The Life Switch

By kylelencucha

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Have you ever wondered what it would be like to switch places with someone? What if a simple wish could make... More

Chapter 1 Meet Ainsley and Terra
Chapter 2 At The Bus Stop
Chapter 3 It Starts Like Every Other Day
Chapter 4 First Class Encounters
Chapter 5 Rest of the Day
Chapter 6 When You Wish Upon a Star...
Chapter 7 Next Morning Reactions
Chapter 8 En Route to the Mall
Life Switch Chapter 10 - First Day: Beginning
Life Switch Chapter 11 First Day: Tryouts Part One
Life Switch Chapter 12 First Day: Tryouts Part Two
Life Switch Chapter 13 First Day: Classes
Life Switch Chapter 14: Breaking Point Part One
Life Switch Chapter 15: Breaking Point Part Two
Life Switch Chapter 16: End of the Day
Life Switch Chapter 17 Pre-Date Gossip

Chapter 9 Adventures in Mall Shopping

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By kylelencucha

Ainsley didn't waste any time as she led her friends through the mall, a confident, almost sinister smile on her face while Allison and Mark were looking left and right at the variety of stores with different expressions on their faces. Allison was practically jumping in place alongside Ainsley while wondering where she should start while Mark was much more reserved with an awkwardly uncomfortable look on his face. Of course this didn't go unnoticed by Allison who hung back a bit and timing it perfectly, slugged Mark in the shoulder "Ow! What the hell Ali!?" he asked rubbing his shoulder in annoyance

Allison simply looked at her friend with a cocky smirk "Hey you were the one off in his own world so I had to get your attention somehow


Elsewhere three familiar people to Terra and her friends were sitting by a mall fountain albeit one of them with a vastly different appearance in this new reality: Carmen now dressed as your typical street punk wearing a black rock band t-shirt ripped at the chest exposing a bit of her cleavage covered by a motto leather jacket, Denim jeans ripped in squares on both legs in a fishnet pattern and a pair of studded black boots, lets just say if one thing was clear she had no intention of joining the High School Cheer Squad in this new reality

Kelly more or less remained the same light skin, long black hair tied up in a pony tail but her attire of choice did change to that of black pants or jeans and yellow tops or as she like to call it the Bust Bee outfit, her attitude however was less excitable cheerleader from the previous reality and well lets just say more modern day mean'll see soon enough

Then there was Jocelyn a member of Terra's cheerleading crew that largely went unnoticed by her and was just one of the pretty girls on the squad and really kinda just there to be a pretty face: Pink dyed long curly hair and a wardrobe to match, basically your stereotypical airhead that just got enjoyment from the pain of others but she didn't like to get rough either, she was more the social media member of the group who posted the embarrassing things her friends did to others

"God I am so bored!!" Carmen groaned as she popped a bubble gum bubble

"We could find someone to humiliate?" Kelly said texting on her phone

Ya and where we gonna find a couple good one's in this...huge...mall" Carmen said as upon turning her head laid eyes in the direction of the now nerdy looking Terra and her equally nerdy looking friends

"Well I'll be damned it's Tiny Tit Terra and her losers" Carmen snickered

"What you wanna do?" Kelly asked, a devilish smile on her face "Cause we should set the rules of the hierarchy before school starts"

"Lets go say hello" Carmen said motioning for her friends to follow as they walked towards the three now nerdy looking teens

"HEY GEEK PATROL!" Carmen shouted out

Terra and her friends turned in the direction of the shout before looking around aimlessly "I'm sorry are you referring to us?" Megan asked pointing at herself

"Ya obviously, what did you losers forget us already!?" Kelly jumped in as the three began encircling Terra, Lilian and Meg like sharks

it didn't take too long for a switch to click in Terra "Oh My God Kelly! Carmen! I've never been happy to see you!" she yelled rushing at her two "friends"

Of course a different kind of switch clicked in Megan and Lilian upon seeing their old cheerleading friends in the form of a shared but 'altered' memory to that of fear and dread


Harrison Heights Junior High - Gym - 1 Week Before Graduation

The giant athletic facility was packed with students but no teachers, this was a "private" event that the cheerleaders decided to put on as a final HURRAH and farewell to their fellow students and started off simple enough with a routine

"BOBCATS, BOBCATS BEWARE OUR PAWS!!" sung the cheerleaders at the top of their lungs as they did flips and and kicks through the air

