Mistress Phantomhive(Sebastia...

By AnyaISPsychic

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Ciel is the Lady of Phantomhive Manor and head of Funtom company, she has duties to her estate and business a... More

It is never a dull day at Phantomhive Manor
Ciel and Sebastian want something sweet
Her demon, her butler
Come morning, it's a busy day
Mey-rin's assumptions
Finny's observation
Confusing new feelings
An advice from a fortune teller
alley trouble
trouble with feelings
No chance No Way, I won't say it No No
Why deny it?


353 23 50
By AnyaISPsychic

"There you are!" Elliot exclaimed once he caught sight of his fiancé and her butler. "I told you to wait for me but when I got back you two were gone, where did you go?"

"We just went to see a fortune teller" Ciel said truthfully.

"Really? What did they say?" Elliot asked.

"Just that I'll live a happy life, I'll still get hurt but it's part of life. Because you can't experience happiness without experiencing sadness" Ciel recalled. "And that" she blushed a bit. "Apparently I'll birth a litter of seven children some day"

Elliot's eyes widened and a large grin came to his face. "Oh Ciel this makes me so happy!" He hugged his fiancé and spun her around.

"Fortune tellers aren't always reliable you know" came Sebastian's voice. His voice had an edge to it. Elliot frowned, forgetting that Sebastian was still there with them. He put Ciel down but kept his arms around her.

"That fortune teller, Imelda, could be a humbug. She could have told you all sorts of things that sounded pleasant to the ears" Sebastian said casually. Ciel frowned at her butler. There he was, acting strange again. "Seriously what is this man's problem?"

"Well we'll just have to prove the fortune teller was right ourselves, right Ciel?" Elliot said taking Ciel's hand.

Ciel stared down at their hands. "Do I even want that many kids? Do I even want....to have children with Elliot?"

"Ciel?" Elliot hesitantly shook Ciel.

"Oh- um what? Sorry" Ciel removed Elliot's hand from hers. "Sorry I was just..I remembered I have to go home now. Lots of work to do, and I have to meet with someone soon" she excused. Elliot looked crestfallen. "Already Ciel? But-"

"We have been in this Carnival for  five hours young lord, it's time for my lady and mistress to return home to resume her duties. Work will not finish itself you know" Sebastian chimed in, feeling accomplished now that they were finally going home and getting away from the annoying clingy blond.

"Oh work again" Elliot sighed. "Maybe I can help you!"

"There's no need" Sebastian stepped in front of Ciel blocking the girl from Elliot's view. "Me and my mistress tackle her burdensome work together as a.." he paused and looked at Ciel who looked at him questioningly. "A team" he said. "We have our own routine for how we handle things, we really do not need you as a distraction sir Elliot, I hope you understand and do not take offense"

Sebastian's words and smile really pissed off Elliot. The blond gritted his teeth and glared at Sebastian with enough intensity to melt metal. But this holds no effect on the butler, he remained unfazed, smiling condescendingly.

"Surely Ciel will tell him off for being rude to me? She's allowed this man to get away with a lot of things in the past but she couldn't possibly let him get away with acting arrogantly with me her fiancé?" Elliot thought and looked over at his fiancé. But Ciel didn't meet his gaze, instead tugging on Sebastian's waistcoat. "Let us return home Sebastian. Ellie, I'm so sorry, truly I am, but duty calls" the girl and her butler turned their backs on the blond and began walking back to their carriage.

Elliot stood dumbfounded. Ciel didn't defend him.

"I can't believe this, she chose him, over me?"

He felt a strong wave of jealousy overcome him. He wasn't a jealous person and has certainly never been jealous of Sebastian Michaelis over anything before, but this time it's different. He's jealous of Sebastian's relationship with his fiancé, jealous that Ciel seems to prefer Sebastian over him, the boy she's known since they were toddlers.

Just what exactly did Sebastian mean to Ciel? What kind of relationship did Ciel and Sebastian have? It's clear now to Elliot that what they have is more than just a butler and his mistress.

----Time skip brought to you by: Claude Faustus doing his tap dancing routine---

"So mind telling me what's been going on with you?" Ciel demanded as soon as the carriage started moving.

"Whatever do you mean young mistress?"

"Do not play coy with me" Ciel frowned. "You've been fighting with Elliot all day, you two have been getting on each other's nerves behind my back, you tease him and pretend to be innocent, and then that last scene before we left. You provoked him" Ciel listed crossing her arms accentuating her breasts.

"Have I really done all that?" Sebastian felt annoyed with himself, with Ciel, and most of all with that idiot Elliot. "Well yes I suppose I-- have not been on my most appropriate behavior, I apologize severely my lady"

"You're not really sorry" Ciel scoffed. "I know you're not, you're just saying that to appease me" she sighed and tucked a strand of blue hair behind her ear.

"What's wrong Sebastian?" Ciel asked, gently. Sebastian didn't squirm in his seat, he almost did, but didn't. "Nothing's wrong mistress" he was lying, he knows he is lying.

"Bullcrap" Ciel spat. "Tell me what's going on in that damned head of yours"

"I--" he was annoyed and bitter all day, that was the problem. But he didn't understand why he felt that way. He didn't liked it when Elliot would hug or hold Ciel, he didn't like Elliot talking about their future together. A future Sebastian knows Ciel didn't want, even if the young lady wasn't sure about it.

"Well?" Ciel was so curious and anxious for her butler's answer.

"I've just been out of sorts since this morning, my lady" Sebastian excused.

"Out of sorts?" Ciel stared into his ruby eyes. "Can demons get sick?" Ciel asked. "Rarely. Only when holy relics are around us" Sebastian explained, hoping Ciel would think this was the reason he's been acting odd all day.

But Ciel wasn't stupid. "I'll buy that excuse for now" she said.

Sebastian felt relieved. But he knew Ciel would corner him and demand him for answers again soon.

He needed to get his act together and figure out what was wrong with him, and hopefully fix it fast.

---A/n: please leave a vote and comment on each chapter!---

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