Toolguns and Grimm: A GMOD X...

By Red_Actual

16.3K 415 358

"Ever thought I'd be Isekai'd? Hell no, I was just tryna play GMOD!" Infused with powers from GMOD, Red is th... More

Character Bio
Where am I?
Introductions and tomfoolery
[[LOG #1]]
Vale shenanigans
Clandestine operations, Freedom, And APFSDS
Combat and Meetings
Russian hacker-man activities. (filler meme thing idk mostly canon maybe lmao)
LOG #2.
Prom-plications Part II
Loose Ends And the Abandoned City.
The abandoned city part II
Operation File: Operation Homebound
question and vote result or smthn
Red's bio (REFRESHED)
LOG #3
question (very important real)
Failed Brakes
heyo question
other announcement
Show of force
Half chapter thing
Vytal festival? Nah, It's like a Geneva festival.
Test of endurance
URDF Units/Vehicles
URDF Small arms, support Weapons
URDF Aircraft.
Sequel Announcement
Post battle shenanigans, Meeting a new person.
Technological Disparity
Important, Question.
Operation thunderstrike.
Sort of important thingy (to americans atleast.)
First engagements in Beacon
Overwhelming Memepower
Fuckin' destroying Salem (Not the city)
Setting sail

God Given Right to Fight.

322 7 11
By Red_Actual

Red: "Are you ready?"

Yang: "Y- yes?"

Blake: "Maybe..?"

Weiss: "Sure.."

Red: "Alright..."

"I'm not from around here."

Weiss: "Are you from some other city? That's norma-"

Red: "Not from this planet."

They all stare at me, before slowly reaching for their weapons.

Red: "I'm not an alien! Calm down!"

Weiss: "How can we sure?"

Blake: "You could be a shapeshifter under that mask!"

Red: "I-"

I sigh

Red: "Fine.. I'll take this thing off.. God.. Damnit.."

I take off the Balaclava and let my Hair flow

Red: "Huh.. I didn't notice I had my actual appearance here."

Weiss: "Your- (You're Weiss, Say it properly you deustche fool) -You're a-"

Red: "It was not apparent in the voice? Oh wait there's a reason I trained my voice to be able to become male and female."

Blake: "What?"

Red: "Nothing."

"Oh and I know Oobleck's awake right now, Keep this a secret or I'll destroy your whole family tree."

Oobleck: "*scared stealth breathing*"

Blake: "So.. Why were you hiding this from us? From the world?"

Red: "I determined it would.. probably cause mass panic and chaos. You know.. Some people are.. Not the most... open minded..."

"Fear mongering.. Stirring up unrest.. Being general assholes.. I know that happened when new things that seemed unbelievable before appeared in my world.. I don't want this world to have that aswell.."

Yang: "Uh.. What's this.. World you talk about?"

Red: "Earth.. Terra.. Homeworld- Or I should say.. One of the worlds Humanity thrived in, One of the more.. Successful place it did."

Weiss: "What do you mean?"

Red: "Eight, Billion, People, 117 if you count the dead.."


Red: "Yes, And the wars— Oh the wars.. They overshadow your wars by.. over.. 40 times."

Blake: "Wh- What?"

Red: "Your.. "Great war" had how many deaths now?"

Weiss: "Easy, 2 million."

Red: "Ours alone got 40 million, That's unconfirmed, That's also from one conflict alone!"

All (again): "WHAT?!"

Red: "Yes.. Tragic.. And one thing, One nation from my world can.. Easily, Eradicate, Grimm."

Weiss: "That's just insane! There's no way a army is more powerful than At-"

Red: "That nation spends 800 Billion dollars— About 1.2 trillion Lien A YEAR!"

Weiss: "My... Gods.."

Yang: "Uhm.. Can you.. Tell me, If grimm live on "Earth" Why do they have such a large army and still die from Grimm-"

Red: "What Grimm?"

Yang: "There's Gri-"

Red: "No."

Yang: "Then who are the-"

Red: "Who else?"

She looked horrified.

Red: "Anyway.. I'm.. Going to sleep... Don't wake me up."

All: "..."

I slowly turn around and lay down on my Sleeping bag. The quiet sounds of the night accompany my thoughts on what I'm getting into.

Morning, If it was morning, Da dawg came in barking at like, 3 AM.

Red: "What da dog doin?"

Weiss: "Barking?"

Oobleck: "What?"

Yang: "Zwei?"

Blake: "What's going on?"

Oobleck: "Grab your weapons! Your leader may be in trouble."

I put on my scarf, goggles and helmet kit now, I replaced my Balaclava because It's way too hot inside.

Red: "Alright. *Cock's M4* Let's do this."

We slowly funnel out of the Room and walk to where Zwei Leads us, To a big ass hole lmao.

Red: "Hole."

Weiss: "Hole Indeed."

