
By LaxLune

24.8K 675 177

I will Never feel you. I will Never have you. I will Never talk to you. You will Never talk to me. Im no one... More

~Chapter 1~
~Chapter 2~
~Chapter 3~
~Chapter 4~
~Chapter 5~
~Chapter 6~
~Chapter 7~
~Chapter 8~
~Chapter 9~
~Chapter 11~
~Chapter 12~
~Chapter 13~
~Chapter 14~
~Chapter 15~
~Chapter 16~
~Chapter 17~
~Chapter 18~
~Chapter 19~
~Chapter 20~
~Chapter 21~
~Chapter 22~
~Chapter 23~
~Chapter 24~
~Chapter 25~
~Chapter 26~
~Chapter 27~
~Chapter 28~
~Chapter 29~
~Chapter 30~
~Chapter 31~
~Chapter 32~
~Chapter 33~
~Chapter 34~
~Chapter 35~
~Chapter 36~
~Chapter 37~
~Chapter 38~
~Chapter 39~
~Chapter 40~
~Chapter 41~
~Chapter 42~
~Chapter 43~
~Chapter 44~
~Chapter 45~
~Chapter 46~
~Chapter 47~
~Chapter 48~
~Chapter 49~
~Chapter 50~

~Chapter 10~

681 18 16
By LaxLune


"Honestly, I cant say" He answerd.

"Cant answer?" I asked confused.

"Yeah.....You see, I could say yes from certain things....but, like you dont exactly seem interested in that way." He explained more.

"EXACTLY!" I jumped. "But how does it seem like I do?" 

"Well....the way you guys play around....I guess thats flirting." He started.

"Thats just being friendly" He snapped.

"Yea another reason I said you dont seem interested because some things can be taken by both ways honestly" He said camly.

"Continue." I rested my head on my fist.

"Well.......friends pass notes to eachother, like how you did earlier, again could mean both in the friend way or the crush ...way...I dont know much about this sorry" He keeps a straight face.

"I see how you may get both, but still doesnt fully explain how you think I have a crush on her." I scoff a bit.

He smiles widley.

"What?" I ask worried.

"Hehe.....I know how to tell" He continues with his smile.

I see him mess around with his keyboard and looking at the screen intensly.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

"Something" He responds after a while. "THERE DONE!"

He then grabs his phone and I see him type something. After a while he gets a message and his grin increases.

"ummm, Im confused?" I cock one eyebrow.

A second later a second screen pops up on my monitor. Its Passion.

"HEY PASSION!" Greyson speaks in the goofiest voice he has in stock.

"Heyy" She says after chuckling a bit.

I qucikly get up and run out of sigh from the camera.

"Uhh will? You ok?" I hear her ask.

"Yea im good, I just forgot something." I lie.

"Greyson?" She questions.

"I dont know, just will thangs" He teases.

I quickly run to the toilet and make my hair look presentable. It was messy from all my rolling around in bed. Once I look ok I come back. I see greyson scanning me, then a smirk prints on his face.

"Hey Will did you get my message?" She asked.

"Uh.....yea, but I was asleep" 

"oh...thats cool, so uh, you ok?" She looked down and seemed to write downsome stuff.

"OH! Yeah im fine!" I replied.

"SO WILL!" Greyson began.

"What" I looked at him.

"What was that all about?" He smirked.

"What was what?" I pretended not to know what he was talking about.

"Why did you leave for a moment there?" He cocked his head.

I open up facebook from there and message him privatly.



Will: I dont!

"Umm guys?" I hear passion's voice.

"Yeah?" I ask.

"You guys alright, both kinda quiet there" She says paying attention to something on her screen.

"Yea fine!" Greyson speaks finally.

"I gotta go guys" I say not wanting to really talk.

"Same, I got stuff I have to deal with" She says in a stressed tone.

"You ok?" I ask.

"Oh yeah! Its nothing bad really, just this application wont work, I can fix it later" She hesitated a bit.

"Oh what is it? I can help" I offerd.

