Pico: The Rise of Mephiles

By KattheCat1202

433 13 75

Pico and his friends have been fighting evil as long as they could remember, and they have always won. Howeve... More

Before We Begin...
The Rising: Part 1: The Beginning of the End is About To Begin
The Rising: Part 2: Junko and Tsumugi's Plan
The Rising: Part 4: The Evil Plan
The Rising: Part Five: Let's Bring Back a Legend!
The Rising: Part Six: Fujisaki Captured!
The Rising Part Seven: Gotta Go Save Taichi!
The Rising Part Eight: Saving Taichi
The Rising Part Nine: Volcanic Eruption!!!
The Rising Part Ten: Mephiles Rises
Assassins of the Night Part One: Jumped!
Assassins of the Night Part Two: Mephiles' Plan
Assassins of the Night Part Three: Quest to Find the Assassins!
Assassins of the Night Part Four: Investigating
Assassins of the Night Part Five: Steakout
Assassins of the Night Part Six: Crazy Diamonds vs. the Assassions
Babysitter Ruv Part One: Prison Life
Babysitter Ruv Part Two: Recruiting Yamanaga
Babysitter Ruv Part Three: Attack News!!!
Babysitter Ruv Part Four: Fighting Yamanaga
Babysitter Ruv Part Five: A Russian, Demon, and a Baby
Babysitter Ruv Part Six: Versus Yamanaga
Insecurity Part One: Dinnertime!
Insecurity Part Two: Fiona's Plan
Insecurity Part Three: Kat and Fiona

The Rising: Part Three: Junko's Attack

30 1 11
By KattheCat1202

It was now late in the afternoon, and Team Advanced were at the arcade, with Kat playing Dance Dance Revolution while the other four were watching her.

Kat: Alright! Come on! That high score is gonna be mine! Just a few thousand more points and I'll be queen of DDR!

Silver: You got this, Kat!

Kat: Don't talk to me! I'm in the zone!

Silver: Uh... okay...?

Pico: You can't really blame her, Silver! She's going for a high score!

Silver: True... But I was just trying to support her...

Chihiro: Even if you wanna support her, she needs quiet if she gonna be the queen of DDR. She's not doing it to be mean. She's just focused!

Silver: I suppose you're right.

Ruv: Why is she so set on getting a high score, anyway? 

Pico: She's been trying to get it for months now, Ruv! Now I think is the day she finally gets it!

Silver: She also wants to prove that she's the best at DDR!

Ruv: Why though?

Chihiro: Probably has something to do with her being a popstar. She needs to be the best at everything music. Singing, dancing, playing guitar. You name it!

Ruv: I understand singing and dancing, but she doesn't even play an instrument.

Chihiro: Still.

Ruv: I still don't get it, but whatever.

Kat: [She was about to beat the high score] Come on! Come on! Almost there! I can do it! [Just as she was about to beat the high score, an explosion happened, causing her to lose focus and get a game over] NO!!!! I WAS SO CLOSE!!! WHY DOES THIS HAVE TO HAPPEN TO ME!!! WHY!!!!

Pico: Okay! What was the meaning of that?! [He looked out the window, seeing Junko on her Big Bang Monokuma] Ugh... Really?!

Silver: What's wrong, Pico?

Pico: It's Junkmail! Looks like she's back for round two!

Ruv: Seriously?! Can't she ever give us a break?!

Kat: [She pulled out her Hellfire Axe] There's no time for breaks now! Junkmail's gonna pay for messing me up and costing me that high score! [She stomped out the front door]

Pico: Well, better follow her! [He ran after Kat]

Silver: [He charged up his telekinesis] On it! [He followed them]

Ruv: Alright! Let's do this! [He followed them]

Chihiro: [He summoned Glitch] I'm ready! [He followed them. We then cut to when they got outside. Junko was oon top of her Big Bang Monokuma while it was trying to destroy the arcade and holding on to Tsumugi]

Tsumugi: SOMEBODY!!!! HELP ME!!!!

