Austin Butler & Elvis Presley...

By TheOnlyFruitBasket

3.1K 11 8

Congratulations you've found this little a gem :). A one shot book for celebrities but right now I'm doing Au... More

Sleepless nights and accidents- Austin Butler
The voice is back! - Austin Butler
First impressions - Austin Butler
Going to an Elvis Concert - Elvis x Y/n
Seizure - Elvis Presley
You think you know me? - Austin Butler (part 2)
Groped (sexually harassed) - Austin Butler
Bruised and breathless- Austin Butler
Smoke and shadows- Austin Butler
Elbowed In the throat - Austin Butler (short)
endometriosis- A.B
Cyclical Vomiting syndrome - A.B
Austin takes care of y/n - (Smut)
Hypothermia - A.B
Neck pain turns disastrous - A.B
Broken Nose - A.B
Seasonal allergies - A.B
Caught - A.B (Smut)
Heatstroke and Wardrobe malfunctions - A.B
Behind the perfect man - A.B
Hungover - A.B
Ask for help (addict) - A.B
Struggling - A.B
Tender care (sick) - E.P
Under her care - E.P
A name to heavy - A.B
Broken Jaw - A.B (short)
Stalker - A.B
Bike crash (broken collar bone) - A.B
Overdose - A.B
Twitter fight - A.B
interrupted (SMUT) - A.B (multiple)
personal and proffesional - A.B (smutish)
No stitches! - A.B
Torn Muscle - E.P
shattered collar bone
angry sister - A.B

You think you know me? - Austin Butler (part 1)

116 0 0
By TheOnlyFruitBasket

Hope you're enjoying reading! Requests would be lovely. They don't just have to be Austin or Elvis. Also sorry for writing so many Austin ones I just love him so much he's my favourite actor and I have so many ideas for him!!

The air crackled with tension as Austin Butler stepped onto the set of Dune 2, his presence casting a shadow of unease over the cast and crew gathered there. For months, rumors had swirled about his troubled past, whispers of controversy and scandal following in his wake like a dark cloud.

The truth behind Austin's tarnished reputation lay buried beneath layers of speculation and hearsay, but the whispers spoke of a tumultuous history riddled with missteps and regret. At the center of it all was a single incident, a moment of recklessness that had sent shockwaves through the industry and tarnished Austin's once-promising career.

Two years ago, during the filming of a high-profile project, Austin had found himself caught in the throes of addiction, his life spiraling out of control as he struggled to cope with the pressures of fame and fortune. It was a dark time, a period marked by erratic behavior and public meltdowns, culminating in many events that had threatened to derail his career for good.

The details were murky, shrouded in secrecy and speculation, but the damage had been done. Austin's reputation lay in tatters, his name synonymous with controversy and disgrace in the eyes of the public. And though he had since emerged from the shadows of his past, the stigma of his past misdeeds continued to haunt him, casting a long shadow over his future endeavors.

As he made his way through the throng of cast members, Austin couldn't help but feel the weight of their judgmental stares bearing down on him. They had heard the stories, seen the headlines plastered across tabloid magazines, and they weren't about to let him forget it.

With a forced smile plastered on his face, Austin greeted his new colleagues, his words falling flat in the face of their icy reception. Timothée, Zendaya, Florence, Josh, Lea, Rebecca, Christopher—they exchanged polite pleasantries, but beneath the surface, the tension simmered, threatening to boil over at any moment.

Throughout the day, Austin's attempts to bond with his fellow cast members were met with stony silence and pointed glares. They kept their distance, unwilling to let him into their inner circle, their mistrust palpable in every interaction.

But Austin refused to be intimidated. He had faced adversity before, and he would do so again. With each snarky remark and cutting remark thrown his way, he pushed back, determined to prove himself worthy of their respect.