Her eyes widen. "No thank you! Im fine, Ill just wont worry about it, its not important really" 

"Oh-kay, bye guys!" I say cheerfully.

"Bye" They both reply and I leave the call.

"I dont like her" I scoff.

{Pass' POV}

"dont, wanna tell him about your channel?" Greyson asked once he left.

"Yep" I scoffed.

"Why?" He said focused on his monitor.

"Because.....Its embrassing" I stated.

"Not really!" He smirked.

"haha! Very funny" I teased. "Well I gotta go. Bye"

"Bye" He said and then the call ended.

"WHY WONT YOU WORK PLEASEEE" I screamed at my editing sofware that wouldnt edit my vlog.

After an hour later I finally give up. I grab my phone and tweet out.

"No video tomorrow guys :(...unless I can get my editing app to work by tomorrow..Sorry" 

I lock my phone. I then go to my messages and see a message from Will. I smile

Will: Hey ;*

The message he had sent me gave me butterflies, an even larger smile takes over. 


Pass: Hey xx

Will: Its so hot in my room, I cant even.

Aside with his message came a picture of him laying on his bed. Why does he gotta be so damn cute.

I let out a loud scream, Im pretty sure he heard.

"Stop it PASSION!" I said angered.

Pass: haha

Will: You ok? Im pretty sure I just heard you scream, or was it your sister?

Pass:Oh my sister xD

Will: xD what did she do now?

Pass: I dont know, she's got her own thang over there

I had to lie to him, If he knew it was me who screamed he would have asked why and what am I suppost to tell him? That Andrew Lincoln's in my room?? {SHOUT OUT TO ALL MY MATES WHO KNOW WHO THAT WONDERFUL GUY IS!! #TWDFAMILY}

I highly doubt he'll belive that! I let out a scoff and flop the rest of my body on my bed, which was Just my upper part of my body. Plus it was right after he sent me the picture, He'd know I have a crush on him...WAIT DID I JUST SAY CRUSH!!?

I grab my phone and Ignore the next text from will and enstead go straight to Greysons.

Passion: GREYSON!!!



Greyson: ?? why


Greyson: ok :/

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~SKYPE CALL~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"PASSION, GURL! LOOK WHA HAPPEN?" He speaks in a very sassy like tone.

I take a deep breath and let it out. "I think I like Will"

I close my eyes tightly, expecting him to scream at me in dissapointment, I have no clue! I open them after a while of silence to see Greyson jaw dropped.

"Greyson?" I asked. "You ok?"

He simply nodded.

"Close your mouth lad" I said reaching for my water bottle."You're freaking out more than I am, And im the one who likes him."

"I know but" He began. "I KNEW IT!"

He sprung from his seat. Not gonna lie, the boy made me jump

"Knew it?" I said after taking a long sip of my water.

"I KNEW IT, I KNEW IT, KNEWITKNEWITKNEWIT!!" He said extreamly fast.

"Ok, Its official, Greyson has no chill" I teased.

"Haha very funny!" He squinted his eyes and sat back down.

"No but for real! What am I gonna do!?" I asked worried.

"Why are you so worried!? I dont get it!" He chuckled a bit.


"Okay, first of all CHILL!" He sassed.

"Uh me!? SAYS THE ONE WHO JUMPED OUT HIS SEAT!" I sassed back.

"HEY! That was the past" He pointed out.

"mmmhm" I cocked my eyebrows.

"So! I have a suspision, that will likes you!" He opened his mouth once more, but I cut him off.

"REALLY HOW DO YOU KNOW?" I ask. Butterflys in my stomach, who am I kidding FRICKEN DRAGON FLYS ARE IN MY STOMACH.

"ILL EXPLAIN LATER ITS ALL A BIG KNOT!" He said sounding and looking stressed out already. "Like I was saying before you INTERUPTED!! Will claims he doesnt but, I see it in his face" He smirked.

"Yea...your most likley wrong," I teased.

"Shut up!" He joked.

"Ha, im not gonna"

"Then deal with yourself cause I AINT LISTNING GURL" He snapped his fingers.

