The Threadbound series : Unra...

By AamiTriesToWrite

230 145 12

In a world where destinies are woven by unseen hands, Frin, a healer; Ash, who was trained to be an Elder Cou... More

The Healer and The Hunter
Tornado in a Cup
Air Fuels The Fire
Dreams are real, While they last
A Leap of Faith
A Flame that Never goes Out
Broken Promises
Laws and Limericks
Sinners Condemned
Follow The Trails
Time does Wait
Strings Attached
Three Rapid Realizations
Burn to brave the Darkness
Mourn the Living
Threadburnt Thoughts
A Flask of Whisperleaf Tea
A Pack of Firewolves in a Cabin
Conversations with a Rebel
God is one of Us
Lessons to Pass on
The Purpose
The Last One Standing
Vengeful Beasts
A Man with a Plan
Learn the Sport
Reveal Your Secrets
Castles Crumbling
Blind By Choice
A Tug of War
Read The Room
A Bitter Lesson
Rivals Forever
Useful or being Used

Look inside the Heart to breakfree

4 4 0
By AamiTriesToWrite


As the blood-red sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows and bathing the world in a hushed gloom, Naf and I ventured to the edge of the sprawling Dantes estate. The evening held a somber weight, reflecting the events of the day. The attack by the Hunters, the sacking of the mansion, the destruction of property, it all felt surreal.

I had shed tears for Ash, allowing my grief to flow unchecked. But amidst the pain and turmoil, my mind fixated on the cryptic words of Moderich Dantes. His piercing gaze had met mine as he said, "Look into the heart, you will find the tools to break free." In his words disguised as advice to Ash, I found a clue meant for me.

The night was a blend of darkness and subtle luminance. A carpet of lush trees stood sentry, their canopies rustling in the gentle breeze. The silvery glow of the full moon above cast an ethereal radiance upon our path. The rhythmic serenade of crickets filled the air, their chorus a soothing backdrop to our purpose.

As Naf ventured ahead, her silvery hair seemed to shimmer under the moonlight. She clutched the Veil lantern, a beacon guiding us toward the mysterious heart-shaped pond.

"Are you sure, Sru?" Naf questioned, her graceful form leading the way. Her concern was palpable.

"We will see when we get there," I replied, my voice carrying the weight of uncertainty. "We saw how prepared he was, even in the Senate. He is a man with plans upon plans. If one plan fails, he will have another waiting."

Eventually, we reached our destination, a clearing in the heart of the forest where an abandoned, heart-shaped pond glistened in the moonlight.

I summoned my powers trying to extract water from the pond, but it proved more taxing than I had anticipated. My strength waned, and I had to sit down, panting and exhausted.

"I didn't realize there was this much water here. Perhaps we should come back in the morning," I suggested between breaths.

"No, we have no time to spare," Naf declared. With unwavering determination, she thrust the lantern into my lap.

Kneeling beside the heart-shaped pond, Naf extended her palms to the ground. There, an enigmatic connection between her and the ground sprouted. Silver threads materialized beneath her touch, snaking out and vanishing into the frothy water. As the threads entwined with the liquid, the pond emitted an eerie luminescence.

She leaned closer, her voice barely above a whisper. "I want you to bring me tools or a treasure chest or whatever it was that Moderich Dantes threw into the water."

The calm surface of the pond suddenly erupted with a cascade of splashes, startling me.

"Aah!" I couldn't help but cry out, swiftly concealing my mouth with my hand, as two skeletons emerged from the depths, bearing a treasure chest between them. It was an unsettling sight, one of them curiously lacking a head.

With a nonchalant tone, Nafaela addressed the spectral servants,

"Thank you for your service," as though they were mere waitstaff who had fulfilled her request. The skeletal attendants, connected by the threads she had woven, paused for a moment. Then, in unison, they without any grace, fumbling, strode back into the pond, disappearing beneath the glowing water.

Naf had already seized my lantern and was now focused on the chest's intricate lock. Her nimble fingers worked with a deftness born of experience, and the night watched in silence as the tools to break free came into view.

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