
By hello1234577564

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Jay had been married to Abby for about three months, until she decided to become abusive towards Jay, she wou... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Chapter 121
Chapter 122
Chapter 123
Chapter 124
Chapter 125
Chapter 126
Chapter 127
Chapter 128
Chapter 129
Chapter 130
Chapter 131
Chapter 132
Chapter 133
Chapter 134
Chapter 135
Chapter 136
Chapter 137
Chapter 138
Chapter 139
Chapter 140
Chapter 141
Chapter 142
Chapter 143
Chapter 144
Chapter 145
Chapter 146
Chapter 147
Chapter 148
Chapter 149
Chapter 150
Chapter 151
Chapter 152
Chapter 153
Chapter 154
Chapter 155
Chapter 156
Chapter 157
Chapter 158
Chapter 159
Chapter 160
Chapter 161
Chapter 162
Chapter 163
Chapter 164
Chapter 165
Chapter 166
Chapter 167
Chapter 168
Chapter 169
Chapter 170
Chapter 171
Chapter 172
Chapter 173
Chapter 174
Chapter 175
Chapter 176
Chapter 177
Chapter 178
Chapter 179
Chapter 180

Chapter 40

64 3 0
By hello1234577564

It was hours in the night, after. Erin told Jay, the FBI were coming to arrest him and Hank, and she was worried, but Jay surprisingly wasn't. During that night. Erin was fast asleep, but Jay wasn't, and he felt like he's an insomniac. 

Jay couldn't sleep at all, he tried looking at different Ci files, old cases, and he still couldn't close his eyes. So, he decided to do what Adam does, and get into the district early.

As Jay got up, he grabbed his coat, and walked out of the apartment.

Jay soon arrived at the district, and walked into the bullpen.

"Hey! Did something happen? Did Erin kick you out of bed again...?" Adam asked.

Jay laughed, and sat down at his desk.

"Nah! She's dead to the world..." Jay giggled.

Adam laughed, and replied.

"Classic Erin!" Adam laughed.

Jay flicked through all the files, and the radio crackled.

"Units in the 21st, and units in the area. Neighbours report strong odor. Address is 1009 Princeton." Dispatch explained.

Adam and Jay looked up, and got up. 

"This is Detective Jay Halstead. Badge Number: 51163. Hold me down for overtime..." Jay radioed.

Adam and Jay ran downstairs, and got into their truck.

As Adam and Jay drove. Adam recognised the address.

"The Address was 1009 Princeton...?" Adam asked.

Jay double checked the address, and nodded.

"Yeah..." Jay confirmed.

"Damn! That house is called the stink house..." Adam named.

"So, this is a prank call...?" Jay asked.

Adam shrugged, and pulled into the house space.

"Not necessarily..." Adam mumbled.

Adam and Jay walked up to the address, and noticed two heaving patrollers.

"We're intelligence. Detective's Halstead and Ruzek. You guys okay?" Jay asked.

Anna coughed, and nodded.

"It's a very, very bad smell, it made my partner throw up." Anna explained.

Adam and Jay looked at each other, and Adam pulled his radio up.

"5021 Ida. Roll me two ambos to 1009 Princeton. We got two patrols down from chemical fumes." Adam radioed.

Adam and Jay walked inside the house, and had to gag.

"Patrol wasn't kidding..." Adam coughed.

Adam and Jay walked towards the open bedroom, and noticed toys.

"There's kid toys..." Adam pointed out.

Jay crouched down, and sighed.

"Yeah, but, where's the kid...?" Jay sighed.

Adam sighed, and looked around.

The unit soon arrived, and looked around.

"We put some coffee beans in the pan, which drowned out the smell. Anyway. Me and Halstead walked into the bedroom, and found kids toys on the floor, but there was no kid..." Adam explained.

Hank nodded, and looked at Jay.

"Halstead...?" Hank called.

Jay was looking at the toy car, which was stationary on the floor.

"Yep! Yeah? What Adam said..." Jay nodded.

Hank nodded, and looked at his unit.

"Get forensics to see if they can pick up anything on the toys. Let's try, and find this boy." Hank ordered.

The unit nodded, and walked away to do their tasks.