"You're so sassy! I swear man!" I chuckled a bit. " really think he does like me?" 

"Eh....lemme explain!" He scoffed.


{Will's POV}

Its been quit a while since I sended her a text and she didnt reply. I hope she's ok.

Will: ok?

I decided to send her one more incase she forgot or had to do something then again, forgot. I wait a couple minuets, nothing. No answer no buzz no ding nothing. I start giddering around impatiently. My room is on the other side of my house, the one not facing hers, so we could never talk through our windows. 

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Its been half an hour since she hasnt reply, nothing at all. Now is when I start to get serously worried. Chill! Its probably nothing, maybe she fell asleep! I mean it is almost 11:30. WHY DO I EVEN CARE SO MUCH, ITS NOT LIKE SHE'S MY GIRLFRIEND! OR MY CRUSH! Its most likley nothing.

"Thats it I cant take it anymore" I say to myself as I get up and head out my door.

Once Im out of my house I run across my yard to hers. I then knock on her door and Her sister opens the door.

"Oh hey will" She yawns.

"Oh sorry, Did I wake you?" I ask.

"Nawh! I was just resting my eyes, since 11:00" She hardly smiled.

"Oh..well are you ok now?" I cocked my eyebrow.

"Yeah" She said as she reached for her back and scratched it. "Why wouldnt I be?"

"Because, I just heard you scream about and hour and a half ago?" I pointed out.

"What no! I didnt screa-ahhh" She came to some relization, I clearly didnt know

"What?" I asked confused.

"That scream!? Yeah that wasnt me! It was passion" She said more awake now.

"Passion?" I asked.

"Yeah, who even told you it was me-eee oh Passion did, didnt she?" She asked.

"Yep..." I popped the p at the end.

"Well, WHY ARE YOU HERE INTERUPTING MY SLU-EYE REST!!" She screamed into my ear.

"Ok! first of all OW!! second of all, I came to see Passion" I rubbed my left ear, which was the one she screamed in her whole lungs into. Note to self never ever wake up Alma. 

"Why'd you come to see her this late?" She looked at her arm and then noticed her watch isnt there. She touched it like if she were a lost puppy.

"Oh, I dont have my watch" She yawned again.

"because im worried" I hung my head low.

"Worried!?" She cocked an eyebrow. "PFFFFFFFFF Why?" She ended off sounding more concerned.

"Because She hasnt replied to me" I said even more quiter.

"So!? People dont reply to me instantly." She made a poker face.

I cocked my eyebrows at how rude and sassy she is. Most of you probably are thinking, If Alma looks so much like passion why dont you have a crush on her too? Enstead of Passion or the other way around. YOU SEE SHES SO RUDE AND SASSY, With passion, she jokes with it, she's not like that, Its cute when she does it. WAIT NO! I DONT HAVE A CRUSH ON HER.

"Wait a minute!" She lift up her index finger, and a hudge smile came over her face.

"What?" I asked once more confused.

"You like her dont you" She kept her smile but put down her finger.

"HAHAHAAA NO!" I tried to keep a straight face. I DONT LIKE HER


I slapped my forhead, as she started to tease me.

"YOU LIKE HER! LIKEHERLIKHERLIKER!!" She jumped around me in circles.

"Okay stop!" I grabbed her head with my hands and pushed her back into the house and then stepped in myself.

"Maybe I do like her" I admit it, because there was no way out of it, She finally cracked the feelings inside of me, It was true, I like her ever since I saw her in middle school for the first time in a year, How much I longed for her, her eyes, her tender smile. Heck I dont like her, I love her. I need her in my life to keep me going.

"YES I KNEW IT!!" She squealed. "ahh! The birth of Pill!" 

"Serousely? Pill!? Pill is the best thing you can come up with?" I cocked my eye brow.

She shrugged in response.

"Think about it some more kiddo" I kept my eyebrow cocked. "But please dont tell her!" 

"Why not!!?" She pouted.

"Because! She's my bestfriend! She'll never date me." I pointed out, which is true. She'd only think it'd be weird if we went out, or even knew I liked her.

