Blooming from the Ashes

By AnyMehr34

2.4K 223 33

In 'Blooming from the Ashes,' we follow Liliana Frostvine, a 14-year-old commoner who secures a spot at the e... More

Ch1: Trial by Fire
Ch2: A New Dawn
Ch3: A Shared Meal
Ch5: Ripples of Fear
Ch6: Flickers of Hope
Ch7: Petals of Potential
Ch 8: Floral Flourish
Ch 9: The Language of Flowers
Ch 10: A Fairy's Challenge
Ch 11: Dreams and Deliberations
Ch 12: A Fortuitous Encounter
Ch 13: A Garden of Dreams
Ch 14: Hawthorne Estate
Ch 15: The Newcomers' Welcome
Author's Note
Ch 16: First Impressions
New Book!

Ch4: Troubled Waters

174 17 3
By AnyMehr34

"Once upon a time, there was no magic. People lived peacefully, but danger lurked in the dark forests that surrounded their homes. Creatures roamed freely, causing fear and chaos wherever they went.

Then one day, a guardian arrived. She was called the Saintess, a magical being blessed by the God of Creation. With her powers, she could heal the sick and protect the innocent. The Saintess became a hero to the people, driving away the monsters and bringing peace to the land. Magic quickly spread to some people, but most were left without it.

As time passed, some people grew jealous of the Saintess's powers and other magic users. They wanted magic for themselves and started fighting over it. A war thus started between the magic users or mages, and the non magic folk." Sister Rosell said but was interrupted by a question

"Then how did it stop, Sister?" a child, looking a bit younger than us all, asked.

"Shh, I was coming to that only dear" she replied and continued

"To stop the fighting, the Saintess made a brave decision. She sacrificed herself so that the fighting would end. Before she left, she promised to return one day after the war had ended.

After her sacrifice, people realized their mistakes. They decided to work together and live in harmony. They formed Empires and kingdoms, so that the people could live happily ever after under the rule of the royals.

Years later, just as the Saintess had promised, another guardian appeared. She became the new Saintess, protecting the land and its people from harm. From that day on, peace and magic flourished on the land, thanks to the bravery and sacrifice of the first Saintess."

"And since then, a Saintess appeared whenever danger lurked around, and a prophecy was made before her birth. Isn't that correct, Sister?" Elma asked as Sister Rosell nodded

"It's good to know you all have been studying. May her light bless you all." she says as she ends the lecture.


As the sun begins its descent, casting golden hues across the sky, Elma tugs at my sleeve with an excited grin.

"Come on, Liana! Let's go to our special spot by the lake," she urges, her eyes sparkling with anticipation.

I nod, unable to resist her infectious enthusiasm, and Aiden trails behind us, a soft smile playing on his lips.

Sitting on the grassy bank, we dip our feet into the cool embrace of the lake, I sigh in contentment as the water envelops us.

Elma's excitement soon starts bubbling forth like a spring book as she starts talking,

"Did you hear, Aiden? The Phoenix Academy of Enchantment is accepting applications!"

"I know Elma, but I can't go," he says as his smile falters

"What! Why?"

"Even if I get a scholarship, I still need money to take the entrance exam. Moreover, I can't leave you both, like that."

"Maybe you can ask Father for help! He knows how talented you are." Elma says, her eyes filled with hope

"Elma, he has already done so much for us all, I-I can't burden him more."

"Nonsense! We will find a way to earn money. What do you think about it, Liana?"

Now that I think about it, Aiden wanted to be an imperial knight, though he became one for the Hawthornes. Even though he settled in for a good job, his dreams were still crushed, right? He even had to bear the Marchioness's wrath when she found out he was related to me.

"Liana?" Elma says again, looking worried, and continues

"You were so quiet back in our room too! Even Lily says that something weird has happened to you!"

"You haven't spoken since you woke up, is everything okay?" Aiden then asks as I realize I have to give a reply to them.

"Y-Yes," I stutter out struggling to find my voice as I feel Elma holding my hand, but suddenly she gasps.

"E-Elma!" I try to say as Elma's hand tightened around mine, her breaths coming in short gasps as she collapsed against me.

Fear gripped my heart as I watched her unconscious form, her pallor stark against the backdrop of the fading sunlight. Aiden sprang into action, his arms wrapping protectively around her as we rushed her back to the safety of the orphanage.

B-But this didn't happen in the past!

Sister Margaret frowns upon seeing Elma's limp body as we enter, and quickly calls for the healer as Father also comes hearing the commotion.

The healer soon comes, as Elma is taken to our room and the door closes with me and Aiden waiting outside impatiently.

I just hope Elma turns out to be fine.

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