Valkyria Chronicles the Great...

By IvanGlazkov

169 11 0

Just another detail story I'm publishing for fun and to do more world building. More

Rusviet Empire
The Kingdom of Ruthenia
Sultanate of Azerbaijan
Republic of Polania
Kingdom of Saxony-Prussia
Empire of Joseon-Goryeo
Philippine Republic

The Republic of Zaporizhia-Ukrainy

24 1 0
By IvanGlazkov

The Republic of Zaporishia-Ukrainy follows a government system inspired by the Cossack people's that live in it and therefore, while they have a direct head, they have a council, a Rada thar represents the interests of the various Cossack clans and communities. This Rada serves as the governing body of the Cossack Host, ensuring that decisions are made collectively and in accordance with the traditions and values of the Cossack people.

At the head of the Cossack Host is the Hetman, Usually a Cossack Veteran officer who is well respected and trusted by the various clans. The Hetman is not only a military leader but also a political figure, responsible for representing the interests of the Cossack Host to external powers and overseeing the administration of internal affairs. The Rada has representatives chosen by the stanytsias, Local Cossack communities, with each stanytsia sending delegates to participate in the council's deliberations. These representatives, known as Starostas, serve as advisors to the Hetman and collectively make decisions on behalf of the Cossack Host. The Hetman's power is not absolute, as they must consult with the Rada and seek consensus before implementing major policies or decisions.

The Modern Cossack system does see a deep connection between the Military and the civilian leadership, with many Cossack traditions emphasizing the importance of both military prowess and democratic governance. The Hetman of the state is given the official title of Koshovyi Hetman which is also the Generalissimus rank of the Cossack military forces. This title reflects the dual role of the Hetman as both the supreme military commander and the political leader of the Cossack Host.

In addition to the Hetman and the Rada, the Cossack Host also maintains a system of Atamans, Generals who also serve as regional leader. Atamans are appointed by the Hetman and approved by the Rada, and they hold significant authority over their territories, overseeing both military operations and civilian administration. They act as intermediaries between the central government and local communities, ensuring that the interests of their people are represented effectively. The Rada also contains many Starshyna, The Officer class from Standard Bearers to Senior Colonels. the Starshyna also become Starostas, administrators of the various aspects of Cossack society, such as agriculture, trade, and justice.

The Cossack Host prides itself on its egalitarian ethos, where decisions are made collectively and every member of society has a voice. This democratic spirit is deeply ingrained in Cossack culture, stemming from their historical traditions of self-governance and communal living. The Army on the other hand is far more authoritative. Starting out as a Cossack at the bottom, showing Bravery, earning Medals and demonstrating leadership qualities are the typical paths to advancement within the military ranks. Those who wish to become officers must earn a commission like their Russian masters. But unlike Russia, Commissions are much more meritocratic within the Cossack Host, even higher standard than the Russian Army with Only those in the 80th percentile or above earning a commission as officers. This ensures that leadership positions within the military are held by those who have demonstrated exceptional skill, bravery, and dedication to the Cossack cause.

Despite the hierarchical structure of the military, the Cossack Host maintains a sense of camaraderie and mutual respect among its members. Officers lead by example, earning the trust and loyalty of their subordinates through their actions on the battlefield and their commitment to the welfare of their troops. The bond between soldiers and their leaders is strengthened by the shared values and traditions of the Cossack people, fostering a strong sense of unity and cohesion within the ranks. Their military system also applies to local community lives in administrative divisions. The Smallest unit is the Plastun, consisting of a few families or households, which are overseen by a Plastun Starosta, similar to a village elder. In their army, a Plastun was required to give a Platoon sized unit headed by a Pivsotenny or 2nd Lieutenant. Above the Plastun, there is the Kurins were units of half units of the next higher unit. Kurins are larger communities, typically encompassing several Plastuns, and are led by a Sotenny, a 1st Lieutenant who acts as the unit's commander and the municipal leader. Above the Kurins are the Sotnias, which are equivalent to companies in military terms. Sotnias consist of multiple Kurins and are commanded by a Sotnik or Captain. Sotniks oversee the military operations and administrative duties of their Sotnias, ensuring that their troops are well-trained and prepared for combat.

