
By squirtzcobain

386 56 1

éveil noun [] /evɛj/ fait d'apparaître The awakening Neville Longbottom befriends a shy girl on a train, una... More

second year
3rd year
4th year
5th year
6th year
writers note

502 𓆩♡𓆪

15 2 0
By squirtzcobain

Severus sighed heavily, his lungs filling with the musty, dusty air of the Weasleys' burrow. The atmosphere was thick with nostalgia and memories, though not all of them pleasant. Meanwhile, Sophorina stood still, absorbing every detail of the quaint house and its surrounding scenery, feeling curiosity and apprehension.

With a reluctant nod, Severus agreed to let her stay, his mind already preoccupied with the upcoming business he had to attend to with Dumbledore over the weekend. "The door's just up there," he muttered, gesturing towards the staircase, while Sophorina grunted under the weight of her luggage, its burden slowing her down.

As she struggled, Severus reached out his hand in silent offer, and with a defeated sigh, Sophorina relinquished her baggage to him. Together, they made their way towards the door, the sound of scattered chatter growing louder with each step.

Finally, Sophorina pushed open the door, revealing a scene of bustling activity. Ron sat devouring pancakes, the twins' laughter filling the room with its infectious energy, while Neville listened  to Ginny's conversation. Her cheeks flushed with a rosy hue as Neville's gaze met hers, his own face instantly igniting with a charming shade of pink.

Sophorina stole a glance at her father, love conspicuous in her eyes. "Ah, Severus, nice to see you as always," Molly greeted warmly, taking the luggage from him with a smile.

"Molly," he replied with his usual curt tone, nodding in acknowledgment. The children all stared at their professor, surprised to see him outside of the school environment.

"Sophorina, is it?" Molly addressed her kindly as Sophorina turned her head towards her. "Yes," she replied softly, feeling a bit overwhelmed by the attention.

"Right, well, there's cooked breakfast on the table for the both of you," Molly informed them cheerfully as she whisked Sophorina's luggage upstairs. "I have to go, Dumbledore is waiting," Severus stated, his voice sounded as Sophorina nodded in understanding.

She hugged her father tightly, feeling a pang of sadness at the separation. "If you need anything at all..." he trailed off, his gaze softening as she looked up at him. "You know what to do," he finished, kissing the top of her head gently as she reciprocated by kissing the side of his cheek

"Bye, Father, love you," she whispered, her voice filled with affection.

"Bye, sweetie, I love you," he replied, his words tender as he quickly apparated away,

As everyone observed the rare display of affection from their usually stoic professor, their faces filled with curiosity and wonder. However, when Sophorina turned around to busy herself with breakfast, they all resumed their conversations,

╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ¤✩¤ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮

After Molly and Arthur called away for urgent Ministry business, the twins were left in charge, a prospect that filled the younger members with worry.

Meanwhile, Sophorina found herself drawn to the simple delights of the Weasleys' backyard, where chickens roamed freely. As she wandered, Ginny approached "You can pet them if you'd like," Ginny offered with a warm smile, gesturing towards the clucking chickens.

Curiosity took over Sophorina as she inquired about their names, prompting Ginny to chuckle softly. With a gentle hand, she lifted two of the feathered animals. "This is Jessica," she introduced, as the chicken clucked contentedly, and then, indicating another, "and this is Michael," she continued, as the bird fluttered its wings in response. "He's a bit of a naughty one," Ginny added with a grin, earning a chuckle from Sophorina.

As their attention turned to the rowdier duo in the coop, Ginny revealed their amusing monikers. "And those two back there are Freddy Fizzlebottom and Gertie Gigglesnort," she announced, pointing to the pair of chickens engaged in a squabble.

"George and Fred took points in naming them," Ginny explained, her voice filled with fondness for her brothers'

Sophorina nodded,

Under the blanket of night, Ginny guided Sophorina through the bustling Weasley household. Excitement fizzed between them as they climbed the stairs to their shared room

╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ¤✩¤ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮

In the quiet embrace of sleep, Sophorina surrendered to the gentle pull of exhaustion, her weary eyes finding place in the realm of dreams.

