Blood In Snow- Heiress Of The...

By XJapaneseX

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◇ "Living in the world of anicent china comes a young girl destined to be heir of the seven dragons of sacred... More

Chapter 1- The Beginning of Retired Mistakes
Chapter 2- Relentless Drama
Chapter 3- Failure
Chapter 4- dont give up. Never
Chapter 5- Taming of a Spirtual Dragon
Chapter 6- Hell isnt fun
Chapter 7- A change in me.
Chapter 8- Threat's Goal
Chapter 9- Threat's Goal Part 2
Chapter 10- fear for danger
Chapter 11- Decompose
Chapter 12- Danger is chaos
Chapter 13- Danger is chaos part 2
Chapter 14- Bloodhound of Xi
Chapter 15- Downfall of Shanxxi
Chapter 16- Haven of Chaos
Chapter 18- Nearing the End
Chapter 19- Before the Bloodshed
Chapter 20- End to Evil

Chapter 17- Seven Dragons

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By XJapaneseX

"It's your rage."


"You know better than anyone as to see the acts of enslavement and abuse of others by those under power and especially..narcissistic idiots like us under power who get our ego hurt when things doesn't go our way. You wish for a peace you know that can never be attainable, but you still try for the sake of committing so many murders. how would you feel if many of china's civilians didn't even see you as a good person let alone a master after you commited mass regicide, decimated the remaining martial arts masters of our world into a pile of red slush, how would you feel if all the work you've done to reach up to this point in your life is all..

For nothing?

you should consider that in your head many times before this war starts. that's what the governed leader said before you killed him..that everything that you had and did is all for naught, that your going to drown in a pit of fire, torture, or even damage for what you've done. You killed your own family just to live up to a goal that is nearly impossible to achieve since humanity's ignorance and evil cause your dreadful wish to deteriorate your soul into bits of broken nothingness.
Your soul is still in pain, and it's no way of bandaging the wounds.
Forgive and forget. If you just assume that each and every master in china is vile and cruel, then maybe it says something about you.~"

mogwai stared at him in slight shock but spoke something back.

"it shouldn't be too hard as to wish for a world that doesn't require bloodshed to gain power or require corruption to gain control, including abusive authority and enslavement of others. this God of ours.
talking about the spirit of the holy christ..
Left this earth to eventually die with lines and marks of evil onto this beautiful but sick planet of his. If he's so caring and so loving, then he wouldn't condone genocide or violence against his own mankind. If he's so loving, then he would send half of his kind to eternal suffering all because they didn't believe in him or repent for the sins he created. I'm not a christian. Our religion is buddhism that requires no god in order to be happy with ourselves, and that has less violence than religion who requires a god to praise or not.💢 our culture doesn't revolve around one religion."

"Maybe that's not the case.~"

"Then what is it?"

chang sighed at mogwai's hard mindset.

"Maybe god is afraid of his own creation, his own species, and his own work.
he knows humans have a nature of selfishness and cruelty within their little souls, but makes it seem like it's a refusal to try and reach out to his violent and pathetic mankind. maybe he's letting us self-destruct upon our own chaos. Maybe his free will is something he should never have decided to give upon his own humans. Our free will causes us to commit actions and crimes that are beyond sick capability. yet... he does nothing. I can see the hatred against God and his actions. but still...he is a good person if he sacrificed his life for his horrid creation."

"But he's still a god letting us as a mankind poison the earth he created. Our free will is eventually a path towards the self-destruction of each other. we fight, steal, kill, hurt, control, and take from everything and everyone. my belief in God had always been a trivial relationship before I moved towards satanism as a person who has a belief that Satan is somewhat a good guy at most.
I know his actions in humanity are never to be considered good at times, but he sends those who are destructive, violent, have a killing intent, or those who kill, do sex, manipulate others or just be sinners in general down to the insufferable horrible flames in which you will be tortured forever with no end."

"You really think Satan. the lord of darkness and many forces of evil is a good person?"

mogwai sighed at his hectic response.

"he me, that is.
I know he's the embodiment of so many forces of evil and darkness into our earth and spiritual world at best, but he used to be an angel, you know? He reminded me of myself before I became like this because of my father. I knew nothing of my mother.
all I had was just...chaotic mass murdering and control of other people all for money or something else that they want that requires good souls of human to be temporarily tormented. I don't want that for humanity, and I have a refusal to believe that suffering and despair onto this beautiful earth can not be vanquished.
I blame it all on god. I have a determination to see what humanity is like without murder, chaos, wars, or constant conflict."

"Are you conflicted with your actions?"

" maybe not."

"You lie."

mogwai stared directly at him in anger.

