born to die - levi ackerman x...

By deadlynghtshd

1.8K 82 0

levi ackerman x titan shifter (OC) In a world where humans once battled titans, Luna Tybur, a titan shifter... More

1: marley
2: the war hammer titan
3: stab in the back
4: corruption
5: Omni-Directional Mobility gear
6: just friends
7: what lies beneath
8: it's not a date
9: titan meat
10: clash of the titans
12: mistake
13: ruth
14: wouldn't you like to know
15: It's because of him, isn't it?
16: insecurities
17: the mission P1
18: the mission P2
19: i need you, now
20: What's on your mind, Captain
21: You're driving me crazy
22: I started seeing visions of you
23: tell no one, especially not Levi
24: See you later, Captain.
25: I'm willing to try... for you
26: A lot on my mind, I guess
27: You're mine
28: Have a good trip!
29: The Cabin
30: pain

11: may i?

61 3 0
By deadlynghtshd

warning: mature themes :)

With a silent nod to Levi, I slip out of Hange's room.

I make my way down the hallway to my own quarters, the warmth of the evening still lingers in the air, mingling with the soft glow of the lanterns that line the walls.

Arriving at my door, I turn the handle with a gentle click, stepping into the quiet sanctuary of my room. The soft ambiance of the space envelops me like a warm embrace, offering solace after the lively atmosphere of the bar.

Closing the door behind me, I exhale a slow breath, feeling the tension of the evening begin to dissipate with each passing moment. With a sense of relief, I move to unwind, ready to shed the layers of the day and embrace the tranquility of my own company.

Just as I'm about to undress and settle into the comfort of my bed, a light knock interrupts the stillness, pulling me from my thoughts. Surprised by the unexpected visitor at this late hour, I approach the door with a mixture of curiosity and caution.

Opening it, I find myself face to face with Levi, his presence a striking contrast to the quiet solitude of my room. There's a determined gleam in his eyes, a hint of something unspoken that hangs between us in the dim light of the hallway.

Inviting him inside, I step back to allow him entry, my curiosity piqued by his sudden appearance. As he crosses the threshold into my room, I can't help but notice how good he looks, the subtle play of light and shadow accentuating his sharp features in all the right ways.

With a curious tilt of my head, I inquire about his unexpected visit, wondering what could have brought him here at this hour.

Levi's response is simple yet cryptic, his words hanging in the air between us.

"Hange is finally asleep," he says, his voice low and tinged with relief.

as you stand taking in every inch of levi,

little do you know that to him, everything was perfect about you. the way you looked tonight; no flaws. Levi wanted to touch you; he wanted to feel your body against his.

i breathed out reluctantly, watching as he steps closer to me, closing the door behind him.

"what-.." i begin to speak, but regaining my usual confidence,

"what do you need?".

his grey eyes continued to scan my body, observing my features up and down.

"you" he simply put, before closing the gap between us and planting a gentle kiss on my lips.

"i need you, luna"

i slowly breath against him before allowing myself to kiss him back. At first, Levis kisses were rough against mine, demanding permission to go further.

I feel his slender fingers pull me closer by my back, his knees closing the gap between my thighs.

My fingers clung to the bottom of his jacket, running under his shirt and feeling his bare abs against my fingertips. he deepens his kisses against mine.

letting myself succumb to his touch we move towards my desk, in passion i brush everything off my desk, jumping up onto the desk, feeling the cold wood against my bare ass.

levi lets his hands roam around my body, taking off my jacket in the process.

He begins to leave marks on my skin as my body flinched against his, his teeth bite at my neck, leaving darker marks all over it.

he shifts his soft lips from my neck to my jaw as i wrap my legs around his slender waist. I cant help but release soft moans as he continues to touch my body.

his hands travel up my thighs, slowly rising up my bare skin as i shiver at his addictive touch.

he slowly pulls away from my lips, his hands remain on my thighs,

"may i?" he asks, tugging at the end of my dress.

i nod, as his two hands pull down my dress, leaving me exposed in just my bra and underwear, grateful to myself for picking a lacey set to wear tonight.

I watch as his eyes trail down my body, taking in every inch, a smile creeps onto his face, i cant help but blush under his gaze.

I tug at the end of his shirt before slowly lifting it up from his body, he lifts his chiseled arms up to help. i make sure to take a few moments, allowing my eyes to wander down his body.

levi scoffs, breaking me out of my mesmerisation,

"enjoying the view?" he mocks.

not being able to wait any longer I pull him back towards me, deepening the kiss. I cant deny the passion between us as I kiss his lips.

just as levi puts his hands under my ass, cupping my cheeks in his hands, a knock is heard at the door.

