Every Queen Needs A Throne (H...

By Lotus_Horizon

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You are one of heaven's top angels, one who carries out their tasks with speed and the utmost important. You... More

Chapter 2: Hazbin Hotel
Chapter 3: Guardian Angel
Chapter 4: I'm Glad You Came
Chapter 5: Convoluted
Chapter 6: Who is She?
Chapter 7: Me and the Devil
We Made it Boys
Chapter 8: Bad Romance
Chapter 9: Demon Slayer
Chapter 10: As Above
Chapter 11: So Below
Chapter 12: All That Burns is Not Fire
Chapter 13: Red Velvet
Chapter 14: No Rest For the Wicked
Chapter 15: A Single Step

Chapter 1: The Road to Hell

5.4K 283 181
By Lotus_Horizon

Adam: Sup.

Charlie: Holy Shit!

  She falls back from the surprise of, seeing the three angels in the room. Standing to her feet and adjusting her hair and outfit.

Charlie: Hi, I'm Charlie. My dad asked me if I could meet you.

Adam: Yeah, I know.

Charlie: Okay, well.

  Adam proceeds to eat the ribs on his plate as you continue to stare at the Princess of hell. She honestly did look rather interesting for a hell-born. Her blond hair, her yellow and red eyes, her pale snow white skin with rosy cheeks. It only made you wonder how Lucifer looked for this to be his daughter. And it also made you wonder  how far the apple fell from the tree.

Charlie: It's nice to meet you.

Adam: Totally. It's nice to meet you, too.

  Adam reaches out his hand as you watch her hand go through his.

Adam: Ha! I fucking got you. Did you see that?

  He says turning to you and Lute. Lute responding with a nod as you chuckle a bit at the joke.

Y/N: Yes I saw.

Charlie: Uh...so, wait. You aren't here?

Adam: No, you think I'd come down there? No, I mean, I love the vibe, totally, I love your tunes. Pretty fucking hardcore, don't get me wrong. But! it's such a bummer! man. Everything down there's just so "eugh", ya know? Ew.

Charlie: Right. So, I'm happy we've got this opportunity to meet. There's a project that I've been working on that I really want to talk to you about-

  Adam pushes his finger in front of her face to silence her.

Adam: Hey, hey, hey, hey, slow down. We've got time. How about we get to know each other a little. Mmm. How about lunch? You hungry? I got you.

  He takes a plate of ribs presenting it to her.

Adam: Here's my personal favorite. You'll love it.

Charlie: Uh...thanks.

  As she reaches for the ribs, her hand goes right through it.

Adam: I got you again, bitch! Fuckin' hilarious!

Y/N: Are you sure you're Lucifer's daughter. You're not what I imagined you to e.

  Charlie doesn't really know how to take in your question, looking over to you as she notices your darker colors. But you clearly weren't an exorcist.

Charlie: I am indeed his daughter. Who are you? If I may ask.

Adam: Oh him? Yeah that's just Methy, he's a throne and a total badass. . . sometimes. When he's not being fucking LAME!

Y/N: You're just mad because I outrank you.

Adam: Am not! Even if it is shitty. Who'd you have finger-blast to be a throne? Was it Sera? 

Y/N: . . . What? No. I was just a virtuous person. Also, my father helped in that a tad bit. Anyway, hey Charlie Morningstar was it?

Charlie: Y-Yeah?

Y/N: He's is right, I guess, we should get to know each other. AND since I outrank everyone here.

Adam: Booooooo!

Y/N: Oh fffffffffff. . . sod off.

Adam: Oh, you almost said it! Hey Charlie, little fun fact about the throne here, he literally NEVER curses. Like, I get we're in heaven but come on man, just let loose. Say fuck. Come on. I haven't heard you say it before. Just give me one fuck man come on.

Y/N: I would, but I don't have any to give.

  You say with a light smirk towards Adam.

