The Contract Of Love | jjk +...

By wastingtime12

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To satisfy their families. Two Chaebols set out for an arrange marriage. A marriage that is binded by a contr... More

S I X T E E N (M)
N I N E T E E N (M)
T W E N T Y (M)


441 32 17
By wastingtime12


Chaebol is a large, family-controlled conglomerate in South Korea. They are known for their significant influence on the South Korean economy and society as a whole, and they often play a crucial role in driving economic growth and development in the country.

The Kims and The Jeons came in the same category as chaebols. With big names in the business world, these two families were one of the most well respected families of South korea. Running multiple businesses that were bringing hundreds of millions of dollars as revenue every year. They had enough money to feed their next hundred generations.

Kim Taehyung though liked to live his life a bit different from that chaebol lifestyle he has been brought up in. As a chaebol there are many things you can do and so much more that you can't. Taehyung made sure to make the impossible possible. Being around rich people suffocated him because it was honestly disgusting community to be in.

With pretentious families acting like they own the world just because they own some factories. Their children parading around with their 'there is only one watch like this that exists in the world and I'm wearing it' stories, bragging about the amount of cars they have to the size of their mansions. Going to one of these rich people's parties was like going to a brag fest. These people are unable to make a conversation without mentioning how much money they had and Taehyung found it pathetic.

He hated people who made money their entire personality. It makes sense when you don't have it. You want to earn it but when you have it and you are showing it off, it just makes you look cheap in Taehyung's eyes. That's because Taehyung comes from a privileged position where he doesn't need to tell anyone about how much money he has or how much money he makes. The fact he is Kim Taehyung alone is enough to make people gasp and be honored to be in his presence.

The Kims are not someone you want to mess with. With Taehyung's father being self made and being the only one in the room who didn't have generational wealth to back up the empire he has built now, he is quite an honorable man in society. Marrying the Princess of Hwanda group, the group that was leading the automotive industry, He made a name for himself as he married the untouchable's daughter.

They were comfortable by the time Taehyung was born and it was only upwards from there. Taehyung wanted to separate himself from this life from the start. So when he graduated from university in London , he came back and denied the offer to work under his father. Instead he did the unthinkable and moved out of his family home. One thing about chaebols, you can't move out of the family house as they run on the joint family system and it helps to keep things inside the family. Taehyung respects that but he doesn't want any part of that.

His father was shocked at the announcement but he didn't stop him. Taehyung knows him being the youngest, he gets away with a lot of stuff. There is so much his father just lets go because he knows how much his father loves him and he loves him more than the world too. There is no one in the world who he loves more than his father. He let him be himself, he let him make his own decisions and in his world, not everybody has that privilege.

So when he got the offer to work in Park enterprise, it was the start of the life he wanted to live his way...or so he thought.

Taehyung compiled all of the reports of the last month and clipped them together. Finally done with managing all of them. It was a long day of working today. He worked so hard that his neck was sore from sitting on the computer all day. Working overtime is definitely not something he likes. He usually doesn't work on computers as his work includes more networking and staying outside but today was just one of those days where he had to sit inside.

Pressing 11 on the electronic device that is used to contact all of the heads in the building. 11 is the contact info of Park Sehoon, the CEO of the company.

"Sir, should I send the reports to you so you can check them?" Taehyung asked through the device.

"That sounds good, actually come up with them." He heard his boss say to him so he just responded with a 'sure' and ended the call.

Getting up from his seat, He saw Hoseok working on his own reports and waved at him so he could see him. The guy looked up and gave his infamous smile.

"Hyung, I am going to go up to give the reports to the big boss. I will probably leave after that, So see you tomorrow."

"OK, Take care, Taehyung-ah. Can you text Jin hyung to call me back? He has been getting on my nerves lately and I need to have a talk with him." Hoseok said to him and Taehyung chuckled.

"Did he 'borrowed' your shoes again and never gave them back?" Taehyung questioned him as he turned off his computer and started to put his things inside his briefcase and the way Hoseok fell quiet was an answer enough.

"They were limited edition."

"Hyung, seriously? But fine I will let him know. See you tomorrow!" Taehyung waves at him, clipping his briefcase shut. Hoseok waves back at him,leaving the office he shares with the guy.