Fuck, i think.

levi pulls away from our intensity, and looks at me as if to ask who is that. i shrug my shoulders showing him i have no clue.

*knock knock*

levi releases an annoyed groan, stepping out my way as i jump down from the table, i scan the room looking for something to quickly cover me. Without even thinking i grab the shirt closet to me, slipping it on over my exposed body.

I walk to the door, grabbing the handle in hesitation, i open it just enough to see who's on the other side.

As Zeke leans against the door frame, his smile appears a bit too wide, a telltale sign of the alcohol coursing through his veins. I arche an eyebrow at his state, confusion evident in my tone as I greet him. "Zeke?"

With a lopsided grin, Zeke responds with exaggerated cheeriness, his words slurring slightly. "Luna, heyyyy." His breath carries the unmistakable scent of alcohol, confirming my suspicions.

"You're drunk, Zeke," I remark, unable to hide a hint of unamusement.

Zeke chuckles, his tone tinged with flirtation as he leans in closer.

"Are you not?" he counters, his gaze lingering a moment longer than necessary.

I straighten, My expression firm as I meet Zeke's gaze with unwavering resolve.

"I may have had a few drinks, but I'm not about to make any questionable decisions," I state firmly, My voice leaving no room for misinterpretation.

Zeke's grin falters slightly at this response, realising that his advances are being met with clear rejection. He straightens up, a sheepish expression crossing his features as he backs away slightly.

"Fair enough," he concedes, though there's a hint of disappointment in his tone.

With a nod of acknowledgment, I begin to close the door, signaling the end of the conversation. As the door shuts firmly behind, I let out a quiet sigh, grateful to have avoided what could have been a regrettable encounter.

As I turned to face Levi, I watched him dressing himself, a flicker of disappointment shadowing my expression.

"Are you leaving?" I asked, hoping for a different answer. Levi nodded, a trace of annoyance evident in his features as he confessed,

"Hearing Zeke's voice immediately turned me off." I nodded sympathetically, understanding his sentiment all too well.

Moving to my bed, I pulled back the crisp white covers, their inviting warmth a comforting embrace. Slipping beneath the sheets, I welcomed their familiar touch, seeking solace in their softness. Across the room, Levi remained shirtless, his gaze fixed on me as I settled in. "My shirt," he reminded me, gesturing towards my body.

Confusion momentarily clouded my features as I realized I was wearing Levi's shirt. Hastily, I removed it, revealing my figure once again. Levi moved to retrieve his shirt, but before he could, I made an unexpected request.

"Can you stay?" I asked, my voice tinged with uncertainty. Summoning my courage, I added, "Sleep with me for a bit," gesturing to the empty space beside me on the bed.

Levi's expression shifted, registering surprise at my invitation. I, too, felt a twinge of confusion at my own boldness, but I pushed past it with determination. As Levi nodded in agreement, I watched as he moved around the bed, shedding his pants. I averted my gaze, fighting the urge to stare, and focused instead on the empty space beside me.

With measured movements, Levi slipped under the covers, settling in beside me. I turned onto my side, my back now facing him, as he gradually relaxed behind me. I felt the warmth of his body seeping through the sheets as he draped his right arm over my waist, a comforting presence in the darkness of the room.

As I awaken at 4 am, a sense of disorientation washes over me. My hand instinctively reaches out to the empty space beside me, finding it devoid of Levi's presence. Panic momentarily grips me as I question whether the events of last night were merely a dream. Sitting up, I glance at the clock, confirming the early hour.

My eyes drift to the floor beside the bed, where a scattering of books and pens now rests. The disarray prompts a flood of memories to rush back—a vivid recollection of the passion shared between Levi and me mere hours ago. His touch, so deliberate and intimate, seemed to ignite a fire within me, consuming all other thoughts.

But then, reality intrudes in the form of a unwelcome interruption—Zeke. A groan escapes my lips as I recall how our moment was abruptly halted by his untimely presence.

I ponder the events of the night and the absence of Levi from my bed, a nagging question lingers in my mind: Where did he disappear to at 4 in the morning?

Did he, like he does for Hange, stay until I fell asleep, or was there another reason for his departure? The uncertainty gnaws at me, leaving me with a restless sense of curiosity that refuses to be quelled.

With these thoughts swirling in my mind, I sink back into the pillows, the room enveloped in the stillness of the early morning, awaiting the dawn of a new day and, perhaps, the answers to my questions.

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