💜Undefined Love💜 ✔️

By taekook7777

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Just dig in the story, I'm sure you guys can't back away..... Let me clear something it's mpreg story and in... More

~50~ last chapter..


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By taekook7777

Sunday morning,

All had their breakfast, while jin namjoon yoongi and jimin along with Joshua dk and Amy hope went to have small picnic with amyhope and namjin's kids, and about mr and Mrs jeon they also went somewhere as its Sunday, bua and bam they went to meet their relatives who come to Seoul from London,

So now in the whole mansion only tae kook and irena present, Kook plan something for tae to confess his love,
Today he's going to confess his love to tae, today he will tell all emotions that he's feeling for tae,

Now tae and kook both r cuddling in their bedroom, where kook had his hands wrapped around tae's butt..

Kook:"I have small surprise for you, I will go now and you come when I will call you." He says, tae look at him,

Tae:"don't go na it's ok let the surprise wait im not feeling good." He says..
Yeah that's what both r feeling from morning, now that feeling is very strong in their hearts but kook decided once he confess afternoon then he can be with tae whole day even he plan many thing for Monday too as he take leave..

Kook:"my lil cub trust hubby hmm you will love this surprise." He says.
Tae:"but no one is here and I don't get good vibes with irena." He says while looking at him with pout, Kook coo at him and peck his pout..

Kook:"I know that's why I call dino, he didn't go anywhere so once he will come I will go and then I will call you then you will also come as I have to complete the surprise." He says..

Tae whine loudly but sigh,

Tae hug him tightly and started sucking kook's neck making big big hickies on his neck..
Kook groan and hold tae tightly,

Kook:"aahhh wait you lil cub of mine, cub hubby will take you now don't be angry." He says very well known whenever he get angry he will suck his neck like this only,

Just then someone knock on their room,
But tae didn't let kook go,
Kook:"don't be stubborn tae, I promise I will never let any danger near you." He says with strict tone,

Tae look at him with glossy eyes, Kook sigh,
Tae:"don't go anywhere plzzz." He says while his tears cheated and started flowing,

Kook:"shhhh my baby my cub hubby will call you in 30 min cub I promise now you will be good boy for hubby right." He says while tae noded,

Kook:"come let's go down I think dino came." He says while holding tae's hand and peck his lips..

Tae and kook open the door there they saw dino,

Kook:"sry dino now I'm going, dino be with him I will call you hmm." He says looking at din and then tae who just noded,

They all want towards living area where irena is sitting already,

Kook look at tae last time whose eyes r screaming telling him not to go,

Kook give flying kiss to tae and went towards his car,

After kook went tae decided to be with dino as he came there just for him, so tae and dino went towards playing room..

Irena smirk looking at them, and call bogum,

In call:

Irena:"it's time kook already went out."She says..
Bogum:"ok you know what you have to do." He ask with a smirk..

Irena:"yeah I know very well but dino kook's childhood friends brother is with tae." She says.
Bogum:"oohh then no problem just send him telling something but I don't want my plan fail do you get it." He says..

Irena:"ok then you also be ready." She says and cut the call...

Just then he saw dino going towards kitchen,

Irena:" dino can u plz bring medicines from medical store as I'm getting so much headache." She ask while stopping him,

Dino:"why medical store I will ask tae hyung I'm sure he have it in first aid kit." He says..

Irena:" I already ask he said they don't have it." She says..
Dino:" oohh then ask maids they will bring." He says, irena gritted her teeths,

Irena:" dino plz I'm really in pain plz buy it for me maids r also not there as today is Sunday." She says trying her best to not show anger..

Dino sigh,
Dino:"ok wait I will come after informing tae hyung." He was about to go but irena stop,
Irena:"it's ok I will myself tell him." He says, dino with sigh went towards medical store,

Irena smirk,
Just then tae came down looking for dino,

Tae:"where is he dino." He mumble to himself..
Irena:"oohh tae dino just went to his mansion as dk called him for some work he said to me to tell you that he will be late." As she says tae frown but shrugged it off..