"What do you mean I "lie"? "

"You claim that you want peace so bad that you're willing to do a variety of heinous crimes in order to grasp and achieve it at the palm of your blood-stained hands. But have you considered that your list of crimes and your role of being a criminal to every single individual province in china is leading you to the downfall of your goal? I'm part of this plan to give you your harmony because you seem to see the best in people, no matter if they are vile or if they just are pure evil at most.
what if you did achieve this harmony of yours and nobody seemed to appreciate what you've done?
goodness in humanity can not be attainable either since people have their own individual problems or issues that don't require them to appreciate the sacrifice of a mass murderer like you."

"It's doesn't matter. I never to seem to get why humanity, which is God's creation, is so vile and inhuman to others and everything. why can't we all have harmony that is consistent and filled with happiness, equality, and joy with no despair lurking in the hearts. It isn't a part of reality.
our reasonings for being vile are unknown, thus bringing us no reasonings as to why we act this way. the status quo continuously changes throughout history."

he sighed at his words being right about humanity, but is still speaking more:

"Yes. The status quo does change drastically throughout our history of being the oldest culture out of anybody outside of our world, but isn't it right to be assuming that the goodness in humanity is already contributing to that?"

"I'm aware."

"So why -"

"I'm the goodness in humanity. I'm the Ying and Yang.
Both the embodiment of light and dark. I ask my subordinates to commit mass murder by proxy to spike fear into the figures of power to let them know that I'm not one to be fucked with.
everything requires a sacrifice if you really NEED to attain something that you KNOW you can't achieve since this is our unfortunate reality that we are guaranteed we have to deal with. we all face oblivion, but yet this is our reality? no. I won't stand for it.
I'll be the Ying and Yang even if it means staining my blade with a million soldiers. I have the utmost determination to change the status quo, not for me. But for humanity.
I kept observing that these figures under power do. And it...makes me angry.."

mogwai started to look solemn.


I may assume that your past is full of royalty, immense wealth, and decadence of living in a gold palace with your family to wage war upon somebody else for the sake of money. Am I right? nourishing your stomach off delicious foods and fruits in a gold tray while many innocent people are being KILLED?~"

chang scoffed at his accusations like he's crazy.

"I never asked to live like that. but I'm here to correctly assume that you're mentioning yourself?"

"Shut up. end the conversation. I would like to find the seven blades and build an obstacle to the seven dragons master's growth so that her future influence and involvement onto the war against china won't fuck up my path to humanity's needed harmony. I can feel her abilities growing more and more by the present day, and it's bothering me.
if her abilities singlehandedly orchestrated my harmony to be broken into pieces after all that I've worked for then... I have nothing else."

"What would you do if you got redeemed after your defeat in the war?"

"I honestly don't think I'll be redeemable for the count of kills i had for a chance to give the goodness of humanity a world with no despair. yong especially would be the type of person to have many of his men slice my head off in front of a thousand civilians to claim back his stupid honor in eliminating such a powerful threat.
"YayYY I EliminatE MoGwai, ChiNa's MosT PowerFul ThreAt, cAn I GeT my HoNor BAck?"
absolutely not."

mogwai stared at the rotting dead body of the governed leader with no expression.

"Ok.. let's just calm down.
do you know anything about the sacred blessings river?"

" I don't. if I had, then I would use my remaining abilities to destory whatever is left of any gateway to let the seven dragons master have any upgrade in her abilities and which I can not stand by.
like I said.. she has incredible potential."

"You would kill a 17 year old child then."

"If it's for a good reason, at least."

chang followed him out the hall.

"You're pretty high strong for this goal of yours, right? you would even commit direct child murder for it.
you really see the goodness in humanity for your influence upon the world to be no despair."

"If anything.. the count of crimes I committed for this... This has to be worth it.
I didn't plan this out throughout my entire life just for it to go to shit all because of a 17 year old infant retarded child. anyways, have our subordinates watch over the palace. we'll go at midnight."


At the cult's situation-

Juyeng slammed her ink down into the paper in rage at sending a war letter to ozu's cult.
the serpent lord cult came by to knock on her open door.

"Aye. Ozu told me you waged war upon him just for existing?"

"Isn't it your command to wage war upon him in a battleship in the next 5 days? we are at a direct standstill right with everything that had been going on across china. first is with the war between shanxxi and the threat, a blockage of production value and money, and OUR war. what does that have to do with anything.
I wanted ozu dead from the moment he came into the world as I held his little infant body.
I was only 16 at the time. what else should we do?"

"Your intellect is far beyond my comprehension. what do YOU think we should do?"

her ink covered the paper, staining her hands.

