Angel In Devil's Clothing

By SaltyPaint

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After getting a side job as a button man for Rose(Rosie), Allen(Alastor's human name) summons Lucifer to make... More

Shadow magic, Smile
the offer
Lilith, Carnival
Apple, Flu
blood of an angel
Apple Pancakes
On Air
Cult, Key
curiousities and hormones
Char and Char
Safe, Joy
Mother, Dan
Mafia, Grief
Mourn, Worry
John, Desire
Birthday [one year old]
Crocosmia, Razzle
Deer, Grave
Welcome to hell
Safe Place

Wedding day

367 22 21
By SaltyPaint

Chapter 15

[February 14th 1921]

"Are you ready?" Lilith asked Lucifer who was wearing a simple long sleeved wedding dress with his veil pinned as she does his last touch up on make up. "Ready as I'll ever be." He said gulping nervously as the longer haired blonde put his lipstick on.

She rolled her eyes at him, "honestly, you need to loosen up a little... Even if I didn't like that man at first.... He seems to actually love and care for you- don't look at me like that." She hissed at him when he gave her a smug look for admitting that the brunette has finally grown on her.

She admits that her brother's would-be 'husband' has been taking good care of him, despite him sneaking about and doing some grotesque radio broadcasts every now and then.

From what she has seen so far when she shifts into her owl form, he has also killed four of the shadow cult people she's been having some trouble with for the past five years when a demon or sinner from hell has smuggled two crystals of her own creation that prevents someone from using their abilities, which could work on humans and sinners.

Rose has told her that she's seen the crystal in one of the shadow cult's corpses that Allen had handed over to her a few weeks ago. When she told Rose that she wanted to take a look at the crystal she confirmed that it was, in fact, the very same one that was stolen from her.

She already had her suspicions that this particular shadow cult were the ones that stole her crystals. Because of this, she has been on her guard in the living realm and in hell, ever since she suspected that one of the palace demons or sinners were behind this.

Lilith didn't bother to worry about the palace guards telling outsiders about her and Lucifer being siblings, they made them sign a very specific contract to avoid that from happening. The only thing she's worried about is what they were planning to use her crystals for, although she could think of a few things... She plans on warning Allen about it after the wedding is over. Preferably when he's alone since she doesn't want her brother to feel even more anxious than he already is.

Though.... for some reason the brunette hasn't bothered to take on their leader 'Dan Johnson', which led her to assume that he wants to torture the strongest person in their cult last.

"Lils? Is something wrong? You look... A bit worried." She blinks as she snaps her focus back when she hears her brother's question. "Just.... Wanted to ask what names you and your 'soon-to-be husband' are going to be naming the baby..." She said, watching Lucifer's expression shift from concern to excitement.

"Oh! Welllll... We thought that if she's a girl then Charlotte, and if he's a boy then he would be Charles! I'm still not sure if they'll be a human, demon.... Or maybe even angel... But I want them to have a life where they're free to do whatever they want... and chase the dreams they want to pursue." He said, stroking his abdomen gently as he felt three kicks on his hand making him smile down at his bulging stomach warmly.

"That... Actually sounds good, since the baby's mother IS the king of hell then they'll have free will... In a way." She muttered thoughtfully as she puts the veil down. "There! Now... You're ready..." She smiles warmly at her brother, happy that he finally got the chance of having the family he always wanted.

"I already forged all the personal files you need for this wedding and gave them to Elleanor. You don't need to worry about her noticing if it's fake." The shorter blonde embraces her in a tight hug, "thank you Lils." He said feeling his sister's arms wrap around him as well.

They hear a knock on the door before it opens,  Rose peeks her head in the room before walking inside. "Oh! You look absolutely gorgeous your Highness!" She says as she inspects the other blonde's dress before moving towards Lilith with her hand held out. "Here ya go darlin', took me a while to get it for ya but I managed it." She says as Lilith accepts the brooch that has two swans forming a heart with an egg in the middle of them.