Tae:" oohh ok thanks." He says and was about to but irena stop him,
Irena:" tae listen hannie just came and tell me to tell you to meet him at backyard." She says, tae look at her being confused,

Tae:"why he didn't called me." He mumble, but irena hear it,
Irena:" tae I know we don't have much bonding but I'm not lying, he's really calling you." She says, tae just noded and went towards backyard...

Tae come near backyard and their he didn't saw anyone, he was about to call hannie but flinch when someone held a cloth infront of his nose, fear crawled in his veins, in that time he just think about one person and that is his husband....
He black out and the person who's wearing secretly take him towards car and from their they take him where their boss told him,
Irena saw all this and smirk in victory,
They choose backyard purposely as there r no cameras present...

After about almost 1 hr,
Kook completed all decoration, he get distracted by the decoration that he didn't notice time, when he saw time he get shocked and fastly call tae,

But tae didn't pick up call, now he's getting scared because whatever work will tae do his 1st priority is kook's call..
If kook call him then he leave all work to pick up his call,

Kook was trying his best to call tae, but no one is picking up then he call dino, he's also not picking his calls, finally he call on landline of Jeon mansion but their also no one is attending...
He started get panicking as the pain in his hurt increasing tae is hurt or tae is going away from him...

He fastly went towards his car and started driving his car in high speed, he break all signals, but he don't care, he just want to see tae, he want his husband, He want to be in his husband's arms, he don't know but his tears r flowing from his eyes, he don't know what's happening to him, but this time he's feeling different and painful feeling I'm his heart,

However he reach in mansion, he fastly went in, their he saw his mom dad along with tae's mom dad dadu badi maa bade papa Sara Tara and all tops and bottoms present, he get confused that what they all r doing here,

He went in,
All look at him,
Mrs jeon:"oohh kook you r back." She says.
Kook:"yes mom didn't you guys went out." He ask being confused..

Mr jeon:"yeah we went but did you forget today is yeonie's birthday so we called Kim's we were about to call you but you came." He says..
Kook:"oohh ok but mom dad where is tae." As he ask all look at him being confused,

Jin:"isn't he with you, dino said you both went to date." He says.
Kook:"yeah I arranged it, I didn't take him with me I told him I will call him then he will come but he's not attending my calls where is he." He ask being panic..

Dadu:"what so you mean you don't know jungkook, jeon said tae is with you." He says.
Kook:"dadu I didn't take him I told him to stay here and he isn't picking my calls." He says, now all r getting panic..

Mrs jeon:"why did you leave him kook, why didn't you take him with you." She says while getting up from couch while all get up from their seats..

Kook:"dino, where is tae, didn't I told you to be with him." He ask looking at dino who look at him being confused..

Dino:"but hyung you only call him and tell him to come right." He ask.
Kook:"what r u saying I didn't call anyone." He says.

Dino:"but irena noona said that tae hyung told her that you called him and he went out." As he says now all r looking at irena, who just gulp in fear,

Irena:"yeah he did told me that you called him I even tell him that wait for dino he will come." She says while shuttering, jimin hannie wonu get suspicious on her,

Kook:"I didn't called him do you understand and dino why did you leave him on 1st place." He ask while getting out of his control...

Dino:"hyung irena noonasend to me to medical shop as she's having headache I even asked her that I will ask tae hyung but she said she already asked." He says..

Irena:"yes I did ask tae he tell me they don't have medicines that's why I send dino." She says..
Kook:"I swear irena if I got to know that you r behind it I will burn you alive and I mean it." He says in deep voice while his whole aure get change making shiver to all of them, none of the saw kook like this they r hella worried for both kook and tae,

Dadu:" jeon where is My kid, jeon he must be scared, do something jungkook." He says while putting his hand on his head sitting on couch,

That's when a guard came their,
Guard:"Mr jeon this letter was in post box so I bring it." He says while giving letter to joon..

As joon open the letter and read he get shocked....

Hey sweeties, hope you guys like the chapter, and sweeties plz trust me..
Sorry for mistakes.
Thank you for reading..

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