Spellbound [BWWM Original Fic...

By Msylvini

165K 7.7K 2.9K

Spellbound verb past tense; past participle: hold the complete attention of (someone) as though by magic; fa... More

29 - Matric Dance P1
30 - Matric Dance P2
Your Invitation
Charmed - 1.
Charmed - 2.
Charmed - 3.
Charmed - 4.
Charmed - 5.
Charmed - 6.


996 70 8
By Msylvini


I'm no Karrine Steffans and I won't be calling myself "Superhead" anytime soon. However, I don't think I do too bad of a job by the noises Brice is making.

His groans reverberate throughout my body sending a frisson flowing through me. Who knew giving pleasure could also feel so good? I pull back to lick along his length before attempting to suck it all in again. I focus on the tip and slowly work my way down.

I don't get very far when I choke on it.

Brice grips my hair and stops me. I look up at him in askance as he pulls his cock out of my mouth. His gaze is focused behind me as he tucks himself back into his pants. I have a feeling I don't want to know yet can't help myself from turning around. I don't manage to see who it is that was there but I do hear their hasty retreat as the door shifts.

"Stay here," says Brice.

He fixes his pants and walks out slamming the door shut.


What was I thinking? Why the hell would I decide to give him head in some closet in the middle of a packed party at god-only-knows-who's house? Was I drunk or was I just being a horny little slut?

Maybe a little bit of both, my subconscious quips.

I tug my hair in frustration and groan before I decide to get up and pull myself together. I can't hide out here forever despite what Brice said. Knowing him, whoever it is that was watching us is in a world of trouble. I brace myself for what awaits me when I step out.

I don't know what I was expecting but no one seems to notice me. People are making their way out in a hurry. I follow them with a sense of urgency. Outside the main entrance at the bottom of the stairs is none other than Brice beating up the guy. His face is bruised and bloody.

I have to do something, but what? I look around for help and notice that a crowd is forming a ring around them, some are recording but no one is intervening. I push through the bodies as I make my way down. Luckily, Hidde beats me to it and is able to lift Brice off and place him in a restraining hold.

Now in the front row, I have a clear view of things and it looks pretty grim. I can't see the guy's features beyond the bloody mess that's his face. To make matters worse, Brice is struggling to break free and get back to working him over. A few more guys step in, some helping to restrain Brice and others tending to the one sprawled out on the floor.

I follow the trio as they lead Brice away from the fight and off the property. He's been temperamental with me since last night and already lost his shit with his uncle earlier so I hang back a bit not wanting to get caught in his firing line.

"Get the fuck off me! Get your hands off me!" he hollers and struggles.

They only let go when they are safely on the street.

"What the fuck man? Why do you always have to be such a loose cannon?" asks Hidde.

"Yeah, dude. What the fuck? Why are you starting a fight at my party? Not cool dude. Not cool," says another.

Those are some very good questions that even I would like answers to.

Instead, Brice chuckles without humor. He looks defiant and unrepentant. His eyes suddenly connect with mine as I stand looking at them from the safety of the sidewalk. I shut my eyes and take a steadying breath.

Why him? I ask myself. Of all the people I could have gotten involved with why did it have to be this nutcase.

"What's not cool is recording people without their permission, Remy."

My eyes spring open when he says that. It can't be. I move over to where they're gathered. When Brice pulls out a phone, unlocks the screen, and hands it over to Remy my suspicions are confirmed when I see myself in HD.


I snatch the phone away from their prying eyes and watch in horror. The clip is not long but it's enough to make me regret what I did in that tiny room. I'm about to delete it when Brice snatches the phone out of my hands.

"Brice, you have to delete it," I say, trying to get the phone he holds out of reach.

"No." All three of them say in unison.

I squint my eyes in anger and shake my head in disbelief.

What do they mean, no?

I must be short-circuiting because my brain is having a hard time stringing a sentence together after seeing that.

"Listen, even if we delete it, the vid may be backed up in the cloud," says Remy.

"And if he decides to sue, this is the only evidence we've got in Brice's defense," says Hidde.

"What about me?" I ask, my voice cracking. "This will ruin me."

"Hey! Hey, look at me." I recognise Brice's voice but I can't see him through the sheen of tears clouding my eyes. "I will make sure this never sees the light of day, okay?" I swallow the lump lodged in my throat. "Do you trust me?"

I close my eyes and let the tears fall. I'm too overwhelmed for words so I simply nod my head. Brice wipes away the wet streaks from my cheeks and kisses my forehead. As comforting as he's being, I don't feel any better.

"I think you two should get out of here. We'll sort this out," says Hidde.

"Alright. If anything comes up or you run into any problems, call me immediately," says Brice, handing the phone over to Hidde.


