The winner Gets the Lady♡ Fem...

By Sxgar-Bear

482 23 0

Y/N was nothing but trapped in a tall tower in Snezhnaya. Her mother is currently apart of the Fatui and neve... More

The Broken Rule
A Travel to Mondstate
The Windblume Festival
The Missing Traveler
A New Harbinger Before us
An Old Past, A New Me
The Blames on Me
Friendship Saves All
Not a word About "Her"
Bad Memories
What a Team
Enough is Enough
Lurking nightmares
6REEZE in The House
Y/N, you Silly Girl
I Build a Friend
May the Winds Bring us Together

Try Again next Time

15 1 0
By Sxgar-Bear

Y/N was sitting on Scaramouche's office chair lost in her thoughts. A piece of paper was laying on the desk, and a pen was still in place in between her fingers. "No, don't think so negative, you never know unless you try." She thought. Y/N was now determined as she starts to write her feelings down from top to bottom.

Scaramouche went out to eat with other Fatui members in the background minding their own business in the beginning night. He was in the same restaurant that Y/N was in. Seeing her enter, he smiles saying, "Hello." "Hey there." She said back with a competitive pout. Scaramouche was sitting at a table by himself, while Y/N takes her chance and goes to him.

Childe, who was sitting beside her, sighs at her leaving but had that gut feeling of something about to go wrong. "What is she doing?" He asked himself. "Hey, Scaramouche." He looks at her hearing his name. "What's up?" "I, um, I-I wanted to give you this." Y/N stutters showing her letter.

"What's this? Is this some special letter of yours, miss Y/N?"A nosy man asked. Y/N bumps him to the side using her hip. "This is none of your business." Instead of him backing away, he snatches the latter from her hands, showing it to everyone there while speaking loudly. "Is this some love letter of yours?" He ask, teasingly. He walks anywhere he can as Y/N tries to take it back.

Someone assuming to be his friend takes it from him. "Miss Y/N, miss Y/N, I got your letter right over here." His friend he took the letter from giggles walking to him. "Confession time!" "Would you cut it out?" Scaramouche said, but nothing different happens. Other than it getting worse, of course. "Why don't I read it for everyone one to here?" He asked taking the letter back from his friend, unwrapping it in excitement.

"Nagi, are you actually gonna read it?" His friend asked. Nagi ignores him while reading her written confession. "Woah! She went all out, how pathetic can you be?" Y/N holds in her frustration watching him tease her. "Here it goes! Scaramouche, after those s'mores we had together at the campfire, I felt so happy." "Nagi." Childe called.

"Maybe "Scaramouche sunrise" won't be just some random phrase. In fact, it's actually how I feel about you. You are my sunrise when the sun rises above the horizon." "That's enough." Scaramouche demanded, but he doesn't obey. "It's that moment I've build a new friend. Why are you so desperate?" He asked Y/N, who was still chasing him around the restaurant. "Is it too embarrassing for you?"

"Why should I be embarrassed? You have absolutely no right to be making fun of my feelings." Nagi gets a little irritated hearing her talk back but brings his bright yet annoying personality to Scaramouche. "So, you gonna accept it. This cheesy confession hers, Mr. Sunrise?" Scaramouche comes over to him and snatched the letter from his hands. "Scaramouche." She said as he sighs. Him looking at Y/N had her concerns asking, "What's wrong?"

"Confession time! Confession time!" Nagi cheered. Scaramouche grabs the collar of his shirt, quickly shutting him up. "That's quite enough of your nonsense. It's sweet of you assuming you see us as a couple, but rather picking your nose into someone else's business is just plan rude. And also, never refer me as. "Mr. Sunrise," knowing I'm more of a higher rank than you."

Scaramouche let's go after ending his scolding, as the two caught in trouble now run out of the restaurant in fear of the Harbinger. "Y/N," he called getting her attention. "People like them are the reason why you don't do cheesy confessions in public. Me feeling embarrassed is turning to anger, so I really don't wanna lash at you for doing so." He grabs a flower from it's small vase on his table behind her, putting a strand of hair behind her ear before putting the flower on it.

