By Cinamonrolljia

544 227 8

"I don't know what love means to you. But to me, it's not about being happy and whispering sweet nothings. Lo... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33

chapter 5

21 7 0
By Cinamonrolljia

As Mr. Chen drove home, his mind was consumed by a whirlwind of emotions. Thoughts of his daughter's future, the business he had built from the ground up with his blood, sweat, and tears, and the precarious deal he had just made with Mr. Jeon weighed heavily on his shoulders.

Lost in his deep contemplation, Mr. Chen failed to notice the flashing lights of an oncoming car until it was too late. The screech of tires filled the air as the two vehicles collided, the impact jolting Mr. Chen forward and causing his head to collide with the steering wheel.

For a moment, everything went dark as pain shot through Mr. Chen's head. When he regained his senses, he found himself disoriented and struggling to focus. The airbag had deployed, adding to the chaos of the situation.

As Mr. Chen tried to gather his bearings, he heard the sound of footsteps approaching. The driver of the other car had rushed over to check on him, a mixture of concern and urgency evident in his eyes.

"Are you okay?" the stranger asked, extending a hand to help Mr. Chen out of the car.

Mr. Chen nodded weakly, his head throbbing from the impact. "I think so," he replied, his voice strained.

The stranger helped Mr. Chen out of the car, guiding him to the side of the road where they could assess the damage. The front of both vehicles was crumpled from the collision, and the flashing lights of passing cars illuminated the scene with an eerie glow.

"I'm sorry, I didn't see you coming," Mr. Chen admitted, a sense of guilt washing over him.

The stranger shook his head, his expression sympathetic. "It happens. The important thing is that you're okay."

As they waited for emergency services to arrive, Mr. Chen couldn't shake off the feeling of unease that had settled over him. The accident was a stark reminder of the fragility of life and the unpredictable nature of fate.

As Mr. Chen struggled with his aching head, the stranger who had helped him in the accident rushed to his aid, guiding him to sit on the footpath. With a sense of urgency, the stranger dialled a number on his phone, requesting immediate assistance.

"Hello, this is Jeon Jungkook. Send a car to the texted location along with Ms. Lee," the stranger spoke into the phone, his voice filled with concern.

Mr. Chen's eyes widened in shock when he heard the name "Jeon Jungkook." The name was synonymous with power and influence, known for being the son of the notorious Mr. Jeon who had orchestrated the ruthless business deal with Mr. Chen.

Disgust and apprehension filled Mr. Chen's mind as he thought about the possibility of Jeon Jungkook displaying the same profit-driven mentality as his father. The idea of being indebted to the Jeon family in any way made Mr. Chen's blood boil.

"I don't need their help," Mr. Chen protested weakly, his voice laced with anger and defiance. "I can walk home on my own."

Jungkook was taken aback by Mr. Chen's sudden outburst, tried to calm him down. "Sir, you're injured. Let us get you the help you need," he insisted, his tone pleading.

But Mr. Chen was resolute. He couldn't bear the thought of owing anything to the Jeon family, especially after the coercive deal he had been roped into earlier.

"I said, I'll walk home," Mr. Chen reiterated firmly, pushing himself up from the footpath despite the pain in his head.

Jungkook hesitated, unsure of what to do next. However, seeing Mr. Chen's determination, he reluctantly stepped aside, allowing Mr. Chen to begin the journey home on foot.

As Mr. Chen limped away from the accident scene, a mix of emotions surged through him—pain from his injuries, anger at the situation, and a growing sense of unease about what the future held, especially with the looming presence of the Jeon family casting a shadow over his every step.

Mr. Chen felt an overwhelming feeling of relief and tiredness upon arriving at his home following a lengthy and exhausting travel. It had been an awkward ride on the local bus, with people gazing and muttering to him, obviously startled to see such a distinguished businessman using public transport. Mr Chen got off the bus, ignoring the looks of curiosity, and limped over to his flat building.

His head ached a little less, but the impact of the crash was still hurting his body. Mr. Chen felt the events of the day pressing down on him with every steps.

Finally reaching his doorstep, Mr. Chen weakly rang the doorbell, waiting anxiously for someone to answer. The door swung open, and he was greeted by his daughter, Yn. A faded smile appeared on her face as she saw her father standing there, looking weary and worn out.

"Dad, what happened?" Yn asked, concern evident in her voice as she ushered him inside.

Mr. Chen let out a tired sigh, sinking into a chair in the living room. "It's been a long day, Yn," he replied, his voice weary. "I was in an accident, but I'm okay."

