
By HopelessDreamersClub

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Robin and Dino seem to have the perfect relationship. Through think and thin, they always put each other firs... More

Do Over?
Knowing You
Made For You
Day of Angels
Night of Demons
Night of Demons II
I Do
All I Ask
First Day
Sev's Playhouse
Die For You
Up To You
Heart and Soul
Girl Wonder
Night Before
The Set Up
Just A Taste
Lights! Camera! Action!


155 8 27
By HopelessDreamersClub

Robin's fingers absentmindedly taps the table as she stares off into another dimension. She's been quiet ever since they left the boutique.

Much to the men's concern

Eddie and Dino look at each other in worry. Maybe they should have had this conversation BEFORE Eddie tried to take her soul in the dressing room.

But shit, neither regret it

Dino loves watching Robin whimper with pleasure. Sometimes he makes her orgasm until she cries but doing it alone can get exhausting.

This is not to say he can't keep up but most women can be satisfied with one. Robin is NOT most women

Plus everything is still within his control. He knows Robin would never betray him because she holds all the power. Most people don't understand the turmoil a woman can put a man through when she ALLOWS him to be dominant. When she WILLINGLY submits. Most powerful position of all

He likes it. Eddie on the other hand is still reeling in. He's written it off. Regardless of whether his feelings were honestly gone or not, he wasn't getting Robin.

Hell they fought over her. Only to end up making her fall apart at both of their touch. Finally having her lips on his.

Eddie hasn't licked his lips so much in his life but he can still taste her.

He wants to taste her again but the poor woman hasn't said anything since Dino paid for her bathing suits and they left. They pulled into the diner about a mile away to sit and talk things out

Only person who said anything was the waitress to greet them and get the drink order

"So how exactly..why exactly..what the fuck?" Robin groans and holds her head in her hands.

It's not that she didn't enjoy what happened. She loved it but that was the problem per se. Where did Dino's change of heart come from? Why would Eddie agree? And why the fuck did they set her up?

Dino holds Robin's hand but she gives him a look that makes him yank it back. Eddie chuckles but shuts up with her eyes cut his way.

Robin takes a deep breath

"Ok. Let's start from the top. Where and who came up with this idea?"

"After you threatened to divorce me, I realized I had to step outside myself. We've never had any problem being open and honest with each other and yet I allowed jealousy to cause me to act out of character."

"I mean I was egging you on," Eddie shrugs. "I approached Ro even knowing she was engaged to be married. That wasn't right"

"Even with that, Robin wouldn't have cheated on me. I had to sit back and wonder WHY I was jealous and it was because Eddie and you were gonna happen eventually."

Robin looks at Dino confused

"I would have never-"

"I know you wouldn't but there would have always been some underlying tension. Doing it this way keeps me in the know and in control. Plus," Dino leans forward and takes Robin's hand. "I'm all about your pleasure."

Dino pulls Robin close until her face is in his hands as he stares into her eyes.

"Mental, emotional and physical pleasure. You trust me with those, right?"

Eddie looks at the couple, astounded. No wonder Dino isn't worried about Robin cheating. That mother fucker owns her soul and to see it with his own eyes..he'd be confused if he was Robin too.

Shit, he agreed and he's still confused on how the three of them got here.



Eddie blinks out of his thoughts to see Robin closer to him

"You agreed to this because?"

"At first, I didn't. I like being your friend. I came to terms with just being your friend and respecting your marriage. Then ya husband asked me if I wanted to taste you and that's all that consumed my mind. It was like seeing you for the first time again. The desire to bury myself between ya legs," Eddie moves closer, noticing Robin getting flustered.

"I had to have you," he whispers once they're face to face. "And now that there's no issues," Eddie leans down to her ear. "Can't wait to feel you wrapped around my dick"

Robin jumps in shock and slides back towards Dino, who chuckles at her reaction.

These two are really getting a kick out of this. Dino wraps an arm around her waist and kisses her temple.

"So what is this? This is a one time thing or are we a thro-"

"No. Not technically a throuple because Dino and I will never have any sexual interaction. It's more like you have a husband and ... a boyfriend."

Robin freezes in shock. Her eyes follow their waitress approaching their table

"Excuse me sweetie. Could I get the check? Matter fact, meet me at the register"

Robin hops out of the booth with a quickness making the two men chuckle.

This is a conversation Robin surprisingly isn't ready to have. After paying for their drinks, Robin went home to finish packing.

The next morning, Shanelle picks Robin up for an extra early flight to Maldives. Shanelle's baby Rhys International is opening a resort and of course the FabBabes were the first to see and review.

With all that has been going on in each of their lives, the girls were due for a joint trip. Robin sleeps the whole fight. With so much on her mind, she could also count to her dreams for an escape.

It's also the first time she wouldn't be within driving distance of her son and it made her sad.