Yet, as the night deepened and the world outside stirred,She was roused from slumber by the distant rumble of thunder,


I awoke with a start, my body drenched in sweat, the thunder's roar shaking me to my core. Despite its ferocity, it seemed to leave the Weasleys untouched, Ginny peacefully lost in slumber beside me. Quietly, I descended the stairs, their familiar creaks accompanying my hesitant steps.

A gasp escaped my lips as I spied a shadowy figure on the couch, but relief washed over me as Neville's familiar form came into focus,immersed  in his Herbology book.

"Neville?" I murmured softly, startling him from his concentration.

"What are you doing up at this hour?" he inquired, his voice filled with concern, his eyes darting to the window at the sound of another thunderous boom.

"I couldn't sleep," I confessed, my nerves on edge as lightning illuminated the room once more.

"Neither could I," he admitted, his fingers absently scratching his neck as he glanced nervously towards the storm.

As another clap of thunder echoed through the night, I flinched, my fear apparent

"Here, let me show you something," Neville offered, his voice gentle as he reached for my trembling hand.

I hesitated for a moment before allowing him to lead me outside, a blanket draped around my shoulders, his warmth a comforting anchor in the midst of the tempest.

As raindrops danced upon my skin, I couldn't help but blush at Neville's kindness,

As they reached the car, Neville gallantly held the door open for her, a gesture that left her pleasantly surprised. With a confused glance, she hesitated before he offered a reassuring nod, prompting her to crawl inside.

Once settled, she couldn't help but gasp as the interior of the car enveloped them in a serene silence.

"How is it so silent?" she marveled, her curiosity piqued by the unusual tranquility.

Neville chuckled nervously before explaining, "Years ago, Ginny and I were practicing charms, and I accidentally cast a silencing charm on it."

"Really?" she exclaimed, her eyes alight with interest, causing Neville to blush at her attention.

"Y-es," he replied, his cheeks flushing once more, a telltale sign of his bashfulness in her presence. Sophorina couldn't help but be surrounded by his shyness, finding it endearing beyond measure.

The lingering awkwardness between them, born from their silence since the dance hung heavily in the air, each stolen glance laden with unspoken words, their hearts yearning to bridge the gap.

"I'm sorry," she began, her voice soft with regret as she struggled to articulate her feelings. "I'm sorry we never talked after the dance... It's just that I had Quidditch and OWLs, not that it's a good excuse," she stumbled over her weak apology, her gaze pleading for understanding.

"But we have something special, something I will always cherish, and I don't want to lose it," she confessed, her words filled with sincerity as she dared to meet his eyes, hoping to convey the depth of her feelings. And as she spoke, she saw a flicker of warmth and affection in his gaze

her words washed over him like a gentle breeze, stirring emotions he struggled to put into words. His heart fluttered with a mixture of forgiveness and uncertainty, his unbounded shyness making it difficult to express himself.

With a hesitant smile, he reached out to gently grasp her hand, silently conveying his appreciation for her honesty and understanding. Though his voice faltered, his eyes spoke volumes,

"I understand," he murmured, his voice gentle as she nodded in response. "I'm relieved to know I did nothing wrong," he added with a sigh of relief, his tension melting away as she chuckled softly.

"You can never do anything wrong," she assured him, her words filled with warmth and affection, causing him to blush once more.

"Some nights..." he began, hesitating as he felt the weight of his words, but her gentle encouragement spurred him on. "Some nights...?" she trailed off, his hand tightening around hers as he struggled to find the courage to continue.

"It's stupid," he muttered, but her soft gaze softened his embarrassment. "No, it's not. Say it," she urged, her fingers brushing against his cheek in a tender gesture of support.

"Some nights, when I'd sleep, I used to dream... of you," he confessed, his cheeks burning with embarrassment as he looked away from her gaze.

