By KimJeonJoy

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[ PREQUEL TO HIS POSSESSIVE MAFIAS'] An easy going Art student did let his unexplainable beauty trap a new b... More

twenty nine
forty one
sixty six
sixty eight


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By KimJeonJoy

Welcome 💜

Even Jungkook's close buddies couldn't pick their jaws from the floor when they heard about his deeds, namjoon has only went out minutes ago to pick soobin up and from his location they understand what Jungkook has went out to do, judging from the president relationship with jeon Mafias and the current low beef going on between Jungkook and the man these days.

But Jungkook going ahead to attack on his fucking own is what has left them terrified, just minutes later the news about how the president was brutally murdered was already on every news outlets---- and Taehyung would like to believe that wasn't done by his husband.

Yeah, because what'd have been the man sin to be hanged publicly like that in such a humiliated way---- with the body missing.

He'd to resist puking all over the sitting room, the seconds felt like hours when namjoon finally return with soobin who instantly went to hug his mama.

"Mama!" Taehyung hug his son tightly, he have a lot to say about the situation but he was just grateful the boy has return to him in one peice. Now he just have pray hard for Jungkook to return the same way too but judging by the mafia boss he had allowed to take over his heart antics, Taehyung doubt his prayer will be accepted.

And truth to his thoughts. When Jungkook return later, he was barely conscious whilst the two men helped him inside the house.

His previously newly changed clothes was bloody and the blood lost has caused him to almost lost consciousness, he give a lip tight smile to Taehyung who was staring at him wide eyed.

"I return in one piece wifey" Taehyung couldn't believe his eyes or ears, he didn't even feel it when tears run down his cheeks instantly, the frantic shouts of Jungkook's guys as they instantly moved him to one room calling up their gang doctor to removed the bullet----- everything fall silence to his ears, when he was finally snap out of it by his kids.... Jungkook and the guys are no longer in the living room.

The pretty male just realized something he failed to understand all these while, something he'd failed to understand when they were chased on their first date out----

He'd have to get used to seeing this scene, maybe not all the time but he won't escape this sight in this very life he's living. And that realization weaken his legs causing him to stumble slightly but thankfully, yeonjun  and soobing are quick to get hold of him then help him to settle on the couch.

"Are you okay mama?"

Taehyung nodded, taking deep breaths to calm his nerve. He relax his body back, closing his eyes for a moment until his breath finally calmed.

He doesn't remember how long he's sitting with the kids soothing words ringing in his ears, but he blink his eyes open when he heard footsteps coming closer to them.

"Thankfully,he's stable now and currently resting. We needed to get rid of this and some things---- you can check on him later or now" Taehyung blinks his eyes, namjoon was holding Jungkook's bloody clothes and the rest of the guys are standing behind him restless , probably in hurry to take care of Jungkook's mess since the man isn't awake to do that.

"Okay , take of yourselves" the guys nodded before walking out of the mansion in hurry.

And Taehyung can't help but silently pray, pray hard not to see police knocking on their door in the next minutes.

One hour pass before Taehyung can finally feel his legs, thankfully his prayers were answered since there's no police knocking on their door till now— can't tell what could went down in the coming minutes though.

He had turned off the TV minutes ago, he couldn't find some energy in him to be aware of whatever is currently going on with the urgent and emergency investigation all government officers in the country has commenced.

He had also ordered the twins to their room ten minutes ago, he needed the extra ten minutes to strengthen his emotions before visiting his so ever resting husband.

His expression harden immediately his eyes fall on Jungkook's sleeping figure on the bed, he look so peaceful that Taehyung is so tempted to let his intrusive thoughts take over.

Heavens swears, if he wasn't so in love with this man he wouldn't hesitate for another second before strangling him to death with the drip connected to his left hand.

Shaking off his deadly thoughts, he let out the thousandth sighs for the day and take a seat on the small chair inside the room. He was trying to hard to keep his sanity intact until his lovely husband would wake up and give him some shitty explanation that'd left him with zero sanity.

One thing Taehyung has studied about his mafia husband is his ability to make a very bad situation become so little with his oh so sweet mouth---- and the pretty male would expect nothing better whenever this man wakes up.

Truth to his words, when Jungkook wakes up with painful groans few hours later, his pitiful expression was instantly take over by a lip tight smile when his gaze fall on taehyung who was staring at him with a blank expression.

Taehyung swear Jungkook would still smile on his death bed only at the sight of him---- and for a moment, he wonder maybe he'd ever loved this man as much as the mafia boss loves him.

It's impossible. No debate.

"H-i I'm good , you know" Jungkook chuckle dryly but gritted his teeth tightly at the high striken pain when he tries to sit up, he mumble some curses under his breath and his eyes went wide in serious fear when he sees Taehyung walking closer to him. With a fucking pillow in his hand.