Junko: Cry all you want, you pathetic crybaby! No one's gonna be able to save you!

Pico: I think you're wrong, Junkmail! 

Junko: What the-- [Junko looked and saw Team Advanced ready to fight her] Oh... It's you guys... 

Chihiro: Hey... Isn't that the girl who gave us those hamburger coupons?

Pico: Seems like it.

Kat: Well then, that gives us all the more reason to save her!

Silver: And because she's a person in need, right?

Kat: Yeah! That too!

Pico: Junko! How dare you try to destroy this arcade and take an innocent girl hostage! A sin like that is unforgivable!

Kat: And how dare you make me lose out on a high score in Dance Dance Revolution! A sin like that is also unforgivable! In the name of Emberus... I'll punish you! [She jumped up at Junko, getting ready to hit her with her axe]

Junko: Oh, how I love a good fight! [She summoned a bubble around herself and the Big Bang Monokuma, causing Kat to bump into the bubble and fall]

Kat: AH!!!! Oww...

Pico: KAT!!!! [He ran up to Kat] You good? 

Kat: [She stood up] Yep! Takes more than that to knock me down! Let's keep fighting her!

Ruv: [He cracked his knuckles] Alright! [He ran up to Big Bang's legs and tried to punch them, but Big Bang simply kicked him back] WOAH!!!!

Silver: RUVPUTIN!!!! [He caught Ruv with telekinesis] Are you okay?

Ruv: Yeah... Thanks, Снежок...

Silver: No problem! 

Junko: Eww! What are you two?! Gay?!

Silver: That's it! You're gonna pay for hurting my Ruvputin and for being homophobic, Junkmail! And by the way, I'm Pan! Get it right! [Junko fired some missiles at Team Advanced, and Silver caught them with telekinesis and threw them back at Junko and Big Bang, but Big Bang quickly moved outta the way] Dammit!

Junko: Hah! Is that all you got?!

Chihiro: Alright! My turn! Glitch, attack! [Glitch flew up to Junko and Big Bang and tried to attack them, but Big Bang knocked him back] GLITCH!!!! [He ran to his creation and picked him up] Are you okay? [Glitch nodded] Good! It's okay! You tried your best! Pico! You're next!

Pico: Got it! Nothing can resist bullets! [Pico shot Big Bang, but the bullet bounced back at Pico, who quickly dodged] WOAH!!!! Wow... I guess Junkmail's getting better at building her Monokumas...

Junko: Why, thank you for noticing!

Kat: Now what are we gonna do?

Pico: We haven't even delivered our blows yet! After that, you'll be finished, Junkmail!

Junko: Try me!

Pico: With pleasure! You wanna go first, Kat?

Kat: Of course! [She started glowing pink] HELLISH FLAMES!!!!! [She summoned pink flames, causing Big Bang to start burning]


Kat: Alright Chi! Wanna go next?

Chihiro: Okay! [He started glowing forest green] HACK!!!!! [He started using Hack to control Big Bang, using him to throw Junko off of him]

Junko: AH!!!! [She fell to the ground] Oww! Hey! That could've killed me!

Chihiro: Well, you're trying to kill others, so I think it's fair! Ruv! You're next!

Ruv: Alright! [He started glowing grey] VOICE!!!! [He summoned a microphone and put in some earplugs before yelling into the mic, prompting Junko to cover her ears and causing Big Bang to explode]

Tsumugi: AH!!!! [Tsumugi started falling, but Pico caught her before she could hit the ground] Oh! Thank you, kind sir!

Pico: [He smirked] No problem! [He hid Tsumugi behind a bush]


Ruv: I'd like to see you try! Снежок?

Silver: Alright! [He started glowing cyan] PSYCHIC KNIVES!!!! [Knives started raining down on Junko, causing Junko to take cover]


Silver: Sorry guys! Looks like I missed Junkmail's hair!