She gasped softly at his admission, her heart fluttering with a mix of surprise and delight. "Some nights, I do that too," she confessed, her fingers gently turning his head back to face her.

Their eyes locked, neither daring to look away as they shared this intimate moment, their cheeks flushed with belonging

"Can I... k-kiss you?" he stammered, his cheeks flushing with perturbation as Sophorina chuckled softly.

"Nev, you don't have to ask," she reassured him, her heart swelling with warmth at his adorable Shyness.

He leaned in slowly as their lips connected. Her fingertips against his cheeks, she could feel the roughness of his recently shaved facial hair. Nevilles soft lips moved against Sophorina's, their hearts were beating faster now. As the intensity of there kisses deepened. they drew closer their body's pressing together

Sophorina's arms wound his neck, her  fingers tangling in his hair. While a rosy blush spread across his face from her sudden actions. His hand trailed down her back with a feather-light touch, sending shivers down her skin at his touch. His hand settled on the small of her back a new feeling washed over her, Unfamiliar and one she wanted to explore.

In a moment of unexpected bravery, she found herself doing something she never imagined she would: her leg gently moved over Neville's as she began to straddle him. As their kiss broke, he glanced down, his cheeks turning pink in surprise.

"I'm sorry," she blurted out quickly, attempting to retreat.

But Neville shook his head fervently. "N-no!" he stuttered, his voice trembling but filled with warmth. "Y-you did nothing wrong." She paused, her knee still hovering next to his lap, the other on the seat. "Y-you want this?" she asked softly.

"I-I-I want this," he managed to say, his hands lightly gripping her waist, guiding her back into their recent position. With a smile, she nodded, leaning in to kiss his cheek tenderly. "Ok," was all she said before he resumed kissing her

The kissing became passionate as Sophorina's delicate hands traced the contours of his clothed chest, feeling his subtle toned body under. Pausing Her touch lingered on a button as she gently tugged, breaking the kiss softly."Is this Ok?" Neville's swift Nod and Swallow conveyed his consent, but she sought more than mere gestures.

"I need words, Nev" she whispered her touch against his cheek. There hands met lacing together as he breathed out "Yes..Please"

With a loving grace. She continued unbuttoning his shirt, revealing his chest ,to her adoring gaze He Watched with gentle curiosity as she beheld His exposed form, Her admiration evident in her soft eyes. "Beautiful" She breathed, her voice a tender, oeuvre of affection .

"Where have you been hiding this Nev?" Her fingertips cool against his skin while they traced the path of affection down his chest. Eliciting a shiver from him. "My Nan's Greenhouse?" he ventured, his words a hush breath against the sudden sensation

Suppressing a delighted chuckle, she pressed a light kiss to his lips "You never fail to make me laugh" She glanced down at her outfit, a playful grin dancing on her lips, while Neville's eyes sparkled with anticipation. " that's hardly fair," she teased, her tank top slipping away like a secret

Neville's gaze remained steadfast on her face, a silent praise shining in his eyes, as she shed her top. Her heart warmed at his gentle gesture. "You can look, Nev," she whispered softly, his nod a shy confirmation.

With bated breath, Neville's gaze descended, his pulse quickening at the sight before him. Adorned in a delicate black lace bralette, a vision of beauty that stole his breath away.

Struggling to find the right words, he stumbled over his thoughts, his admiration too great to articulate. Sensing his silent struggle, Sophorina placed a finger on his lips, a silent promise of understanding.

"Close your eyes," she said, her touch tender as she took his hands in hers. She gently guided his hands to the hook of her bra, her voice a soft strain in his ear. "Open your eyes," she murmured, as his fingers Shyly explored the area. "Unclip it," she whispered, her breath warm against his skin.

With Tremulous hands, he fumbled at first, his nerves betraying him, but eventually, he found the way to unfasten it. She caught her breath as his cold fingertips brushed against her skin

Neville's eyes traced the contours of her body, his voice filled with reverence. "Your body... it's like a delicate masterpiece," he uttered softly, his words imbued with sincerity, as his finger gently glided along her form. A deep blush painted her cheeks as his compliment washed over her, each word carrying weight and significance.

