1st Memory : Elyra Scamander

3.9K 212 23
By Sapphiree_Moon

All HP characters belong to J.K Rowling


"Huh?" The curly brunette girl sleepily looked up and saw the familiar face of her brother leaning on the door frame.

"Oh. Hey, Newt."

The girl rubbed her tired eyes, sitting up on her armchair. Her mind is a bit fuzzy as she tried to remember what she was doing. She looked at the Magizoologist with confusion.

"You should head to bed. You're going to catch a cold if you sleep here." Newt offered a hand to his sister and help her up.

Lyra suddenly grabbed her brother's face, silently inspecting it, before pulling Newt into a tight hug, much to the Magizoologist confusion. Awkwardly patting her back, Newt wondered if his sister is alright.

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah. I'm alright, sorry." Lyra pulled away. Even she wasn't sure why she suddenly had an urge to hug Newt.

"Go to bed, Fwooper." Newt lightly flicked her forehead.

Lyra punched Newt's arm, annoyed by the nicknames her brother always use to tease her. Huffing in annoyance, Lyra climb upstairs towards her room, while ignoring Newt's grumbling about her being too violent.

Flopping down on her bed, Lyra looked up at the ceiling. She wasn't sure what but she felt like she was forgetting something. Something important. What is it?

A kneazle jump up onto her bed and approach Lyra, nuzzling into her face as he could feel the girl's anxiety. Lyra hugged the gray kneazle, humming in thanks at her beloved companion.

This male gray kneazle was Newt's gift for her. He gave her the baby kneazle for her to raise when she was 12. Lyra immediately fell in love with the small fluff ball who looked up at her with intelligent eyes.

The kneazle meowed at the girl, placing a paw on her cheek as if comforting her. Lyra chuckled at the cat like creature. Kneazle are intelligent creature, the same goes for hers. He's always quick to notice her mood.

"I know, Jade. I'm just overthinking. I'm fine now." Lyra looked at the kneazle's green eyes, and slowly blinked.

Jade meowed as if replying. He licked her cheek before curling within her embrace and made himself comfortable. Lyra laughed and nuzzled her face into his thick furs.

"There's no use thinking about it. Let's just focus on tomorrow. It's rare enough for us to have a family gathering. Especially with Newt who never stays in one place." Lyra closed her eyes and drift off to sleep.


"Hey, Theseus." Lyra greeted her oldest brother.

It was rare indeed for their family to have a gathering like this. With Newt away on his adventure, researching many magical creature all over the world, and Theseus who is busy with his job within the ministry, Lyra rarely seen both of them in the same room as hers. She had to threaten Newt by almost burning his journal filled with his findings of magical creatures if he didn't come for the family gathering.

Theseus was easier to persuade, one pitiful look from Lyra and he usually caved. Theseus adores his sister, despite not being the closest brother to her compared to Newt. And besides, he'd rather not incur the wrath of his mother by not showing up.

"Good morning, Lyra." Theseus ruffled her brown locks fondly.

Lyra glanced at her other brother, sat on an armchair she fell asleep on last night, teasing the poor bowtruckle, Pickett. She tossed his journal at him, returning his treasured brown leather journal. Newt grumbled, still remembering her threat.

"Do not sulk, Newton." Their mother chided and Lyra grinned.

"And you, young lady. Do not threaten your brother." And now it was Lyra's turn to sulk.

"But Mother. Newt wouldn't have come if I did not do that." She defended herself.

"Oh hush you. Surely your brothers wouldn't miss the once every year family gathering." She gently pinched her cheeks, talking with a bit of threatening tone towards the two brothers who felt chills.

Lyra grinned and hugged her mother, sticking out her tongue at the curly haired Magizoologist. Mrs. Scamander laughed at her daughter's childish behavior, while Theseus shook his head helplessly.

"Come, our breakfast is ready."

Mr. Scamander was already seated with today's Daily Prophet on his hand. Various kind of food was served on the table, courtesy to their house elves. The four of them finally seated themselves for breakfast.

"Merry Yule, Father, Mother. Merry Yule, Theseus, Newt."

"Merry Yule."



"Yes, Mother?" Lyra looked up from her opened book.

Curled on a sofa with a blanket with heating charm wrapped around her, Lyra leaned on Newt, who was also focused on his journal, writing a few things he forgot to add.

"Remember that we have to attend the Black's Yule Ball tonight." Mrs. Scamander reminds her daughter.

"Must I, Mother?" Lyra sulked. She'd rather stay curled up in front of a fireplace than mingle with those pretentious people.

"Yes, Elyra. You must. You too, Theseus."

"Of course, Mother. I will have to attend regardless." Theseus sighed, knowing that as the firstborn and heir to the Scamander family, he must attend these social event.

Mrs. Scamander also seemed pleased with his answer and turn to her sulking daughter. Lyra sighed in defeat. Of course she had to go, she has done this for years already. Despite that, she still dislike going to social event.

"Why does Newt get to stay at home?" She grumbled.

"Because I'm the favorite child." Newt teased, flicking her forehead.