"Just choose a more private location when you want to talk to me, okay?" He said, giving a small smile as he brushes the edge of her chin with his finger. Scaramouche goes near the entrance to pay and retrieve his receipt. Y/N noticed, so she follows him by his side. "You're not embarrassed by my letter at all?" She asked, a little worried at the thought.

"Not really. If what it's supposed to be being a friend request, then I accept it. Just don't get on my bad side." He warned. As they were outside on a walk, others would whisper to each other such as "Why is he talking to her? It's not often for him to be so calm, is it?" "I'd never thought he'd be nice at all, or even to her specifically."

Y/N felt a little down hearing them talk behind her back as she stares at the ground. It was like the flower above her ear was upset too. The flower's petals were hanging like they were heavy. "Don't mind them," Scaramouche spoke in reassurance. "they're just not used to me being friendly and well welcoming." "Is there something about me that has you being those things?" She asked.

"Maybe it's just you not being stubborn and disrespectful, or not being someone that continues to harass me." He said while thinking about Childe doing said harassment. "Do you think we could spend time together all we could, even if it's a bothersome to everyone?" He smiles without an answer. "Follow me."

They both go inside an abandoned room filled with not much but beds like it was a safe room, or something of the sort. Scara finds a light switch to see throughout the room they entered as he grabs a book, walking towards Y/N. "Oh, la-la-la-la. Oh, yeah." "I know I might be crazy, but did you hear the story?" He asked, pretending to read the book.

"I think I heard it vaguely." "A girl and a Harbinger." He titled while acting like he was in a play. "Oh, tell me more, boy. Sounds like a fantasy. Oh, what could go so wrong with a girl and a Harbinger?" Scaramouche turns on a light behind a curtain to shape animals and what not using his hands. "You're from the perfect paradise, and I'm living at the darker side."

"Ooo, I got a feeling if you get to know me." "And right from the start, you caught my eye. Something inside me became alive." He said throwing a small ball, pretending to be his said eye. "Ooo, I got a feeling if you get to know me. Someday, this could be, this could be ordinary. Someday, could we do something extraordinary?" She asked, dancing alongside him.

"You and me side by side, out in the broad daylight. They'll laugh, we'll say...We're gonna be someday. We're gonna be someday. Someday, someday, we're gonna be someday." Y/N and Scara sit on a bed, as he uses a rag to get closer and use as a small cape for her. "Girl, you look delicious. Oh, I mean gorgeous." "Well, now you're getting fearless." Y/N pushes his face away with her finger.

"No, I'm just rooting for us." "If different was a superpower, we'd be so flawless, yeah we can make these two worlds ours. I'm rooting for us." Scaramouche comes closer on one knee, grabbing her hand gently. "Two lonely hearts meet in the dark. Imagine how they now start a spark." "You got my attention, what happen next then?" She asked, using a bowl grabbing nothing from it like imaginary popcorn.

"Two long movies while we sit in the park, handing out everywhere we want." "I like the way you're thinking, I can almost see it. Someday, this could be, this could be ordinary. Someday, could we do something extraordinary?" They both sit up soon after, dancing again. "You and me side by side, out in the broad daylight. They'll laugh, we'll say...we're gonna be someday."

"Someday, someday. So let them talk if they wanna. Let them talk if they gonna, we're gonna do what we wanna. Let them talk, let them talk, if they wanna-they wanna." Others fill the empty hallway they stood in, staring at each others eyes. They back away from each other's space like nothing happened.

"Someday. This could be, this could be ordinary. Someday, could we do something extraordinary?" "You and me side by side, out in the broad daylight. They'll laugh, we'll say...we're gonna be someday. Someday, someday. We're gonna be someday. Someday, someday, we're gonna be someday." The smile on his face seemed bigger and more genuine, They walk away together with big smiles.

                                                                                     |[In Liyue]|

It's been about a few hours, and so far, they are near the ends of Mondstate and mostly water. Venti was behind the tall wooden pole on the ship playing that melody of the last song the Nameless Bard sang to him, using his lyre. Kazuha noticed and has been listening for quite some time. "That's a beautiful melody." He complemented.