"IF YOU COME TOO CLOSE WE'LL POUNCE BACK WITH OUR FANGS AND CLAWS!!" they sung further huddling together in a circle

"GO BOBCATS!!" they shouted raising their pom poms in the air

Immediately following that the group formed a crouching triangle with every cheerleader except the top one one all fours "HOW WE DOING THIS EVENING HARRISON HEIGHTS!!" shouted the head cheerleader: Kelly through a megaphone

"WOAAAHOOO!!" everyone in the crowd screamed

"Well in honor of this being our last day three students decided to come forth and tell us what their resolutions are going into High School" Kelly said in a more calmer tone, turning to the gym doors

Outside the Gym Jacolyn and Carmen had successfully stripped and tied up three students with jump rope "Quit squirming losers!" Carmen shouted holding both Megan and Lilian in a vice grip

"MMMPHHH" was all the two of the three could get out in their current predicament. Both were half naked, stripped down to their underwear: Megan wearing a SpongeBob girl briefs and bra set while Lilian was wearing Death Star boxer briefs accompanied by a black bra.

Of course they're choice in undergarments' wasn't even the most embarrassing thing about their predicament but rather that they were bound in rope and gagged with hot dogs in their mouth along with a simple declaration drawn across their bellies in lipstick. For Megan it was 'Forever Unloved' and Lilian it was 'Forever a Fatty Ass McLardTits'

"What about you? ready for your debut?" Jacolyn asked rhetorically in her usual bubbly happy tone, looking down at Terra who simply glared back at her captor. She was in the same predicament as her friends with the declaration 'Forever a Virgin' written on her belly in the same color lipstick and her Pokémon underwear set exposed with Pikachu's face on the crotch of the girl briefs and his red cheek circles on the bra cups

The door opened, a bright light flooding the darker hallway before revealing Kelly, hands on her hips and devilish smirk on her face "Bring the losers in" and on that order all three girls were pushed/dragged into the gym


*Back in the Present*

"Oh My God Kelly! Carmen! I've never been happy to see you!" she yelled rushing at her two "friends"

"Terra wait!" Megan yelled out.

"What? Don't tell me you've forgotten our friends" Terra said which caused Kelly, Carmen and Jocelyn to look at each other with confusion on their faces before looking back at Terra who spoke once more "Anyway girls can you help us out we're trapped in these nerd bodies and we need to find Ainsley so we can get her to turn us back!" Terra paused after noticing Jocelyn "By the way who's the new girl?"

"Who's Ainsley?" Jocelyn asked in an airheaded tone looking to Carmen

"You got me, I think the geek's been watching too much of those Japanese cartoons" Carmen said popping the bubble gum she was chewing

"You're right Carm, it's obviously rotted her brain, hopefully she's still got enough working brain cells to do our homework" Kelly said in a condescending tone, mockingly poking Terra's forehead

Terra simply slapped Kelly's hand away "What's wrong with you Kel!? Don't you understand that we need your help!"

"No I don't think you understand Tiny Titty Terra!" Kelly said placing her open hand on Terra's chest, pushing her and like a striking snake followed up by pulling Terra's pants down "Still wearing baby panties I see, loser!" Kelly held both her hands in front of her extending her index fingers and thumbs in the classic L for Loser with a mocking expression that said "You gonna cry" as Jocelyn whipped out her phone and began recording the impending fall

"WOA...UFF" Terra yelled falling back and landing on her butt.

"Terra!" Lilian and Megan yelled, rushing to their friend's side

"As I was saying..." Kelly began as Jocelyn stopped recording causing Terra and her friends to look up at her with a glare "We never have and never will associate freaks and geeks like you and your friends, you're nothing but scum that was barely recognizable on the Junior High Social Ladder and that won't change for these next three years either" Kelly said stepping aside for Carmen

Carmen kneeled down to face Terra "Here's a little something to remember us by" Carmen said blowing a huge bubble and popping it in Terra's face, leaving excess strands of chewing gum stuck to her glasses, hair and face

"What just happened?" Terra asked in a perplexed tone and a look of bewilderment on her face as she stood up, pulling up her pants

"We'll talk about it later, can we please just go in the store before our parents send a search party after us" Lilian said offering Terra her hand

"Fine" Terra said following her friends into the store known as Penniless Clothiers

"I will find you Ainsley and whatever you did, I'll make sure you pay for it" she thought in red hot hatred


