Rollercoaster love

By arsenalwfcstories

15.1K 472 25

Molly Prince, one of be the best female singers in the world. She's 23 with 3 albums and a massive following... More

No more secrets
Song and dance
Moving backwards

Sun, Sea and Sand.

1.2K 40 3
By arsenalwfcstories

Mollys POV:

We are at the airport, Leah is stressed.
Leah: "have you got the passports?"
Molly: "no baby, you do."
Leah: "no I gave them to you."
Molly: "then you took them back babe, will you just relax?"
Leah: "I can't."
Molly: "Leah."
Leah: "okay okay I'll relax."
Molly: "thank you."
I kiss her softly as a little girl runs up to me.
"Molly prince?"
Molly: "hi sweetheart, what's your name?"
Izzy: "Izzy."
Molly: "well Izzy it's lovely to meet you."
Izzy: "can I have a picture with you?"
Molly: "of course you can."
Just then a woman, I'm assuming her mum runs up to her.
"Izzy I've told you not to run off."
Izzy: "I'm sorry mama but it's Molly prince!"
"I know sweetheart."
Izzy: "can you take the photo mama?"
She gets her phone out and takes a photo of us.
Izzy: "thank you Molly."
Molly: "it's okay darling"
"Thank you, she's a big fan of yours."
Molly: "that's sweet"
They walk off and Leah is looking at me with an adoring smile.
Molly: "what?"
Leah: "you're just good with kids."
Molly: "it's what happens when you have a baby brother."
Leah: "I bet."
She kisses me softly before we board our flight. I don't have any security with me today, I know Leah will look after me and I just want to be normal for these 2 weeks.

The flight is long, but I sleep for most of it, so does Leah. We get there and the weather is insane. It's hot and sunny and just perfect.
We get to our Villa. It's private, on its own, no one else around. It's perfect.
Molly: "this is perfect."
Leah: "yeah it is."
Molly: "thank you."
Leah: "for what?"
Molly: "for this."
Leah: "anything for you."
I kiss Leah softly.

Leah's POV:

Molly thinks that this is just a much needed holiday. But I have a lot planned. Which is why I was so stressed. In a few days, mine and her family are flying to the Maldives, staying only a few doors away from us, and I'm proposing. I'm so nervous, but I know she will say yes. I know it. She has no idea her parents and brother will be here. My brother is flying from Australia. It's going to be insane.

Molly: "BABE!"
I look up from my phone and she's naked.
Leah: "wh-what are you doing?"
Molly: "skinny dipping, join me."
I smirk and strip. I run and jump into the sea.
Molly clings onto me.
Molly: "I love you Leah Williamson."
Leah: "I love you."
I kiss her and hug her tightly.

A few days later. Countless photos and brilliant memories. Tonight is the night.

@mollyprince: much needed break🫶🏻

@leahwilliamsonn: 😮‍💨
@bethmead: where was my invite?
@mbaker: have the best time x
@jacobwilliamson: 🤍

Molly: "what's the plan tonight?"
Leah: "stroll on the beach, then dinner?"
Molly: "sounds good babe."

It's gets to around 5pm. Everyone is in their villas, all settled and ready for tonight's events.

Leah: "ready babe?"
Molly: "yeah let's go"
I grab mollys hand and walk out of our room.
Molly: "what's up with you?"
Leah: "hm?"
Molly: "you're being weird"
Leah: "I'm just tired."
Molly: "you sure?"
Leah: "yeah, think the sun got to me today."
Molly: "I did tell you to drink more water."
Leah: "I know babe I know."

We walk down the beach to where dinner is set, a little table for two.
Molly: "what's this?"
Leah: "well I thought that it would be nice to have dinner on the beach."
Molly: "when did my Leah get so romantic?"
Leah: "well I've not spent this much time with you, ever really so I just thought it would be nice to not have any distractions tonight."
Molly: "you're sweet."
She kisses my cheek as I pull a chair out for her. She really has no idea.

We talk and laugh about everything, rose petals and candles everywhere. Just us. The way I wanted it.
We have dessert and a few more drinks.
Molly yawns.
Leah: "tired?"
Molly: "mhm."
Leah: "I've heard there's a cute little alcove just a bit further down."
Molly: "okay, let's go"
I smile and take her hand. Now I'm nervous.
I check my pocket again and again to make sure I still have the ring. Of course I still have it but I have to check.

We walk around the corner and there's a big sign. Just as I planned it.

Molly: "wh-what?"
She turns around and I'm down on one knee.
Leah: "Molly. My Molly, I love you so freaking much. You're my best friend, the first person I go to when something is wrong, the first person I go to when something is right. You're my soulmate. Marry me? Please?"
Molly: "le"
Leah: "please baby."
Molly: "of course I'll marry you."
I breathe and stand up wrapping my arms around her waist. Her hands go to my cheeks and our lips connect. So much love involved. So much passion.
Molly: "this is everything."
Leah: "you're my everything."
She smiles and kisses me again. Until we hear cheers and whistles. She turns and sees both of our families behind us.
Molly: "wh-what?"
I smile at her.
Molly: "you did all of this, for me?"
Leah: "I'll do anything for you."
She smiles and kisses me again. Before I put the ring on her finger.
Molly: "I love you."
Leah: "I love you more."
One last kiss before she turns and her family hugs her.
Janet: "my baby."
Her mum hugs her tightly, along with her dad.
My mum comes up to me.
Amanda: "my baby girl."
I smile and hug her.
David: "congratulations bub."
Leah: "thanks dad."
I hug my dad before Jacob runs up to me.
Jacob: "my sister is getting married."
Leah: "I know."
Jacob: "I'm so glad I'm here."
Leah: "I've missed you."
I hug him before mollys parents hug me along with milo.
Milo: "LEAH."
Leah: "hello little man."
I pick him up and hug him tightly.