"Break down his forces with an ambush.
since crescenta had been forcefully elected to join shanxxi and their plans to attack against the threat, same as sheneyana helping out yong's evacuation plan. I needed to plan this out myself.
I suggest having two battleships.
one for our forces in the serpent lord cult and one for me for ozu to face me off in the final battle since he tend to assume that my path to hatred let my downfall in this unfortunate life somehow.
if one of us die or win. we will bring honor to our cult. The serpent lord cult is said to be one of the most resilient, strongest cults in the lands of china. All I'm trying to do is bring honor to our cult while ozu doesn't deserve anything. It's his own egotistical and narcissistic bullshit that wrote his path to death while my blade took his life."

"When is the battle set?"

"I changed the location. it's going to set in Sarced Serpent Scroll Sea. to let him know that I'll win the battle and the war. The battle is held tomorrow.
the history of our sea was consistent with wars and bloodshed.
it's one incident back in BC called the "Poison Massacre." It's a misogynistic massacre spilling bloodshed of both woman and female children after a protest of ending the rights to enslavement to work for either a sex business industry or a food production business.
it led the woman and female children to a battleship in which their screams of horror and pain could not be heard in the sea. the history is horrible enough to make even the most stoic shutter in terror.
anyways.. I hope you can keep your words to set up a battle and warn ozu of my horrific welcome to his own demise said by my own words to give him a painful death. set it up."

"Yes. but your my subordinate."

Juyeng stared right back at him in disgust.

"And who's control of over half of your strategic forces and plans to do literally anything? My name is known as" Peirless Mind of the Dancing Serpent." I have authority of half of the sect due to my intellect and intelligence at giving you all so much to defeat and make. so shut up and do your work."


- Back At the Liang province -

"Ok. Is everybody ready?" said hao.

"Mhm. this cave is dangerous. we need to be careful. if Suzhaz isn't going to be available to help us out with getting the legendary seven blades, then we need to act quickly and get this over with." said zhao.

"I have one question.
How did the seven blades even get in this cave despite its separate history? did the civilians take it from an anicent cave or river to withhold it on their own?"

Zhao grabbed her blade and let down her hair.

"Nobody knows. but all we can do is look out for each other. Is any of us skilled at martial arts for us to actually be in proper self-defense and protection when one of you guys gets ambushed or outnumbered in the spiritual enemies of the cave? the last time we were here.
we actually got outnumbered with no way to get out, so I want us to make sure.
because either one of us can either get seriously injured, hurt, or lay in a pile of ashes while our blood is pouring across the fucking floor. Let's not stand for that. Ok? Also... I have a gut feeling that somebody important is going to meet with us in the cave. I can..feel their aura from here."

"What does their aura feel like?" jiaoxian said.

"Dangerous, unpredictable, and hungry for power.
we need to watch out for anybody coming into this cave along with us without permission or authorization of our mission. Hao, do you have any idea where the seven blades are if you investigated more of the history of this?"

" I heard that the people of this town inside had been killed by a master under power pushing their civilians into a war they didn't ask for by the actions and atrocities of their masters. They were sticklers and a religious town of dukha. briefly. The history of the town is pretty tragic after the war had been over after the master of their town had been defeated." Hao said.

"Hmph. do tell.~"

Hao stared back at her sudden curiousity.

"The ashes of each of the civilians had been left along with the master's dead army men. the spiritual ties between dukha and buddhism between this place had caused many of the civilian's souls to remain in anger and sorrow for the rest of eternity because of what their own master did to them for the sake of money or any other vague reason as to wage war on a another sect or faction. They had to realistically pay the price which is a terrible thing somebody has to go through.
hell is only open to those who kill with no reason other than being vague or being terrible liars. so they remain in this cave even when the status quo changes drastically across our lands. I saw all of this in a scroll in a town library that holds the authority to this place. everything that happened in this full of despair."

"...huh interesting..but I have another question. How come they can manifest into these zombie like creatures the last time we came here with Suzhaz?"

Hao opened the entrance to the cave with her blade.

"I honestly don't know. the librarian of the town issued me millions of dollars just to find out more about the history of this despair soaked cave with a murderous dark past, which I called bullshit.
she attempted to blackmail me out of my crimes just so I could have more access to the history of this place when I declined the offer of giving her a million just for 4 scrolls. these zombies things are dangerous. keep your gaurd up. Let's go."

they stepped down to the cave, walking down the steps in seriousness.

"Fuck...this is so scary.." said jiaoxian.

"we are almost there. we just gotta..prevent ourselves from falling into this pit area outside of the city."

zhao looked down onto the deep black abyss.
She lifted the rope and threw it down to the city grounds.

"it isn't really a town, but who cares.
We are able to get in."

they slipped down the rope to the city, landing in the empty grounds of the city with an aura of darkness.

"Where should we go?" Said jiaoxian.

"Go directly to the area that holds the location of the seven blades the last time we came here. It's risky, but it's worth a shot. I have been practicing martial arts anyway, and I have been ready to test out some of my techniques."
Hao said as she brought out her blade.

