Fate's Resignation

By gutterforsome

177 7 6

Have you ever thought of wanting an infertile boy as your partner. Let's dive into a woman who wants inferti... More

chapter 2
chapter 3

chapter 1

92 2 2
By gutterforsome

"In the garden of love every flower blooms, regardless of whether it bears fruit"

Aurelia pov

23rd Jan 2024 8: 30 am morning in California. Without exception the nagging of my mom started when I was just having my breakfast. By the way Hi I'm aurelia Lovato 30 yrs old with fine job and quite a little happy life .

" Aurelia you're 30 yrs old !! How long are you going to live like a teenage girl " mom said with full voice with small fine droplets (saliva) coming out of her mouth.

I don't understand why I need to get married to have a happy life like what's so wrong with just staying single . It's becoming so stressful day by day ."Mom I'm happy with my life " I said with calm voice

"You can't be always single, you need someone to support you when you gets old"
Why don't mom understand. I can take care of myself and I just want it that way

"It's 2024 mom , it does not need the old ways to take care of myself " I sighs

" Okay bye mom I'm getting late " I interrupted before mom could continue with her conversation.

I got to my car and went my way to my company. I stopped my car at the company's parking load and set out for my work

The company was not that big and was just like other company buildings. Our company make small electronic devices like watches , clock,tablet etc . It's been eight years working in this company and I will say it's delightful with all the employees working their ass off for their money. Ya know no work no money . So it's kinda toxic and all the employees here are like tired zombies I kinda understand though .Eventhough it's not a big company job is job no compromise.

"Goodmorning mam"Lily said while carrying some documents in her hands. Lily is my assistant who delivers all the important events or orders of people.

"Goodmorning Lily, so what's for today , any news ? I said while walking

" Yes mam, Mr camphilo ordered 30 tablets for his upcoming events and it's due date is in next month "

" Thank you Lily for the news and now let's start to work " I said with fake energy

With a lots of hardwork and perspiration,today's work was finally over . But mentally I did not want to return home with all the fuss around the house . As I was thinking of whether I should go or not , a sudden phone call came and I jolted," fuck my ringtone" and I thought it was mom but it was from my friend Ana .so I received it and said " hello Ana "

"Hello Aurelia , if you're done with your work wanna grab some food " since I don't want to go home I accepted the invitation and said yeah

Caleb pov

" Nooo grandma , don't lift that bag it's heavy " I said worrily looking at Grandma direction

Even if I say those words again and again . Grandma just won't listen. She's like a stubborn child that needs some little scolding . But I love her . She's my only family

" It's okay honey , I can do it and it's not that heavy plus your grandma is strong too ! She said energetically while lifting the bag .I just signs and surrendered myself with her words . My grandma is just too optimistic

After walking a miles we finally reach home and rested a little bit.After limited resting I went to the kitchen to cook some dinner for us and after finishing all the house chores I was tired and decided to lay down a bit and sleep

After hearing multiple roaster crowing I eventually woke up and decided to do all the things that needed to be done. Before I went for work I prepare grandma breakfast and quickly went to my room to get dressed for my job . And it's 7:15 am! I quickly changed my clothes and hastily went to main door where I saw grandma was up, and was having her breakfast
"Goodmorning honey "grandma said with smilley face

"Good morning grandma" I speak with rapid fire manner

"Hmm take care " she said while eating her food

After reaching at my work place i.e restaurant when I was just about to work I saw Alex my friend and said "hey Alex good morning , how are you" with a frown on his face he replied " I'm not okay man "

"Why ?what happened!" I said with full worry seeming on my face

"It's just some family financial issues "
He said with dull and sorrow face

After observing I recognise that he was having dark circle under his eyes and he was a little bit thinner than before

"Everything will become normal Alex "I said with low voice since I can't feel what's he's going through
Eventhough we also come across some financial issues but I don't think I'll like 90% relate to his situation maybe like 20 % cause everyone goes through different ways and has different effect and maybe he's going through a harder way.So with a pat on his back I got to our own work

Thank you (if somebody has read my story༎ຶ‿༎ຶ) it means a lot !

And it's my first ever story on  Wattpad ( ik it's not that good ) and again  thank you for reading it with patients 😂♥️

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