The rest of the night goes really well, Molly doesn't let go of me, I don't let go of her. We say bye to our families and head to our villa.
We walk through the door and I see the decorations that I got sorted. Congratulations in big letters as balloons above our bed. Rose petals everywhere.
Molly: "I can't believe this."
Leah: "what do you mean?"
Molly: "you can't keep anything a secret from me."
Leah: "I can now."
Molly walks up to me and kisses me softly.
Leah: "I love you so much, fiancée"
I feel her smile against my lips.
Molly: "thank you."
Leah: "for?"
Molly: "making me so happy. Bringing my family here, everyone I love is around me."
Leah: "you make me happy."
Molly: "I'm not tired anymore."
Leah: "me either."
Molly sits on the bed and takes her shoes off. I push her down and stand over her.
Molly: "you look good from this angle"
Leah: "just this angle?"
Molly: "every angle."
Leah: "thought so."
I smirk and start kissing her neck.
Molly: "le."
Leah: "mhm."
Molly: "show me how much you love me."
Leah: "I never plan on stopping."

We didn't get much sleep that night, and I'm glad our families are a few doors away otherwise they wouldn't have gotten much sleep either.

Mollys POV:
The next morning Leah is still asleep. I mean she did have a pretty big workout last night. I'm stood outside with a coffee in my hand, admiring my new accessory. The ring is so perfect, not too big, but not too small. It's just what I've always wanted. Nothing in your face.
I feel a pair of arms snake around my waist.
Leah: "morning baby."
Molly: "good morning."
Leah: "sleep okay?"
Molly: "I did."
Leah: "good"
I turn around, put my coffee on the table and wrap my arms around Leah's neck.
Leah: "what's that look for?"
Molly: "you never fail to surprise me."
Leah: "what do you mean?"
Molly: "I thought this was just a holiday, for us to relax together, little did I know I'd be coming home a fiancée."
Leah: "I've had this planned for ages."
Molly: "and I'm surprised you managed to keep it a secret."
Leah: "me too."
I kiss her before we are interrupted by a knock at our door.
Leah opens it and milo runs in.
Milo: "MOLLY!"
Molly: "woahhh where's the fire?"
Milo: "dolphins!"
We all look out to sea. Dolphins are swimming through.
Leah: "would you look at that."
Milo: "also, theres someone waiting outside."
Leah: "babe go check who it is."
Molly: "why me?"
Leah: "because it's for you."
I smile and head to our door. I open it and I'm shocked.
Molly: "grandma?"
Margaret: "hello my darling."
I pull her into the biggest possible hug. I'm smiling ear to ear. My grandma hates flying, hates it.
Molly: "wha-what?"
Margaret: "I wasn't missing this for the world, now where's Leah?"
Molly: "she's through there with Milo."
Margaret: "okay."
She waddles through with her walking stick and pulls Leah into a hug.
Margaret: "hurt my granddaughter and you will have me to answer to."
Leah: "I wouldn't dream of hurting her."
Grandma nods and Milo starts chatting to her.
Leah walks up to me.
Molly: "how?"
Leah: "she couldn't come till today, some doctors appointment she couldn't miss, so I got her to come today instead."
Molly: "you really are the best."
Leah: "what can I say, anything for my girl."

A week later and the trip is over. Today we fly home. Our families left a few days ago. I'm stood on the balcony taking in the view for a bit longer.
Leah puts her hand on the small of my back.
Leah: "ready babe?"
Molly: "I don't want to go."
Leah: "I know baby, but I have to get back to work."
Molly: "mhm."
Leah: "come on."
She takes my hand and we head to the airport.

A long flight later and a short car ride and we are home. I flopped onto the sofa whilst Leah gets the bags.
Leah: "not gonna help?"
Molly: "sorry babe."
Leah: "it's okay, you get some rest."
She kisses my forehead and walks off.
I'm sat on my phone, messaging all my friends telling them about the holiday. Then RAYE FaceTimes me.
RAYE: "girllllllllll"
Molly: "yoooo"
RAYE: "that holiday looked insane!"
Molly: "it really was"
RAYE: "erm what is that on your finger?!"
Molly: "oh yeah, Leah proposed."
RAYE goes mental.
RAYE: "tell me everything!"
I tell her the story, every detail.
RAYE: "well she's a keeper. I'm in London this weekend, we should do something."
Molly: "yeh we should, Leah's at a game anyway so I'll be bored."
RAYE: "well let's go out! Just like old times."
Molly: "I'm in, just let me know where and what time."
RAYE: "no problemo. Ahh I'm so happy for you Molly."
Molly: "thanks my love, I'll talk to you soon."
She blows me a kiss and ends the call.

Leah: "going out without me?"
Molly: "you're away all weekend my love."
Leah: "I know but still."
Molly: "TJ and Jason will be with me, I'll be okay."
Leah: "I know. Just make sure you text me."
Molly: "I will baby."
Leah kisses my forehead before loading up the washing machine.

That night we relax, watch shitty tv and enjoy each others company before Leah has to go back to training in the morning.

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