Host of the Great 7 (Twisted...

By DylanBadier

595 6 1

Two brothers in a harsh world with no one but each other to look out for the other, but what will happen when... More

OC's Bio:
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93 1 0
By DylanBadier

~Dylan's POV~

Dylan's thoughts: 'Huh? Where am I? Why can't I move?'

I look around only to see darkness, and when I tried to move I felt like I was in some sort of box... the last thing I remeber was sitting in my room at the orphanage with my younger twin brother Yuu and then everything went dark... Wait Yuu! Where is he? Is he alright!?

*Knocking around*

Dylan's thoughts: 'What's that noise?'

????: I better hurry up and find that uniform before someone spots me

I start to freak out a bit as I saw that something was trying to lift the lid of whatever I was laying in, but it seemed whoever or whatever it is, was having troubles getting whatever I'm inside to open.

????: Urgggh... This lid weighs a ton..! Try this on for size! Mya-ha!

Dylan: Whaaa!

Soon the darkness in front of my eyes was engulefed in blue flames as the top of whatever I was inside of was blasted off its hinges, thankfully I wasn't harmed as I just layed there trying to calm down I looked to my left only to see what looked like a black cat with blue flames on its ears standing there smirking to itself while standing on its hind legs like it was a human being.

Black cat: Now to grab the goods...

I quickly sat up startling the cat like creature as I looked around only to an oddly decorated room with a small fountain that had a green-like licquid coming from it as a mirror floated above it. Another thing that caught my attention was that all around the room were floating sarcophagi, I looked down at what I am sitting in only to see that I was also inside a sarcophagus as well.

Black Cat: What?! You aren't supposed to be awake!

Dylan: A talking... Cat?!

Black Cat: How... How DARE YOU! I am no CAT! I'm Grim, sorcerer extraordinaire! Tch... Whatever. You... human! Just gimme you uniform, and be quick about it!

Dylan: Uniform..?

I looked down at myself onto to see that I was wearing some sort of fancy robes that were black with golden pattern on the outside and purple with a flower like pattern on the inside as well as a hood that was currently hiding my hair.

Dylan: What the..?

Grim: 'Cause if you don't... you're gonna regret it!

With that the black cat-like creature let lose another breath of blue flames from its mouth causing me to lean back and fall out of the sarcophagus I was sitting in and fall back first on the hard stone floor. There was no way I was going to sit around and get burnt to a crisp by this fire-breathing fleabag, I quickly got up and ran out of the room only to find myself in a place that I never seen before, I ran through hallways, past what looked like a classroom, an outside area with a well only to find myself in what looked like a Library.

~The Hallway~

~Classroom~ (Just imagine that it is a night, I couldn't find a pic of it at night)



Dylan: What the hell is this place..?

I was catching my breath as I heard a pair of feet quickly approaching my location so I did the most logical thing I could do, I hid behind a shelf of books and waited to see who came into the room. Once the door opened again I was surprised, but happy to see that it was Yuu that raced into the room, I came out of hiding only for the area in front of Yuu to be set a blaze temporaraly by blue flames.

Dylan: Yuu!

Yuu: Dylan? You're here to?

Dylan: Yeah, I guess you were chased by the black cat like creature as well?

Yuu: Yeah...

Grim: Foolish humans! Did you both really think you could slip away from ME?

My brother instincts took over as I pushed Yuu behind me ready to fight this fire-breathing cat if I had to, I could feel Yuu shaking behind me, which only solidified my resolve to protect him from this creature.

Grim: Now, unless you wanna get burned to a crisp, take off that— Me-YEOW! That hurt! What gives?

~3rd person POV~

Dylan and Yuu watched as a Grim was wrapped in what looked like a purple ribbon which said creature was struggling to escape from as someone comes up from behind him but neither Dylan or Yuu could make out his face at the moment because of how dark it is.

????: Consider it tough love.

The male came into the light of the moon that was coming from the wind behind Dylan and Yuu allowing them to see that their savior was a man who's  face is concealed by a half-mask resembling a raven's beak. Through this mask, his eyes are occasionally seen glowing gold. He has pointed ears and short, wavy black hair. He wears a greatcoat over his suit. Thick blackbird feathers curl out from its blue-collar, while the tips of the coat are cut to resemble two bird wings.

He was also wearing black gloves on either hand, with golden claw-like rings over each of his fingers. Three mirror-like accessories are attached to his hip, with four golden keys dangling from them. He wears another mirror-like charm on his hat, which has three more keys - making a total of seven. He also carried a staff shaped like a key, with a golden raven as its handle.

