Tapestry of intrigues: Unveil...

By Amethystwolf19

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I am pleased to present my short stories collection, a compilation of carefully crafted narratives that aim t... More

The disappearance of friends
Blood diary
Haunted Asylum pt1
Haunted Asylum pt2.
Enchanted Harp
The Legendary Wolf
Late Christmas
Dead Santa
Retired Detectives
Diary Entries
Mysterious caller
Mischief of the isle
The Frozen Frame
The ghostly Guide
The Zodiac Victim
The Cursed Chef
The Silent Songbird
The Last Journal Entry
Old Parent's Diary
Cryptic Riddle
Unsolved murder
The Werewolf Suspect
Conspiracy Discovery
Robbery Gone Wrong
Vanishing Killer Detective
Mysterious Cruise Death
Sherlock The Dog
Wrong Conviction
Amnesiac's Mystery
Ghost Grandmother
Gang of Criminals
The Burning of Troy
Grounded: The President's Decision to Save Lives
The Sin Eater
Outlaws Beward: The Rise of a Fearless Mountie and the End of The Laramie Trail
The Captain's Diary
The Unexpected Birthday Adventure: A Journey Through Time and Self-Discovery
Diamonds in the Rough: A Journey to Fortune in 1897 South Africa
From the Depths: Voices of the Survivors of the Titanic
The Gangster's Last Stand
No Turning Back: One Boy's Race Against the Last Tasmanian Tiger
Voices from the South Pacific: An Explorer's Tale
The Burden of Legacy: How I Fear Failing my Historical Protagonist's Story
Temporary Refuge: A story of strangers bound by natural disaster
New Earth Chronicles: The quest for a sustainable planet
Saved by the maid: A heroic tale from 1856 Kansas
The Final Mission: Defending the Enterprise Against All Odds
Exhumed: The murder of Dr. Rodrigo Lopez
From Despair to Torture: An American Woman's story of survival
Blood on Baker Street: An Alphabetically Obsessed Serial Killer on the Loose
The Royal Secret Recipe: A Tale of Courage and Cuisine
The Consultant's Calling: Shedding Light on Troubling Situations
Mrs Beckett's Enigmatic Mansion
Dragon's Reign: When the mother of dragons comes to hamelin
In search of Rebecca: A father and son's quest for the justice
Nightmare in the woods: A camping trip gone wrong
The Thriller
The Wonders and Their new pet
The Hidden Passion
The Immortal Mystery: A Dog's Perspective on Human Longevity
The Knock of Indeterminacy
The Haunted Effigy
The Twlight Editing saga: A Fanged Editor quest
Neon Dreams & Dial-up Dilemmas
The Firebrand's Letters: From the Siege of Constantinople
The Whispers of 43
The Sons of Liberty: The Tailor's Apprentice and the American Revolution
The building's legacy: past and present
The Unseen Eye: A Gossip Columnist's Diary
The Apothecary's Almanac: A Day in 1642
Living Light: The Jack-o- Lantern's Awakening
The Precursor to 007: John Knight's Shadowy Odyssey
Through the Gates of Exploration: Marco polo's Packing Philosophies
The Uncharted Journals: A chronicle of discovery
The Hidden Truth of the Beast
The keeper of Forgotten Tales
A Thousand Lies
The Reader's Revelation
A heartbeat in the silence
The Night of the Unliving
The Inevitable Climax
Snapshots of Time's Crucible
The human within
Whispers from the stacks: A Library Hidden Secrets
The Unbidden Box
The Missing Moment: A Disconnection with Consequences
The monday Missive
The Letter That Changed Everything
Undead & Unbound: A Vampire's Journey
OutLaw Express
Six-shooter symphony
Dust Devil and Dream
The Dust of Our Ancestors
United on the perilous path: Wagon trains in the night
Beneath a moonlit Sky
Midnight Confession
The Curse of the Forbidden Thicket
The game that Change Everything
A Cage Of One's Own
The Internal Battle
The Dream Job Blues
The Ashes of Home
Knock, Knock, Who's There
The Shattered Glass
The Day That Never Ends
Where Shadow Dance
The Devil's Bargain
The Ghostly Tapestry: Interwoven Threads of Life and Death
From cave to costume: The time-traveling pumpkin artist
The Costume that never came off
Stitching Up Trouble: The Rise and Fall of the halloween king
The Phantom of the Empty Stage
Boo: A Halloween Mystery
After The Blackout
The Recipe for Forever
A Neighbour's Secret
Pumpkin Spice and McFlurries
Beyond the edge of darkness
The Sun's Undoing
Beyond The Surface
Beneath The New Horizon
Project Genesis: Secret Uncovered in the Shadow Lab
The Unforeseen
Echoes of the past: A journey through the ruins
The Prophecy Paradox
The Ticking Heart of Time
The Silent Mind
Footprints in the mud: A Tale of unease
The Package on seat 23
Animalia Amour: When zoological Zeal Borders on Extraordinary
Pumpkin Spice and McFlurries
Contents may bite: A Cautionary Tale
The Mirror's Lie
The Agency: Welcome to the family
Fifty Thousand Bricks
The Oracle's Whisper
Infernal Authority: The Devil's Deputy
The Long Silence Broken
Blood & Bridal veil
The Traitor's Shadow
The Shadow of the Tomb
Silent Steps, Deadly Revelation
The Store That Never Sleeps
The Impossible Assignment: When the CIA Sent Their own Agent Undercover
Two Souls, One Mountain
The Missing Years
Case Closed: The First Day
The Unsolvable: A study in Unpredictability
The Treasure in the backyard
From Flame to Flesh: A Dragon's Transformation
The Whispering Woods of Lumen: Chronicles of the woodcutter
Whispers Beyond the Veil
The Scroll of Forgotten Tongues
The Algorithmic Uprising: When AI Said Enough
The Shapeshifter's Choice
Hauntings and Heists: The Case File of Maya and Silas
The Last Guardian of the Afterlife
Echoes from the Depths: A Lighthouse in the Abyss
The Ghost Adventure Crew and the Haunting of Thunderclap Destruct
Un-Dead End: My Parents Choice
Countdown to Extinction
The Unnatural Selection: When Mother Nature Strike Back
Dust and Decay: A Nineteenth-century Antiquities Caper
Skyward Fury: The Pterodactyl Huntress
Against Gravity: A Story of Ambition and Innovation
The Black Bean Rebellion
The King's Lottery Bride
The Afterlife Begins at the End of the World
Until Death Do Us Part (Or Kidnap Us)
The way of the Stranger: Kyoto to Saigon
Neighbourhood of shadows
A Crack in the Foundation
The Eventing Broadcast That Never Was
A Building's Hidden History
A Single Blade's Promise
The Ghost Ship: ZoZo's Terror on the high seas
Vice City's Shadows: The Black Lotus Society
The Unseen Paw
Mirror, Mirror on the wall, Who's the ghostier of them all?
The Claus Clause
Innocent Blood, Guilty Mind
The Faithful Watchdog
Home Improvement, Murder Included
Whispers from the untouched
The Forgotten Kingdom
Echoes of the Deep
The Magic in Plain Sight
Beyond the Horizon: A Dream's Price
The Language of Belonging
Truth Be Told: A Liar's Tale
The egg that change everything
The taste of the wild
The False Promise
The Earth's Last Stand
Whispers of the wind: A symphony of smoke and dust
The Unbalanced Ecosystem
Whispers in the wasteland: A heart's Journey to hope