Erin was left talking with Jay, and she had to admit, she was concerned.

"Babe? You okay? You kinda went blank there..." Erin pointed out.

Jay sighed, and nodded.

"Yeah! I'm good..." Jay reassured.

Jay walked off, and left Erin wondering what to do.

Soon. Jay was interviewing the father of the missing kid.

"Where's the kid...?" Jay asked.

Johnny shook his head, and looked down.

"What boy?" Johnny shook.

Jay slammed his hands down on the table, and shouted.


Johnny jumped, and Hank walked through.

"Halstead!" Hank called.

Jay pulled Johnny up, and pushed him against the wall.

"Where. is. he...?" Jay growled.

Antonio and Hank pulled Jay off of Johnny, and Kim attended to Johnny.

"Calm down! Get your ass to the breakroom! Now!" Hank ordered.

Jay threw his badge on the floor, and walked out of the hall.

"What's going on with him...?" Erin whispered.

Hank remembered when Jay killed Roy, and he knew it was taking a toll on his detective.

"Man period?" Adam Joked.

The unit all shook their heads, and walked towards the bullpen.

Jay had calmed down significantly, and was ready to re-interview Johnny.

"I know I lost my temper. I'm sorry about that. Let's start again..." Jay suggested.

Johnny nodded, and let his guard down a bit.

"Where did you last see your kid...?" Jay wondered.

"I-I took him to a sleepover, and that's the last place I saw him..." Johnny came up with a lie.

Jay bought lie, and asked for the parent's name.

"What's the parents name, who hosted the sleepover?" Jay asked.

Johnny had given Jay the parent's name, and he was on his way to interview the parents.

"CPD! OPEN UP!" Jay shouted.

The door clicked open, and Julia opened it.

"Hi. Can I help you?" Julia asked.

Jay showed his badge, and introduced himself.

"Detective Halstead. Ma'am. I'd like to ask you a few questions about one night ago." Jay responded.

Julia nodded, and let Jay enter the house.

"Can I get you anything? Water? Soda? Alcohol?" Julia offered.

Jay declined the drink offers, and sat down.

"No. I'm good. Did a boy called Arthur? Come for a sleepover?" Jay questioned.

Maria put her soda down, and shook her head.

"He was meant to, but his dad cancelled, he said something about. Arthur having a cold...?" Julia explained.

Jay couldn't believe Johnny lied to his face, he was bubbling with anger inside.

"And. Did Arthur have a cold?" Jay asked.

"Umm? I don't really know. Johnny hanged up, pretty quick." Julia responded.

Jay nodded, and wrote everything down.

"Thank you, this will help with our case." Jay smiled.

"Wait! Is Arthur missing?" Julia asked.

Jay stopped in his tracks, and looked at Julia.

"Why would you say that...?" Jay wondered.

"Because. Arthur never showed up to school yesterday..." Julia admitted.

Jay was confused, he felt like the case was going round in circles.

After 15 Minutes. Jay arrived at the bullpen, and he wasn't happy.

"What'd you find out?" Erin asked.

Jay marched in, and muttered the answer.

"Son of a bitch lied to me..." Jay muttered.

Jay walked down the hall, and walked into the interrogation room.

"Did you find him...? Where is he...?" Johnny asked.

Jay leant on the table, and looked up.

"Why don't you tell me...?" Jay asked.

Johnny looked at Jay, and was confused.

"W-What do you mean...? I told you the truth..." Johnny replied.

Jay sat down, and looked.

"Really? Well. If it was the truth? Why'd you leave out the part that your son had a cold, and he never made it to the sleepover..." Jay crossed his arms.

Johnny sighed, and looked down.

"You got five minutes till your arraigned, then you'll be transferred to cook county..." Jay explained.

Jay got up, and went to open the door.

"Wait! Is my son, dead?" Johnny asked.

Jay scoffed, and looked at Johnny.

"What do you think...?" Jay whispered.

Jay opened the door, and walked out.

The door slammed shut, and Jay leant against the wall.

Jay took a breath, and remembered he had some energy pills in his locker.

After 5 Minutes. Jay walked out, and noticed Johnny on the floor, blood on the walls.