Yn's eyes widened in alarm. "An accident? Are you hurt?" she asked, moving closer to inspect her father for any signs of injury.

"I'll be fine," Mr. Chen reassured her, though the pain in his head was still throbbing. "I just need some rest."

Yn nodded, understanding her father's need for peace and quiet. She fetched a glass of water and some painkillers, offering them to Mr. Chen to ease his discomfort.

As Mr. Chen sat there, nursing his injuries and reflecting on the events of the day, he couldn't shake off the feeling of unease that lingered in the air. The encounter with Jeon Jungkook's name and the accident had left him shaken, questioning the choices he had made and the consequences they would bring.

Yn chen

Yn Chen is a gorgeous young lady with neatly trimmed mid-length hair and light complexion. Her alluring presence is further enhanced by her siren-like eyes that possess a glimmer of curiosity. Yn frequently wears outfits that elongate her body or casual yet chic combos like tee shirts and shorts, which emphasise her coquette aesthetic. Her outfit, which combines ease and sophistication, accentuates her assured personality.

Yn Chen is the proud owner of "Delusion Shop," a charming bookshop nestled in the heart of the city. Running her bookshop brings Yn immense joy and a sense of fulfilment that makes her feel truly alive. The cosy atmosphere of the shop, filled with shelves of books and the comforting scent of paper and ink, is Yn's sanctuary where she can indulge in her passion for literature.

However, Yn's journey as a bookshop owner wasn't always smooth. In the beginning, her parents criticised her decision to pursue such a career path, believing that she should focus on more traditional and lucrative professions. But Yn, being stubborn and fiercely independent, stood her ground and followed her heart.

"I don't care what anyone says. Running 'Delusion Shop' makes me happy, and that's all that matters," Yn would often declare, her determination shining through her words.

Despite the initial scepticism, Yn's parents eventually came to understand and respect her choices. They realised that Yn's passion and dedication to her bookshop were not to be underestimated. After all, she was their blood, with a stubborn streak that made her do whatever she wanted, especially when it came to pursuing her dreams.

Over time, "Delusion Shop" became a beloved haven for book lovers and a thriving business under Yn's capable management. Her knack for curating an eclectic collection of books, hosting engaging events, and fostering a welcoming environment for customers earned her shop a loyal following.

"Are you alright? What happened?" Mrs. Chen's voice trembled with worry as she carefully examined her husband, her hands hovering over his head, checking for any scratches or bruises.

Mr. Chen managed a weak smile, trying to reassure his wife despite the throbbing headache that pulsed through his temples. "I'm okay, dear. It's just a headache from the accident earlier. Nothing serious," he replied, his voice strained but steady.

Mrs. Chen's eyes softened with relief as she heard her husband's words. "Thank goodness," she breathed out, her grip on his face loosening slightly. "I was so worried when I heard about the accident. You scared me."

Mr. Chen reached up to hold her hands, offering her a reassuring squeeze. "I'm sorry for causing you worry, my love," he said, his tone sincere. "But I promise, I'm fine. Just a bit shaken."

Mrs. Chen nodded, her expression still filled with concern. "Let me get you some painkillers and something to eat. You need to rest and take care of yourself," she insisted, already moving towards the kitchen to fetch the necessary items.

Yn couldn't help but smile as she witnessed her parents sharing a lovely moment in the living room. Mr. Chen, with a playful twinkle in his eyes, chuckled and settled comfortably on the couch, clearly in need of some rest after the day's events. Mrs. Chen, ever attentive and caring, excused herself with a smile and disappeared into the kitchen to prepare something for her husband.

Seeing the opportunity to lighten the mood, Yn cleared her throat theatrically, earning a surprised look from her father. "Ahem, excuse me, but I believe this calls for a family hug!" she exclaimed, spreading her arms wide and beckoning her parents to join in.

Mr. Chen laughed at Yn's antics, his fatigue momentarily forgotten. "A family hug, huh? Well, who am I to argue with that?" he teased, sitting up and opening his arms to embrace Yn and Mrs. Chen as they gathered around him.

The three of them shared a warm and affectionate hug, basking in the comfort and love of their family bond. Mrs. Chen returned from the kitchen with a tray of snacks and beverages, adding to the cozy atmosphere.

"I made some tea and sandwiches. Thought it might help you feel better, dear," Mrs. Chen said, placing the tray on the coffee table.

"Thank you, sweetheart. You always know how to take care of us," Mr. Chen replied gratefully, reaching for a sandwich and taking a sip of the tea.

Yn smiled contentedly, feeling grateful for the simple yet precious moments of togetherness with her parents.


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