"True....." She scoffed. "Alright! I wont tell her"

I let out a breath I didnt even know I was holding in. Then it came.....

The smirk of hers. Meaning, theres a catch.

"Whats the catch?" I asked.

"You have to start flirting!" She continue to smirk.

"WHAT NO!" I exclaimed.

"YES! Or els I tell her!" She spoke with pride. That british accent of hers made her sound more annoying.

"Alright fine!" I gritted my teeth behind my lips. "But I dont know how to!" 

"Yes you do!" She said with a straight face.

"No I dont!" I re-stated.

She looked at me with fire in her eyes.

"Okay I do! But I cant with her! She's my bestfriend, It'll be weird!" I pouted slightly.

"Alright then! I guess no deal!" She smiled widley. She then took a deep breath and opened her mouth getting ready to scream. "PA-"

I quickly coverd her mouth with my hand. She immediately removed my hand from her lips and gave me a dirty look.

"You're gross!" She scoffed and whiped her lips against her hand.

"Ill take your deal! Dont tell her" I begged.

"pleasure!" She smiled. "I'll be watching you Will"

"Watching will about what?" A second voice spoke softly, making my heart melt. We both turn our heads to the host of the voice. Passion.

"Passion! baby! sweetheart, My deer sister!" Alma said going towards her and putting her hand on her shoulder.

"Im keeping my eye on will because he claims he didnt eat the last Tim Tam" She lied.

"I didnt!" I play along.

"Cool it Alma, He's right, he didnt...I did" She crossed her arms.

"What!?" Alma said suprised.

"Yeah! You heard me. Now go to bed." She teased. As alma nodded at me and headed up the stairs.

"I still have an eye on him!" She said while running up.

"Hey sorry about that!" Passion said as she came closer to me.

"Oh no its fine! I hate her too" I teased.

" be honest, the last tim tam was eaten by a bird" She confessed.

"A bird?" I questioned.

"Yeah you see! I was gonna eat it! fell outside and a bird got it" She sighed.

I laughed a bit at her stupidity that I love so much. "You're pretty stupid"

"Yeah I am" She smiled at me and then chuckled a bit. "So what are you doing here so late?"

"Oh um, I got worried about you" I said quietly.

"What? Why?" She smiled widley.

"Because, It had been a while since you responded at my texts.." I looked up and smiled at her. Is this how im firting with her?

"Well im fine!" She smiled.

"Good to know!" I teased. "So..alma told me about how it was you who screamed.

Her eyes widen at my last statment.


{Pass' POV}

"And thats what i told him!" Greyson finally finished.

"Wow, that took" I looked at my phone that read 11:50. "30 minutes!"

"Yea....pretty much it" He cocked his head.

"I dont know greyson...I dont want him to know so dont tell him alright?" I asked.

"Course!" He smiled.

"Well lets call it a night kay?" I said getting ready to end the call.

"yea okay!" He yawned and then said goodbye and I followed along.

I shut off my computer for the night and flopped onto my bed. Just as my eyes started to drift, I heard voices coming from down stairs. I quickly sit up and listen carfully.

"Is that Alma?" I listen harder. "And will?"

I squint my eyes. "Oh no are they fighting again!?" I scoff and get out of bed and make my way down stairs.

"I'll be watching you will!" Alma said.

"Watching Will about what?" I aksed.

They both turn and look at me suprised.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~TIME SKIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Good to know!" I teased. "So..alma told me about how it was you who screamed.

My eyes widen, Oh no...He has me

{EXTREMELY LONG CHAPTER! I JUST REALLY WANT TO GET IT WHERE I WANT IT TO BE AND IM GETTING SO CLOSE! That and I also kinda make super long chapters when I barely release a new story/when a story is new. Well ty for ready ima go to sleep now and yes I usually write these at night and yes! Im not actually going to bed, Im going to lay in bed and read fan fictions and make edits and then most likley stay up til 4 or 5:00am doing all that stuff plus rewatching my tv shows on netflix. -Freya}

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