????: Ah, I've found you both at last. Splendid. I trust you both are apart of this year's new students?

Dylan & Yuu: Huh..?

????: My, were you ever eager to make your debut. And bringing a poorly trained familiar with you? That is a clear violation of the school's rules.

Grim: As if I'd serve some lowly human! Now lemme go!

????: Yes, yes. Rebellious familiars always say that. Do be quiet for a bit, won't you?

Grim: Mmmrph!

Dylan: Sorry to tell you sir, but that thing doesn't belong to us

????: *Didn't pay attention to what he said* Dear me. Of all the students I've dealt with, you both are the first with temerity enough to open their own gates and step out of them. Does the very notion of patience elude you both? *Sighs* No matter. Your orientation has already begun. Let us return to the Mirror Chamber.

Yuu: Students..?

Dylan: Gates..?

????: You awakened in a room full of gates, did you not?

Dylan's thoughts: 'Gates..? Wait... he isn't talking about all of those sarcophagi is he..?'

????: All of the students here at the campus arrived by passing through such gates. Although typically the students have restraint enough to wait until I open them before waking up...

Yuu: So those coffins are like...gateways?

Dylan: That cat your holding blew the lid off mine! *Points at Grim*

????: The design is intended to symbolize a parting with your former world, and a rebirth into a new one. And it would seem that the culprit appears to be that familiar of yours. You're the ones who insisted on bringing it, so curtailing its behavior is your responsibility!

Dylan: For the second time, he doesn't belong to us!

????: *Doesn't pay attention again* But now is not the time for such prattle. You've a student orientation to attend! Go on, now. Make haste.

Yuu: First, just tell us one thing: Who are you?

????: Hm? Have neither of you fully regained consciousness? The timespace teleportation must have addled your memories... Well, these things happen, I suppose. I shall explain it to you while we walk. Truly, my generosity is boundless!

Dylan: *Sweatdrops* Sure...


????: *Ahem* This is Night Raven College. It is an institution for students the world over who demonstrate a rare aptitude for magic.

Currently Dylan and Yuu were following this man through the school heading possibly back to the room that they woke up in as he exlained everything about the school and Dylan being a fan of mystry and magic back home he was listening intentively.

????: It is the most prestigious academy of its sort in all of Twisted Wonderland. And I am Dire Crowley. Having been entrusted with its care by the chairman, I serve as headmage.

Dylan: *Eyes sparkling* Magic!?

Crowley: Only those who the Dark Mirror perceives as having a talent for magic are admitted to the college. Those who are selected are summoned to the campus through those "gates," which can appear anywhere. A black carriage bearing two such gate should have come to meet you.

Yuu: I do kinda remember a horse with a scary face...

Dylan: I do too we were just chilling in our room when we heard something outside and took a look and saw a black varrage outside with a scary looking horse...

Crowley: That black carriage serves to receive a student chosen by the Dark Mirror. It too bears a gate that connects to this campus, and as you know, sending a carriage to meet someone on a special day is a time-honored tradition.

Yuu: Uh, a time-honored tradition WHERE?

Dylan: So this carriage dragged us here against our will?

Grim: Mmfff! Mmmmmmfff!

Crowley: *Smiles* Now, let us attend to your orientation.

~Mirror Chamber~

Back in the room with the dark mirror all of the sarcophagi have been opened and the room is filled with teens that are all in the same robes talking as five males and a floating tablet was standing in the front of them.

Red Headed Boy: We're done with orientation and dorm assignments? All right, new students—let me be clear. At Heartslabyul House, I am the law. Break the rules, and it's off with your head!

Boy with Lion Ears: *Yawn* Well, that ceremony was as boring as ever. I'm going back to the dorm. If you're in Savanaclaw House, follow me.

Boy with Glasses: New students! Allow me to be the first to congratulate you on your achievement. As dorm leader of Octavinelle House, I am honored to have the opportunity to support you in what I hope will be a fulfilling campus experience.

Handsome Boy: Hey, does anyone know where the headmage went? He disappeared midway through the ceremony...

Voice from the Tablet: Some headmage he is.

Boy with Red Eyes: Maybe he had a tummyache?

Just as they were all getting ready to leave the door to the Mirror Chamber flew open rather dramatically as Crowley who was carrying Grim who is still tied up and struggling to get free, Yuu and Dylan walked into the room.