"wait. it's too dangerous. remember the last time we came here." said zhao.

"This is for you, isn't it?"


Hao had her back turned while her blade was withering with qi.


"Yes. You are the seven dragons master with potential and inheritance to this spiritual blade that is one day writing the strength and abilities of your future. if you aren't going to take risks to retrieve a blade that is going to upgrade your own power and abilities in terms of Qi, then what's the point of going on this mission. what are you going to do with the blade once we finally grasp our hands to it? Are you going to train and live up to its own individual power held by many other inheritors of the seven dragons title, or are you just going to leave it alone..
It hopes of its existence magically upgrading your abilities in a flash like a cowie shell being thrown in a well?~"

"I don't know what you're talking about -"

Hao broke zhao's blade off her grip and looked at the patterns of the blade.

"This blade hua gave you is a mere example of a process of martial arts training. it's built with her qi since she had her own support of giving you more chances and paths to become stronger than any other master in the lands of china.
the qi of a thousands blossoming inheritance of a martial arts master of shanxxi. how interesting.. your will to get stronger is weaker than a pig getting their limbs cut open for humans to just eat their own parts. Your issues with your family had been resolved, so you got nothing going for yourself, so what? you need to have a drive in order to get stronger.
A determination in order to pass the obstacles in life to liven up your own strength and power, including your maturity and mental stability, at possibly anything."

"Are you trying to teach me how to -"

"What is your drive of achieving limitless power? What's your motives for becoming an unstoppable hero? the seven blades isn't a toy zhao. it's a spiritual weapon made to grasp those who are worthy enough to wield it. You don't seem worthy enough to me."

"Guys." jiaoxian said.

Hao stared right at zhao in a serious glance.

"Of course im worthy. I have been endlessly training my ass off for the last 5 days. My drive is to follow the words of my mother.
it's to always remain noble and never hurt an innocent soul. That's my drive to getting stronger."

"The words of your...mother?"

"Guys...?" jiao said.

"When I passed down at our last experience of this cave. I saw kuian in my subconscious state of mind. I felt like I had the chance to speak to her after what had been like years after her death. Her words sparked me to follow a motive I know I could ever follow and could achieve. her body and her glances to my tear filled face fills me with despair but hope of our future. even mine. even though my original family is broken and unredeemable enough to never see people as human. even the people of their own blood.
if you ask me to have a drive about gaining immense and immeasurable power from a blade, then my motive is all because of my mother."

"You need to have a variety of motives to saving people. Not just the words of your own mother? Are you trying to say that you don't care about the people of china? are you trying to say that you choose to focus on your own devotion and diligence to gaining strength and power?
isn't that selfish and wrongful to be a wielder of such a powerful spiritual weapon but chooses to care about yourself. You need to be selfless. 💢"

Zhao stared right back at her with a nochalant face.

"If the people of china are needed for saving so much, then why can't the provincial leaders or governed leaders of their own villages/ lands who holds a high number of civilians trying to protect their own civilians instead of having their own people pay for the price for a war their own leader caused? are you trying to send me out of my motives to follow the words of my OWN MOTHER??💢"

" Guys. GUYS." jiaoxian said once again.

Hao spoke with slight anger and resentment for zhao.

"As a person who holds so much potential to becoming a person with infinite power. You sure are hard-headed. What I mean to say is that I want you to both follow the words of your mother and the motives to protect the innocent without a vague reason as being that you "have to." With china's current situation with mogwai's take over and authority. you need to be more caring about others and their safety instead of focusing on kuian. You can focus on her if you need to.
but you might be involved with the war between China and the Fourth Satanic Cultist Palace."

"Instead of focusing on kuian..?"
SHES MY MOTHER WHO HAD BEEN DEAD FOR YEARS. JUST...recently she spoke to me in my subconscious, giving me a chance to actually see her in her normal usual self when all her life had been before death was all rape and SEX. do you have any idea what you're SAYING!? she followed the sin of lust because she had no choice. it's all for money.
she doesn't deserve hell. her sins are both greed and lust. what are you even talking about?"

Zhao looked right at her in a sorrowful but anger filled look.

"What im talking about is your future.
I'm saying this since I was initially the cause of your achievement for getting this goal of infinite spiritual power, including the physical prowess of a martial arts master with an power so divine and deadly. you will become the one with authority and praise for your goal.
And you'll be the one to follow the path to greatness. kuian is the motive that you'll keep, but you need to have multiple others. what did she even say to you in your stupid subconscious?"

