Devil May Love | Niklaus Mik...

By JarrodYouSuck

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[Completed] "I could love the devil as long as that devil loves me as much as he loves Hell" Evangeline Salv... More

Chapter One: Evangeline
Chapter Two: Dragon Breath
Chapter Three: The Bite
Chapter Four: Price for the Cure
Chapter Six: Evangeline's Story
Chapter Seven: Pure Loneliness
Chapter Eight: Tornado
Chapter Nine: Chicago
Chapter Ten: Not-so-St. Stefan
Chapter Eleven: Spitfire
Chapter Twelve: Do You Think I'll Die?
Chapter Thirteen: Bring Me Back
Chapter Fourteen: With or Without You
Chapter Fifteen: Trapped
Chapter Sixteen: Ultimate Importance
Chapter Seventeen: Ties That Bind
Chapter Eighteen: Elijah's Return
Chapter Nineteen: Family Above All
Chapter Twenty: Mother Dearest
Chapter Twenty One: Give Me Love
Chapter Twenty Two: Dangerous Liaisons
Chapter Twenty-Three: Life of an Ex-Salvatore
Chapter Twenty-Four: Obstruct Love
Chapter Twenty Five: Enamored
Chapter Twenty-Six: Transformation
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Cruel Intentions
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Forthcoming Fate
Chapter Twenty-Nine: The Sunrise before the Sacrifice
Chapter Thirty: Do Not Go Gentle

Chapter Five: Ray Sutton

32K 657 228
By JarrodYouSuck

After Klaus revealed to me that he planned on making more hybrids, we fell back into a silence as I took in the information. Why could he possibly wish to make more like him? So he wouldn't be alone? If so, I could completely understand that. Back when I learned of the unus ignis, I almost didn't want to leave them. I'd never heard of them before and I wanted to learn what their kind was like and what they were capable of but when I learned that that part of me was dormant, I felt like an outcast. If I could meet someone like me just once, I would be the happiest girl in the world but it was nearly impossible. They were a dying species the last time I'd been in contact with my grandmother three years ago.

I was almost jealous of Klaus because of his ability to possibly to create more people like him.

"Niklaus?" I began as we pulled into a forested area.

"Yes, love" He murmured as we came near a bar & grill that seemed to appear out of nowhere.

"Do you know if this will work?" He'd turned to me as I'd asked that and sighed.

"It has to" was all he said before he got out of the car and I scrambled to catch up with him.

We walked into the little bar and grill and all eyes were on us seeing as we stood out like a pair of sore thumbs. Lucky for me, most of the inhabitants were males who were looking at me like I was a piece of meat—note the sarcasm. Klaus grabbed my wrist and began looking around before he spotted someone and dragged me over towards a certain section of the males.

We came up to a man who looked around 30 with a brown beard and a scowl on his face as he met eyes with Klaus. As much as he tried to seem tough, the fear in his eyes ruined his façade as he lost the stare off and stood as we approached.

"Ray Sutton, you are one tough wolf to find" The British hybrid announced giving the werewolf a snarky smirk.

He looked at me briefly before looking back to Klaus, "What are you doing here?"

"Where is your pack?" Klaus said bluntly not caring to beat around the bush.

The shorter man before went pale, "Wh-what?"

"You're going to bring me to your pack, I know you're the only werewolf here" Niklaus said once again.

The man broke out of his fearful trance and glared again, "I will never put them in danger with the likes of you"

I raised both eyebrows, I had to admit, the guy had guts. Though, his bravery didn't hide his lack of common sense.

Niklaus audibly growled sending a chill down my spine before he looked at me.

"Get something to eat" He said digging in his pocket to pull out his wallet.

Before I could speak, he lifted my chin just as he had in the car making me focus in on his eyes as he compelled me.

"If anyone tries to talk to you in a harmful way or take you somewhere, attack and feed on them until they're completely drained, understood?" His pupils dilated.

"Understood" I murmured in a monotone then I shook out of it and he slightly shoved me towards the bar with a crisp twenty dollar bill before turning his glare to the werewolf in question.

God please don't let any of these jackasses come near me, I thought to myself warily as I sat down at the bar.

The bartender approached right when my stomach let out a nasty growl that he chuckled at.

"How can I help you, doll face?" He asked through an oddly New York type of accent, giving me a cheesy smirk that I cringed at.

The man openly gave me a once—twice-over and I became very aware of the low-cut on the v-neck I had on. I immediately wished I had brought a jacket as I coughed to get the pig to stop trying to look down my shirt. He looked up at me and grinned showing a few silver teeth.