Meanwhile with credit card in hand Ainsley went to work in a store called American Teenager, picking out and trying on several designer clothes but despite the fact that she was surrounded by the latest trends she was still very careful in her choices, only picking out the clothes she felt best suited her style and current image "Yep these will definitely do as well" she said walking out of the changing room with a pair of white wash skinny jeans that had intentional rips in the knee area "Ooh and this will go equally well with it" she said snatching a black crop top off the rack before placing both into a well organized piles of jeans, shorts, sport shorts, t-shirts, tank tops, crop tops and socks

A store clerk only slightly older than Ainsley maybe early twenties wasted no time in walking up to her "Excuse me miss are you done?" she asked with a smile, the clerk had long curly blond hair, plum purple designer glasses and a grey pantsuit

Ainsley turned to the clerk "Almost, um this is actually a little embarrassing but you wouldn't happen to have measuring tape would you?" she asked with a light blush, scratching the back of her head

"Measuring tape?" the clerk asked with a knowing smirk on her face

"Ya" Ainsley said looking away with a blush before facing the clerk again "Lets just say I 'developed' a little faster than I thought and now majority of my unmentionables just BARELY fit"

The clerk simple covered her mouth, stifling a laugh "I understand and don't worry I keep some with me" she said taking a string of measuring tape out of her suit pocket "Having said that i hope you understand that I'll need to do the measuring myself"

Ainsley's little blushed became a lot more red but simply nodded "I get it" Ainsley said walking back to the changing rooms with the clerk in tow


To say that the atmosphere in the changing room was awkward would be an understatement at least initially as Ainsley did start off slow in removing her shirt and as she got it halfway over her head she thought "Wait why am I being so shy, get it together Ainsley, otherwise you'll screw this up for yourself and your friends so with that thought in mind she tossed her shirt off her body and dropped her jeans in an equally quick motion

"Alright so where do you wanna start?" the clerk asked, measuring tape in hand

"Bust size, I wanna get that out of the way first" Ainsley said

And with that the clerk got to work in taking Ainsley measurements starting with the underbust "Alright underbust is 74 so that puts you in the 34 band size range" the clerk said writing the measurement down on a bad of paper before moving on to Ainsley's actual bust size by wrapping the tape around her breast "And your actual breast size is a 93 so that puts you at about a healthy 34D" with the news of that Ainsley simply smirked in the accomplishment, knowing full well Terra's probably living with a much smaller size bust

"Alright now lets move on" the Clerk said and with that started measuring Ainsley's hips and waist, of course that part of the endeavor was a little easier said than done as Ainsley was very ticklish so it took some trial and error the two managed to find a working system to get around it "Alright Waist is 56 and Hips are 82" the clerk said writing the numbers down while Ainsley redressed herself


"Thanks for the help Miss uh..." Ainsley said as she walked out of the changing room with the clerk but stopped mid sentence when she realized one important fact "I'm sorry I just realized I've gone through this entire experience without asking for your name" she said scratching her head

"It's Illicia and no problem I assume you can take things from here?" the clerk asked smiling.

"Of course, thanks again" Ainsley said going back to finish her shopping.


"Alright back to it" Ainsley said grabbing the basket of clothes she was collecting for purchase and moved on to the underwear aisle of the store, of course being a teen only store the selection of underwear was still limited but that didn't mean it wasn't a difficult decision for Ainsley to make and as she scanned the selection she stopped and chuckled when her eyes fell on a package of printed girl briefs "Ya no, I think I'm done with that phase in my life" she said placing her hand on the package

"I'm looking for something a little more....Sexy" Ainsley said with a devilish grin on her face as she picked up several packages of high cut thongs, strapless bras, a couple sports bras and lacey bra and thong combo packs. As Ainsley was moving on to the swimsuits she saw a group of three at the corner of her eye walking past the store but it happened so fast that by the time Ainsley looked in their direction the three were gone "Huh weird, those three looked familiar" Ainsley said shrugging her shoulders before moving on to the swimsuits where she proceeded to pick out several two piece swimsuits and three one piece swimsuits

With clothes in the basket Ainsley walked up to the counter and let the cashier went to work at ringing all the clothes up while simultaneously packing the clothes into bags "$460.40 please" the cashier said to which Ainsley gave the cashier her credit card and left the store with bags of clothes in hand


"I better go see how Ali and Mark are doing" Ainsley said walking in the opposite direction of the store


"So where do we start?" Mark asked entering the sports clothing store simply known as Jersey Hall with Allison, an obvious nervous composure to his speech and posture

Allison simply turned to her friend with a knowing smirk "You mean where do YOU start" she said poking Mark in the chest before walking away.