Pico: It's alright, Silver! We'll cut it next time, Silver! Alright! My turn! ULTRA BULLET!!!!! [A massive bullet appeared and shot at Junko, knocking her back and messing up her hair]


Pico: [He pointed his UZI at Junko] It sure can if you don't leave!

Junko: Ugh! Whatever! Even a bad hair day isn't worth defeating you guys over! But you guys will pay for this! Next time, I will defeat you and take over this pathetic city! [She ran off]

Pico: You say that every time, Junkmail! [He turned to the others] Good job, everyone!

Kat: Thanks! [She looked over to Tsumugi and walked over to her] Are you okay? She didn't hurt you or anything, did she?

Tsumugi: Yes... I'm fine... She gave me quite the fright, but other than that, I'm fine... Thank you for saving me from her...

Kat: No problem! That's what we do, after all! Though, I was only really fighting her because she cost me a high score in DDR! No offense!

Tsumugi: None taken!

Kat: [She held her hand out to Tsumugi] Would you like some help getting up?

Tsumugi: That would be much appreciated! [She took Kat's hand, and once she did, a purple aura started surrounding Kat, making the demon-cat tired] Thank you or your help!

Kat: [She yawned] No... problem...

Tsumugi: Goodbye now! [She walked off]

Kat: Bye... [She tiredly went back over to Team Advanced] Hi... guys... [She yawned again]

Silver: Kat! Now that Junko's gone, you wanna try again for that high score?

Kat: [She yawned again] No... not... now...

Chihiro: Are you okay, Kat? You look exhausted! Did that battle tire you out that much?

Ruv: That can't be it. It's almost impossible to tire Kat out. It's like she has an endless supply of energy.

Silver: I'm mean... Anyone can get tired... So...

Kat: I am tired... [She went over to Pico and fell asleep on his shoulder]

Pico: Aww... Poor Kat... [He picked her up bridle style] Let's get you home so you can take a nap... [He started walking home with Kat in his arms]

Ruv: Guys... I'm a bit worried about Kat...  

Chihiro: Why is that, Ruv?

Ruv: It's almost impossible or her to get tired... Something must've happened to her while we were fighting Junko!

Silver: Ruvputin, nothing's wrong with Kat. She's just tired.

Chihiro: Silver's right. Everyone gets tired from time to time. Even energetic people like Kat. We should be too worried about it! I'm sure Kat's just fine!

Ruv: Well... If you say so...

Silver: I think we all need a little break after this battle! It's best if we all go home, too!

Chihiro: Yeah! I still need to pack my things so I can go see my dad!

Silver: And Love on Dreamboat Express is about to start! We can't miss that, now can we, Ruvputin?

Ruv: Nope! Alright! Let's get going [They started following Kat and Pico. We then cut to Tsumugi and Junko]

Tsumugi: Oh Junko~! I got Kat's energy~!

Junko: [Clapping her hands] Hooray! It seems like you're not so useless after all, Tsumugi! Now, let's see if we have enough energy! [The girls checked the energy in the crystal Tsumugi was holding, only to find that they still didn't have enough] WHAT?!!!!


Junko: Grr... Forget about what I said about you, Tsumugi! You're still useless!

Tsumugi: Well, looks like we need to try someone else...

Junko: And who do you suggest we try?

Tsumugi: What about your sister? [She pointed at Mukuro]

Mukuro: W-What?!

Junko: Nah... Too weak... We won't even be close to having enough energy...

Tsumugi: Okay then... What about your Monokumas?

Junko: Also too weak...

Tsumugi: Dammit! Now what!

?????: Perhaps I could be of assistance. [Junko and Tsumugi turned around, only to see a black gecko behind them]

Junko: Uh... Who are you supposed to be...?

Shade: My name is Shade... And I can help with your energy problem... [She smirked evilly]

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