Dark Love - Chanlix

By humera_siddiqah

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When Red Lights Chan meets Taste Felix. Or, where Felix owns a club called Taste and Chan is a regular, unti... More

1) The Beginning
2) Wasted By You
3) Morning After
4) Morning
5) Sorry I Love You
6) Brother!
7) Changjin
8) Torturous Past
9) I Love You
10) Commitment
11) Motorbike Ride
12) The Hill
13) Make Up
14) Feelings?
15) The Unwanted Kiss
16) The Mall
17) Kisses and Cops
18) Finally Mine
19) The Break Up
20) The Aftermath
21) The Gala
22) Morning After
23) Heartbreak
24) Love Always Wins
The End

25) Family

573 21 1
By humera_siddiqah

Longest chapter yet. Enjoy:)

Changbin got his phone and called Chan to let them out. Not even 2 minutes later, Felix unlocked the door, and him and Chan stood in the doorway with smirks on their faces as they looked at the happy couple.

"You're welcome." Felix said, and the couple just rolled their eyes.

"Whatever. Don't lock me in a room again." Hyunjin said, pushing Felix out the way and walking out. Hyunjin pretended he was pissed at Felix, but he was actually thankful.

"I'd thank you, though I don't appreciate this whole locked door thing." Changbin said to Chan.

"We know you don't hate us. We only did what you did to us first. And look what happened. Balance has been restored." Chan said, and the couple couldn't deny that.

"Thank you for doing what you did this morning with JYP." Hyunjin said, and Felix looked confused.

"What did you do with JYP?" Felix asked his boyfriend.

"I'll fill you in later, baby. Right now, Han, Minho, Seungmin, and Jeongin are waiting in the lobby because we're all going out to celebrate." Chan said.

"And it's our day off to we thought we'd do something." Jisung said, coming down the corridor.

"I came to see what was taking so long, were all waiting downstairs in our cars." Jisung said, indicating downstairs.

"These two took a while. They fought for longer than we thought." Chan said, pointing at the newly made-up couple who again rolled their eyes.

They all headed downstairs and met up with everyone else. They had the day planned out. First, they'd have lunch in a park in the form of a picnic, then they'd go to the Namsan Tower to just sight see and have fun. Then they'd have dinner in a restaurant that Seungmin had picked out. Then, they'd end the day getting wasted at the club because it was just so them.

There were 2 cars in total, Chan, Felix, Minho, and Jisung in one. Changbin, Hyunjin, Seungmin, and Jeongin in the second. They didn't want to go to some random nearby park, so they drove an hour to Busan and went to the beach instead.

The car rides were hectic, full of karaoke and chaos. Minsung was arguing about something that the other 2 decided to pay no mind to. Something about leaving Jisung's jacket at home even though it was very hot outside. Chan was driving, and Felix obviously his passenger. They were just doing their own thing.

Changbin and Hyunjin were bickering as usual, their bickering being something about who made the fight last longer, again Seungmin and Jeongin in the back paid no mind, in their own world with Jeongin leaving against Seungmin who was caressing his hair.

"Slow down, you'll fall." Seungmin shouted to Jeongin and Jisung, who were running to the water as soon as the cars were parked. They took it upon themselves to find the perfect spot.

"Leave them be. They look like 2 kids who just escaped rapunzel's tower." Minho said, shaking his head at his boyfriend.

"Come on, seems they found a place." Chan said, getting the basket out the back of the car while Minho got the blankets to put down.

After everything was all set up, they all just chilled for a while. Whilst everyone was enjoying the sun or the water, Chan grabbed Felix's hand and silently dragged him away. They ended up alone like they wanted, hand in hand walking along the beach.

"What did you do with JYP this morning?" Felix asked. Chan's arm was around him, pulling him closer.

"I told him, maybe slightly threatened him, that 3racha would walk unless we discuss some terms of the contract, mainly the dating part. JYP can't afford to lose us, not to brag, but 3racha made JYP." Chan said, and Felix giggled.

"That was bragging." Felix said, and Chan shrugged.

"We're allowed to, we worked our asses off, we deserve bragging rights." Chan said matter of fact. 3racha had been to hell and back with their careers. They're as good as they are because they never gave up.

"Then it was just long business stuff that I'm sure you'll get bored of. The main point, though, is that 3racha are now allowed to date whoever we want. I think it was the main reason Changbin and Hyunjin got back together." Chan said.

"That's amazing. You and Jisung can too. So, what are you going to do?" Felix asked excitedly. This was amazing.

"We were thinking of announcing our relationships on our Instagrams and going from there. But enough about work. I didn't drag you away from everyone else for that." Chan said, kissing Felix's temple.