"It is, indeed." Venti agreed. Kazuha stands beside Venti at the edge of the ship, watching the quiet waves of the seas along with him. "Do you mind telling me about this "Y/N" we're supposed to be saving?" "Well, she was someone new to witness in Mondstate that everyone saw, including me. Very adventurous like the Traveler, and very pretty." Venti describe with a smile at the thought of her smiling, as her strands of hair get carried in the wind.

"You sound like you like her." Kazuha said, smirking at him. Venti opens his mouth but no words, Kazuha still smirks at him having no defense for himself. "Maybe it's just her physical appearance. I think you'll like her too whenever you see her, hopefully in a good condition. I overheard you mentioning something about Heizou, could you maybe tell me something about him as we wait?" Kazuha sighs thinking about it.

Back when they were teenagers, other students would often get in Heizou's way to spend more time with Kazuha. "Kazuha, hi!" Heizou said happily, and a wide smile on his face. "Kazuha is coming with us today, right?" The brunette boy said to Kazuha, though he didn't respond. "He says he doesn't need you, mister Ultra Gaga and mesenteric." "Yeah," the other boy agreed. "I bet your mom told you the same thing." "Let's go, Kazuha."  The brunette said, waiting for Kazuha to follow him to the streets. "Okay..."

Heizou walks to where they were going to get in their way. He takes his shoes off surprisingly fast, throwing them to the two boys faces. "Ow!" They both said simultaneously.

"That hurt! Why would you do that?" The brunette questioned. "I'm gonna tell!" The dark headed one threatened. "This is bullying, you know that?" "That's why I don't need you, either. I don't need Kazu, or my mother. I don't need anyone, not anyone!" Heizou goes in between them and runs away. Kazuha grabs Heizou's shoes before following him as fast as he could. "Wait up. I need you, Heizou. Maybe you don't need me, but I need you, okay? You hear?"

Heizou slows down and so does Kazuha. It looked like he was starting to calm down but he speeds up his way to the water. "Heizou!" He cried out. Heizou continues to wail at the bridge near the water, as Kazuha was finally able to catch up and apologize or say something to comfort the poor thing.

"Heizou, I'm sorry." He apologized. Heizou crawls between Kazuha's legs still trying to get away from him, while wailing away. "Wait, Heizou!" He begged. It was upsetting Kazuha seeing Heizou this way, that he started to cry as well. "I'm sorry, Heizou!" He said again.

"That's when I realized that he always puts on a brave face. He pretends he's alright...even when he's hurt in the inside." Kazuha said giving a sad smile, letting his quote sink in his mind. "But you're still my friend, aren't you?" Heizou approached beside him with crossed arms. Kazuha's smile brightens as his hand supports his chin. "Yeah, always."

Everyone feels the sudden feeling in their bodies become more chilly. They all could see the mountains close by, looking more icy and white all around. There was no signs of green grass or healthy trees. "Okay, seems like we've arrived." Bediou announced. "Y'all might as well hurry up, there might be a bad snowstorm while you're there."

Aether takes the first step onto the snowy ground, but almost slipping. "Are you sure Y/N is here?" Xiao asked. "Y/N told me her mother works with the Fatui, so assuming that's half of the reason why she was taken, this has to be where she is." He replied.

"So what's our plan, then?" Heizou asked. "What do you mean? Retrieve the lady...?" Kazuha said. "I know that, but how do we get in? Do we look like we are apart of the Fatui? We have an Adeptus here for crying out loud." "Let's just walk around for a bit, and see where we'll end up." Venti suggested.

"We'll have to be on guard, though. Let's go." Aether go north as everyone follows behind him, letting him lead. First impression, it was not that windy, but pretty cold. It was as if it was pretty hard to see no other colors but white around themselves as they browse. It's a good thing Aether knows where to go but it's not like he's known here for a good reason.

Aether felt stressed seeing a lot more Fatui guards stand around, most likely being his cause after what he stole. "So you are the boys trying to find her." Everyone wields their weapons, aiming at the man's voice. "I know I may not look trustworthy, but I'm no harm." He lifts his hands in the air, no sign of a weapon. "See?" Aether lowers his sword to get a better look at him. "Scaramouche?"