"Thank you Hun." She replies giving Rose a peck on the cheek before placing the brooch on Lucifer's chest. "Holy Shit- Lil, you- I can't believe this, you actually bought it?" He gasps as he touches the brooch, letting his hand feel the intricate design.

"No- I had it made so that angels couldn't recognize you. Even though you're only getting married at a small church, that doesn't mean that there won't be any nosy angels about. Besides, even if god hasn't been active for a very long time now-" "wait- What do you mean he hasn't been active?!" Lilith raises a brow at him for interrupting her before she continues.

"THIS is literally why you should be the one to go to the extermination day meetings for once! Adam literally won't stop bragging about how Sera's in charge of handling him for the extermination since our father has apparently gone on vacation thousands of years ago and she has let him kill more sinners than the usual kill count!" She snarls making Lucifer back away from her a bit.

"Thousands-? I- I didn't know that- I just assumed that he's still as active as he used to be back when his human son was born." He said shocked at how much he's missed when he locks himself in his office every year on extermination day.

Lilith sighs in frustration, "I Just- I HOPED that maybe, after thousands of years have already passed, you'll finally move on from this.... It wasn't your fault to begin with Luci, it was mine." Lucifer looks at her in shock,"Lil... You didn't-" "don't... try to convince me otherwise brother... I'm doing my best to make it up to you. If i hadn't involved myself in becoming Adam's first wife none of this would've happened.... Now let's go, we shouldn't keep your groom waiting." She says as she moves to hold the door open for Lucifer who looks at her hesitantly before moving out the door.

As Rose walks towards her she moves her hand to Lilith's shoulder in comfort. "I- I'm sorry... I didn't mean to lash out at him like that, I just... Want him to grow up and take his responsibilities seriously and stop acting like a- like a..." "An angel?" "Exactly! Even when we had already ruled hell for EONS now, he still tries to avoid conflict and even sometimes asks PAIMON for help!" She growls at the thought of the Goetia demon who would always just help her brother even if she told him that Lucifer needs to be the one to do his job but was left in deaf ears.

"Settle down now darlin', your burnin up their floor again... How about we get on going to church before you burn the whole house down hm?" Rose suggested as she gently pushes Lilith out the door where Lucifer was already waiting for them in Rose's black car.


Allen was standing at the altar wearing a black tuxedo he rented, watching the few colleagues that he deemed, were good enough folk to be invited to his wedding. His mother and his bride had also invited a few people they've gotten close with, either at church or at the orphanage that they visit.

He looks to the side to see his shadow coming in through the crack of the front door. It dashes towards him through the bottom of the pews then discreetly moves up the shadows of his outfit before whispering to his ear.

'hm... It's quite common for siblings to fight about having to do the other's responsibility... But honestly, she couldn't have picked the worst time to let her frustration out on my angel.' he thought as the church doors open to reveal his bride-to-be.

As the organ starts to play, Lucifer walks down the aisle with white heeled sandals, his hair was curled in short waves with a headband that was adorned in rhinestones with white flowery pearl patterns with feathers on them on each side. His dress was made out of white satin with lace patterned long sleeves, his swan brooch was pinned on his chest, a pearl necklace hanging from his pale neck.

To others he would look like a simple bride walking slowly in rhythm with the pipe organ. But to Allen... Lucifer looked like an angel, an angel that had fallen from heaven and landed straight into his arms. In his eyes, seeing his partner walking down the aisle was the most magnificent view of all.

When the blonde finally reached the altar, the brunette stared at the shorter man for a long while, noticing how beautiful he looked even with the sad expression on his face, before the officiant cleared his throat snapping him back from his day dream. Lucifer noticed this of course, the sad look on his face was replaced by a soft chuckle and a smile.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today in the sight of God to witness and celebrate the holy union of Lucia and Allen, We stand here to honor and celebrate the love shared between these two people, as they come together to start their new life with a solemn vow, surrounded by their closest family and friends."