"I love you, Felix." Chan said, making Felix stop walking, also making Chan stop walking. Chan had probably only said it once before, and the suddenness caught him a little I'd guard.

"What?" Felix said, almost a whisper.

"I don't know why you're surprised, Lix. I've said before, but I dont think you get how in love with you I am. You have been my best friend for 3 years, you always reminded me of home, and in turn became my home. And so much more. I am so in love with you, Felix. I'm so happy you came into my life. Meeting you was fate. Becoming your friend was a choice. But falling in love with you, I had no control over. Becuase that's what you do to me, baby. You have me going insane and losing every bit of self-control I ever had. You have that much control over me." Chan said, brushing Felix's hair away from his face and delicately spoke.

"I love you too, Chan. I have for so long, and I never thought you'd ever reciprocate my feelings. I honestly thought I lost you at one point. You always made me happy, you'd keep me safe, you'd drop everything for me if I ever called you. You were so amazing that you made me fall in love with you. I'm happy I never lost you. Even with what happened with your ex, you couldn't make me leave, because I love every dark, beautiful part about you. I'm happy I fell for my best friend." Felix said, wrapping his hands around Chan's neck.

Chan pulled Felix into a hear searing kiss that made Felix's knees weak. Chan always has that effect on him. He'd do the bare minimum, and Felix would feel utter bliss. Chan kissed him softly, brushing his fingers along Felix's neck, bringing their bodies flush against each other.

Their friends could see them from where they sat. They smiled at the scene. It took way too long for them to get to that point, but they got there, and that's the important part.

"They deserve happiness." Changbin said, looking at the couple.

"Felix hurt too much for that not to be their outcome. I'm glad Chan realised before it was too late." Hyunjin said, leaning his head on Changbin's shoulder.

"I've never seen either of them so happy." Jisung pitched in. The couple broke apart and continued walking along the water and smiling and laughing.

"They're so in love, its beautiful." Jeongin said.

"Love is beautiful. Love is the embodiment of happiness. It's everything good and heavenly. And it what they have." Seungmin said.

"Lets hope it stays this way. They stay that way. In love." Minho said.

"I can feel our friends watching us." Felix said.

"Let them, I don't care. All I care about is that I finally have you. And I'm never letting you go. Ever." Chan said, the hand holding Felix's going around Felix's neck as Felix held his hand over his chest, never once letting go.

"You better not." Felix said.

Soon after, they made it back to their friends, and they decided to finally have lunch.

"Finally, I'm starving." Changbin said happily.

"You're always starving." Hyunjin said to his boyfriend, who just pouted.

"It's true, Binnie." Jisung said as he helped his own boyfriend unload the basket.

"So, who's going first with their Instagram?" Seungmin asked. As their manager, he needed to know.

"I say age order, Chan is the one half 52. He goes first." Jisung said and laughed while dodging a ball that Chan threw at him.

"I'll go first, not because I'm the oldest." Chan said, glaring at Jisung.

"Because I'm the leader." He finished and getting his phone, he held Felix's hand and brought it up to the sky, making a picture.


CB97.official 876,075 likes
I have never been so in love with someone my entire life. Thank you for coming into my life baby, you're my everything and so much more. You lit up my life when I was in the darkest of places, and you've always continued to be that light I needed in my life. You're my lifeline, my best friend, my life partner, and everything in between. You're the sun my dark moon needed to light up the night. I love you❤️

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"Okay, that shit was cute." Jisung admitted, looking at his phone. Felix, too, looked at it and kissed his boyfriend immediately.

"I'll do better." Changbin challenged with a smirk.

"When did this turn into a competition?" Minho said.

"Mine is going to be better than both of you." Jisung said.

"Okay, you're joining in." Minho said, shaking his head.

"I'll do it later, probably at the tower." Changbin said.

About 2 hours later, the 8 decided to leave and get back to Seoul. The next stop was the Namsan Tower, and they were all hyped.

Chan held Felix's hand over the console the whole way back. Minho and Jisung had fallen asleep in the back, leaning on each other. The ride was peaceful, and the two would have it no other way.

Chan brought Felix's hand up to kiss it and smiled, looking at him.

"I love you." Chan said it was like he couldn't say it enough.

"And I love you." Felix replied. The two really couldn't get enough of hearing those 3 little words.

3 little words that held so much meaning. It was a silent promise to each other that they were in this for the long run. They were stuck with each other. 3 little words promising life to each other. 3 little words that meant they belonged with each other, together, ready to face the world and everything that came with it.

People say that love makes you weak. It makes a person dependant on someone else for their own happiness. And while that's true, love can also make you strong. Love can give someone the willpower to power through every bad thing life gives them.

