A life to forget.

By Heyitsmech1an

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Madam yu and Jiang Fengmian have another argument, but this time they don't brush it off like it was nothing... More

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By Heyitsmech1an

"Psst.. my lady, Psst.. !" Fengmian whispered, his hands cupped over his mouth in a way that made his voice sound louder.

Yu Ziyuan jumps awake, startled by the calling of her name, quickly regretting that as she placed a hand to her aching head.

she didn't expect to see her husband in another cell arms length away from her. "Fengmian.?" She slowly titled her head to the side, squinting in an attempt to make out his figure better.

"Oh my god, it is you!" Yu Ziyuan shouts, completely astonished.

"Yeah, we're not in a good place right now. From what I've put together, they're going to sell us.."

"WHAT?!" Yu Ziyuan screamed, they were going to be sold?! What we're they, animals?!

"I know.. I know.. just quiet down!"

"Hmph, you have some nerve telling me to quiet down, remind me who was the one who cheated?"

"I honestly should've stayed with Wen Zhuliu.." Yu Ziyuan muttered.

"Huh?!" Jiang Fengmian was shocked. He knew they had chemistry, but he didn't know they we're together!

This was all too much to handle. He could feel another headache coming in..


Almost a week had passed, and they both stayed in their separate cells, doing their own separate things and barely sharing a few words between one another.


"I hate this, I hate you, and I hope you fall off a cliff or drown in one of those dirty lakes." Yu Ziyuan huffed. All she knew was that she was sitting in a bathtub with what seemed like a thousand maids around her all doing something related to getting her ready to be sold.

She hated the feeling of so many hands on her. It was giving her flashbacks of her wedding night..

Just thinking of that made her shiver..

"Ugh, stop pulling on my hair like that!" She hissed, splashing water on one of the maids. The maid gasped and gave her a hard smack to her face.

"You witch!" The maid yelled, Yu Ziyuan refused to be treated like that, so she raised from the water and slapped the maid back harder.

"You dare harm me, the wife of one of the wealthiest, most powerful clans out of all china? The Madam of the Jiang sect?"

Yu Ziyuan laughed before she spoke again, "You dare to test me? You're mistaken, young one... very mistaken.."

Another  maid who was dressed on extravagantly than the others stepped up.

"Shut up, you're stupid if you think you'll return to lotus pier. No wonder that stupid husband of yours cheated on you."

"Yeah, we could hear you both in there thanks to tailsmen."

Yu Ziyuan then laid back in the tub after the head maids speech, and no maid dared to speak.

The next thing she knew, she was dried and dressed. She was put in beautiful pink, silky robes. With pink hair accessories, basically Barbie.

(I spent 45 mins on this lazy edit)


"Wow.. Fengmian, you look.. ugly." Yu Ziyuan laughed, Fengmian frowned, not expecting her to say such cruel words.

But then again.. what was he to expect from her.

"Oh gee, thanks so much." Jiang Fengmian replies, fiddling with his fingers.

"Just shut up. We're in chains on top of a leveled platform along with two others that are currently passed out."

"I know.. but what are we to do, my lady?"

"Don't call me that, Fengmian." Yu Ziyuan warned, her tone as sharp as a knife.

"Understood." Fengmian replies, saying nothing more.

Soon, a bunch of people begin to flood into the room, which grabs the attention of Yu Ziyuan and Fengmian.

"Okay, I knew we were being sold, and there'd be people.. but I didn't think that many people would come.."

Jiang Fengmian was just surprised as Yu Ziyuan. There we're many people all dressed in fancy robes and jewelry that decorated their wrist, heads, ankles, and face.

"So is it too late to back down.?" Yu Ziyuan said before a man dressed in gold from head to toe stood in front of them.

"MAY THE BIDDING BEGIN!" He yelled with the widest grin.


There was a silence after the man finished talking. No one even dared to speak up at first. Then, after a while, they could hear an old lady speak up. "I shall open the bidding at 50000 gold coins." She says, holding up her pouch full of coins.

Jiang Fengmian looked over at her shocked and Yu Ziyuan was livid but tried to keep her temper under control

"Don’t tell me I have to get sold for dirt cheap, I am still the wife of the Sect leader Jiang."

The old lady scoffed, "You are both as worthless as the dirt beneath the fingernails of my servants," she sneered.

Fengmian was about to speak and go off, but Yu Ziyuan put her hand on his arm. A small gesture to silently tell him to stop.

A man spoke up, saying, "50000 gold coins is too much for nothing but trash." Yu Ziyuan clenched her fist but still was quiet.

Fengmian looked over at Ziyuan then below him. He sighed softly before he noticed how many rich looking people there were and how quiet they were starting to get. He was getting anxious.

The bids began to get higher and higher over the hours until someone  finally shouted..



"I'm honestly disappointed.. I thought we'd sell for higher.." Yu Ziyuan sighed.


I felt bad for taking so long to update and posting a short chapter so her you guys go! 957 words!

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