He takes my hand and walks us to his car parked down the block. He opens my door and straps me in. He seems to have calmed down but now I'm the one stewing in silent rage as my mind bombards me with every worst-case scenario imaginable.

What was I thinking doing that? Why didn't I leave with him when he wanted to? I blame myself for this entire situation.

A heavy silence settles in the car with us as we make the short drive. At the end of it, I decide that it's best to cut this trip short before things get any worse although I don't see how that's possible at this point.

Even if Brice gets rid of that recording, there are still witnesses to the fight that broke out – some of them even taped it. They're likely already speculating on the cause. Rumors will spread whether true or false, and I don't want to be here for any of that. I need to get out of here.

Once Brice parks at the beach house, I hop out of the car and make my way to the pool house. Thankfully, the door is already open. I head for the bedroom making a beeline to the walk-in closet. I drag my suitcase out and start throwing my clothes in.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm packing Brice," I say as I move onto the ones placed on hangers.

"I can see that. The question is, why?"

"I'm leaving."

"What?" He takes hold of my waist and turns me around from my task to face him. "Why?"

"I want to go home."


I don't even bother arguing with him. Instead, I make my way out of his hold and head for the bathroom to get started on my toiletries.

As I unplug my straightener and gather the numerous products on the counter, I regret bringing all this shit. At this rate, I may forget some of them. I don't care. I can replace them. I can't say the same for my peace of mind.

"You're not going anywhere," says Brice.

I can feel him watching me from the doorway but choose to ignore him as I continue to stuff my toiletry bag wondering how I managed to fit all this stuff in the first place.

"Did you hear me?"

I turn to face him. He's positioned himself at the threshold with his arms spread against each post in a barricade to my exit.

"I don't want to deal with this, okay?"

"You said you trusted me."

What does one have to do with the other? I just want to go home where I feel safe and comfortable. Right now, I feel neither of those things. I can't close the zipper so I give up and carry my case as is and attempt to squeeze past him.

He grabs the bag out of my hand and tosses it sending some of its contents spilling out to the floor.


He looks at me unfazed and picks me up. He walks us back into the bedroom and takes a seat on the bed, placing me on his lap. He rubs my back soothingly which breaks the dam. I feel violated. I cry in shame, embarrassment, and frustration.

"This is all my fault," I say once I've gotten the worst of it out.

"No, it's not."

"If I hadn't - " I start to argue.

"Stop." Brice's hand slides up my back to my neck. He tilts my head away from his chest forcing me to look at him. "We are responsible for our own actions. This is not ALL your fault. He recorded us and I hit him."

"And I set things off when I decided to" I can't even say it now. "You know..."

"When you decided to what?" asks Brice with a smile playing at his lips.

I sniff and give him the death stare.

I don't find any of this amusing.

"When you decided to suck my dick?" he finishes for me.

I nod my head and look down in shame. My nose is running and I wipe the snotty mess with my bell sleeve.

"Do you regret it?"

I shrug my shoulders.

He places his finger under my chin forcing my head up. I must look a mess but he doesn't seem to care.

"Soleil? It's a yes or no answer."

I take a minute to think about it. I regret us getting caught not the act itself. It felt good in the moment. Not so much now.

"No, I don't. I just wish everything else after the fact hadn't happened."

"I think you're out of wishes but I'll make sure any evidence of what happened is wiped clean, okay?"


"Do you feel better?"

"Not really." He places a kiss on my cheek and the corner of my mouth. "Where does it hurt? I can kiss it better."

"Technically nowhere except my mind. But on a more serious note, Brice, you beat a man to a bloody pulp."

"On a serious note, I should have beat him to death. "

"You can't be serious. What is wrong with you?" I look at him incredulously.

"I'm serious when it comes to you."

He levels me with an intense stare that takes my breath away. He leans in and captures my lips, angling my head to deepen the kiss and draw me closer. His other hand slides along my outer thigh and disappears under my dress kneading my flesh.

He stands up and places me on my feet, finally breaking the kiss. He walks around to his side of the bed and grabs a few tissues which he then hands to me. I blow my nose and feel slightly better.

Brice moves to stand behind me and unzips my dress. He slowly runs his fingers down my exposed back then back up again gliding them along my shoulder blades. He gently pushes the material off my shoulders, and it puddles at my feet. He kisses my bare shoulders and unclips my bra next. His lips pay homage to my neck as he cups my now bare breasts.

"Do you know how beautiful you are," he whispers into the shell of my ear.

For a second, I forget how to breathe let alone how to speak. His thumbs brush against my pebbled nipples in his hold. Every nerve ending in my body comes alive at his touch. His hands slip down to my waist and he turns me to face him. His intense gaze rakes over my naked body save my panties.

"Only I get to look at you like this. No one else."

2024 / 04 / 16

WC  2129

Are they finally going to... seal the deal? 😏

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