That's what it did to these 2. Love gave them power. It gave them strength. The world took Chan's first love from him, and that broke him beyond repair. He never wanted to love again. Until he came along.

Until Felix fixed that broken part of him and shed his light through the cracks of the exterior Chan had built. Light can't shine through if there aren't any cracks for it to go through. So no matter how broken Chan was, the light that was Felix's love shone down on him and gave him life again. Allowed him to love.

Love gave him strength. It gave him the power to share that love with Felix and love him unconditionally. That's what kept them together. Themselves.

"We're here." Felix said lightly, shaking Minho and Jisung awake, who soon became alert and saw they were back in Seoul and parked in front of the Tower.

While they gathered themselves, Changbin decided to make his announcement.

"Now the world is finally going to know the truth, baby, that you are the only one in my life and the only one I'll ever need." Changbin said to Hyunjin, who smiled.

"You were right. As long as the people were cared about know, it shouldn't matter what the world thinks." Hyunjin said, remembering Changbin's words from before the breakup.

"Now you listen to me." Changbin said, scoffing playfully. Changbin pulled Hyunjin to him, making Hyunjin yelp at the suddenness.

Changbin kissed him and sat on the edge of the railing. He turned Hyunjin around, making him stand between his legs and sat him on his lap, making Hyunjin flustered.


SPEAR.B.official 967,402 likes
Newsflash, I'm taken. This is an official statement, I am so insanely in love that it's unreal. You make me go insane baby, and I will gladly lose my mind for you. You are my reason to live, and I would have it no other way. You allow me to breathe. You're the epitome of my existence. You're my lifeline, and nothing in this world could ever take you away from me, not even the stars themselves. I love you so goddamn much🖤

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"Okay damn, you have not made my job easy." Jisung said once again, being the first one to see the post.

Hyunjin leaned over to see what Changbin posted, and needless to say, his heart was beating out of control.

"That's gorgeous, Bin." Chan said, smiling over to him.

"Every word is simply the truth." Changbin said, wrapping his arm around Hyunjin and kissing his head.

"God, the view is so beautiful, I don't know why we don't come more often." Jeongin said, looking out at the city.

Seungmin came up behind him and wrapped his arms around his waist, resting his head on Jeongin's shoulder.

"I'll bring you more often now that I know you love it." Seungmin said, kissing his neck. The 8 enjoyed the view with their significant others.

An hour passed, and their reservation time was coming near. Seungmin booked it for 8 pm, and it was half 7 to they needed to leave soon to get there on time.

Seungmin and Jeongin were in their own world as Changbin drove with Hyunjin by his side. These 2 had been through hell just as much as Chan and Felix had.

The cruelties of the world separated them, and it almost killed them both. But they found their way back to each other, they will always find their way back to each other. Because that's where they belonged, together.

Changbin believed he had lost Hyunjin for good, but the universe proved him wrong when Hyunjin was back in his arms. Love prevailed for them too, no matter what the world put between them, their love was too strong and they came back stronger than ever.

Changbin looked over to Hyunjin, who was looking out the window, and smiled. That right there was his life. And he'd kill to protect it.

"Reservation under 3racha." Seungmin said to the waiter who smiled and led them through to a private dining area so they had privacy.

"Damn, this is some fancy ass place you found Seungmin." Felix said, looking around the place.

It had a Moroccan like vibe, the decor making it modern, the lighting was bright but dim at the same time. The place screamed rich.

"You're welcome." Seungmin said, smirking. They all took their seats, and their orders were taken.

Each couple were having their own hushed conversations about God knowing what, but it didn't matter. They were together as a family. Chan looked around and smiled. This was his family, and he'd have it no other way.

Their food came, and the conversation died down, not completely though, of course. There always had to be chaos with these 8.

"So the tour, 2 weeks left. Are you guys ready?" Minho asked.

"We're prepared if that's what you're asking. Ready? Not really." Changbin said, looking at Hyunjin, who was looking back with the same sad eyes.

"I don't want you to go." Jeongin said to Seungmin. He had to go too as their manager, but Jeongin had university. Stupid last year.

"I have to, Innie." Seungmin said, rubbing Jeongin'd hand comfortingly.

"I don't want you to go either." Felix said, pouting.

"It's only 3 weeks, baby. we'll be back before you know it." Chan assured, but it didn't really help.

"I can't believe I have to leave you." Jisung said to Minho, who kissed his hand and pulled him close.

"Is there really no way we can go with you?" Hyunjin asked his boyfriend.

"I mean, I could threaten JYP again." Chan suggested making everyone laugh. They needed that laugh before they ended up crying.

"I'm serious. I can have another, mildly friendly, conversation with him." Chan said, and everyone had hope in their eyes.

"You are the best leader ever." Jisung said, raising a glass to him.