Walking over to the elevator he presses the button and waits for the elevator to come. Within seconds the metal doors open to an empty elevator. Thank god, Taehyung walked in and pressed the 15th floor. He's on the 12th floor so it only took a few seconds and he was already on the floor. The click clack of his boots was being heard throughout the hallway. The 15th floor was exclusively only for the CEO and some meeting rooms so there was barely anyone up here. Besides the fact it was off hours and no one would be here.

Knocking on the glass door once and then grabbing the handle to open the door. Taehyung makes eye contact with Sehoon, His boss and also a friend of his. He still doesn't know if he can call him that. He smiled as he saw how wide Sehoon's smile was. "Taehyung, you are here. I was waiting for you."

"Hope I didn't make you wait too long, Sir. I was just packing my things up. Here are the files." He put the files onto his desk. He grabbed the files and started to scan over them.

"Oh, are you leaving? Did you bring your car?"

"No, I left it at the car wash so they can deep clean it. Namjoon hyung dropped me off today." Taehyung says to him without thinking much.

"Ah Namjoon, tell that guy to remember me too sometimes. Ever since he got married he forgot about me." Sehoon claims and Taehyung just chuckles.

Sehoon is not only his boss but also a former classmate of his older brother, Namjoon. They are friends and their families also are good friends. That's why when Taehyung sent his application for a position in 'FADE', company owned by Park Sehoon, he made sure to put in a fake photo and name while everything else was true. He got in on his own, without his father's name or his brother's help.

It was a funny situation when he walked into the building and came face to face with Sehoon who was just shocked to see him working under him. That was a fun day for sure.

"He is obsessed with his wife, trust me I barely get to spend time with him."

"Makes sense. You have no idea how much my mother mentions him and how I should get married too." Sehoon mentions to him, finally putting the files down as he was done reading them.

"No offense but you are getting old."

"I like when you talk to me like a friend and not as an employee."

"Well I am your employee and you know I really want to maintain a professional relationship with everyone when I'm at work, whether I know them or not." Taehyung states and Sehoon just smiles wider.

"That's what I admire about you, you take your work seriously and I appreciate that. So now let your boss drive you home." Sehoon got up from his desk, grabbing his car keys and his phone and putting them in his pocket.

"No, seriously you don't have to. I can just call an uber." Taehyung tried to politely decline the offer but the man was not budging from his decision.

"An uber? your brother will have my head if he knows I let you ride on there."

"What's wrong with an uber?" Taehyung asked a genuine question and Sehoon tried to laugh it off only to realize Taehyung is serious.

"Taehyung, It's not safe, it's not of your status, it's not something people like us go in. I know you don't like the talk of status but this is a matter of safety. Your father has many competitors that would do anything to take him down and I don't want you to be the target of that. So I am sorry but you have to come with me. Besides, it's late, I don't want to risk it." Sehoon convinced him because in the end he was right.

With a conglomerate empire as big as theirs, the entire country has their eyes on them and most of them look at him and his family with jealousy and just pure hatred. People will do anything for money and if that means taking competition out, that's the best next thing.

Taehyung sighs and nods. "Fine but only this one time because I don't want to make my dad worry." Taehyung says to him, Sehoon is happier than ever that Taehyung didn't fight him.

Sitting inside Sehoon's BMW 5 series was indeed an experience. His car was definitely impressive to look at, Great exterior, so beautiful and sleek from inside, The seats were quite comfortable. It was definitely an amazing option, maybe they should buy one too. Taehyung still prefers his maroon Mercedes benz s class though, his car is something he really cherishes. They have tons of cars in their garage but this particular one is Taehyung's to go to. Taehyung noticed how Sehoon had one of his hands on the steering wheel and other on the arm rest.

"Where is your driver?"

"I let him off today because I felt like driving. Why? Am I not a good driver?" Sehoon looks at him with his infamous smirk.

"You are fine. Was just wondering, I never really have seen you drive. How is-" Taehyung was interrupted by his own ringtone. He apologized to the guy and took his phone to see that Jin was calling him.

Jin Hyung
Accept | Decline


"Yoo, Taehyung where are you?" He heard Jin's voice, it was a bit hard to hear as there was loud music in the background of his call.

"It's a Thursday night, Where do you think I am? I got off work just now. I'm going home. " Taehyung says to him.

"No, you can't go home, Tae-ah!! come here right now this party is fucking crazy!! everyone is here!!" The way he was slurring his words, he was definitely drunk.