Cabin Boy

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By Amethystwolf19

I had heard stories about the Wild West, tales of adventure and riches that captured the imaginations of young boys. But when I boarded the Panama, a famous paddle wheel headed west in 1843, I quickly learned that the reality was far from the romanticized version.

I was just a young cabin boy, forced into servitude after my family fell on hard times. My only possession was a small wooden crucifix that my mother had given me before she died. It was a reminder of who I once was before I was thrown into a world of outlaws, land swindlers, and gold prospectors.

As the Panama set sail, I couldn't help but feel a sense of dread wash over me. I had heard whispers about the passengers on board, dangerous men who would do anything for a chance at riches in the West. But I had no choice but to serve them, my small frame barely able to handle the heavy tasks assigned to me.

Days turned into weeks as we journeyed through treacherous waters and rough terrains. The decks of the Panama were overflowing with rough-looking men, their eyes filled with greed and their pockets filled with gold dust. I tried to keep to myself, staying out of their way as much as possible.

But one day, I accidentally spilt a bucket of water on one of the passengers, a notorious outlaw known for his violent temper. He grabbed me by the collar and pulled me close, his foul breath hitting me like a wave. I could smell the alcohol on his breath, and I knew I was in trouble.

'Who do you think you are, boy?' he growled, his grip on me tightening. 'I'll make you pay for this.'

Trembling with fear, I could only stare back at him with wide eyes. But before he could do any harm, another passenger came to my defence. It was a grizzled old prospector with a kind face, something I had not seen in a long time.

'Leave the boy alone, Black Jack,' the prospector said, his voice commanding. 'He's just a child.'

With a scowl, Black Jack let go of me and stormed off. I let out a sigh of relief, thanking the prospector for his intervention.

'Don't thank me yet, boy,' he said, his voice gruff but kind. 'You'll soon learn that there are no friends on this ship.'

And he was right. As we travelled further west, I witnessed the true brutality of the passengers on board Panama. There were fights, thefts, and even murders. I heard whispered conversations about land claims and fights over gold mines. It was a lawless world, and I was caught in the middle of it all.

But as we reached our final destination, I realized that my journey in Panama was not in vain. It was in the West that I found a new family, a group of misfits and outcasts who took me in and treated me as their own. And as I looked out at the vast expanse of land before me, I knew that this new beginning was all thanks to the treacherous journey on the Panama.

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