"Always be noble..always fight for those who deserve to be fought for.
And kill those who have slaughtered me.
never reach a level of despair or darkness.
reach a level of determination and confidence in hopes of letting all catastrophes end with no blood shed. It's more like a promise other than a motive that's stuck with me for all of my time being this big and powerful master with people who have impossible expectations for me.💢 do YOU really want me to let go of a promise like THAT?"

jiaoxian looked back to see a beam of dark qi at the entrance while they were talking.

"I didn't say you can let go. many of us have the mental capability to follow multiple motives to do what we need to do. that isn't a motive. It's a promise.
She said that all in your subconscious? then made a deal and followed the motives to protect the innocent since some of us royals seem to see the best in people no matter how much they suck balls. chump change. you can not focus on one goal during your time of living up to this goal."

"This doesn't matter to you since you're a nihilistic buddhist. most people don't appreciate what you do for them since most of humanity is ungrateful. MOST OF THEM. not all of mankind.
I'm not cocky or arrogant about this goal of mine. I didn't even CONSIDER how much this goal had made an impact onto my own personal life. even swinging my own damn sword with an array of techniques in the middle of a training ground makes it feel lifeless that this goal of mine is actually forcing me to sacrifice my life for the innocent.💢"

Hao looked at jiaoxian to see her expression terrified, looking up at the entrance.

"Better put those techniques for good use because we might be in trouble. we'll talk about this later. I'll make a promise to you before we go down to retrieve the blades."

"What?" Zhao said.

"Put your diligence and your determination to actually train yourself to wield the power of the seven blades once we grasp our hands to its qi filled handle that will be yours to keep as a powerful weapon. Because being a hero makes to be selfless and heartfelt of anybody who's suffering under the hands of our power obsessed kind in china.
Royals and higher figures under power in china won't appreciate much of your diligence of gaining the trust and the kind souls of an innocent civilian's heart as much as they want money off the civilians doing the dirty work for them such as industrialization and food production. you need to be careful. don't just follow kuian's words into becoming a full-fledged hero. you need to follow the words and the heart of the innocent. Understand me?"

"I will.."

Hao grabbed both jiaoxian and zhao's waist and lifted them off down to the bottom of the city.

"Since when did you ever fly?" jiaoxian said.

"I had my skills in footwork back then. we should be careful not to get outnumbered by those zombie creatures."

They landed down to the same eerie hallway with chinese lettering of satanism and sacrificial words.

"Alright, be careful." Hao said, looking down the hallway.

"What do they mean on the wall?" Zhao said in confusion.

" The history of this place is still hidden in secret archives, so even if I tried to maneuver some of the librarians to give me some of the more remaining history of this place then they'll try and blackmail me for it like I mentioned eariler so I dont know anything."

the group flinched in horror when footsteps were heard at the end of the hallway.
with multiple voices talking in aggression.

"Hmm... I saw two individuals jump down here. who do you think that is..?" mogwai said.

"Hmm... just some lousy teenagers exploring an anicent cave like it's just a mere abandoned palace to them, but either way, I don't know.~" chang said.

Hao grabbed both of them and ran directly deeper into the cave no matter what happened.
Even when the zombie creatures wake up.

and they did.
charging at mogwai and chang like they are the direct target.

"That's HIM." Zhao looked directly back at them to see their automatic carnage of the zombie creatures.

"What the FUCK." jiaoxian whispered yelled.

Hao jumped forward and forward until she saw another set of stairs leading down to the bottom of the city to a hallway full of traps.

"Hmm... he's strong." jiaoxian said.

"I can see a light glow emitting from the end of the hallway. we need to be careful."

they took footsteps to the hallway in caution, sheathing their blades out to be ready for anything.
Hao heard rapid footsteps behind her, signifying if it's zhao or jiaoxian, but it wasn't them.

"What the hell is that?"

" it isn't us -" jiao and zhao said in sync.

chang appeared behind them, his aura initiating the traps of the long hallway,
his attack is instant as his blade charged with qi.
sending them back down to the hallway with injuries all over their money. 

" WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?" Hao said,slowly standing up in fear.

"Let's go. hurry up and retrieve the blades before we die in her.." Zhao said, walking to the glistening double doors with a light sunset glowing behind the doors.

"Let's see to it then..."

Zhao pushes open the doors to see an entire coliseum arena ground with the seven blades in the middle of it,the top has a sunset glow emitting into the blades like it's a magical weapon full of power and strength.

Zhao slowly lifted up to the blades like he's hypnotic to its presence, hao and jiaoxian stared her down in confusion as they are also in gaurd of the threat that is after them in the cave.

"Zhao, what??" jiaoxian said.

it's calling to me. The power, the aura, the strength, the qi, the abilities I can obtain all that can be grasped at my hands soon enough."

Hao looked back to the dim hallway to see mogwai, and chang rushed to the door.