Y/N: Besides, we're getting off topic. So Charlie, tell me about yourself. What's the priness of Hell got that's on her mind?

Charlie: Yeah well I-

Adam: Oh my god. Are you flirting Methy?

  Your face contorts into a look of slight shock and offense.

Y/N: With all do respect, to you Charlie. No. Besides, she's a hellborn. . . is that racist?

Charlie: Eh, a little?

Y/N: Then I am sorry. But anyway, it's not like that.

Adam: Here I thought you only had eyes for Lute here. Or was it Emily? Or Sera. I can't tell who you have eyes for these days, I mean ,you got so ducin many eyes anyway GET IT HAHAHAAAA Pound it! 

  You see he and Lute bump fists as yo just look with a sigh from across the tale with Charlie.

Adam: Also, why are you way over there? You don't like me anymore? Is it the nickname? At least come back for Lute, look how lonely she is without you.

  Lute blankly stares at you as you just let out a sigh. You've been doing that a lot this entire meeting.

Y/N: Look, someone talk about something so we can get off this topic.

Adam: Oh, me! I'm taking reigns.

Y/N: I outrank you.

Adam: Yeah well I out AGE you, so sit down little boy.

Y/N: . . . Whatever you say Gramps. Fine, just go ahead.

  For the next while, you sat at the desk, checking your phone and texting Emily in the process of Adam telling his story. This wasn't what you had in mind, and you looked over with your tope pair of eyes to see Charlie was getting bored as well.

Adam: So, I was playin' this gig, and for some fuckin' reason, this virtue chick was diggin' on the drummer, and it's like, "do you know who I am? I'm fuckin' Adam. I'm the original dick!" All dicks descend from me, even (Y/N)'s here. You think you want drummer dick? No way! I'm the Dick-fuckin' master! So, anyway, then we fucked, and it was awesome. What'd you do this weekend?

Charlie: Wait, your name is Adam? Like the first man Adam, that means you...Oh.... That explains so much.

Adam: I know, I fuckin rock.

Charlie: Well, Adam, sir. Mr. Adam, sir.

Adam: Call me, Dickmaster.

Charlie: Adam. You seem like a smart (paused) well, stand up guy.

Adam: Uh-huh.

Charlie: And I know you are the leader of the angels. And you are a big thinker, a revolutionary. A-A genius!

Adam: I mean, your words, babe.

Charlie: Who would really love to put his name on something.

Adam: Fucking love putting my name on shit! Shit's the best!

Charlie: It's a solution to our biggest problem!

Adam: Oh, Herpes. Yeah, that's a bitch.

Charlie: No! Our... other biggest problem.

Adam: Oh...uh..ugly people? Math? Global Warming? Nah, wait, that's Earth's problem.

  You move over to Adam as you lean down to inform him.

Y/N: She means the overpopulation in hell.

Adam: Ohh, well that's not a problem! We got that covered! Lute, how many demons did you kill this year?

Lute: Got a good 275 this year, sir.

Adam: 275? Woah! Badass! Awesome job, danger tits! Pound it.

  The two fist bump once again, much to Charlie's dissmay.

Charlie: Uh no, not awesome. Those are my people, you know that right?

Adam: Oh yeah. That must suck for you! 

  He bursts into laughter as you just stare at him for a moment before turning to Charlie.

Charlie: But these are souls...Humans souls just the same as the ones you have up in heaven.

Lute: They're not the same. They had their chance and they earned damnation.

Charlie: You're wrong. Sinners made mistakes, sure, but everyone makes mistakes.

Lute: Angels don't make mistakes.

Charlie: You really think that.

Lute: I know that.

Adam: Yeah, I've never made a mistake in my fuckin' life.

Y/N: My one mistake as coming to this meeting. But other than that, I don't really make many mistakes so I hate to agree. But I agree.

  Lute makes her way over to Charlie, walking around her with a old aura.