"hyung, seriously you are at a party on a weekday? where exactly are you?" Taehyung says and he sees from the corner of his eyes that Sehoon's eyes perk up in interest.

"Park Jimin's party!! it's so hype here, my friend."

"Where is Park Jimin's party being held?"

"Black Diamond Oasis." Instead of Jin, it was Sehoon who responded to him. Black Diamond Oasis is a popular nightclub in Gangnam, the richest neighborhood of South korea.

"Hyung, I am going to hang up. I will be there with someone. Stay put!" Before Jin could even respond to him, Taehyung ended the call. Taehyung was going to ask how he knew but Sehoon beat him to it.

"I got an invitation like yesterday and I had the same reaction as you, it's a Thursday. Only people I would see there are spoiled rich brats who have nothing better to do. So I didn't go. Now shall I reroute?" Sehoon asks him and Taehyung immediately feels bad.

"Yes, I'm sorry I really didn't want you to get dragged into my mess. It's just Jin Hyung is probably drunk and before he does something stupid, like fucking snorting up some cocaine from one those rich brats, I need to be there." Taehyung says, Sehoon chuckled knowingly. They definitely don't want a scandal as big as a drug scandal.

"I get it. I have one of those friends to look after too. After all, I can't tarnish the family reputation with a scandal that bad." Sehoon turned the steering wheel around to make a u-turn.

"mhm, by the way how do you know Park Jimin?"

"I dont. We are acquaintances. Chaebols, you know? we all know each other, it's not as big of a circle as everyone thinks it is."

"Yeah, you are right. Neither do I but Jin Hyung is close with him so I guess it was a must attend or he really isn't reckless like that, trust me." He tried to save his friend's face.

"Ofcourse, I know Jin too, so like I said, small circle. Don't worry about it. We are going to reach your destination soon." The guy said to him as he sped up a bit, driving over the speed limit and being careful of the cameras.

Within ten minutes, Taehyung was in front of the Black diamond oasis, the night club. The different types of high end cars that were parked in this parking lot just shows that not just anybody can get inside. From ferrari to Lamborghini, there was everything here. Taehyung sighed and looked at Sehoon.

"Once again, I am sorry about making you go the other way. Thank you so much for giving me a ride, Sir."

"uh-uh, we have discussed this before. I will only let you call me sir at work if you call me Hyung when we are outside." Sehoon says to him and Taehyung just chuckles, rolling his eyes.

"Thank you so much for the lift, Sehoon Hyung. Happy now?" Taehyung said to him and Sehoon suddenly grabbed his hand. Feeling it a bit before shaking it. "Very happy, now go I got plans of my own, don't need a ride back?"

"Nope, I see Jin Hyung's car right there so I will just drive us home. You tend to your plans,with how eager you look I'll assume this plan is more of a date instead." Sehoon was easy to read, if you ask Taehyung.

"You know me so well. Have to make my mother happy. Now go, before Jin does something stupid."

"Alright, see you at work tomorrow." Taehyung says to him before getting out of the car. He goes towards the entrance as the car disappears from behind him.

The main doors had four bouncers standing there, all of them tall and well built. Ready to tackle any situation that could come here. Taehyung sees the long queue outside, people waiting to go inside the club but from their faces it looked like it has been quite some time since they were standing there.

He doesn't like to be smug about his privileges but this might be the exception. He goes straight to the front, skipping the entire queue. The bouncers only look at him once before moving out of his way, bowing to him repeatedly all of them. "Welcome, Sir" They all say to him.

Taehyung just gives them a nod before going inside the loud club. Let's just say, Taehyung is somewhat of a regular here. He doesn't come that often now because he simply doesn't have the time but when he needs to let loose and have fun, he comes here. They have good music and great drinks so it's a good time to spend with his friends. Though it's extra loud tonight. The second he entered inside, he saw how many people there were. It was fully packed and it made sense why the queue was so long outside.

Drunk people all around him as there were so many scents being mixed here. Their sweaty bodies clashing against each other as the rhythm moved their bodies. Thank god for the air conditioners and the nice smell around because he would have hated to smell the stench of alcohol. It would be a nightmare to find Jin here. Taehyung cursed himself and Jin for putting him in this situation.