Crowley: I most certainly did not!

Red Headed Boy: Ah, speak of the devil.

Crowley: If you must know, I was searching for the twp new students who'd failed to show for orientation. You both are the only onea who have yet to be assigned a dorm. Step up to the Dark Mirror, and be quick about it. I'll watch your weasel.

Grim: *Growls*

~Yuu's POV~

Dylan and I looked at each other before heading towards the mirror that was floating in the centre of the room, I was feeling rather nervous with everyone staring at us, looking at the mirror I could see the similarity to the Evil Queen's magic mirror, which only was proven right as a face appeared on the mirror.

The Dark Mirror: State your names.

Dylan & Yuu: I'm Dylan/Yuu...

The Dark Mirror: Dylan & Yuu... The nature of your soul is... ...... ...... ...unclear to me.

Crowley: What did you just say?

The Dark Mirror: I sense no magical power from these two. Soundless. Colorless. Shapeless. Utterly vacant. Therefore, no dorm would be appropriate.

Dylan: Rude much..?

Crowley: Are you suggesting that the black carriage went to receive two people who cannot even use magic? But that is absurd! The student selection process has not erred once in its century of existence! How could this have happened?

Grim who was still struggling in Crowley's arms. while Crowley was thinking on how something like this could have happened, Grim broke free from not only the ribben that was holding him before, but also from Crowley's arms.

Grim: Mmmph! Nnnrgggh... *GASP!* ME! Let ME have one of those student's seat!

Crowley: Not so fast, you hyperactive weasel!

Grim: Unlike those humans, I can actually use magic! So let me be a student here! Look, I'll show you! My spells're the cat's meow!

Red Headed Boy: Everyone, get down!

Grim: Myaaahhh!

~Dylan's POV~

I saw that the cat was about to let lose flames so with my quick thinking I tackled both Yuu and the boy with red eyes to the ground just as the cat let his flames lose.

Dylan: Are you both alright?

Yuu: Yeah, thanks bro

Boy with Red Eyes: Yes thanks, I'm Kalim Al-Asim

Dylan & Yuu: Nice to meet you Kalim

Crowley: Someone catch that blasted animal before it sets the entire school ablaze!

Boy with Lion Ears: Ugh. Can I go now, or...?

Handsome Boy: Oh? I thought you fancied yourself a hunter. Go and help yourself to that plump little morsel!

Boy with Lion Ears: Too much effort. Do it yourself.

Boy with Glasses: Allow me to handle this, Headmage Crowley. If none of you are up to the task of catching a small animal, I will accept the responsibility.

Voice from the Tablet: WTG Azul. Rackin' up those participation credits.

Crowley: I'm sorry, were my instructions unclear?!

Boy with Lion Ears: *Sigh* Preeetty sure you can handle catching one mangy weasel all on your lonesome there, headmage.

Grim: How many times do I gotta say it? I'm Grim, spellcaster extraordinaire! I am NOT a weasel!

Azul: Aren't you a spunky little fellow? Riddle, would you be so kind...?

Riddle: Furry miscreant. I will abide no rule-breaking. You will be judged by my hand.

I turned around to see that the boy with red hair and the boy with glasses pulled out what looked like pens with different colour gems on them, they then started chasing Grim while casting spells trying to catch said cat.

Grim: Check it! See how strong I am?!

Riddle: Haa!

Grim: Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Riddle: How very brazen of you to go on breaking the rules in my presence.

Azul: Shall we make this quick, then? I'm afraid we don't have much time to spare.

Dylan: This is getting ridiculous

Yuu: Dylan can't you do anything?

Dylan: Why me?

Yuu: You're the one that is great with animals!

Dylan: *Groan* Fine...

I got up and helpped Yuu and the Kalim back to their feet before turning towards Grim before walking calmly towards the cat as he was breathing flames, everyone was telling me to get away from there, but as I got closer Grim seemed to hesitate to shoot his flames at me.

Dylan: Grim enough

Grim: ... *Looks nervous*

Riddle: Off With Your Head!

A heart-shaped collar to lock around Grim's neck causing him to brake out of his nerves and try to claw off the collar off, but it seemed that is was having no effect.

Grim: MYAH?! What are you doing?!

Riddle: The Queen of Heart's Rule 23: "One must never bring a cat to a formal affair." Your very presence here is a violation of order. You will vacate these premises immediately.