"FUCK. MOVE!" Hao yelled.

jiaoxian moved out the way only to see the doors bust open with a explosion.
Zhao is still hypnotic in grasping the blade with her weapon.

"Ah... we finally found the blades."

mogwai stretched.

"That's the seven dragons master. she seems to be hypnotic and brainwashed about the beauty of the blades, like its voices whispering into the back of her head."
chang pointed to her walking step by step to the blades.

jiaoxian stepped forward in between them and lunged her blade at them in hopeless recklessness.


mogwai grabbed her neck and threw her to the wall in such force.


Hao slowly lifted her head up in dizziness, seeing zhao unaware of the danger.
But that wasn't the case.

Zhao's body stopped as soon as her hand grasped the hand of the seven blades.
when mogwai flew towards her to get her away from the blade.
A gush of power resonates in the entire arena.

"What the hell..." mogwai spoke in a slightly scared tone.

"Chump change." Zhao grasped the blades in her

mogwai and zhao were directly facing each other in the arena.

"Who are you...?"

"Is that a question in need to asking for such an incompetent truamatized satanist like yourself?"

"...!?" Mogwai looked to chang, laughing in the back.

"That's not funny. my legacy in leading China to a goal that they don't care enough to achieve or work for is inevitable.
mankind is in need of peace and no god or no person in order to contribute to my goal. if this is how reality is supposed to be like or if reality is just a endless loop of despair and death as our real demise is self destruction because of our endless conflict then why can't you understand what im trying to do? Even for such a person like you who gets general access to immense power. You and me are the same. having so much power in our abilities enough to send the blades of a thousand soldiers falling to the grass in surrender.-"

"We aren't the same."
Zhao grasped the blade aggressively.

"What do you mean?"

"Like I said. We aren't the same.
I remain true to my word in being the number one holder of the spiritual side of having this goal, having the abilities to take in some much power for the many good souls of humanity to raise up and clasp their hands together to praise me for my heroism. While you are still in truama for the actions of your father in which you aren't involved. Your father is just like the rest of these governed leaders and sect leaders of a sect who lead people against danger but is still on the green flag to pass as the most strongest in martial prowess or the most wealthiest in money.
you are consumed by hate and truama by the acts of the past and assume that most martial arts masters and different types of leaders in each province, valley, land, and town are evil and vile for their actions.
I think it's best to get over it."

"Get over it...? GET OVER IT??? You know NOTHING ABOUT ME-"

"But i do know."

Hao looked at her in confusion as she kept striking rage into mogwai.
she seems to be nochalant.


"You're consumed by rage and hatred, thus making your future end with only despair and endless rage lurking in your heart even after death along with your father in the depths of the torturous flames called "hell"
your family.
Your mere family is the reason why you can't be redeemable for your own actions just for your own beliefs in following a harmony that cannot be achieved because of humanity's unstoppable tendency to constantly have conflict over one another even if the world is sunshine and rainbows with no evil displace. I can understand you but at the same I don't. You force yourself to think of all of us as vile when it's simply unhealed truama within you. You never learned how to heal, and it's affecting you negatively to the point of being a mass murderer.
committing a crime of proxy and direct murder."

"Shut up... just shut up.."

Zhao lifted the blades up to see the power glistening from it.

"Power comes from within, and it also comes from the heart within someone who is noble and uses their power for the good of the world while you portray none of that. The only thing you portray as a person is to be a truamatized maniacal leader capable of only destruction because of his own beliefs and internal conflict with himself because of something he's born with that he's grown to hate.
your family are part of the higher class of china thus making you a royal, and yet it makes it seem that you hate your own blood, it makes it seem like that your hatred and your truama gets you a past out of being a horrible person?"

"Be quiet. Do you think you get a pass from being a person with inheritance to so much power for you to insult my TRUAMA? To insult my life and how I came to be the way that I am?
if it wasn't enough to see my child eyes see an injured enslaved woman get a knife or a blade stab into her flesh out of nothing, if it wasn't enough to see my father have no remorse for all the crime he commited.

mogwai had those same black tears come out his eyeballs.,

"isn't that everybody else has to go through? we are in the world of china. it's either kill or be killed, and it's either survive or don't.
many royals of our culture tend to go through the same thing for money and power, laundering, production, industrialization, humanity used for enslavement to benefit the higher class but they passed to it and decided to take the throne or lead the legacy of your family while you killed your own legacy and led your family to nothing while you stick with your own unhealed truama. You keep going on about your harmony, but haven't you considered that things don't go your way just because you're truamatized? as soon as everyone dies by your hands after this war, then nobody is going to take pity on you when all you have done to contribute to this harmony is fucking nothing.
humanity is always negative and vile, so what makes you think that the remaining individuals who survive your mass murder is supposed to respect all you've done?"