Lute: The only reason you're still here is because daddy gave you and your hellborn kind a pardon from an exorcist blade. How does that feel, to know how little you matter?

Adam: Oops, almost out of time. Guess we should get into it.

Charlie: Oh fuck!

  Charlie rushes gathering her papers for her presentation.

Charlie: Okay I've got a lot to get through and not a lot of time and I feel like you weren't hearing me before so here it goes.

Y/N: Where's that music coming from?

  As the door closes on Charlie and Adam finishes his guitar solo, he flies over to you and Lute as she bumps fists with him and you do so as well.

Y/N: Harsh delivery, but I gotta admit that song was...killer.

Adam: Finally starting to see eye to eye. Anyway I'm down for smoothies, come on let's go.

  You walk with Adam and Lute out of the building and back to the streets of heaven. As you walk you speak with the two on Charlie's idea.

Y/N: You think she's serious about that whole redemption plan?

Adam: I don't know, maybe? Waste of time if you ask me. 

Lute: Agreed. It's a stupid idea that no one would even dream of. 

Y/N: Okay, but hat if it was possible.

Adam: Man you fell for that bitch HARD. Best to just ignore it Methy, that little dreamers got no business thinking she knows better than us, especially me. I mean, who knows more than the Dick Master himself?

Y/N: God, Jesus, Sera, Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uri-

Adam: Okay well besides those lame asses. 

  You continue to walk with them until you get to the smoothie shop. You can't help but feel as though maybe Charlie was onto something. You sit at the table drinking from your smoothie as it's just you and Lute right now. You look over at her with her mask off as you send a smile her way.

Y/N: So, how have you been.

Lute: Fine. Is this your way of breaking the ice?

Y/N: Well yeah. Come on, we don't hang out as much as we used to.

Lute: Because this is the first time I've seen you in a while. You got so lame recently.

Y/N: I am not lame. Anyone who says I'm lame or no fun, they know who they are, an respectfully bite me. Besides, you know why.

  Lute's face squints up a bit at the mention, knowing what you were talking about.

  You drink your smoothie as you slick your hair back. You still really did miss Vaggie, but then as you thought about Vaggie, you remembered Charlie's idea, of redeeming sinners. You still remembered how distraught you were when you found out about her.


  You sat in your room as you awaited for the end of this extermination. IT felt like more time than usual went by from her not being around. You could barely contain yourself for when she returned. The flames in your hair could portray your joy and she wasn't even bac yet.

  You hear a knock on your door as you fly with great speeds to the door. A gust of wind following your great speed as you quickly open it, ready to leap into the arms of your lover. Rushing forward and lathering them with kisses.

Y/N: OH Vaggie you've retuned once again! Now come on, lets take this to the be-

  You open your eyes as all six were plastered wide open, seeing Lute with a slightly annoyed expression.

Y/N: . . . Hey Lute, *cough* sorry. I thought you were eh... someone else. Anyway want a drink? I've been practicing my mixology, I mean, all we got up here is wine but hey who says angels can't have a good time. Come on in, wipe your fee, you're covered in blood.

  You sly over to the fridge as you pull out a bottle of wine. Lute walks in with a less than pleased face.

Lute: (Y/N), you might want to sit down.

Y/N: Can't, I got too much energy. Man I can't wait for Vaggie to get here. We are gonna get NOISE COMPLAINTS OUT THE YIN YANG!!! What's taking her, she's usually more punctual.

  You pour a glass of wine for yourself and Lute as she tosses something on the table. It was a halo.

Y/N: . . . What's that?

Lute: A halo. Vaggie's halo to be exact.

. . .

Y/N: Are you messing with me? HA!!! That's dark, but still funny. Man, did "Dickmaster" put you up to this? Man, almost got me with that one Adam! HAHAHAAA! Man I love you guys and your humor. You know I told Adam about pranks before, how Sera hates them, but me, I love the guys humor. Yours too when you actually have it.  Lute, you are a riot. It almost looks real too.