He started to stroll around the club, looking for a certain black haired fellow. Would have been easier if everyone here didn't have dark hair too. He accidentally bumped into someone amidst his search.

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't see y- holy shit, Kim Taehyung?" Taehyung looked up to see a familiar face that he quite expected to face here.

"Park Jimin, nice party you got on here." Taehyung says to him with a polite smile. Jimin, who was surprised to see him, shook their hands together.

"Yeah..Yeah thank you. I feel like I had a bit too much to drink because I can't believe you are here. I didn't even invite you."


"No like! In the sense that, I wanted to but since you don't come to parties anymore and we only barely know each other through Jin hyung, I didn't want to come off as desperate. I am happy you are here though." Jimin said louder than before so Taehyung can hear him properly.

"I understand. I was just joking with you. You are right I don't come to parties and I don't want to offend you but I didn't come to your party either, I just got a call from Jin Hyung and now I'm trying to find him before he runs into the crackheads. By any chance have you seen him?"

"Whether you want to come or not, I am still glad you are here. I have always wanted to talk to you. Don't worry about Hyung though, he isn't really drunk, he had two drinks and that's it. It's probably the adrenaline rush. So you should let loose too. Judging from your business casual outfit, I assume you are coming back from work. One drink won't hurt." Jimin suggested and Taehyung for a second considered.

"I shouldn''s fine really."

"Nope, just have one drink then we can find hyung, my treat." Jimin grabbed his arm and started to drag him towards the bar without waiting for an answer. He had already persuaded him because they really do have amazing drinks here.

Sitting down on the barstools, the two new friends ordered their drinks. Taehyung got a cosmopolitan drink while Jimin got a mojito with lime. It was one drink, that's what Taehyung said but maybe he got carried away. Jimin is a bright personality and he has his ways with words that makes every conversation so interesting.

He doesn't know how he ended up with three glasses empty of different drinks and now he was just laughing at what Jimin just told him

"So you're telling me, that this guy was inside you but he called you his sister's name??? that's insane I cannot believe this..." Taehyung says, still laughing under his breath. It's not funny but at the same time it is hilarious.

"Yes, I still have nightmares about that day. Trust me, I was traumatized that I just stopped doing one night stands after that but finding a boyfriend in this crowd?" Jimin pointed at the people around them. "It's a hellish experience. I think I will be single forever."

"Trust me I am on the same boat as you. I am just too old for sleeping around anymore you know, I want something fixed with someone. Date to marry kind of thing."

"We are only twenty eight. That's not old, come on now but you do have a point. Though in this market finding something like that is so rare and making your parents accept it is harder. Arranged marriages are more common than ever." Jimin let him know and Taehyung groaned.

"Yeah it's because these parents don't want someone out of their social class marrying their children and I don't really like that."

"I get you but at the same time, it's not easy to marry into families like ours, Taehyung. We live at a different pace than others. If you want to believe it or not. Our lifestyle, etiquette, manners everything differs so if you marry someone out of this circle we have it would be so hard for them to fit in with your family." Jimin made him understand and Taehyung couldn't even argue with that.

"Yeah, I guess. I think my family is still more understanding than most chaebol families. For starters, we actually like each other." Taehyung joked around and Jimin agreed with him. Making their fourth glasses clink together.

"You are totally right about that. I mean my parents died about 15 years ago so I can't really say much on how my family dynamic would have been but Jeons have never made me feel unwanted and they are now like my parents. They are a bit strict on some things so I would have to agree with you about that."

"Oh, so you live with the Jeons, I didn't know that. I mean unlike everyone else I don't keep tabs on everyone. I just know a handful of families and that's it. Even Jeons I don't know much about them."

"Uncle and Auntie are both head strong but they are generous and ofcourse every house has their own rules so it's the same thing with them. It's not bad really, I loved growing up in that house and I still miss it from time to time as I moved out some years ago. You should come by sometime."

"Why not? invite me." Taehyung showed his smile and Jimin felt his heart flutter.

"You are very handsome, Taehyung. You said you wanted to find a boyfriend, I think I have someone to introduce to you. You would like him and I know he would like you, you are just his type." Jimin shared with him and suddenly Taehyung felt more sober than ever.

"Oh yeah? what's his type?"

"Pretty gorgeous. that's it."

"Now you are just trying to make me blush. If I didnt drink this much I would have declined but I'm a little tipsy and it sounds fun to meet someone so why not? bring your guy to me." Taehyung says to him.