"You got nothing to say, huh? hmph. Figured. the masters of china have been raving about your influence upon our lands, but you have nothing to say or do when everything you've worked for in order to give peace to china is all gonna go down the drain. are you hoping to kill me for exposing the truth about the goal you lived for? are you hoping for my life to be shitty for just telling the mere truth, no lies about your legacy and livelihood?"

Hao smirked at zhao's choice of words.

mogwai continues to glance at her in pure rage.
chang started to take in her words a lot more.

"it isn't the mere truth just to shove it in my face to consider my damn decision.
It is the truth.
You no longer have to see the faces of despair, desperate hunger for some food and water, or even money. You no longer have to see people being openly tortured for not being told what to do for the general class. You will no longer have to see wars or heartbreaking pain from families who suffered loss.


"But I do. this is boring seeing such a pathetic little leader who has immense amounts of hatred for his own class, which is royalty. he has such denial for the truth behind his motives to do what he's doing. isn't that what had been explained multiple TIMES? Even as a young girl like me who has seen such power change the way I think. I can see right through your unfortunate fate."

mogwai trembled at that insult but raised his blade up to zhao.

"Change? you know nothing about change."

"hypocritical, illogical, and horrifically idiotic. you want to challenge me, then i suggest backing off. you back off from the truth. It's chump change for men like you who is a royal mass murderer with truama that takes time to heal be so much of a hate driven pussy. If you want to kill me just to share the truth about your motives, then so be it."

mogwai burst his blade with qi and dashed to her at incredible speed.

Zhao merely targeted mogwai with the blades and then a shot of power landed mogwai to the walls of the arena.

"What the-...." Hao said in shock.

"hmph. I wasn't expecting the blades to be this powerful, but at the same time, I did."

chang looked at mogwai, coughing blood at the attack.
Looked back at zhao with a baffled look, and her only expression is just confidence and nochalance.

" ???"

"Got anything you want to say to me chang? the kind and noble lion protecting the pack into a poisonous hazardous serpent only made to KILL? You put on a facade to hundreds of people who devoted their trust to you until you turned into this. why?"

"Do you really want to know?"


Zhao placed the blades onto his chin.

"Explain yourself."


"Well? I'm waiting for your fucking response."

"I don't think I should tell you anything."

Zhao curled her lip in disgust.

"Exactly why?"

" I know who you are.
a despair seeping mess. You have an entire archive based upon your family, your job, your martial arts training process.
haven't you considered your family then just caring about yourself? You killed your own family, and yet you don't have an ounce of shame or sorrow for sticking your blade into your own blood and flesh? especially one to birth you into a power-hungry monster.~"

"Don't bring my mother into this. her soul deserves to rest in peace for all the trauma she has gone through."

chang chuckled sarcastically.

"Say the same for the rest of your family. you're a killer, and you don't care about anybody but yourself. I can describe kuian's horrible livelihood to hurt you some more."


"She deserves her many encounters and experiences with getting raped. her slutty womb seeps semen from the men from beyond the grave.~"


Zhao lifted the blades out of a silent rage and tried to slash down chang.

mogwai ran forward and took the slash, scarring the front of his chest vertically.

"What the hell?"


mogwai held his leaking blood from his chest.

"This is all the pure definition of stupidity. no matter what you say or what you do..
Zhao Xi of the Seven Blades. this is an endless rivalry between you and me. because we are the s-same.  we have nobody to help us as we are forced to accept this is our reality as a whole. getting executed for stealing food or committing a crime just for your family to be held well in a home full of mold and trash, abusive, horrible authority used by the richest to cover up their wrongdoings and continue to do what we need to do..
this is our fate.
The seven dragons master.
may suffer for all eternity."

"You think i may suffer all because of my motives in being a hero?"

Zhao looked at him in such anger as her beauty shined in the light.


"No. suffering is part of the process of becoming a hero, devoting your life to the innocent as you suffer injuries for an innocent soul to never be harmed by the acts of evil is what I want to deal with. not because I "have to"
the lessons I been taught to always consider the lives of the innocent and the weak needed to be stamped into my head. While you're merely a truamatized villain.
this was all about the seven blades. I'll be taking this with me."

mogwai flinched at that, and he grabbed his weapon.
attempting to strike at her with his high power technique.

"... Zhao Arts- Shingan Xi Zuan."

she let out a blast of power within the blades's tip.
mogwai got sent back while chang's position is unknown.

Jiao and hao watching in shock.


mogwai was battered with injuries.

chang is on the ground, bleeding with a stab wound to his chest.
it's a qi blade circling in the flesh.

his eyes widened in horror.


Zhao opens the doors back to the dark hallway.

"Hao. jiaoxian. Let's get out of here. The seven blades are retrieved. Our mission is completed."

mogwai held chang's body in horror.