The next level of organization is the Polks, the Regiments. Polks are composed of several Sotnias and are led by a Polkovnyk or Colonel, who holds significant authority over both military and civilian matters within their jurisdiction. They oversee the training, deployment, and strategic planning of their regiment, as well as the administration of local communities and resources. Here the Polks merge into proper military units. First are Bryhadi, or Brigades, which are the first units to have a standardized size in the Cossack Army. A Bryhadi must have exactly three Polks under its command and is led by a Ataman Bryhadi or Brigadier General. Bryhadis are responsible for coordinating large-scale military operations and are often deployed as the primary fighting force in major battles.

Above the Bryhadis are the Diviziyas, or Divisions, which are comprised of three Bryhadis and are commanded by an Ataman Diviziyi, or Major General. Diviziyas are the standard sized units for the Army and how the Army is measured when called upon for war. They serve as the backbone of the Cossack military, providing the strength and firepower needed to defend their homeland and project power beyond its borders.

Next are the Korpusu or Corps, which are made up of several Diviziyas and are led by a Ataman Korpusu, or Lieutenant General. Korpusu serve as the highest level of operational command within the Cossack military, responsible for coordinating large-scale campaigns and strategic maneuvers across multiple fronts. They are the embodiment of the Cossack Host's martial prowess and serve as a formidable force on the battlefield.

At the pinnacle of the military hierarchy are the voysky or Armies, which are composed of multiple Korpusu and are commanded by an Ataman Voyska or Army General. Voyska represent the apex of Cossack military might, capable of waging total war and exerting influence across vast territories. These elite formations are entrusted with defending the Cossack homeland and advancing its interests on the global stage, ensuring that the Cossack Host remains a force to be reckoned with in the ever-changing landscape of Europa. However, there are higher ranks. The highest two Ataman ranks are the Ataman Frontu and the Ataman kozatstva. The Ataman Frontu is the commander of an entire front, overseeing multiple armies and coordinating strategic operations on a continental scale. This position requires exceptional leadership, strategic acumen, and a deep understanding of military tactics and logistics. The Ataman kozatstva, on the other hand, holds the highest rank of his class within the Cossack military hierarchy. This prestigious title is bestowed upon one of the top commanders to oversee war effort but the highest class in the army was the Hetman Class, the equivalent to Marshals. At the bottom was the Molodsha Hetman or Junior Hetman, typically an experienced officer who served for years, was the equivalent of a Field Marshal. Next was Hetman or Marshal which were senior officer who served for at least 15 years and who had earned tons of medals or who served with grand determination and exception. next was Velykyy Hetman or Grand Marshal, one of the most respected and revered figures in Cossack society. Velykyy Hetmans are distinguished leaders who have demonstrated unparalleled skill, bravery, and dedication throughout their military careers. They are often entrusted with the highest levels of command and are revered as heroes and legends among the Cossack people. At the very top was the Koshovyi Hetman, who embodies the highest ideals of leadership and statesmanship within the Cossack Host. As the supreme commander of the Cossack military forces and the political leader of the Cossack people, the Koshovyi Hetman holds unparalleled authority and responsibility. They are entrusted with safeguarding the sovereignty and integrity of the Cossack homeland, defending against external threats, and promoting the welfare and prosperity of their fellow Cossacks. The Koshovyi Hetman's role extends beyond mere military command; they are also tasked with representing the interests of the Cossack Host on the international stage, negotiating treaties and alliances, and fostering diplomatic relations with neighboring powers. and this can take a lot of strain so they split it up into three types of Roles, Secretary Generals (Heneralʹnyy pysar) who run the day-to-day affairs of the Cossack Host, Judge Generals (Heneralʹnyy suddya) who oversee legal matters and ensure justice is upheld within the Cossack society, and Adjutant Generals (Heneralʹnyy osavul) who assist the Koshovyi Hetman in military matters, providing strategic advice and coordinating military operations. The Heneralʹnyy pysars form a special cabinet for the Rada called the Heneralnyi sekretariat (General Secretariat), which is the Hetma's equivilant of the presidental Cabinet. The Heneralnyi sekretariat has a total of 12 Heneralʹnyy pysars. They are: 