However, tensions reached a boiling point when Denis Villeneuve, the director of Dune 2, caught Austin smoking on set. His face contorted with anger, Denis unleashed a tirade of expletives, his voice echoing through the deserted soundstage as he berated Austin for his reckless behavior.

"I thought you had quit," Denis seethed, his eyes burning with fury. "I made it clear from the start: no smoking on my set. Do you think you're above the rules?"

Austin bristled at Denis's words, his pride wounded by the director's harsh reprimand. But before he could respond, the rest of the cast chimed in, their voices raised in condemnation as they echoed Denis's sentiments.

Frustration bubbled up inside Austin as he struggled to contain his anger. He had come to Dune 2 hoping for a fresh start, a chance to leave his troubled past behind him. But it seemed that no matter where he went, the whispers of his past followed him like a relentless shadow.

And then, during a particularly grueling round of interviews, the dam finally burst. The interviewer's questions grew increasingly personal, delving into Austin's past and dredging up painful memories he had long tried to bury.

As the interrogation continued, Austin's discomfort grew, his facade of confidence crumbling under the weight of the interviewer's probing questions. And yet, none of his castmates came to his defense, leaving him to fend for himself in the face of mounting scrutiny.

Fueled by anger and frustration, Austin lashed out, his words sharp and biting as he accused his castmates and the interviewer of betrayal. "You think you know me?" he spat, his voice trembling with emotion. "You think you have me all figured out? Well, let me tell you something: you don't know the first thing about me."


The Backstory:

The echoes of Austin Butler's troubled past reverberated through the corridors of his mind, haunting him like ghosts from a bygone era. As he sat alone in his trailer, the memories flooded back with a vengeance, dragging him down into the depths of despair.

It had started innocently enough—a few drinks here, a pill there—but before he knew it, Austin had spiraled out of control, lost in a haze of addiction and self-destruction. The pressure of fame had weighed heavily on his shoulders, suffocating him with expectations and demands he could never hope to meet.

And as the whispers of his troubles spread like wildfire through the tabloids, Austin found himself thrust into the unforgiving glare of the spotlight, his every move scrutinized and dissected by a ravenous public hungry for scandal.

The headlines painted him as a lost cause, a cautionary tale of fame gone awry. They reveled in his downfall, gleefully recounting tales of his public meltdowns and erratic behavior for the world to see.

But for Austin, the real pain came not from the prying eyes of the press, but from the betrayal of those he had once considered friends. As he stumbled through the wreckage of his shattered life, he found himself abandoned by those who had once stood by his side, their loyalty evaporating like smoke in the wind.

Even his closest friends, the ones he had trusted with his darkest secrets, turned their backs on him, their once-friendly smiles replaced by cold indifference. They whispered behind his back, exchanging knowing glances and pitying looks as they watched him spiral further and further into oblivion.



The tension on the set of Dune 2 was palpable, thick enough to cut through with a knife. Despite their best efforts to move past their differences, Austin Butler and his fellow cast members remained locked in a bitter standoff, their interactions fraught with animosity and distrust.

 Hopes to soon become friends had long since faded into oblivion. Instead, they found themselves caught in a vicious cycle of hostility and resentment, each side unwilling to extend the olive branch of peace.

For Austin, the constant rejection had taken its toll, wearing away at his patience and his resolve. He had tried—oh, how he had tried—to win their acceptance, to prove himself worthy of their friendship and respect. But every attempt had been met with cold indifference, leaving him feeling more isolated and alone than ever before.

And so, with each passing day, Austin found himself retreating further into himself, building walls around his heart to shield himself from the pain of rejection. Gone was the friendly, affable young man they had once known; in his place stood a hardened, embittered shell of a man, his once-bright spirit dimmed by the weight of his own despair.

But it was not just Austin's demeanor that had changed; his behavior, too, had taken a turn for the worse. Frustrated by the constant rejection and the palpable hostility of his castmates, he had begun to lash out, his words sharp and biting as he hurled insults and barbs at anyone who dared to cross his path.