They began kissing again as Neville rolled onto the seat with Sophorina on top of him,As they laid on each other Neville began kissing down steadily whilst Sophorina let out small whimpers automatically making Neville blush numerous times

The back of her arched slightly as Neville began kissing her breast, Her trousers made contact with something rough under them

"N-ev?" she said as he pulled away to look at her ,She smiled at him while his hair appeared messy from the recent activities "ca-n I...try something" she said

"Yes.." he said his thumbs stroking her waist lightly, She unzipped his pants slowly while browsing his face for any distress, He gently intercepted her hand, meeting her gaze. "I've never... done this before," he confessed softly.

"Neither have I," she responded, as she stuttered out the words, her eyes reflecting her uncertainty, even as he smiled reassuringly. "I'm glad it's with you," she added, her voice carrying a mix of vulnerability and affection as he leaned in to kiss her once more.

She removed his trousers as her hand ran down his chest slowly grazing his member. A gasp was heard from her as she felt it ,"What! what's wrong?!" he said worried "Nothing" she said laughing at herself "it's always the quiet ones isn't it?" she said kissing him again

She began stroking him slowly as he flinched from the new contact as she stroked her kisses traveled down his neck leaving marks identical to the ones he left . "Soph-" he said leaving strained whimpers from his mouth "Im clo-se" Sophorina silenced him kissing his lips

His body bolted forward a grunt leaving him whilst he held her hips supporting her from falling "That was.." he paused as she pulled her hand out of his pants "sensational" she said licking the ends of her fingers tasting her work

She couldn't deny the crave that ached between her legs "I would..like to try something as well.." he said as she looked at him with an adoring smile

"Ok.." she said whilst Neville cautiously flipped them over leaving Sophorina surprised, Neville took her trousers off curtly blushing as she watched him Affectionately. His hand found their way inside as she let out a soft moan to the sudden contact

She guided his hand to where she craved the most "Here" she said "Please touch me here" she said more desperately then before as he started to rub her clit, He kissed each of her breast leaving more marks along them as he rubbed circles she moaned closer to his ear

"Nev...Im close" she said as her hands scratched along his back in ecstasy

She reached her end leaving a louder moan, Neville pulled away licking the contents sweetly "Breathtaking" he said using his shirt to clean her off

The two laughed at each others appearances  their lips puffy. They snuggled against one and other watching the sunrise

╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ¤✩¤ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮

Soph jolted awake, squinting against the intrusive morning sunlight streaming into her eyes. She prodded Neville, who had cocooned her in his arms like a cuddly teddy bear.

"Wake up!" she chirped, causing Neville to bolt upright, his expression holding confusion and sleepiness. "Huh?" he mumbled, disoriented.

"We have to go inside before they realize we're missing!" Soph urged, prompting Neville to nod in agreement. "What time do you think it is?" she inquired.

"Uh, around 8:00? It's hard to say," Neville replied, glancing at her dazedly.

"What?" Soph pressed, noticing his dumbfounded stare. "Nothing," he stuttered, caught off guard by her beauty.

"You're so cute," she teased, planting a kiss on his cheek.

"Alright, let's sneak in quietly," Soph decided, as they stealthily exited the car. Neville draped a blanket around himself while Sophorina cheekily snagged his shirt.

As they tiptoed through the door, they found everyone already gathered for breakfast, the clock mocking their tardiness with a glaring 10:00. Their late arrival didn't go unnoticed, and hushed whispers filled the room, they exchanged amused glances. Neville, with his tousled hair and suspicious marks on his neck, stood beside Sophorina, her hair resembling a crazed ponytail with matching markings on her neck.

"Well, well, well," George teased. "Looks like the lovebirds got some action." fred said earning a smack from his sister

Blushing furiously, Neville and Sophorina chuckled at the teasing remarks, allowing Neville to lead her to his room as their friends starred in amused bewilderment.

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