[A/N time skip to I do's cuz I don't wanna put a whole ass wedding script here 😭]

"Do you, Allen Balcom, take this woman to be your wedded wife?" The officiant looks towards Allen waiting for his reply.

Allen gazes into Lucifer's light brown eyes, smiling warmly as he says "I do".

"Do you, Lucia Vilde, take this man to be your wedded husband?" He turns to Lucifer this time, watching as the blonde stroked his stomach before replying as the bride kept his eyes locked to his groom, "I do".

"Let us now proceed to the exchanging of rings." When the officiant says this, the ring bearer moves closer to them letting them take the rings.

"Your rings symbolize the eternal commitment that you make to each other, and the never ending circle of your love. May these rings always remind you of the commitment you are making here today." He says motioning for them to hold the rings.

"Allen and Lucia, please repeat after me. I, Allen, give you, Lucia, this ring as a symbol of my love and commitment to you." Allen repeats those words as he gently took Lucifer's hand, slipping the ring on his ring finger, kissing it as he does so.

The officiant clears his throat loudly making the bride and guests laugh as he raised a brow at the groom who just smiled at him cheekily. He says the words he had said to Allen to Lucifer who repeats after him and gently took the brunette's hand, slipping the ring on the other's ring finger as well.

"By the power vested in me, I pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss." Allen took Lucifer's veil and flicked it up, revealing the blonde's face with natural make up. The brunette gazes into his beloved's shining light brown orbs, dazedly, he moves his hand to the other's cheek as he leans down to catch the soft pink lips into a gentle kiss.

Lucifer closes his eyes as he enjoys the soft but rough lips pressing against his own, feeling the taller man's hand move to his waist when he pulls away. The guests cheer as the newly wedded couple smile when a cameraman snaps their picture.


At the reception the couple cut the cake with a flash of the camera catching the moment as they smiled at it.

As the newly wedded couple sat down on their table, Elleanor approached them with a huge smile on her face while dapping her eyes with a tissue.

"Congratulations you two! Oh... I'm just so happy for you both." She pulls the couple into a tight hug mindful of the blonde's stomach.

"Thank you mother... We couldn't have afforded such a fancy reception venue if it weren't for your... 'Connections'." Allen said chuckling when his mother lightly smacked him on the shoulder.

"Oh it was nothing dear! Besides, I still got a few strings up my sleeve~ Oh! I want to give these to you two..." She hands them two small wedding presents which they accepted. "Go on then, open it~" she says giddily as she watches the couple open the gift.

Lucifer gasps as he carefully takes out a heart locket with a duck on it, the brunette doing the exact same thing with his, opening the locket, they both see their photos together already inside it while Allen's has a separate photo of only Lucifer and Lucifer's with only Allen's.

The blonde can't help but sob as he hugs the female brunette, "thank you, thank you, thank you! Oh this is just so- wonderful..." Allen embraces the both of them with a look of amusement on his face. "Thank you so much mother, It's a very thoughtful and delightful gift." As they pulled away from each other someone calls Elleanor's name, turning their heads the three of them see a group of women waving at them two tables down.

"Oh! The gals have some tea to spill, you two love birds enjoy now!" She says before rushing towards the group of women.

After the reception was over Lilith and Rose went back to stay at Elleanor's home while the newly wedded couple went back to their house to change out of their wedding attire.

They opened the door to their home, KeeKee instantly dashed towards Lucifer, rubbing herself on his leg as they walked into the living room where the brunette guided the blonde to sit on his favourite couch.

"Oh- I think I need to use the restroom..." The shorter man says as he winces when he tries to get up. "Again? You've been going back and forth ever since we finished dancing together-" when the blonde finally stood, water started to drip on his leg. "....Is this a good time to tell you that water has been dripping from my bum?" The blonde asked as he watched the brunette's face turns ghostly pale.

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