"What are you talking about? We're both here so should we do this together?" Mark asked fidgeting in place

Allison simply held up her hand a waved as she continued walking away deeper into the store "I can help you pick out clothes Mark, but I can't help you pick out your identity"

At Allison's word Mark just stood there with a mixture of shock and confusion before throwing up his arms "Thanks Ally!" he shouted before inhaling a deep sigh "Well Might as well take a look around at least" he thought as he began walking around the store.

And with that Mark began scoping out the store, cherry picking a few essential articles of clothing like jeans and t-shirts which thankfully the store did have a wider selection beyond just sport related clothes "What the hell is that supposed to mean Ally?" Mark whispered under his breath, trying to decipher what Allison meant

Of course with Mark being so deep in thought he didn't notice Reed and Neil entering the store alongside Chris or that they were sneaking up behind him "Surprise!!" Reed shouted jumping on Mark in a friendly/rowdy chokehold

"Ugh, Reed let go you dumbass!" Mark grunted elbowing Reed in the gut, causing his grip to loosen his grip where Mark could easily toss the other boy's arms off of him. Of course this sequence of actions left Mark and even Chris rather surprised "Did I just do that?" Mark thought

"Hey man I thought we were friends!?" Reed said recovering from the elbow to the gut

Mark looked with a smirk "Maybe I can have a little fun with this situation" he thought walking towards Reed with confidence "Sorry man but you know how it is, if you sneak up on me you get the elbow" Mark continued with a light, friendly jab to Reed's shoulder

"Ya I keep forgetting about your elbow jab" Reed said recovering

"So what are you doing here?" Neil asked, crossing his arms and raising an eyebrow

Trying to think up an excuse on the spot Mark simply opened his mouth "Uh, kinda doing last minute clothes shopping for school, lets just say very few of my old clothes fit now that I've hit this growth spirt" he said trying hoping they'd buy it

"Ya you've definitely 'changed' that's for sure" Chris chimed in, a devious look on his face

"Uh ya you got that right" Mark said now a little nervous "Does he know!?" he thought

"So you still trying out for Football when school starts up?" Neil asked.

Mark was taken a little off guard by the sudden question and had to think about it for a moment (Is this what you were talking about Alli?)" he pondered looking over in Allison's direction before turning back to the three jocks with a weak smile "You bet" he answered

"Alright we'll hold you to that" Reed said as he turned and left with Neil

As the two left Chris and Mark just stood there in a faceoff with each other "Ya coming Chris!!" Neil shouted

Chris turned to his friends "I just remembered there's a few essentials I need to pick up here, I'll see you guys later" Chris said

Reed and Neil simply looked at each other and shrugged "Alright see ya later" they waved leaving

"Alright so now that they're gone you can stop beating around the bush" Mark said, starting the conversation "Just say what you wanna say"

Chris simply smirked "So how's it feel knowing you won't have to worry about those two idiots dunking you anymore?" he asked in a snarky tone

"Relieving in a way but uncertain in others while still sorting through my confusion like how their memories seem to have been completely rewritten while you I'm assuming are aware of the changes" Mark said

"I am and assuming you're not the only one who's 'changed' I figured you could fill me in on the details of how the hell this happened to you?" Chris asked with wide-eyed curiosity

"It was Ainsley, and what I'm about to say is something straight out of a disney movie but she made a wish on a star for the three of us to switch lives with Terra and her friends which also sent us all back in time to our freshman year so more than likely they're living the lives of nerds now" Mark explained

"Makes sense so I guess that means if I meet Ainsley she's gonna look like a total bombshell" Chris said

"In more ways than one" Mark said with a chuckle but then a lightbulb went off in his head "Hey Chris, question: You still have a crush on Ainsley right?" he asked

Chris nervously started rubbing the back of his head "Ya but knowing her, I'm betting her thoughts on me haven't changed"

"Look it'll be hard but I want you to keep pretending like you don't know that we've changed, for now it might be your best advantage to making her realize there's more to you than a meat-headed jock" Mark said with a smirk

Chris thought about it for a moment before "Alright I trust you...By the way when we arrived I noticed you were kinda dragging your feet with shopping so what's the problem?"