"I'll try, I can't promise anything, though. And I'm sure your uni can give you online assignments for a while. It's your last year anyway, Innie." Chan said to Jeongin, who nodded, making his hair bounce.

"Best leader. Honestly. Best leader, best leader." Changbin chanted, and everyone joined in, making Chan embarrassed as he tried to stop them.

Thankfully, they were in a private room. Otherwise, anyone who saw them would say they're insane. But that's the way they liked it, this was normal for them.

"Okay, okay, that's enough." Chan said, his cheeks tinted pink.

"It's true, though. You're amazing." Felix kissing Chan's cheek and squezing his hand.

After dinner, they all headed outside and waited for the valet to bring their cars around. That's when Jisung decided to do his announcement. He didn't tell Minho yet and made a picture as they were walking.


J.ONE.official 862,672 likes
I don't know what I could possibly say to top the other 2, other than I love you so much. I don't what to do anymore but give into the selfish desire that is you. Thank you for giving me happiness like nothing else ever could. You made me believe in myself and brought me out of some dark places, I don't know what I'd do without you. I am so in love with you that you're a necessity of my life now. I love you💜

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"That's beautiful, Sungie. Honestly." Felix said, looking at his phone. Minho was confused until he pulled out his own phone and smiled while reading.

"I love you too, Hannie, so much. And trust me, I need you just as much. If not more." Minho said, kissing Jisung with so much love.

Minho and Jisung might not have gone through the hell that Changbin and Hyunjin, or Chan and Felix, went through. They might not have had to fight for their place in the world, but they had their own ups and downs. But it was okay because it was what made them stronger.

The annoucnemts were final, and they knew that they still had a long way to go, even more battles to fight, and wars to win, but they could do it. Together. Every couple has tests, and while the two haven't had theirs yet, when they would, they'd deal with it as one.

"Everyone still up for the club?" Felix asked.

"Hell yeah. Let's go. The last one there opens their tab." Jisung said and got into the car with Minho, Changbin, and Hyunjin.

"You're so on." Chan said, making the rest get into his car. Chan and Changbin were racing each other through the streets, the adrenaline rushing through them.

They made it to the club in under 15 minutes, Changbin losing to Chan, who got there first.

"It looks like Changbin is buying." Chan said sarcastically with a smirk.

"Fuck you Chan." Changbin said and went in, everyone following with laughter.

It was Taste, of course, but this time everyone was off the clock and just had fun. The drinks kept coming and the laughter never stopped.

Chan looked around and raised his glass, everyone doing the same.

"We've come a long a way guys, with all of you. 3racha became huge because you guys never gave up on me, or yourselves, so thank you for that. And meeting the rest of you was fate, and the best possible thing ever. You guys are my family, we're family and, family doenst always mean blood, its love. Love it what makes a family and that's exactly what this is. I love you guys." Chan said and everyone raised their glasses and cheered.

"We love you too Chan, even the asshole parts of of you." Changbin said and everyone laughed.

"Low blow Bin." Chan said holding his chest like it hurt.

"Eh, you deserve it." Felix said and now Chan looked even more offended.

"Wow, now I know what family betrayal feels like." Chan said dramatically and everyone rolled their eyes.

Like I said, family is not always blood. I know the saying, blood is thicker than water. But, that doesn't mean the water doesn't mean anything. Its water that a person needs to survive, and just like love is what a person needs to survive.

"Now I feel left out." Jeongin said referring to everyone's instagrams and everyone awed at the baby of the group. So Seungmin pulled his phone out.

"Then I'll make sure you aren't so left out. Do you want it on my personal one?" Seungmin said kissing Jeongin's temple. Jeongin simply nodded.


Kim.Seungmin.official 76,876 likes
Just because I'm their manager doesn't mean I can't join in. I love you baby, every single part of you. I met you in such an unexpected way and a very unexpected time, but it was the best thing that has ever happened to me. You, are the best think that's ever happened to me. I didn't use to belive in forever. That was before I met you. Now I belive in eternity, hopefully an eternity with you. I love you🩷

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"Wow, who knew you were so good with words." Jisung said as everyone was looking at their phones.

"I love you too Minnie." Jeongin said as Seungmin kissed him.

Love. What a beautiful thing. Right? I mean sure, love can be weak, it can be dangerous, it can be risky, but that's what makes it fun. What's love without a little danger, a little adventure, a little mystery. Love is your ride or die. 

Family is made up of love. And love so strong its powerful enough to conquer the world. Like I said, they still had many battles to fight, and together, united, they would win every single one. Your family is the best team you could ever have. Family is your safe haven, its a connection you cant explain. They didn't know they were making memories, they just knew they were having fun. 

The End

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