The Iron Militia: War On Hydr...

By Willkeisler

35 4 0

On Earth 747, everyone knows the Avengers, Fantastic Family, X-Men, Guardians of the Galaxy (for the most par... More

Decision Process: Forming The Team!
Forging A Team! Attack On Hydra Part 2
Forging A Team! Attack On Hydra Part 3

Forging A Team! Attack On Hydra Part One

4 1 0
By Willkeisler

On a late afternoon in Detroit, was a young man driving through the city. He was on patrol, watching out for any suspicious activity. This man's name is Venice Matthews, a detective for the Detroit police department, and the hero of the city. When Venice can't take care of a threat, then his alter ego, the Iron Knight definitely would be able to. Today, there wasn't much for Venice to do. Just a slow, boring patrol as far as he was concerned. But he was remaining vigilante for any possible criminal he may have to face. Though he wasn't too worried about it. He felt fairly prepared for potential dangers that could come his way.

As he was on a break from his patrol, he took out a cigarette and a lighter. Once he lit his cigarette, he put it in his mouth before puffing out a little smoke. It didn't take long for his personal phone started ringing and he checked it out. Immediately, he recognized the number, and answered it, against his better judgement as far as he was concerned. "Yeah?...I know you need my help with something! But I told you I don't believe you. There's no evidence to support your claims and I'm not going to risk going on a wild goose chase because you think someone is going to attack us." He said bluntly while listening to the person on the other end ramble on. "Unless there's evidence to prove your point, I'm not interested." He said before hanging up, putting his phone right back in his pocket.

After a few moments, he starts to think about how quiet criminal activity has been lately. Sure he's done a lot to stop criminals from attacking the city and brought the crime rate down, but normally the criminals would be back for vengeance by now! He wasn't going to let it bug him too much, but he was going to at least take one last patrol of the city before he would go back to the police station to report in. As he went on patrol, he saw a strange group of men walking through town. Some of the men had armor, others suits, and others just metal limbs of some sort. But they each had a weapon of sorts. Guns, swords, bows and arrows, you name it, they had it. "Strange..... never seen a group like this...." He mumbled to himself, not recognizing anything about these guys.

Based on what Venice was seeing though, they seemed to be a group of some sort......soldiers maybe....or a cult .... maybe a combination of both theories....... either way it made him feel a little uneasy, especially since they appeared to be looking around the area. He wanted to interrogate them or to take them down, but he couldn't risk them getting antagonized and shooting innocent people. So for now, Ven kept the head down, watching the anything these suspicious individuals may try to do. "If I need any help, I know how to get my suit...." He mumbled to himself, being sure to remain as calm as he could despite the potential dangers that could come his way.

Unfortunately for Venice, what he stumbled upon was a small group of soldiers. He saw the armor on them having a Hydra symbol on the chest and back. His eyes widened with the realization. "Stark was right....." He mumbled to himself with shock before scoffing to himself. "I'm never gonna live this one down if he has anything to say about it...." Not long after, several more soldiers started to come along, all working a large quantity of weapons. That's when Venice remembered something. A case about a strange shipment of weapons......each day with more and more coming from places unknown. "Hydra's been bringing these weapons in and sneaking in their forces this entire fucking time....."

"Today is the day we take this city. Our general commander will be able to tell us the city's strengths and weaknesses to create chaos and disorders." One of the soldiers said as he holds his weapons up, ready to conquer Detroit.

Venice felt as if he had to do something. So with his coms link, he waits patiently behind his car, hidden from the enemy. "Autumn.....bring me my suit." He whispered, hoping to not get spotted. Of his calculations were correct, and they usually are, all he had to do was wait for a minute for the suit to arrive. So with his pistol, he shoots down a Hydra soldier, hitting him in the arm to make it more difficult for him to shoot. "Drop the weapons and put your hands over your heads!" Venice shouted, hoping to get any of Hydra's attention on him. He had some hope that he would be a prime target instead of any of the citizens.

The soldiers were surprised to hear him from out of nowhere. But they weren't intimidated by him. They each point their weapons at the detective, glaring coldly at him. "What are you gonna do about it eh? You're just one man against a bunch of us!" One of the soldiers called out, challenging Venice.

But of course, Venice wasn't backing down from them. "In about five seconds, you're about to find out." Not long after, a cube shows up, bashing one of the soldiers from behind and soon attaching itself to the detective. Slowly but surely, black metal began forming around him, covering and protecting his body from getting shot at. Not long after, the suit was fully around his body, black armor with a protective chest plate to cover up a potential power source, and almost looking like an Iron Man armor, but a different kind of mask. "Took you long enough to get here." He joked before blasting some soldiers with a repulsar blast, sending him flying back.

"Well pardon me sir, but it does still take time to get the suit you a specific location you're at. Especially from afar!" A male said from within a coms link. "It seems that Tony was correct once again sir." He added on in a condescending tone.

Venice groans in frustration upon hearing his smartass assistant. "I don't wanna hear a word out of you about this! Just give me a sign of anything related to these guys in the city!" He shouted, clearly frustrated with the man. He used his combat skills, punching soldiers in the face. Thanks to his suit, these punches would definitely leave a mark, or at most, knock them out.

Autumn soon finished the scan across the city. "Sir, operations have ceased recently. They have what they wanted. They could have plenty of other ways to bring them in and transfer weapons across the rest of the world however." The ai explained while Ven was fighting. "Unfortunately it gets worse sir. There are weapons being shipped to a specific location. Locking in coordinates for you as we speak sir."

Venice studied the coordinates carefully. "That's outside the city......deep in a forest!" He groaned in annoyance while blasting a soldier away from a supply of weapons. "I'll be destroying these when I'm done with you lot." He then said to his enemies in front of him. Something about some of these enemies were familiar....the technology they used, tactics, even a few of the weapons. He just couldn't fully place where he saw them.....or from who. With the enemies he's made as both Venice Matthews and Iron-Knight, it was definitely difficult to decipher who could be doing this. Was it one of his own enemies that joined Hydra? Or was it a standard Hydra general like Red Skull or Baron Von Strucker... even Zemo. He needed more evidence first.

As he continued to fight the many soldiers, Iron-Knight grabbed hold of one of the stashes of weapons and blasted it with a missile to destroy each weapon. Thankfully, there weren't any explosives in it, he had scanned it to check them. He wasn't able to find out who made the weapons, but he did get to see what was in the stash. There wasn't any markings or fingerprints to decipher who made them. Whoever it was, was a clever foe. "Son of a bitch...." He mumbled before punching out a soldier, sending him flying into another Hydra minion. "some of them have the alien guys Tony told me about......a mixed platoon to confuse us...." He blasted a Bruntian soldier, taking it out before kicking another one using the jet boots to add extra impact. He did notice a few more headed toward him, but there weren't too many for him to be too concerned about. He could finish them without too much difficulty.

At long last, Venice had taken out the last of the soldiers in the area. He knew there weren't any others in the city and so he took to the skies. "I hate to do this.....but I gotta take the fight to them. Tony will know what's going on.....and will definitely brag about how he was let's get this over with....." He grumbled before flying off, going to the coordinates given to him earlier. This fight was only the it was time to bring the fight to them.

(Editor's note: this chapter took a bit, but I think it's going to be worth the wait. Hope you're enjoying so far! :3)

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