"H-ey...my pretty wifey...
.you can't just kill your lovely husband, I know I'm an asshole but your beautiful hands should only bring me to high heaven of pleasure and not a real heaven---- hahaha you won't ever find a better husband than me----

"I know" Taehyung replied with a sinister smile over his face, he'd literally sees Jungkook's soul flying out of his body.

This is the same man who has left the whole country in mayhem for the past hours? Taehyung refused to believe that.

"You can't--- yes! You can't take care of my boys alone! They need father figure---

"The older jeon would feel that spot" the mafia boss gulp, his eyes going wider than before.

"I know that oldie was never up to no good, he just want to kill the only production left off his sperm to get you?---- something I'd do in a blink of eye but still!!!---- wifey you know I love you right---oh----

And Mr jeon Jungkook was sent right back to heaven when Taehyung smacked the pillow harshly against his head.

Rest in peace jeon.

"You're being dramatic" Jungkook snap his head towards soobin with a deadly glare, it was early morning the next day and the circle of Jungkook's mafias are already present in his house. They know he needed to rest from the last day injuries but they can't just sit still until police come knocking on their doors.

But that doesn't have anything to do with the conversation on ground. The last thing Jungkook would worry about is police on his ass when he have a more deadly situation in his house.

"Dramatic!!!!! I just said my old granny hypnotized my gorgeous wifey to murder me just so he'd have my wifey to himself?!!! And you said I am being dramatic?!" Yeonjung ans soobin sighs rubbing their nape, they're too young for this braincells lost.

They moved their gaze to Taehyung who was busy eating Totally pretending his stupidly dumb husband isn't trying to make all of them brainless.

The twins scoffed simultaneously before running away from there, leaving Jungkook with the rest of the guys who were busy thinking how to get away from taehyung's wrath if they mistakenly kill his husband.

"You're my fucking spermatozoa production and should be on my side you fucking little peices of shits---- ahhh

Jungkook groan turning to glare at Taehyung who has sent a flying bag of chips against his head, but his glare only soften immediately his gaze fall on taehyung who was grinning at him.

"I'll enjoy this , thanks my lovely wifey" yoongi scoff under his breath shaking his head unimpressed, they're so done with this boy.

Jungkook pick the chips up before hauling himself to his feet.

"Let's discuss this in my office....wifey, call me if you need anything "

The pretty male nodded giving a thumbs up to Jungkook who throw a flying kiss at him, he laughs rolling his eyes.

"The situation is bad than we expected, the people actually loved him----

"That's because we haven't give them any reason for them to hate to him, once we give them something bad enough for them to wish death upon him then the only thing we'd be left to worry about is the police and we know they're the least of my worries--- if they want war, then we on----

"How are we going to give people reasons to wish death on the already dead president? Jungkook chuckle softly before clicking something on his laptop and turn it towards the guys who instantly have their jaw meeting the floor.

"What the fuck!!!"

"Exactly my point!!! I've been keeping this because I know a politician shouldn't be trusted. Let's see how much the people are going to side by him when they finds out he's a fucking pedophile who hunts little girls barely over ten!---

"I wish you killed him more brutal than that" jin declares and the guys couldn't agree more with him, this man fucking disgust them.

"Same same.....and about the police , we needed to give them reason why they'd piss in their pants at the mentioned of jeon's mafia. Get me their head Chief, along with all chief heads from each department in the basement before today runs out. We should be friends and not foes right?" Yoongi roll his eyes.

"Friends my ass! How do plan to make them friends in your basement?" The mafia leader laugh softly turning his body towards the open window.

"By given them what'd be their destiny if they refused to be on my side. The president one is enough but you know they said seeing is believing ---- how's Min-Hyuk doing?" He question, raising his brow softly when his gaze falls on taehyung's figure inside his compound.

The pretty male seem to be playing football with the twins, he smile softly seeing the twins putting no effort in taking the ball from Taehyung which makes the pretty male scores every seconds.

It's admiring what they picked from him, he knows they'd burn the world just for their mother. The same way he'd also burn the world to keep the three safe.

Like telepathy, Taehyung suddenly stop and raise his head up towards Jungkook's office and he smile waving at the mafia boss who almost dies from the sudden cuteness attack.

He smiles back ,nodding his head towards his wifey.

Just him.

Just you, jeon Taehyung.

He was snap out of his thoughts by namjoon voice.

"We still good on his side, he asked for some money again" Jungkook roll his eyes.

"For a captain of the country's military, he sure thirst for money"

"Still on your side though"

"And that's only thing good for him. Anyways, release this footage in next one hour and keep reminding our men to lay low this moment--- whoever refused to listen to warning is spending vacation in the prison and it's got nothing me" the guys nodded, moving to work instantly and leave Jungkook to rest.

They know the boy was only managing to move his body and when Taehyung would found out he's not feeling well as he pretend for the pretty male, they don't want to witness their leader getting murder by his gorgeous wifey.

So they decided leave before the murder happens.


I've been writing this chapter for weeks and still wasn't satisfied.

We only have one more chapter to go 😭🥺🥺🥺

Sorry for mistakes

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