And then there was the smoking—a habit he had thought long since kicked to the curb, but which had returned with a vengeance in the face of mounting stress and pressure. He smoked like a chimney, his cigarettes serving as a crutch to numb the pain of his loneliness and despair.

But his coping mechanism did not go unnoticed, nor did it go unpunished. As he returned from a smoke break one day, the acrid stench of cigarette smoke clinging to his clothes like a foul cloud, his castmates recoiled in disgust, their faces contorted in revulsion.

"What's that smell?" Timothée wrinkled his nose in distaste, shooting Austin a disdainful glance.

"It's him," Zendaya muttered, shooting Austin a look of pure contempt. "He smells like an ashtray."

But it was the director, Denis, who bore the brunt of Austin's recklessness. As he caught sight of Austin, his face flushed with anger, he stormed over to confront him, his voice thundering through the soundstage like a clap of thunder.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Denis roared, his eyes blazing with fury. "Smoking on set, in costume, no less! Have you lost your mind?"

Austin's response was swift and cutting, his words dripping with sarcasm as he fired back at Denis with all the pent-up rage of a wounded animal.

"I'm sorry, are we not allowed to smoke now?" he sneered, his voice dripping with disdain. "Forgive me for thinking we were adults capable of making our own decisions."

But Denis was having none of it. He advanced on Austin, his face inches from his own, his voice a low growl of anger as he delivered his final ultimatum.

"Either you shape up, Butler, or you're out," Denis spat, his eyes burning with righteous indignation. "I won't have your reckless behavior jeopardizing this production. Is that clear?"

Austin's response was lost in the din of their argument, his words drowned out by the roar of his own fury. But as he stormed off set, his heart heavy with frustration and despair

The aftermath of the heated confrontation with Austin left the cast of Dune 2 feeling uneasy, a nagging sense of guilt gnawing at their conscience as they grappled with the fallout of their actions. Timothée, Zendaya, Florence, Josh, Lea, Rebecca, and Christopher—all of them had been shaken by the intensity of the exchange, their minds racing with thoughts and doubts.

As they gathered on set the following day, the tension in the air was palpable, a heavy silence hanging over them like a dark cloud. They exchanged wary glances, each one grappling with their own feelings of guilt and uncertainty.

Finally, it was Timothée who broke the silence, his voice hesitant as he broached the topic that weighed heavily on all their minds.

"Guys, we need to talk about Austin," he began, his tone somber. "I know things have been tense between us lately, but I can't shake the feeling that something's not right."

Zendaya nodded in agreement, her expression troubled. "Yeah, I've been thinking the same thing. I mean, I know we don't exactly trust him after everything that's happened, but...I can't help but worry about him."

Florence sighed, running a hand through her hair in frustration. "I just don't understand why he's acting this way. I mean, I get that he's been through a lot, but that's no excuse for his behavior."

Josh frowned, his brow furrowed in thought. "I don't know, guys. I mean, have any of you seen the pictures of his public meltdowns? The ones where he's screaming at paparazzi and throwing things? It''s not pretty."

Lea nodded grimly, her lips pressed into a thin line. "I saw them. It''s like he's a completely different person. I just don't know if we can trust him."

Rebecca sighed, her shoulders slumping in defeat. "I know it's hard, but...we can't just ignore what's happening. We need to talk to him, confront him about his behavior and see if we can get through to him."

Christopher nodded in agreement, his expression determined. "I agree. We owe it to him—and to ourselves—to at least try to help him. Who knows? Maybe he just needs someone to talk to."

And so, with heavy hearts and determined minds, the cast of Dune 2 made a pact to confront Austin about his behavior, to try and bridge the gap that had formed between them and see if they could find a way to move forward together.

But as they prepared to face their troubled co-star, a sense of unease lingered in the air, a nagging fear that they were diving headfirst into waters too deep to navigate. And as they braced themselves for the storm that was sure to come.

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