"I will be right back, I have to find him."

"I'll be outside near the smoking area so just bring him there. I need air because if I stay here in the bar I would not stop drinking. So meet me there!" Taehyung told him as both of them got off the bar stools and stood up. Jimin nodded before going in the other direction.

Passing through the crowd that was still like it was 20 minutes ago. He has no idea how these people are still so energetic and why this party is not slowly dying down. He is tired so after meeting this guy, Taehyung will go home. He looked around the dimly lit room and only lights were from the disco ball and the other colorful light beam. His eyes fell on the exit sign with a smoking character to it.

That's his destination, he pushed the people aside, making his way to the exit. Finally grabbed the metal handle and pushed the door open and shut it back once he was outside. God, the music was so loud inside, no wonder his head was hurting. It's a lot more peaceful outside. With the weather being not so cold or hot, it was alright. No stars in the sky but there was a light breeze.

Taking a deep breath, he noticed how there was a group of guys in the corner who hadn't noticed him. They were all smoking and chatting about things. Taehyung recognises some of them and others not so much. He definitely saw one of them in an article with some idol, he's not so sure. Shrugging it off, he didn't give it much importance.

Going into his own corner, not that far away from the bunch. He took out his cigarette and lit it up. Taking a few puffs in and out, he isn't much of a smoker, it's more of an occasional thing. Or when he is stressed. Just depends on his mood.

Now Taehyung wasn't trying to overhear their conversation but he can't really stop his ears from listening, especially when the other person literally just took your name.

"Yo, did you hear Kim Taehyung is at the party tonight?" The one who's back was facing Taehyung said.

"You are lying, there's no way. Isn't he too busy with his job nowadays? I barely see him at parties anymore." This time it was a blonde who said that.

"Don't even blame him, these parties have gotten so fucking boring, man. Maybe I will find a new variety of girls at a workplace." Joking around, making most of them laugh. While there was this one guy who was quiet.

"You are right, I should tell my dad I am finally ready to work, he would be on the moon about it." This is exactly why he doesn't like people like him.

"Who is Kim Taehyung?" Now this was a question that genuinely shocked Taehyung that he had to look up and stare right at them.

It was the guy who was quiet all this time saying that. Not to brag about it but Taehyung knows he is a well known figure in this community. Everybody knows who his father is and they are quite popular, like he is talking about the top five most well known chaebol families. So this is a shocker.

"How do you not know? He is the youngest son of Kim Dohyun, the kims. The one who runs the finance world. He went to fucking royal Holloway in London for university and didn't worked under his father when he came back but instead under that Park Sehoon's company. He's quite insane." The blonde described him and now Taehyung felt a bit embarrassed. They make him sound so amazing. He is glad his reputation is clean.

"He's also fucking gorgeous, man. That face is one in a million, I'm telling you-" Taehyung would have liked to hear more about this guy but he was rudely interrupted by the quiet one.

"So he's the Kim's youngest? i have heard about him. He sounds like he thinks he's better than the rest of us because he is doing it differently." The guy said and the older man didn't know what to feel about that as he was more confused than anything else.

"I have to agree with you, he thinks he's the shit because he didn't go about things in a regular way. I heard he also hates people like us who try to benefit off their privileged families. Which is so weird to me as he is the same."

It was so quick on how they switched up on him the second this rude quiet guy said he didn't like him. Maybe he is the one with the power in that group that's why they are listening to him.

"When you are fucking loaded, you can't ever escape from the benefits of it. It's just something you have to accept will always be there. It's hypocritical if you ask me. Don't get good vibes from this Taehyung guy. How much do you guys want to bet that Park guy only hired him because of his father?" He mentioned as he laughed along with his friends and Taehyung wasn't having any of it.

He would have let it slide but doubting his credibility is something he can't look past. He is standing some feet away, do these people not look around before talking shit about someone? So Taehyung decided to do what he thought he wouldn't ever do. Pick a fight.

Walking over to the group and he especially tapped on the guy's shoulder. His back was the one facing Taehyung this whole time so when he turned around, Taehyung didn't expect the guy to handsome. He had such big eyes, smooth skin, his eyebrow was pierced and so was his lips. His sharp jaw structure made his face look so hot. He is definitely getting side tracked, he pulled himself together as the guy raised his eyebrow up in confusion.

