
By LoU_Sakura123

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Prologue Finally placing her twins down for bed, Princess Ayumu walked back downstairs to the kitchen to fin... More

Author's Notes
Rest In Peace
Crying Skies
Unknown Foe
Mute I
Mute II
Mute III
Unknown Foe II
In The Works
Feelings Not Being Heard
Old Family Drama
Watch Your Back
Looking For Clues
Family Reunion
Unexpected Event
Unraveling I
In The Mist
Unraveling II
Secrets Out
Getting Ready To Kick Some Ass
Attempted Revenge
How It Started
Additional Characters and Clans
Year Later
What's To Come
Authors' Notes

Need To Breathe

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By LoU_Sakura123

King Itachi Uchiha- 39 years old

Princess Adesina Alex Uchiha- 6 years old

Shisui Uchiha- 39 years old

Dakarai Cade Uchiha- 37 years old

Cleo Cade Uchiha-12 years old

Dahlia Cado Uchiha- 37 years old 

Narrator POV

The same day and moment Sumire got to the castle, Dahlia was in King Itachi's office with Shisui and Dakarai. 

"Look no offense to you and your brother, but I think you should stay here. What happened to Obito can happened to anyone else, he would have made you stay here. So, stay here." Shisui said, looking at his sister-in-law. 

Dakarai is quiet. Didn't know what to do. 

King Itachi also quiet but assessing. 

Dahlia sigh. "I know. But I need to be out for a day or two. That's all I'm asking. I promised my brother I'll be there tonight and look over the documents that's in the underground. He hadn't had a chance to look over them and since I'm not working now, I need to keep my mind occupied for the meantime. It's the only useful thing I can do now." Dahlia said breathlessly. 

"Then what about the kids? What are you going to tell them? You heard what Akari said. Those kids won't be allowed to leave." Shisui said.

 "I know. And I know they'll be safe here. I just I need to step out. In every room I walk into, I can smell him, somewhat sense him. He's everywhere in this castle. He spends most of his time here than he ever did at home. I still get overwhelmed okay. I love my kids to death, and I need to get myself together, before breaking down in front of them again. And what had happened to my brother and with some documents went missing, I need to get on top of that before our clan elders breathe down his neck." Dahlia said.

 Shisui was about to say something, but his cousin and best friend did. 

"I understand Dahlia. So, it's okay. But because of what happened, I'm going to send someone with you, to guard if you will. So, Shisui here can breathe." King Itachi said pointing at his cousin.

 Dakarai smiled. "But.." "Babe, can you stop. I understand that you want to make sure your brother's wife is safe and I'll make sure nothing happens to her. Okay?" Dakarai, cutting her husband off and placing her hand on his shoulder.

 "You're going to go?" Shisui asked. 

"Well, yes. The people in the Cado clan knows me very well. So, we'll be fine." Dakarai sent him a reassuring smile. He sighs. "Fine. Only for two days and you guys must be back here. You guys should head out soon before it gets too dark." Shisui said defeated. 

Dakarai smiled and quickly kiss her husband's cheek, bowing her head to The King and grabbing Dahlia's hands. Leaving the two alone.

 Once Shisui couldn't sense his wife nor his sister's in-law's charka, he spoke up again. "How's is he?" Shisui ask, without looking at his cousin. 

"He's.... Fine." The King replied with a smirk. "I hardly doubt that." Shisui said looking at him. "She said he's angry and wants to come but you know, we can't do that just yet." The King said.

 "Uggh. I know. But I feel so bad, you know, lying." Shisui said. "You're not lying though." The King said. "But I'm withholding..." Shisui stop talking because the door open. Only to see Princess Adesina. 

"Uncle Shisui." The Princess exclaims, running to Shisui. King Itachi cracks a smile. "Adesina. How are you? Not causing trouble, are you?" Shisui said, grabbing her and tickling her. The door opens a bit more. Cleo walks in. She bows her head towards the King first and then to her dad.

 "I'm sorry. I'm watching her for the day, and she keeps on running away." Cleo said. King Itachi motions her to come in. "It's okay, Cleo, she loves doing that and we keep on telling her to stay whomever she is supposed to be with." King Itachi said watching his cousin/best friend making his daughter laugh.

 Cleo watches the duo and somewhat feeling sad. Cleo snaps her thoughts and looks at the time on the wall. "Oh, Adesina, it's bath time. We must get you wash up before dinner." Cleo said. "But I don't want to wash up. I want to stay here with uncle and daddy." Adesina whined.

 "Oh yeah, or should I go and tell your grandfather, you love his training he gives in the mornings. I'm sure he would give you extra." Cleo said, looking at her nails. Princess Adesina gasp. "Le gasp. You wouldn't." She stares at her older cousin. "And I heard, aunty Akari may be joining in the morning as well. She also said, whoever whines the most is going to spend some more time with her. I know you don't want that do you?" Cleo continues.

 "NO! Fine, you win Cleo, no fair." The little Princess wiggle herself out of Shisui's gasps and went to grab Cleo's hand. "Bye uncle, bye daddy, see you two later." The little Princess almost screams. 

Cleo bows her head towards The King and her father once again. 

Shisui wave at the little one, not looking at his twelve-year-old daughter. 

The duo left, closing the door completely.

 "Okay, what was that?" King Itachi asks. Shisui look confuse. "What?" 

He looks at his cousin. "Clearly something was wrong with your daughter. You didn't see the look in her face?" The King said. "I'm sure she's fine." Shisui said nonchalantly. "Shisui?" The King knew his idiotic cousin was holding back information. 

Shisui sigh. "Fine. We have been rocky lately. Being the President of an entire region does take a lot of us. Work extremely long hours and barley see our families. When I was a mayor, I had more time on my hands and was able to be home to Cleo when she was a baby, but when I took the President job six months after her birth, I haven't been home often. I missed a lot of parts of her life, and she's upset about it." Shisui finish, looking at his cousin. 

"You said, 'us', so, does all of the other Presidents feel the same?" King Itachi asks. "Just the two of us that have families. The other two, don't and they're are pretty much workaholic." Shisui muttered the last part quietly.

 "Shisui, why didn't you say anything? That is why we have these councilmen and assistants." King Itachi looks at his cousin. "I know and that's the part too. Every time I have some work for some of them to do, they either just give me excuses. I guess I'm too nice and I just do them myself." 

King Itachi, not liking this one bit, took out pen and paper and started to write some things down.

 "What are you doing?" Shisui looks at him. 

"Well, once this thing here is over, you and your family are going away for a vacation. I, on the other hand will be visiting Blueland." He replied. "You don't need to do that Itachi." King Itachi snaps his eyes back to him. 

"Clearly, I do. Look Shisui, yes, our jobs are stressful, but that doesn't mean, you shouldn't be able to enjoy our life and miss out on your daughter upbringing. This country values their children more than anything, it's common practice parents to take time out to be with them. I'm sure, your wife explained that to you already." The younger cousin said to the other.

 "Hai. Thank you." King Itachi smiles. "Whelp, that's enough time in the office, let's check on everyone else." 

The King got up from his seat and so did Shisui, and both walk out of the office.

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