As they left.
he yelled in sorrowful anger.


her eyes glance back in him in that same resentment.

"And do you feel remorse and sympathy for all the crimes and destruction you done in china? breaking the very foundation of china's system by murdering the emperor as part of your process to change the status quo, causing mass murder by proxy, killing shanxxi's governed leader, spiking fear into all of china by doing a mass regicide of every single one of the emperors, masters, governed leaders, provincial leaders, and royal family with wealth and authority just to start your harmony? do you feel any remorse for causing all of this shit?"



They stepped out of the arena with mogwai in horror by chang's death.

Those same black tears dripped down his scarred face once again.
But it wasn't sorrow.
It was pure rage.
he stood up, pointing directly at zhao as she walked down the hall along with the others.

"You will pay for this zhao xi."


"So this is the blades.."

Hao touched it slightly.

"It is. apparently the handle of the blades is supposed to be other inheritors of this weapon who are dead or fought with honor. those who have grasped the blades's handle with their very palm will receive immeasurable and outstanding qi and power with the dead inheritors watching your every step to see how you would handle the blades's mere ability and power. if your martial ability is at least grandmaster and master martial artist level, then the blades will be accustomed to yours.
I...haven't reached grandmaster level, but somehow I'm still in possession of it at my very hands..?"

jiaoxian took a bite of the sugar fondue and looked at her in slight fear.

"I still question this goal of yours. isn't it merely supposed to force you to contribute to the good of humanity and to the innocent souls in danger of being killed, or are you forced to live up to people's expectations in being gifted in martial prowess?"

"I don't know. but somehow... I can feel myself...changing while I still look at the raw beauty of the blades. this is a desirable weapon to many. you have to be gifted, or you have to have the seven dragons master title in order to have it as your own.
many people would sell it for billions.
many people would use it for their own benefit.
Many people would use it for evil.
this weapon is needed to have the utmost protection."

"Hmph. Fine.
but changing...?"

Zhao glanced down at it with its light illuminating from her amber eyes.

" is quite beautiful that even the eyes of the ordinary seem to can't keep their eyes off it.
not even me. we just got out of the cave hours ago, and yet I still find it addictive to look at."

Zhao looked to Hao, overfilling her cup of tea, concerned at her blank stare into space.

"hao...are you ok?"

"I can...still see it..his scream..his words.."


Hao shook her head frantically and looked back at her in an exhausted glance.

"Are you talking about mogwai?" Zhao spoke in confusion.


"Why exactly are you thinking about him?"

"The way his voice came out in shrills to chang's death as his gaze is full of rage at you for killing him.
I looked back to see all rage coming from his hate consumed eyeballs and expression. to be honest. I'm understanding where he's coming from in terms of his harmony and his change into the status quo for the sake of our reality being forced to accept "kill or be killed" I feel...bad for him. Nobody deserves to live a life, having to be forced to disregard and neglect the lives of innocent people because of your royalty.
having to be forced to see war and death even as a growing child."

"and that's his excuse to commit mass murder and chaos across our lands all because of his blind eyes to the fabric and concept of reality?
he's just truamatized as a royal and killed his own family for a chance for reality to see things he wants to see?💢"

Hao went silent for a moment.

"I-...guess your right. But I can't tell the difference between his atrocities and wrongdoings mistakenly seen as a truamatic violent response due to his past. his father's identity and reputation had been destroyed, which means every archive he has no matter if its technique, martial prowess, and his original family backstory had been decimated all by mogwai's hands."

"So he killed him, took his wealth and everything he has in his family palace, erased his name out of everyone and everything to never be reminded of him every again?"


jiao ate the last sugar fondue. engaging, and talking in the conversation.

"So he doesn't feel any remorse for the person who spread his semen into his mother's womb to create only to be killed by his mere son driven by hate and determination to change the status quo? to be fair.. I can still see his perspective.
he's a royal. royalty in china is supposed to be the higher class of people who see the ordinary as just a bunch of rats.
Me personally. I think it's the abuse he had to suffer in his family based around his father.
his mother doesn't have any archives."

"Abuse?" hao said.

"Yeah. the ties to his truama all come from abuse, not just authority, corrupted, and money obsessed mass murder.
coming from his past as a royal son in a royal family. It has to be mentally and physically haunting for your own family to kill a bunch of people right in front of you. Especially when you're a child. I can't explain it since I don't dig deep into this shit."

"we'll talk about this later.
we all need to go to sleep since we all have a busy day tomorrow helping hao's mother with setting up the evacuation protocol with our side of the Liang Province before the war starts.
this war is supposed to inflict all of china, right?"

Zhao spoke, standing up.

"Technically. But it's mainly shanxxi." Hao said.

"Let's go."


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