(Dropped) Tensei Shitara Ken...

By XinLiu08

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Tensei Shitara Ken Deshita x Tensei Shitara slime Datta Ken (AU) What if Rimuru is Fran mother and survived... More

Chapter 1: An Encounter
Chapter 2: A fight and duty
Chapter 3:Who...?
Chapter 4: A cruel fate
Chapter 6: Milim & The history
Mini Secret (i)
Chapter 7: Ciel
Chapter 8: Training I
Chapter 9: New skill
Chapter 9.5: Im sorry...
Chapter 10: Training II
New cover
Chapter 11: Playing dirty
Chapter 12 : Training III
Chapter 13 : Training iv
Chapter 13.5 : Aftermath
Mini Secret (ii)
Chapter 14 : Dungeon
Chapter 15 : Deaths

Chapter 5 : Shocking News

489 12 3
By XinLiu08

I'm currently sick so i will be gone for maybe a week or two to get better and my parents is limiting my phone :') so ya that's all, hope you enjoy the chapter


(Rimuru POV)

'Huh... Where am I? What is this place? Am I.... Dead? I can't Shizue and Fran still needs me... '

'What are you talking about? Your not dead... At least not yet.....This here my friend is inside your conciousnous'

'My conciousnous? What do you mean by that... And who are...you? Where are you?'

Then a ball of light appeared in front before turning into a silhouette of a man...? woman?

'Hahahaha.... you don't need to be confused about my gender.... Firstly, it's just what I said, we are currently inside your conciousnous...the secondly, on who am I is something You don't need to know yet and you will uncover it on your own... Lastly, all that I want to tell you is some advice, forge your own path.... make the decisons that you know that you will not regret... Only then you will be able to uncover the secret of this world.....

Oh..! it seems my time with you is almost up, Good luck on your upcoming journey.... '


'Wha-what do you mean by that...and you didn't answer my ques-'

Feeling my conciousnous returning from the weird dream.... I opened my eyes and was faced to the wooden ceiling... What and Whose place is this....? Trying to move my hand, I felt a sharp pain through my whole body....

Looking down at my body I saw that my body was wrapped with bandages....

Then I was suddenly greeted by a voice..... Moving my eyes to the direction of the voice, I saw a man with black hair that has white specks that it resembles the night sky and blue eyes..

"Ah, your finally awake.. "

Trying to move my mouth, I was immediately told to stop moving since I was hurt....

"Stop forcing yourself to move... even though you outside injury was healed, your internal injuries is still in a bad condition.... If you want to asked about your partner then I assure you that he is fine...

Rather than that, he is the first one to wake up.. although he's not really in a great condition...."

Getting up from his chair, he then walked toward a table and pick up a cup before asking me to drink it

"Here, drink this.... This drink will fasten your recovery"

Opening my mouth, he then helped me drink it by tipping the cup slowly so that the liquid go im my mouth smoothly... Gulping it down, suddenly I feel a surge of energy going through My body

Trying to move my body once again, I was suprised...

'M-my body... I can move it again'

Sitting up I asked him

"Who are you...? "

"Me? I'm Veldanava, but you can call me Velda"

"Okay then... Umm... Velda"

Getting a hmm from him I realised something...

'Shizue is not here.... '

Without wasting anytime, I immediately asked him on where Shizue is and whether he's okay or not..

"Your partner? Yes he's okay, although... He's not in a very good condition. If you want to meet him, he's in the living room"

Getting up from the bed I immediately walk towards the door to leave the room and was greeted by Shizue sitting on a wooden rocking chair....

Feeling tears forming in my eyes, I  run toward him before getting on my knees and lay my head on his lap

" *sob* I-I am so glad....  *sob* tha-that you're okay"

Feeling his hand on my head and hearing his soft voice, it made me calm down

"There, there.. I'm here right? "

Hearing him say that I notice something...


Fran is not here... Looking up to him I asked...

"Fran.... Where is Fran...? Where is my sweetheart..? "

Seeing him avoiding my gaze.... It instantly made me panic...

"I-I don't know Rimuru... "

"Wha-what do you mean...? "

Asking him again, Sir Velda then came in the room to answer the question...

"It's because your daughter have been taken by someone"

Turning around I looked at him with a questioning and worried gaze before carrying on with my question...

"The-then... W-who is the one that took her...? "

"That... I don't know, the only thing that Velzard told me is that she can't sense your daughter anywhere when she used her [Magic Sense] when she was searching for your daughter..."

Hearing him.... It immediately filled my heart..... Grabbing my head I proceeded to have a mental breakdown

'No... No, NONONONONO! I.... failed.... I failed to protect her.... '

Before I know it Sir Velda had already help me get up and sitted me on a chair beside Shizue.... With him trying to calm me down....