"You know you should look around before you talk behind someone's back. You have a lot to say about me and I don't even know your name. Quite pathetic, isn't it?" Taehyung states to him. The other guy looks at him, amused and lets out a chuckle.

"So the rumors were right. The youngest does have a sharp tongue. You are just proving me right by the way you are behaving right now." He took Taehyung's hand off his shoulder.

"Are you saying I have no reason to be mad?" Taehyung was flabbergasted, the nerve this man has. Who does he think he is??

"Listen, if you are looking for an apology you won't get it, alright. Just leave us alone because after all, I wasn't lying." He responded in a rude tone. He came closer to Taehyung and Taehyung's breath hitched. He has no idea why he is getting so mad about this.

"Listen you fu-"

"Jeongguk!!" Jimin, who just came outside, called his friend out. He noticed who else was in this area and was more confused than ever.

"Taehyung, you are here too. Looks like you met Jeongguk, I was finding him everywhere inside but he was here all this time with....them. Why are you with them, Jeongguk?" Jimin says pointing at the rest of the guys Jeongguk was talking with.

"We can hear you, Jimin." One of them rolled his eyes.

"I know Minwoo, that was the intention. Whatever, Good thing both of you met, Taehyung this is my friend I wanted to introduce you to. Jeongguk, this is Kim Taehyung." Jimin introduced the two of them but the way they looked at eachother wasn't how Jimin expected them to look at each other.

He was expecting tension, sexual kind but this one is just a bit suffocating to be around. It looked like they wanted to choke each other and not in a good way.

"Jimin, you should have told me the guy you were talking about was him. I thought Jeon Jeongguk would have some manners so I definitely didn't expect him to be you. Someone who thinks everyone rides on their father's cocktail...though I don't blame you for thinking that since that's all you have known to do your entire life." Taehyung said to him and Jeongguk's face went totally straight while he heard some chuckles from other guys.

"Who the fuck do you think you are?" Jeongguk's jaw clenched as he spoke. His fists shut tightly, Jimin knew that was not a good sign. Taehyung has somehow managed to actually piss him off.

"I should be the one asking that since you already seem to know everything about me. Didn't take you for a fan, Jeon. Really appreciate it. Just next time don't take my name in your mouth again. I have better things to do than to entertain the likes of you."

"Oh get off your fucking high horse. Just because you went to some fucking University in London and have a job at some fuck ass company doesn't make you better than me. I could buy you right now if I wanted to." Jeongguk snapped back at him and it was Taehyung's turn to be offended.

"Buy me?? Oh baby, You can't buy me even If all of your generation comes back alive and works for it. There's no price on me because there hasn't been a number invented big enough that could afford me." Taehyung says to him, going closer to him. Jimin knows this is not going to end well if he lets this go on.

"Guys, okay stop fighting. I don't want both of you to create a mess at my party and this is such stupid conversation anyway. Both of you are reaching new lows for no reason. Back off now." Jimim got in between them and pushed both of them away from each other.

"I am going to find Jin Hyung and then I will leave. Your party was amazing and maybe if I get an invitation next time I might come again...if he's not there. Let's hang out sometime." Taehyung hugged Jimin with a forced smile on his face. He put out his cigarette and walked over to the door. Before he could leave he turned around to face all of them.

"Oh and find a new leash for your dog. You don't want it to bark at people , now do you?" Taehyung says to him before quickly leaving.

The realization hit both of the friends as Jimin tries not to laugh while Jeongguk is fuming. "That fucker, just wait i-" Jeongguk was going to follow him but Jimin grabbed his arm to pull him back. "Let it go,guk. Not worth the fight."

"I haven't even started yet. He should be glad I didn't punch his pretty face. Fuck, he's so annoying how did you get along with him." Jeongguk paced around the place.

"He was fun to be with, with me."

"Whatever, I am going to leave. I have had enough. You enjoy your party." Jeongguk dashed out of the place, back inside the club and Jimin just sighed. What a big mess these two have created that now he has to clean up. Jimin definitely didn't think this conversation would go like this.

OK first chapter done. I am writing after so long and it feels strange...Hope it wasn't too bad. Let me know how it is so far :) I am excited for this because I love the arranged marriage trope and I can't wait to work with it.
Hope you guys liked it

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