Jay ran into the interrogation room, and noticed the blood.

"Damn!" Jay cursed.

Jay crouched down, and noticed Johnny slit his wrists.

"I-I couldn't live with it..." Johnny gasped.

Jay pulled out his phone, and radioed.

"This is Detective Jay Halstead. I got a suspect, self-inflicted. I need an ambo to the top level of the district." Jay instructed.

Johnny was fighting to stay alive, but it was difficult.

"I-I'm so sorry..." Johnny whispered.

Jay pulled his phone back up, and spoke again.

"He's bleeding out. I need help..." Jay ordered.

Hank came into the room, and noticed the scene.

"This is 5021 Adam: Roll me an ambo to the 21st District. We're in the bullpen. Interrogation room, I got a self-inflicted suspect..." Hank explained.

Hank moved all the tables, and got to Jay's side.

"i got it. Jay..." Hank reassured.

Jay nodded shakily, and stepped back.

The medics soon arrived, and so did Trudy.

"Excuse me. Sir..." Lucy whispered.

Jay got up, and moved out of the way.

The Medics gently picked Johnny up, and walked him outside.

"Careful. Guys! He's still a suspect..." Trudy warned.

Lucy and Jamie gently placed Johnny on the stretcher, and took him out.

"What happened...?" Jay spoke breathlessly.

Trudy looked at Jay, and answered.

"He's gonna be okay..." Trudy nodded.

Jay looked in the interrogation room, and noticed the cola can.

"Did I do this...? Did we search him...? Did I search him...?" Jay asked himself.

Trudy noticed Jay rambling, and he had blood on his hands.

"Jay? We searched him downstairs. He never came up with any weapons. You don't remember...?" Trudy asked.

Jay didn't know what to think, he was worried.

After Awhile. Jay was in the restroom, washing the dried blood, which was stained on his hands.

Erin walked into the restroom, and noticed her boyfriend.

"Hey. The Medic's got Johnny to Med. We're hoping, he'll make a full recovery..." Erin explained.

Jay nodded, and dried his hands.

"That's good. Right...?" Erin asked.

Jay smiled, and threw the tissue in the trashcan.

"I-I did this..." Jay started.

Erin knew what road Jay was going down, and she didn't like it.

"No! You didn't do this. He acted on his own actions..." Erin responded.

Jay shook his head, and explained.

"Nope! You know why? Johnny was pressing me for information, and I didn't give him any. This is my fault..." Jay nodded.

Erin walked over, and shook her head.

"Jay...? None of this is your fault..." Erin reminded.

Jay had tears in his eyes, and argued.

"No! I-I drove him to do that!" Jay's voice cracked.

Erin gently made quiet shushing sounds to try, and calm Jay down.

"I-I can't b-breathe..." Jay gasped.

Erin grabbed Jay's hand, and noticed the built in bench.

"Your having a panic attack, babe. Let's sit you down..." Erin decided.

Jay tried breathing deeply, but he felt like a rock was in his breathing chord.

"Deep breaths. In. out..." Erin guided.

Jay took deep breaths, and held Erin's hand.

"Just hold my hand, just squeeze my hand..." Erin soothed.

Jay put his head down, and sobbed.

"I-I can't do it anymore...! It's killing me. I-I can't..." Jay sobbed.

Erin was very confused, and she kept rubbing Jay's shaking back.

"What's killing you. Baby...? What can't you do...?" Erin spoke softly.

Jay sobbed, and took deep breaths.

"I-I killed Roy. I-I killed him..." Jay cried.

Hank walked into the room, and had his arms crossed.

"Everything okay? Jay?" Hank wondered.

Jay felt Hank's presence, and looked up.

"Yeah. I'm fine..." Jay nodded.

Hank nodded, and walked out of the room.

Erin had kept a hand on Jay's back, rubbing soft circles.

"What was that...?" Erin asked.

Jay had a blank expression, like he's seen a ghost.

"Nothing. I'm gonna go get a shower..." Jay suggested.

Jay stood up, and walked out of the restroom.

As Jay left. Erin knew it had something to do with the moment, when Hank walked in.