"We meet again, oh might Traveler." Aether signals the boys to let down their weapons as they obeyed. "What shall be your reason of coming back, Hm?" He smiles while walking around him. "Are you here to steal another lyre?" "Wait...steal?" Heizou asked.

"Oh? You mean y'all weren't in on this?" He asked as everyone stays silent, in shock and disappointment. "I'm afraid the one he stole is behind your cape right there, the one in all green." Venti grabs the lyre, he couldn't stare at its beautiful carvings anymore...he was just too hurt by this sudden news. "Venti...I can explain."

Heizou walks closer to Aether, "What is there to explain? You stole that lyre." "I thought you made this for me..." Venti said quiet, looking up at Aether with glossy eyes. "I remember teaching you how to carve on wood, so I assumed you made this for me. But to make things worse, you stole this. Of all things, you stole this...why?" "Please, you have to understand, I wasn't the best at making gifts and that one looked perfect for you."

"But does stealing make it any better? How would you feel if something you cherished for days, was turns out to be stolen by the person who gave it to you?" Venti's voice became more sensitive like he was gonna break. Aether didn't respond knowing he was in the wrong as he looks down at the snow. Venti surrounds the lyre in Anemo, putting all of his strength to throw it against a tree as it breaks in pieces. He pushes Aether away, "You're so stupid."

"Venti, be careful." Kazuha said, noticing he was running away. Aether was even more sad yet angry that his stolen gift was broken in pieces, he faces Scaramouche who was honestly didn't know how to feel about this scene. "This is all your fault, Scaramouche, why would you say something such as that?"

Scaramouche lifts his index finger and opens his mouth for words, Heizou takes his chance and does it for him. "Who are you to be mad in a situation like this? Keep whining and stomping your feel all you want, I could have you arrested for this. And now, I'm helping not a traveler, but a thief." Heizou chest rises as he lets out a heavy sigh, the cold air comes out of his mouth like smoke. "You're just like him..."

Heizou walks away to the same direction where Venti vanished. Aether throat was in pain over holding in his tears. The lyre was to beautiful for him to ignore, he had to give it to someone like Venti...But it was wrong to steal. Kazuha was hesitant to approach but holds his shoulder. "Listen, I don't think I can defend in any away but the Windblume Festival last...three days or less, right? Surely you can find something else to give him."

Aether gently removes his hand with a sad smile. "Let's not waste anymore time..." the snow under his feet crunchiest feeling the heaviness of his feet heading the other way. Scaramouche looks and Xiao and Kazuha with no words to speak about and follows him. The two follow behind him and now they can proceed the mission, but except everyone was in a gloomy mood.


"There! There he is!" Venti has been caught by some soldiers soon after fleeing from the others. Not knowing much in the nation, Venti didn't know where to run or hide. He finds a building that was mostly empty but had lighting in it as if someone was in there. "Get him." One of them ordered.

The main area of the place was empty and had a big crystal chandelier handing off the ceiling. Venti was now cornered as the soldiers came inside with their weapons in hand. Venti lifts his hands, "No, please." An arrow about the pierce threw him, has been flung away by the Anemo he used. "Stay away!"

The strong impact of the wind had the man who used a crossbow weak on the floor after being thrown to the wall. Venti created a wall full of his power, pushing it against the other guard to the edge of the patio. Childe and his assistants ran inside the scene, seeing Venti continuing to try and push him off. "Barbatos! Don't be the monster they fear you are."

Venti after realizing it, he lets go of his power. If he really could, using all of his power could destroy the nation. At least if he had his gnosis, unless he's still strong as ever without it. The soldier on the floor grabs his crossbow with all of his last strength, aiming it at Venti and almost pulling the trigger.

Childe notices the soldiers move, so he hurries his way to the soldier and aims it at the chandelier. Venti gasp looking at the chandelier fall before him. He runs his way out of it, but the chandelier caught him as he loses consciousness.

                                                              Someday from ZOMBIES.

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