"Can I have a bacon cheeseburger with no onions and a Pepsi?" I asked mustering up the most polite voice I could.

He just had to ruin it, "Can I have your number?"

"I'm afraid not" I said clenching my fists under the bar.

His smirk widened "And why not?"

"The blonde choking the guy with the beard is my boyfriend" Was the first excuse I could make up.

He looked over at Klaus who had the bearded werewolf up in the air by his throat as he shout demands at him and the man tried to hide his fear. The men at his table looked at Niklaus in shock because although he had a strong physique, he didn't seem like he could hold that much muscle. Obviously they didn't know who he was.

The sleazy guy looked back at me in disbelief, "I doubt that sweetheart and what are you doing lying about a scrawny guy like that when I can ruin that pretty little body just fine?"

He threw me a disgustingly lustful look and licked his greasy lips with a smirk that I wanted to punch off of his face. My patience was running then and my appetite was turning into a pit of annoyed anger, Klaus really needed to hurry up. The last thing I wanted to do was see this pig's comments as harmful because his blood probably would taste like nothing but alcohol and pig grease. Just the thought of draining the guy made me gag.

I ignored the man and began mutter lowly to the hybrid across the room "Klaus, I'd love it if you sped it up just a little because this bartender is asking to get his throat ripped out by my bare hands and not my teeth, if I bite into him, I'll get high cholesterol"

The hybrid smirked, seeming to have heard me, "Evangeline? Come here, love" he called me over not breaking eye contact with Ray Sutton as he continued to hold him in the air.

Throwing the shocked bartender a smirk, I hopped off of the barstool and went over to Klaus to see what he wanted. It was unrealistic, but a little part of me was hoping he was going to say we were leaving. I knew we weren't anywhere near close to done but a girl could dream.

Klaus broke his glare at the unfortunate man she gave me a softer look, my stupid heart warmed at that action but I chose to ignore it. He was the same man who took me away from my brothers before I could spend so much as forty eight hours with them.

"Love, compel everyone in the room to ignore us" He ordered gently lifting my chin to compel me before turning to Ray and giving him a sadistic look, "Ray here needs a bit more convincing"

"At your service" I muttered sarcastically under my breath not caring if the Original could hear me.

I went around the entire place muttering the same thing over and over until I found myself back at the bar with a now dazed sleazy bartender.

"I want my order now" I said, no longer sweet nor patient, "You can keep the change if you fix your breath" I waved around the twenty that the man followed with his eyes in the matter of a feline staring at a little red laser on the wall before they chased it.

"Coming right up doll face" He droned and I sneered at the pet name before I decided to ignore it and turn my attention to Klaus.

I watched in interest as the hybrid put a jar with amber liquid on the table wondering where the hell he'd gotten it from. Surely he was empty handed when he came in yet here he was with a nice sized jar of wolfsbane. How he got it, the world may never know.

Anyway, Ray watched in horror as he went over to the dart board and dumped a handful of darts into the jar with the sharp ends going into the liquid.

Well, I could definitely see things going downhill from here, I thought to myself as I took a large bite out of my burger that had just been set in front of me.

I handed the bartender the twenty not taking my eyes off of the pair as Klaus began trying once again to tell him where his pack met during the full moon. The werewolf glanced at the jar of lethal darts with worry but spat at Klaus telling him to go to hell.

The Hybrid only grinned at the supposed insult, "Only during the summer months"

I giggled at bit at his remark before shoveling a few fries in my mouth and wiping off the salt from my lips. At least the man embraced his sadism. As bad as it sounded, I couldn't help but to find it adorable that he'd pronounced summer with an 'ah' sound instead of the American 'er' pronunciation. Curse that damn accent, curse it!

"Evangeline, come here again, sweetheart" The Brit called once again and I groaned a bit since I'd only been halfway through my sandwich but I just brought it with me as I approached the two again.

The Sutton werewolf gave me a pleading look but I had to avoid his gaze before the guilt of being Klaus's accomplice began to hit me.

Before speaking, Klaus looked down at the plate in my hand and gave me a 'seriously' look which I merely returned with a shrug. He never said anything about leaving my meal behind.

He chuckled before lifting my chin—I was sure any bystander would probably think he was going to kiss me with how slowly he did it and the twinkle in his eye. I knew better though because not only did I still have a mouthful of food but I knew from common sense that I was about to be compelled. The Original Hybrid just had a thing for playing on my feelings with the little chin lift.