"Ha! You wish. Come on, Jade. Let's go before Newt dissect you." Lyra hit him with a pillow as a retaliation.

Newt looked offended at her, watching as Jade jumped off the sofa and leisurely followed Lyra back to her room. Mrs. Scamander could only sighed at her two children.


Marvolo looked around his familiar surrounding. It seems that he was in the old Black Manor. He came here once with Orion and Abraxas. It was quite busy, with people going here and there. It seems that the Black was hosting a Ball or some sort of event.

Marvolo walked around, attempting to see familiar faces of the past. He saw Abraxas's father, who looks younger than he remembered. He assumed that this must be before his acceptance to Hogwarts. He also saw Arcturus Black, but he didn't see Orion anywhere.

Maybe because this was a memory that none of them can see him. Right, this is Scilla's memory. He needs to find her as soon as possible. Gracefully weaving through the many people that attend the Ball, Marvolo observed everyone there. Although he wasn't sure how she looks like, he felt like he will immediately recognize her.

However, despite his efforts, there's just too many people and without knowing how she looks like it is quite difficult to focus on one specific thing to search for. He went through the crowds of Purebloods twice already, and he still has yet to find her.

Stopping for a bit, he thought of Scilla. Right, he was already looking in the wrong place from the beginning. Knowing Scilla, she wouldn't be in a place where there're crowds of people. She would have found a much more quieter place.

Turning back, Marvolo made his way around the place, searching for a quiet balcony or parlour. He would have better chances at finding her in this places.

Slipping inside the third parlour room, Marvolo had his breath stolen at the sight of the gorgeous woman in front of him. Adorned in midnight blue evening dress that hugged her perfectly, she looks absolutely stunning just sitting there on the sofa. Only one person managed to ever make his heart stopped.

The woman looks up at him. Looking confused at the stunned man. He seems... familiar somehow, Lyra thought. She's quite sure she never seen this man before, but why does she felt such familiarity towards him?

"Can I help you?"

Marvolo snapped back to reality, clearing his throat. Well that confirms it. She can see him within this memory. Marvolo slowly stepped in front of her and kneeled down.

Lyra felt a bit wary, but she know that this man don't have any bad intentions towards her, so she keeps silent. Wanting to see what he would do.

"May I ask your name?" Marvolo asked.

"It is rude to ask someone's name without saying yours." Lyra said grumbling.

Marvolo chuckled softly. Yes, there is no mistake. She is, without a doubt, his little minx. Marvolo's hand was itching to touch her. To gently caressed her curly brown locks and those rosy pink cheeks.

" My apologies. My name is Marvolo. May I ask for your name, My Lady."

"Elyra Scamander."

Ah. The Magizoologist's sister, Marvolo thought. He heard of her once. To think that she was living in his era once. So close and yet so far away.

"It is my pleasure to make your acquaintance, Lady Scamander." Marvolo offers his hand.

"Don't call me that. Lady Scamander is my mother. I am Lyra." Lyra accepts his hand.

Marvolo placed a gentle kiss on her knuckle as a greeting. He looked up at the woman, showing a charming smile. He felt much accomplished at seeing the darkening of her cheeks.

"Well then, Lyra. As much as I enjoy seeing you in this beautiful dress, looking absolutely stunning, I need you to wake up, Love."


Lyra was lost. What is this man saying? What does he mean? Wake up? She's perfectly awake right now. Is he alright? Lyra became wary once again.

Marvolo, of course, caught on to what she was thinking. Grabbing hold of her hand and chin, he gently tilted her face up to look at him. Lyra was frozen, this touch... why does it feel so familiar?

"Love. You have to wake up."

"What are you saying?!"

"This isn't real. Everything is just in your head. This is not the right one, Dear. Come back. They're waiting."

A sharp burst of pain hit her in the head. It felt like her head was splitting in half. The pain was enough to bring tears to her eyes. Lyra clutched tightly at her head. Marvolo quickly supported her curled up form, calling her name a few times.

He looks around and noticed everything is falling apart. The world, or rather the memories, seemed to be breaking. Like paper being torn apart one by one, the world around him was also ripped pieces by pieces until it disappears.

"Scilla. Love. Scilla you have to wake up."

"I... C-Can't. Ugh..



Word Count : 1757

What am I doing at this hour, honestly. It's 3 A.M. in here and I haven't slept. Why is it that when I'm feeling so sleepy, I get inspiration to write instead. It's hard to write in the day time because my brain just can't think of what to write. But when I'm sleepy, my brain just seem to run perfectly. This a bad habits guys, don't follow.

Right, I was doing a research on the Black family, since I forgot Orion's father's name, and I just realized how confusing it is. Too many name registered as Black. Oh, and I'm not sure if the Scamander a pureblood or not, but let's just say they're pureblood in this story.

The past life arc has not ended, guys. But I want to make each life into one chapter only, like this one. So yeah, Scilla is still trapped. Good luck finding your wifey, Marvie.

Anyway! Hope you enjoy! 👋


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