Blake: "Hole Indeed Indeed."

Yang: "Hole Indeed Indeed Indeed."

Oobleck: "There's you Leader's Scythe,"

Red: "Aw man you broke the chain."

Weiss: Do you think she fell?

Oobleck: "Fell?"

Weiss: "Down there."

Oobleck: "Oh my. Of course! Of course, OF COURSE, OF COURSE!"

Red: "What is it?"

Oobleck: "How could I be so stupid?!"

Yang: "Dr. Oobleck, what's wrong?"

Oobleck: "Mountain Glenn! Yes, an expansion of Vale that was inevitably destroyed by creatures of Grimm! Previously home to thousands of people! Working people commuting to the city, the main city! Developed a subway system to the inner city! Grimm attacks increased! Population in danger, now desperately searching for shelter! City evacuates into the metro tunnels and what do they find? The southeast quadrant of Vale is known for wild forests and deep caves!"

Red: "what?"

Oobleck: "My dear, we're not just looking for an underground crime network, we're looking for an UNDERGROUND crime network!"

Blake: "They've been working in caves?"

Oobleck: "No, no, Mountain Glenn was Vale's first serious attempt at expansion. It worked for a short period of time, thanks to an aggressive perimeter defense, and unique transportation; the city developed an elaborate subway system to carry citizens safely from the new territory into the main Kingdom! Sadly, without the many natural barriers Vale had to protect its borders, Mountain Glenn was doomed from the start! As the end drew near, the citizens of the territory made one last attempt at survival: They took up shelter beneath the city! In massive caves that they had cleared out for the subway. And they had cut themselves off from the surface!"

Red: "Where does this Subway lead to?!"

Oobleck: "It was planned to lead to three Town square, Why?"

Red: "If they have access to the trains.. The walls.. THE FUCKING WALLS!! THEY'RE GOING TO RAM THE WALLS!"

Yang: "What?!"

Red: "Shit.. *Pulls up Radio* ALCON ALCON, We have a upcoming situation, Townsquare, Threat: Alpha, Send in QRF units, ASAP!"

Radio: "Roger, Deploying Tier-1 and Tier-2 Units, ASAP"

Yang: "What now?"

Oobleck: "If Ruby is down there, we must find her..."

Red: "That's our plan."

Oobleck: "Who's going to in first?"

Red: "I'll do it."

I spawn a rope, to the amazemet of everyone and attach it to a part of a building, I slowly rappel down the rope into the Hole, M4 drawn and NODs on. I don't seem to see anyone down there.

Red: "Clear, All Elements, Continue."

Everyone else jumps down and land on the ground, Semi-Gracefully, I then Reach the ground and despawn the Rope.

Red: "Alright, You guys enter, I'll hold you from the back."

Oobleck: "Alright."

They suddenly kick the door down, and start to run toward the main street of the "City"

Red: "Move, Move!"

Each of us stormed the streets, Any and all WF members in our way were Annihilated by my Rifle, or an Explosion from the Coffee thing Oobleck had.

We slowly run toward a large w i d e train with grunts crawling over it, I manage to Snipe a few before.. Seeing bowlhat guy?! I thought that guy was in prison? Maybe he broke out. We still approach the Train and proceed to reach it.

Yang: "Ruby!"

Weiss: "Are you okay?"

Ruby: "I'm fine, But listen! Torchwick's got all kinds of weapons and robots down there."

Blake: " What?!"

Ruby: "Androids, mechs, they're all loaded up on the train cars!"

Oobleck: "Ahhhh, that's ridiculous. These tunnels are sealed, the tracks lead to a dead-end."

Roman: "Get to your places, we are leaving now!"

The train starts moving towards the tunnels.

Yang: "Well, it sounds like they're going somewhere."

Ruby: "We need backup. Let me call Jaune."

Red: "We don't need back up. We already have some on the other side."

Oobleck: "But that's-"

Red: "Let me cook."

Weiss: "So, what do we do?"

Oobleck: "I believe we only have one option..."

Red: "We're stopping that train!"

"With explosives."


On the other side, four helicopters are seen, two unloading Troops, one taking off, and another unloading some Sandbags and Mounted Guns. Some Civilians try to get through to three Soldiers, but are stopped by some.

US Soldier: "Hey, Put the M2 here."

C.Soldier (Combine Soldier): "Yep. You get the Ammo."

As each defence was being set up, some Soldiers set up positions and some of the units kept driving off civilians...

The event unfolding inside the tunnel are chaotic.

(boo. chapter out one week quicker. yeah, this one's 1.2k words, and one done in.. 3 hours. w h a t. but this actually isn't that bad. big reveal too. but idk, the things are gonna pan put more soon. this is gonna be like politics now.. oh god.. anyway im gonna sleep, holy hell it's like 4:30 am rn. anyway i'm out. cya i guess."

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