Jay was soon in the shower, letting the blood wash away, and the water slide down his body.

After Awhile. Erin was waiting for Hank at the silos.

Hank arrived, and parked his truck in a free space.

"What do you want..?" Hank asked.

Erin took a minute, and looked at Hank.

"You. To tell me what happened on the night. Kim got kidnapped..." Erin asked.

Hank nodded, and started explaining.

"I had Roy in a separate warehouse. I was kicking, punching him, to get him to tell me where Kim was being held. Jay walked in. I didn't want him to be there, but there was no talking into him. So, he stayed, and shot Roy." Hank explained.

Erin shook her head, and responded.

"No! Jay doesn't just shoot people, something had to of happened in order for him to shoot a bullet..." Erin explained.

Hank looked down, and licked his bottom lip.

"I had my gun in my holster. Roy went to grab it. I went to take it back, but he tripped me up, and had me in a choke hold. Jay went, and pulled his gun out, and aimed it at Roy. He yelled "Drop it! Roy! Drop it!" Roy wouldn't. So, Jay started shooting, and one of his bullets, killed Roy." Hank responded.

Erin smirked, and looked down.

"Your a real son of a bitch. You know that...? I have to help my boyfriend sleep, because he stays up till we go into work. I have to do that. Not you. Me! He's not eating, or talking to me. I don't know, what's going through his head, but now I do, because you made him pick up his gun, and shoot a known-suspect..." Erin replied.

Hank looked at Erin, and made a comment.

"I don't think you know the man your sleeping next to-." Hank started.

Erin threw a left-hook, clocking Hank in the jaw, making him double back.

Erin took a breath, and shook his sore fist.

"I found Kim! Me and Kev found her! We did everything by the book. We got her to safety. Remember that..." Erin whispered.

Erin got into her truck, and drove back to the apartment.

Soon. Erin arrived back to the apartment, and noticed Jay.

Jay looked at the front door, and got up.

"Hey! Where'd you go?" Jay asked.

Erin shut the door, and put the keys in the bowl.

"Needed some air...? I thought about what you said earlier. Let's do it..." Erin nodded.

"D-Do what...?" Jay wondered.

Erin walked up to Jay, and put her hands on his shoulder.

"Get Married...? Let's do it..." Erin nodded.

Jay smiled, and kissed Erin's lips.

"Let's go!" Jay smiled.

Erin and Jay got changed, and headed towards the courthouse.

Later on. Erin and Jay had said their vowels, and it was just "I do." to say left.

"Jason-Michael-Halstead...? Do you take. Miss Erin-Louise-Lindsay to be your wedded wife?" Thomas asked.

Jay smiled, and looked in Erin's glistening eyes.

"I do." Jay smiled.

Erin smiled, and got ready to say her response.

"Erin-Louise-Lindsay...? Do you take. Mr Jason-Michael-Halstead to be your wedded husband?" Thomas asked.

Erin smiled, and looked in Jay's blue eyes.

"I do." Erin smiled.

Jay smiled, and couldn't wait to kiss his new wife.

"With that being said. Jay, you may kiss your wife..." Thomas smiled.

Erin and Jay joined lips, and hugged each other.

"You just have to now sign this waiver, just to make the marriage legal." Thomas explained.

Erin and Jay smiled, and Jay signed his signature.

After Jay signed the waiver. Erin put her signature.

Erin and Jay held each other again, and kissed.

Soon. Erin and Jay arrived back to the apartment, and kissed their way up to the bedroom.

Erin and Jay walked into the bedroom, and Erin unbuttoned Jay's blue flannel shirt.

Jay allowed Erin to remove his shirt, and it fell to the ground.

As Jay's hand travelled under Erin's shirt, he pulled the shirt off, and unclasped the bra.

Erin pushed Jay onto the bed, and sat on his lap, dragging her nails down his back.

Jay let out a soft moan, and Erin savoured the moment, and closed her eyes.

Erin reopened her eyes, and lied Jay on the bed, climbing on top of him.

Erin and Jay continued making out, as they celebrated their marriage.

Hi My Readers!!

Hope you enjoyed this part!!

Comment and Vote!!

~Stay Safe 🙂

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