Rain couldn't sleep without touching Robin's face and Robin would have nightmares if Baby Bear wasn't near her.

But you can't lose yourself in your kids. Looks like Robin is getting thrown adjustments all around.

Once they land, Robin takes a deep breath and lets US problems STAY US problems. Spotting the rest of the girls, they all run to each other and hug.

Adulting been kicking they ass

Shanelle arranged for an escort to take the girls to the resort

ShaLoa Beach Resort

"This is niceeeeeeee" Robin says as they step foot on the property. The girl ogle at the layout and then their rooms. Shanelle went all out.

The girls all agreed to relax today from the flight and meet up at the pool.

Robin takes out one of her bathing suits and immediately gets a shiver, flashing back to yesterday's events.

Her legs are still shaking. Eddie tried and successfully sucked her soul from her body. Lawd, she could've died and came back just to die again.

"Girl no," Robin rolls her eyes and rubs at her face before quickly getting dressed. She composes herself exits to see the girls are already at the pool.

"Introducing," the babes turn her way. "Electra Evangelista"

"Ah shit" Shanelle perks up. Robin does a shimmy strut towards the pool, imitating her favorite character from the show "Pose". Once in front of Nelle, she starts voguing. Having the girls hype her up and ab-libbing. Nelle pretends to take pics before they all burst out laughing.

Robin gets up from the ground and sits in the chair from Bron. She lays her head on her shoulder.

"I miss you ladies"

"It honestly feels like I haven't seen yall in forever"

"No really. The last time we were together was the book launch"

"And the last sleepover was Robin's wedding?"

"That can't be right"

"Doesn't matter. We're together now and I want updates"

They talk about everything. Logan's shop with Colt and the winery. Aly's new projects. Chut's wedding planning. Nina's new products and romance with a certain CEO. Dee's book launch, Bookaholic and their niece AJ. Nelle taking on a new role and opening up Rhys International and Robin's movie, new wig collections and their nephew Rain.

"When is the premiere again?"

"Two Saturdays after we get back"

"Yasss. We about to show up and show out"

"As always," Robin turns to Bron. "Ready to see yourself on the big screen??"

"I'm nervous but also yes. Logan kept talking about getting 'Lacey' naked."

"Your husband is weird but I can't judge"

"Nope. I know that tone. If I gotta bail Dino out again-"

"That's not it." Robin sucks at her teeth, contemplating on if she should tell the girls ...

Fuck it

"Dino gave Eddie permission to eat me out"

Chut does a spit take and then silence. The girls' eyes bug out their heads. A few believed they heard incorrectly.

Maybe Robin should have been more gentle with the information. Desha gets up and sits on the lounge chair with Robin and Bronwyn. The rest get closer

"Run that back"

Robin sighs and fills the girls in on yesterday's adventures

"Good Gawd"

"Ain't it?"

"I knew it. I won't say I told you so but you were in denial" Alyssa smirks. She and Nina would tease Robin that the duo would be a trio. Nina took it as far as calling Eddie Rain's uncle daddy.

Robin rubs at her eyes

"Nothing is set yet"

"How'd they go from fighting to tag teaming"

"Like a bad WWE storyline"

"Will this be a thing? Or y'all experimenting?"

"I'm not seeing the problem. You get TWO fine ass men"

"Nothing you haven't done before"

"I wasn't married before. Those were flings. I could end those with no consequence. This is two commitments. They'd be monogamous but I'd be poly? How does that even work?"

"Ask the expert"

The girls turn towards Alyssa

For someone who hates drama and likes to stay to herself. It's a little shocking that she has two men and that those men may also have side tings. The girls don't know because the girls don't ask.

Just like Alyssa is throwing her hands up to not get involved

"You should just let things run its course. It's not like this was avoidable."

"I have a child. I don't even.."

"Baby Bear is too young to understand anything. You should have your fun while you can and if it turns into something more, you'll cross that bridge when you get there."

Robin pouts at Chut's advice. Desha places her hand on Robin's knee with care. Robin looks at her expectantly

"In the dressing room?"


"I'm sorry," she laughs. "But be honest, you was jumping for joy when Eddie slipped behind that curtain weren't you"

"Oh my God. Da corner. Now"

"That's not an answer"

Robin shakes her head and smirks

"I don't know y'all. I'm scared plus I'm pretty sure Eddie has demon dick"

Nelle looks at Robin in shock then scoots closer. Bron arches a brow but Dee being nosy, eggs Robin on

"Demon dick?"

"He has an ex that's stalking him even though they haven't been together for over seven years. SEVEN YEARS yet, she can't let it go.Think he turned her ass every way and knocked a few screws loose."

Nelle takes a sip of her drink

"Damn. Yeah you might be in trouble."

Robin snorts

"God. This feels like college all over again."

"Then maybe you should alternate a play from college Ro's book and make it for ya current situation. What could go wrong?"

Robin sighs

She hates that damn loaded question

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