 1. Heneralʹnyy pysar viysʹkovykh sprav (Secretary General of Military Affairs) 

 2. Heneralʹnyy pysar zovnishnikh sprav (Secretary General of Foreign Affairs) 

 3. Heneralʹnyy pysar z finansovykh pytanʹ (Secretary General of Financial Affairs) 

 4. Heneralʹnyy pysar pravosuddya (Secretary General of Justice) 

 5. Heneralʹnyy pysar vnutrishnikh sprav (Secretary General of Internal Affairs) 

 6. Heneralʹnyy pysar torhivli ta promyslovosti (Secretary General of Trade and Industry) 

 7. Heneralʹnyy pysar infrastruktury (Secretary General of Infrastructure) 

 8. Heneralʹnyy pysar pratsi (Secretary General of Labor)

 9. Heneralʹnyy pysar komunikatsiyi (Secretary General of Communication) 

 10. Heneralʹnyy pysar osvity (Secretary General of Education) 

 11. Heneralʹnyy pysar prodovolʹstva (Secretary General of Food) 

 12. Heneralʹnyy pysar zdorov'ya (Secretary General of Health) 

 These Heneralʹnyy pysars form the backbone of the Cossack government, overseeing key areas of governance and ensuring the smooth functioning of society. Each Secretary General is responsible for managing their respective department, formulating policies, and implementing initiatives to address the needs and priorities of the Cossack people.

The Heneralʹnyy suddya on the other hand will form the supreme court of Ukraine, the Rada sud or Council of Justice. There were to be a total of 11 Heneralʹnyy suddya, who act like the U.S. Supereme court justices. Each one has one vote and if there's a split decision, the 11th one, the Holovnyy heneralʹnyy suddya (Chief Judge General), will have the deciding vote. They are responsible for interpreting the law, adjudicating disputes, and ensuring that justice is upheld within the Cossack society. They also have smaller courts that ensure Local disputes remain local to ensure that the local people follow the law. 

 Finally, the Heneralʹnyy osavul, or Adjutant Generals, form the military advisory council to the Koshovyi Hetman. They provide strategic counsel, oversee military operations, and ensure the readiness and effectiveness of the Cossack armed forces. The Adjutant Generals play a vital role in shaping military policy, coordinating joint operations, and maintaining the Cossack military's combat readiness and capabilities.

Of course, not just everyone can vote. In Ukraine, You must serve in the Army to gain the vote and Service lasts about 5 years, which is standard in every Slavic society, including Russia, Ruthenia and Poland. This requirement is similar to the Roman system where no incompetence, laziness and entitlement grows in the people who are allowed to vote. The system is also very strict about rising the Political ranks as All Political offices are connected to military service and meritocracy. And there is a requirement that you must be a commissioned officer to even be considered for political office within the Cossack Host.

In addition to military service, education plays a crucial role in determining eligibility for political office. Those aspiring to serve in government positions must demonstrate proficiency in various fields of knowledge, including law, economics, administration, and diplomacy. Higher education institutions, such as universities and academies, offer specialized programs to train future leaders and equip them with the skills and expertise needed to navigate the complexities of governance.

Furthermore, candidates for political office are required to serve double the standard conscription requirement, 10 years as an officer to even be considered for even the lowest level of political office within the Cossack Host. This extended service requirement ensures that those who seek to hold positions of authority have not only demonstrated their commitment to the Cossack cause through military service but also acquired the necessary experience and leadership skills to govern effectively.

The path to political prominence within the Cossack Host is therefore one of dedication, merit, and perseverance. Individuals must prove themselves in both military and civilian spheres, earning the respect and trust of their fellow Cossacks through their actions and achievements. Only then can they ascend the ranks of leadership and contribute to the governance and defense of their homeland.

In this way, the Cossack Host embodies the principles of meritocracy, egalitarianism, and martial prowess, ensuring that those who hold positions of power are not only capable leaders but also dedicated servants of the Cossack people. Through their collective efforts and shared values, the Cossacks strive to uphold their traditions of self-governance and communal solidarity, safeguarding their independence and sovereignty in the face of external threats and challenges.

Emblem of the Tsentralʹna Rada Ukrayiny (Central Rada of Ukraine)

Emblem of the Rada sud (Council of Justice)

Emblem of the Heneralʹna viysʹkova rada (General Military Assembly)

Emblem of the Heneralnyi Sekretariat Ukrayiny (General Secretariat of Ukraine)

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