"Set Ray here up on the dartboard and I want you to take a shot at him every time he gives me an answer I don't particularly like" For a malicious werewolf-vampire hybrid, Klaus always seemed to have minty breath.

I blinked and then furrowed my eyebrows, "I'm sorry what?"

Irritation quickly sparked in his blue eyes before he repeated himself, pupils dilating as planned but I didn't feel the usual robot obedience daze.

That was...weird...

There was no vervain in my food because I would've been hacking said food up yet Klaus's compulsion failed on me. That could only mean...I internally went wide eyed when I thought about something Emiliana told me years and years ago about the unus ignis.

"We can only be compelled three times before our bodies build a tolerance for it and it no longer works"

I thought back, there was the time Klaus compelled me to go into the house and make sure I came back within thirty minutes. Then he compelled me before I went and sat at the bar the first time. After that when he told me to compel everyone in the room...holy shit. That was the three times, used up in less than twelve hours.

But wait, that side of me was supposed to be completely dormant, I wasn't supposed to have any of the characteristics of the species because I wouldn't develop them until age 21.

Pulling myself out of my thoughts, I zoned back in and began to pretend, "I will set him up on the dartboard"

Klaus looked like he knew something was up but he didn't seem to care as I hauled the werewolf up using my strength to overpower him as he fought against me on the way to the dartboard.

"Stay here and do not move" I compelled him and he repeated the words back to me completely dazed before shaking himself out of it and glaring at me.

I felt Klaus's eyes on me as he watched every move I made until I was back at the table with him and looking at the jar. Guilt began to fill my chest as I realized I'd have to perform this horrible task completely aware of what I was doing or else I'd be in even worse trouble.

Digging the guilt blade deeper, Klaus said, "Throw a test shot, I want to make sure my method is effective"

I wanted to throw the entire jar in his face for the smirk he wore. He knew the compulsion didn't work but he wanted to torture me anyway.

With a sigh, I looked down at the lethal darts and picked once up looking at the scared werewolf and feeling my heartbreak. I closed my eyes and aimed for his leg before releasing the dart in a swift, quick motion, wincing at the pained yell Ray released.

I would never forgive myself for doing this and being such a coward, I just knew it.

Niklaus, who seemed very pleased with the reaction gave me a satisfied smirk, "Perfect aim"

His appraisal made my entire appetite disappear as I felt disgusted with myself.

The blonde haired man looked at Ray and smirked, "Where is your pack mate?"

Ray Sutton just glared at the hybrid with enough hatred for everyone in the bar.

The Original gave me a look and with an inward sigh, I launched another wolfsbane laced dart at the werewolf, this time aiming for his stomach. His scream seemed to echo throughout the tattered place and blow my heart to smithereens. My conscience was yelling at me and reminding me of my days without my humanity.

The thing about me flipping the switch was, I still had a conscience that was with me every step of the way, I just never followed it and contradicted it instead.

Every inch of me felt terrible for what I was doing and I felt even worse that I was doing it to save my own skin from the wrath of Klaus. The thing was, I wasn't afraid of actually being killed by the hybrid; I didn't care much about death. I was afraid of never seeing my brothers again so I obeyed and I threw dart after dart for what felt like hours until...

"OKAY!" The wolf howled with tears streaming down his eyes seeing as the last dart grazed his heart, "I'll tell you where they are just please...stop"

He told Klaus what he needed to know then looked at me with my shoulders slumped in relief as I dropped the dart and sped over to help him. The wolf flinched when I came to him which made my heart clench but I ignored it, biting back tears as I removed the darts as fast as I could. Nearly twenty darts had been lodged into him before he finally gave in.

Klaus could've compelled the information out of him but instead he decided to be a sadist and torture him. The man with the blonde curls was truly insane.

The hybrid appeared next to me forcing his wrist into the wolf's mouth and for a second, I thought he was showing a bit of humanity and was healing the poor wolf. And in that second I was proved wrong as he snapped his neck and the man crumpled to the floor dead.

I gasped, with a hand covering my mouth as I looked at the innocent man. How could he just...

"He's not dead forever, he'll be coming back a hybrid" Klaus said with a grin before he picked the dead wolf up with complete ease and grabbed my wrist, walking out as if nothing happened.


Hey guys! I just wanted to say THANK YOU SO MUCH for almost one hundred reads! Like seriously, my mind is blown and I'm just really grateful and THANK YOU...again. 

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