"Calm down Rimuru... Why don't we-"

"How am I supposed to calm down Shizue!? Our Fran is not here! She could be... She could be... *sob*"

"Shhh.... Calm dowm, I don't think Sir Velda is finish with his statement.... "

"Indeed.... I have my suspiciouns.... She may have been taken by the slave trader or bandits... Since that is the only logical explanation I can com up with.... and Charys won't waste his time to take care of your daughter... So you can rest assure Miss Rimuru"

Hearing this, you can See in my eyes that it's filled with some hope again.... Looking at him, I asked...

"Does that mean there is a possibility that she is Alive...? "

"Yes.... there is a high possibility that she is still alive and was only sold to Slave traders or bandits.... Though her life won't be too good.."

Without wasting anytime,I quickly got up from my sit and go back into the room that I was treated in before grabbing my dagger and reaching out to grab Shizue...


I was suddenly stopped by him...

Turning around I looked at him...

"Why are you stopping me..? Don't you want to search for our Fran...? There is a chance that she is still alive out there... No...she is still out there... I'm sure of it"

But the response that I got from him is pure silence.... Before opening his mouth...

"I-I do.... but I cant... I don't have the energy to move freely..."

Raising an eyebrow from his statement, I asked...

"Wha-what do you mean by that..? "

"Umm... It means that I... Umm.. "

Seeing him clenching his hand, he then was cut off by none other than Sir Velda...  And told me the most shocking news...

"It means that he doesn't have that much time to live.. "

"Wha-what do you mean by that Sir Velda...? "

"It means just that Miss Rimuru..."

Widening my eyes, I immediately grabbed him by his collar...

"What do you mean he doesn't have that much to live!? Huh! N-no...Y-you must be lying... Yeah... That must be it.... he's not gonna die... I'm sure of it...."

....Before i could continue on Shizue then spoke up...

"Rimuru! Stopped it.... What Sir Velda said is right... Even I don't understand it well myself... When Sir Velda is finished healing me, my body suddenly feel weak...

Sir Velda said, it is the work of a skill that can damage the soul... "

Seeing Sir Velda nod, he then asked me to go into the other room so that he can explain about Shizue conditions to me... Abiding to his request, I follow him into the room

Getting into the room Sir Velda then asked me to sit on the chair... Sitting on it, the surrounding suddenly got tense.... Looking straight at Sir Velda, I can see he has a serious face...

"Before I told you about Shizue conditions to you, I need you to promise something.... Never, I mean never ever tell anyone the information that I'm about to tell you.."


"it's because the skill that your partner was hit by only existed in an ancient nation or most specifically.... the past... "

"Do you understand...? "

"Yes.. "


'The pressure from before before is... Gone? '

Focusing back on Sir Velda he then started the explaination....

"Throughout the years, the skill was slowly forgotten and only a few still know of this spell... Decades the centuries had gone by.. And the spell has been completely forgotten, Understand? "

Finished processing all of the information I then gave him a nod... Before he continue on

"And your partner was hit by one, although I don't know what type he was hit by... But seeing the condition of his soul it mostly like a poison that is slowly devouring it before finally dissapear... "

Looking at him, I asked...

"Th-then, is there a way to stop it...? "

"Of course....not"

'Then, just say the answer immediately old man! '

Screaming internally, I then regain my composure...

"Then what am I supposed to do..? "

Looking at me he then told me on what to do...

"The only thing you can do is stay by his side until the end of his life... "

(3rd POV)

"Is that the only thing I can do....? Can't we find the cure or something....?"

"I'm sorry.... There is no cure... "

"But... I can't just be by his side knowing that he will be gone..."

"It is indeed a tough thing to do... Watching your love ones go, But life of a mortal is.... fragile "

As Veldanava said that he the grabbed two candle, a short one and a long one before placing it on the table

"like this two candles... One is already half of it size than before while the other one is still brand New.. If I light both of it at the same time at let it compete to see which one will extinguish first... 

The obvious choice is surely the shorter one because of it iisthe candle will run out but it can also be the long one.... Because with just a little misfortune the flame on the long one can be extinguish just like that...

Death doesn't only come for the people that has live for a long time but Death also come to those who is fortunate enough to meet it when it is their time... So the only gift you can give to your love ones is you company.... "

"Then, how did you know about Shizue condition.. ? Are you also from the Ancient Nation? "

"Ohh, quite a sharp one... Indeed I'm also from the ancient nation, but not just me my family is also from there "

"Then can you tell me and Shizue the name of that nation and also.... who are-no what are you Sir Velda....? "

"Hmm, getting on with the private question huh... Fine i'll tell ya"

"I understand if you don't want to-
H-huh you will..? Why? "

"Just because....so do you want to know it or not? "

"I do, I do"

"Then let's go sit with your partner and maybe i'll asked Velzard to bring some some snack and tea cause this is gonna be a long explanation... "


(1820 words)

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