  You pick it up examining it.

Y/N: Dang you put a lot of work into this one. It even feels real. Dim, but real. Where's Vaggie, is she hiding? Real funny honey!

  Lute's face never changed as she just started at you, which slightly began to worry you, especially with Lute's silence.

Y/N: . . . Wait for real? B-But this can't be right? She'd have to have been killed, and they can't ill us, so the only other way would be if she, and that wouldn't happen, right Lute?

  Lute took a deep sigh as she looed you in your eyes.

Lute: She's gone (Y/N). I'm sorry but it's... it's the truth.

. . .

  You honestly had no words. You down the wine in your glass as you lean against the wall, all the flames on your body dimming out until they are fully extinguished. You knew this fate only meant that she may as well be lost to you forever. Being in hell. But it could only make you wonder why. Always the question of why?

  Lute noticed your hair that was once radiant with flames, the same flames that ornamented your wings went out fully. Your dark hair falling. and your black wings draped around yourself, as if trying to shield yourself from any surprise blows like this one.

  You lightly sit on the floor, the light in your eyes even going dim. The only light on your body was the halo over your head. Lute saw this as she made her way over to you. Sitting next to you as she places a hand on your shoulder.

Lute: I'm. . . sorry. I wish I could have made this any easier.

Y/N: No no, it's fine... I mean, the only girl who could put up with me is gone forever. I'm fine... I just- I need a bit. Thank you for this, but can I keep her Halo?

  Lute looks at you and nods. She gives you a small embrace as she exits the room. You here the beating of wings outside your door as she takes off. You stare at the black halo as you just can't even form words. It was from that moment, everything changed you.

*Present Day*

Y/N: . . . Guess I'm still not over it. So, I'm sorry if me in mourning is making me lame.

Lute: I'm not saying that. It happened so long ago, I don't think anyone expects you to just jump back. But your flames have been out for a few years now. We're worried about you, even Adam is worried about you.

  You look up at her with squinted eyes and a twisted mouth.

Y/N: Are you serious?

Lute: You know Adam cares. After all, you are his family. Even if he can be obnoxious sometimes. He's still pretty cool. You used to think so.

Y/N: You sure we talkin about the same guy? Anyway, I'm sorry but I'm gonna be lame again. I'm gonna go finish some paperwork. Maybe then we can do something later? You would come over for drinks.

  Lute chuckles a bit.

Lute: I'd like that. 

Y/N: Tell gramps I said thanks for the smoothie, and I'm calling him gramps from now on since he get's to call me Methy.

  You spread your wings as you fly back to your room. Thinking about Vaggie and Charlie's idea. If it weren't for the whole extermination, this wouldn't have happened. Vaggie would still be in heaven, with you.

Y/N: . . . Wait. 

  You stop in the sky as your eyes light up a bit.

Y/N: I've got an idea!

  Turning around and flying a break neck speeds back to your house. You remember doing this before. But now was an all too important matter. You needed to get to hell and find Charlie to help her with her plan. You've been doing good with meeting your deadlines and keeping the peace with the good souls of earth, so Sera wouldn't notice you missing every now and again.

  You clap your hands together, opening all of your eyes as you channel your energy, focusing on where you anted to go. You remember what the inside of the building looked like where you had the meeting, so there was a good point of entry. You could just fly down, but then it wouldn't be much of a secret. 

  Opening the portal, you see the meeting room, you take a deep breath. 

  The plan you had devised. Was to help Charlie with this mission, then if there was proof sinners would be redeemed, then no more exterminations, no more losses. No one else has to die.

Y/N: My purpose as a Throne. To chant glories unto God most high, to remain forever in his presence. But also to mete out divine justice and maintain cosmic harmony of all universal laws. So God I pray to you now, please don't let Sera find out.

  With that you jump though the portal. The Dark Throne descending into the depths of hell, to meet with it's Princess personally.

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