Grim: But I ain't a cat either! Don't try to collar me! I'll burn it right off! Huh...? Wh-what gives? My fire ain't workin'!

Riddle: Until I decide to remove that collar, you won't be using any magic. You're naught but a pet cat now.

Grim: M-meoWHAT?! I ain't nobody's pet-NOTHING!

Riddle: Oh, you've nothing to worry about there. I certainly have no interest in having you as a pet. The collar will disappear once you're removed from campus.

Grim: Ha-HA! Good show as always, Riddle. You're signature spell locks down any magic. It's quite handy. I've just GOT to have it—ah, I mean, I've just got to have respect for it.

Dylan & Yuu's thoughts: 'Yeah that's totally not suspicious buddy'

Crowley: Dylan & Yuu! Was I not clear that you both are expected to take responsibility for your familiar?

Dylan: *Angry* For the last time he isn't ours!

Crowley: Now discipline your—What's that? It isn't yours?

Dylan: I've told you repeatedly that it isn't ours!

Crowley: Oh...Is that so? *Ahem* Then I shall have it expelled from campus. I shall even spare it from being served as dinner. My, but I AM soooo kind. ...Someone take this away, please.

Random student: Right away Headmage!

Grim: Nooooo! Let me gooooo! You fools better remember my name! Cause I'm gonna go down in the annals of magic history! Just you wait!

Everyone watched as Grim was taken out of the room by two other students as he was trying hard to get out of their hold, but thanks to that collar he couldn't even use his magic to break free, what a scary spell to have, but I can't put my finger on where I've heard those words before... {Off with Your Head!}...

Yuu: I feel kind of sorry for him.

Dylan: I wonder why he was so desperate to stay here?

Crowley: Well, that was quite the unexpected fracas. I hereby declare that orientation has concluded. Dorm Leaders, please escort your students back to the dorms. ...Hm? Come to think of it, I don't see Dorm Leader Draconia of House Diasomnia anywhere.

Boy with Lion Ears: And that surprises you? Dude's a total recluse.

Kalim: Wait a sec... Did anyone even invite him?

Handsome: If you're that worried about him missing out, maybe you should have told him yourself.

Kalim: *Chuckles nervously* Maybe, but I don't know him too well either...

Random Student #1: Draconia... Like, Malleus Draconia? THAT Draconia?

Random Student #2: So it's true? He really does go to school here?

Random Student #3: Yikes.

Boy with Purple Hair: *Sighs* Ah. Just as I'd expected. I figured I'd come down and see for myself whether Malleus had made an appearance. But once again, he was evidently not informed that his presence was required at an official ceremony.

Azul: You have my sincerest apologies. I assure you, this oversight was in no way intended as a snub.

Riddle: I mean, you must admit, he's not exactly the easiest person to strike up a conversation with.

Boy with Purple Hair: No matter. All who were assigned to House Diasomnia, follow me. I just hope he doesn't sulk about this.

~3rd person POV~

One by one seven groups left the room till it was only Crowley, Yuu and Dylan left in the room with the Dark Mirror, Dylan and Yuu waved at Kalim who gave them a smile as he lead another group of students.

Crowley: Well, Dylan and Yuu. This is a most unfortunate turn of events. I'm afraid that you will not be attending Night Raven Collage after all. Surely you realize that I cannot very well admit a students with no magical ability to my academy. But worry not. The Dark Mirror will see you safely home.

Yuu: Phew...

Dylan: Awe man...

Crowley:  Now, step into the gate, and visualize the place you whence you came.

Yuu rolled his eyes as he and Dylan moved to be back in front of the Dark Mirror as Crowley came up behind them as he spoke to the Dark Mirror.

Crowley: O Dark Mirror! Return this soul to where it belongs!

The Dark Mirror: ......

Crowley: *Ahem* L-let us, er...try this again. O Dark Mirror! Return this soul—

The Dark Mirror: There is no such place.

Crowley: What?

The Dark Mirror: There is no place in this world where this soul belongs. None.

Crowley: How can that be? My, but today is a veritable cavalcade of impossible phenomena!

The Dark Mirror: ......

Crowley: This has never happended throughout my long tenure. I must confess that I am at something of a loss. Tell me: From what land do you both hail?

Dylan & Yuu: Sure. we're from...

~After they tell him~

Crowley: I'm afraid I am not familiar with such a place. I am intimately acquainted with the origins of every student who has ever come here, and yet... This mysterious homeland of yours eludes me. Let us go to the library and look it up, shall we?

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