are we landing and say hello to our observers?" Hancock ask looking where Usopp and Kaya were watching them

"Of course" said Luffy "and follow my lead. Let's see how much we can scared them. Shishishishi"

"Some times I forget he can have his childish moments" he heard Hancock mumbled to herself. Well, he was fourteen, it wasn't his fault

Present time

"Do you know a pirate by the name of Usopp?" Luffy ask Usopp and Kaya "I heard rumors of him having eight thousand man under his command"

"That would be a challenge" said Hancock. Luffy saw Ussop started to sweat like a pig and Kaya look scared as well

"Well, I do have them!" Said Ussop "I will bring them!. After all, I am brave captain Usopp!"

"Your shaking" Nami said burst laughing

"Well, where are they?" Luffy ask "I want to challenge them". Usopp froze and started to sweat even more as Luffy burst out laughing, not able to contain himself anymore. Hancock, her sisters, Robin and Franky started laughing as well. Nami was already laughing before he started laughing

"Why are you laughing!" Usopp said annoyed

"I was messing with you Usopp, son of Yassop" said Luffy smiling "your dad talk about you a lot". Luffy wasn't surprised when Usopp fall down but his eyes almost pop out when he saw Kaya transform into a big white wolf to caught him "Devil fruit!" Luffy said surprised. That was a huge changed, considering that he killed Kuro already and he didn't kill her parents and poison her

"That's right" said Kaya "I eat the inu inu no mi mythical model white dire-wolf". A mythical zoan?. That was amazing!.

"Well, I come to this island to ask Ussop to join my crew" said Luffy "seeing as I need a great shooter in my crew"

"You want to recruit me?" Usopp ask surprised "well, to tell you the truth I been practicing with the rifle my father send me a few weeks ago". Rifle!. That was another change!. Well, much better than a slingshot at least

"Can I join too?" Kaya ask "I want to be a medic and I feel can't accomplished that by staying here"

"It's fine by me, as long as your parents give you permission" said Luffy

"I will ask them" said Kaya "and I have the perfect weapon to convince them". She smiled evilly and then left running

"She will do the puppy dog eyes, isn't she?" Luffy ask Usopp

"Yep" said Usopp sweet-drooping

"How can that work?" Sonia ask "she is a wolf not a dog"

"Have you ever seen a dog doing that?" Luffy ask "it's imposible to say no"

"Luffy is right" said Usopp "you have no idea how many times she already did it with me and her parents. It always works"

"They said yes!" Said Kaya "as long as I train and become stronger!"

"Told you" said Usopp "so, when do we leave?"

"First, let's go eat something" Luffy said "then we will go and look for a chef". Luffy is happy. The original Straw Hats are coming together. Nami, while not part yet, she is here. Usopp is now part of the Straw Hats and a new one has join, Kaya. Now to find Sanji, Zoro and if possible, he will convince Coby. But maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea to train them for a few years before they start their journey to the Grand Line and specially if he wants to try to follow the timeline. Ace was capture when he was twenty and Luffy was seventeen back then but now, Ace is younger than Luffy by one year. So, when does everything starts?. Does this mean that everything starts when he is eighteen?. That's four years from now and that's how long until he meets Coby, Zoro and Sanji. While he could change it, that would leave the Baratie in danger, Shells Island won't be at the hands of Morgan but Luffy can't be sure, as the World Government could just give Morgan the credit for killing Kuro and that will make Shells Town suffer once again. Zoro, will, it's mystery where he is at the moment. He can't remember when he supposedly left his home island and got lost. Coby, the would not be force to work for that hag of Alvida until probably a year from now and as Luffy doesn't know where his island is, well, he can't help him.

"Luffy, are you okay?" Hancock ask him then, putting him back to the present

"Yeah" said Luffy "I am just thinking of training Usopp and Kaya before we go to the next Island and of course Nami, your welcome to join". Nami's eyes widened and Luffy saw tears coming out

"Thanks Luffy" said Nami "but I have to go back to Arlong. He will get suspicious if I don't return soon". Luffy smiled at her, making her blush

"You will always be welcome in my ship Nami and remember, if you need me to take care of Arlong, just say the word" Luffy said

"Thanks, Luffy" said Nami

"Franky, can you take her to her island?" Luffy ask "do you have any vehicles you can use to take care to her island unseen?". Luffy knew about them because Franky show him the vehicles

"I have the Shark Submerge III" Franky answered "that's perfect for this"

"Good" said Luffy "Hachi is with us, so, we will be good"

"Then we don't have to worry about Momo, the sea cow monster" Nami said casually. Right, he forgot about that annoying cow. Well, Luffy hopes everything will be fine

"Nami, here" Luffy said throwing her a bag with five million Berris "that will be enough so Arlong doesn't question you what took you so long". Nami's eyes widened when she heard what Luffy said. Luffy was surprised when Nami suddenly hug him and cried on his shoulder

"Thank you" said Nami. Moments later, he saw Franky and Nami take off to the Conami islands

"You are an amazing person, Luffy-kun" said Hancock "but how many girls are you going to end up with?". Luffy blushed a crimson red at those words

Next on the pirate king is back and it's here to conquer: Luffy goes to visit Ussop and at the same time hunt down a certain kitty cat


68 YBRD: Brook is born

53 YBRD: Gol D Roger is born

14 YBRD Franky is born

1 YBRD: Luffy, Hancock and Robin are born

0: Roger is executed. Ace, Zoro, Sanji, Sandersonia and Sabo are born

2 YARD: Nami, Vivi, Chopper and Marigold are born

7 YARD: Luffy, age eight awakens from the time travel and later meets Ace and Sabo, both age seven. Luffy begins his training

10 YARD: Sabo is supposedly killed by a Celestian Dragon but he is saved by Dragon. Luffy meets his father ask him to take him to attack the Holy Land.

a) Same year/one month later: Luffy and the revolutionary army attacks the Holy Land where he helps free slaves, including the Boa sister's and kills a Celestian Dragon

11 YARD: Luffy is part of the Sun Pirates

a) Koala returns home. Tiger Fisher dies

b) Jimbei Becomes a Warlord and Arlong leaves the Sun Pirates

c) Unknown pirate comes to offer Luffy an offer to join his crew

d) Luffy joins the Whitebeard pirates

e) Whitebeard pirates and Luffy rescues Shirahoshi from slavers

Between 11 and 13 YARD: Luffy attacks a slaver house and free the slaves, earning a higher bounty

13 YARD: Luffy fights admiral Sakasuki Akainu and wins, leaving the admiral without an arm. Admiral Sakasuki is demoted to Vice-admiral by Sengoku for insubordination

a) Whitebeard takes Luffy to Water 7, so he can have his ship build. Luffy convince Franky to build a ship and later, join his crew as the Shipwright

b) Luffy reunites with Hancock, her sisters and Robin. They start their journey by going to East Blue, where he goes back to his home island

c) Luffy sees Makino, Ace and everyone else after three years

d) Luffy sees Hachi again and informs him that Arlong knowns he is in the East Blue. Luffy sees Nami once again and tells her he will help her if she asks but won't get involved if she doesn't want him to.

AN: That's right, in this timeline Kaya has a devil fruit and joins the crew.

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