Mark thought about what answer to give but then just thought he'd do what he's been doing this whole time 'wing it' "Like i said this change has brought on a lot of confusion and uncertainty within me and the only thing Ainsley and Alli have said is that i should see this as an opportunity to reinvent myself or that they can't choose my identity for me and I'm not even sure what the hell they mean" Mark said rubbing his temple

"I think your overthinking this" Chris said placing his hand on Mark's shoulder

"How so?" Mark asked looking up at Chris with a raised eyebrow

"Look you said it yourself, this wish Ainsley made has sent us all back in time to our freshman year so use that as an opportunity to look at the choices you regret making back then and take advantage of the opportunity now" Chris said

"That's true" Mark said with a voice of realization

Chris took his hand off Mark's shoulder "I'm not saying you have to change who you are just your outlook and from there I'll leave you to it" Chris said leaving

"Thanks Chris!" Mark said as he returned back to his shopping

With a renewed confidence Mark went in full force with his new wardrobe, he embraced the more sporty of his new life but still kept it relatively 'conservative', still choosing non-sports related attire when it came to articles like sweaters, long sleeve shirts, sweatpants and jeans but did embrace the more sporty side when it came to things like shorts, Jersey t-shirts, sleeveless Jerseys, hats, beanies and hoodies. As for the specifics of team merch he mostly stuck to the generic sports brands but on occasion did dip his heels into picking up the occasional jersey and hoodie with teams that his family (excluding Lewis at this point) supported: Eagles for Football and Flyers for Hockey. Of course despite all this sounding like a lot he still held off on the amounts of each because he knew that if he was serious about trying out for Football he'd inevitably buy a Badgers Shirt and Letterman Jacket from the school store

With shopping done he met up with Allison again "I see you finally embraced a new side to you" she said winking at him

"Not necessarily a newer side Alli just embracing the opportunity" Mark said with a smirk walking up to the cashier

Allison leaned in to Mark's ear "So I saw you talking with Chris and the two tweedle twins, what was that about?" she asked

"Just trying to convince me to join and I might do it for no other reason than to balance out Chris' sanity dealing with those two nimrods" Mark whispered back "Also Chris Knows" he added

Allison simply looked at Mark in shock "You mean about..." she stopped as if waiting for confirmation

Mark simply smirked back at her "Ya about the wish, I'll fill you in at the food court...I'm hungry" he said blankly as the cashier handed him his bag of clothes

"Alright" Allison said as the two walked out of the store


"So wait you're telling me that the moment those three appeared you actually got flashes to an alternate history where they embarrassed us in front of every kid in junior high!?" Terra shockingly repeated for clarification as she entered the store with her friends

"Ya, pretty much so if you intend to fix this it will require more of a stratagem than just forcing Ainsley to switch us back otherwise we could be stuck like this" Megan said pushing up her glasses

"So what you're saying is for now we just gotta grin and bear everything else until then? Screw that!" Terra said practically throwing a tantrum

All three parents stopped and turned to the three teens "Alright girls from here we're splitting up into three groups of two and coaming the store so we can take care of your shopping faster" Janet said looking at her daughter as she pulled out a list

"Okay but why are we shopping in a damn thrift store?" Lilian asked in annoyance

Tim simply turned to his daughter "First mouth young lady" he said

"Second" Janet chimed in "As your parents we collectively agreed that if left alone you'd probably buy clothes that are trashy just to fit into the 'cool crowd' and as your mother Terra JoAnn I refuse to have my daughter look like a hussie when she should look like a presentable young lady during the most important three years of her life" saying all this in a caring but overbearingly assertive tone

Terra simply looked down "Didn't have a problem with the way we dressed before" she said under her breath in an snappish tone

"What was that dear?" Janet asked in a self aware tone and a raised eyebrow

"Nothing mother!" Terra said through gritted teeth as the three girls split up and followed their perspective parent through the store


The moment Allison and Mark made their way into the food court they briefly went their separate ways to pick up their food; Mark a Submarine sandwich with a soda and Allison a soup and sandwich combo with a bottle of water before meeting back up and sitting down in a booth facing across from each other

"So what's the deal with Chris?" Allison wasted no time in asking taking a spoonful of soup in her mouth

"Well not much else to say other than we both came to the conclusion the more time we spend in this new reality the more comfortable we'll get being in these new bodies, also Chris apparently still has a thing for Ainsley" Mark said taking a bite out of his sub

"We should probably tell Ainsley about this" Allison said holding the bottle of water to her lips and began guzzling it down

"Actually I'd like to keep Chris' awareness of all this a secret if we could as in keep Ainsley completely in the dark" Mark said

Allison was practically choking on the water she was drinking after hearing Mark say that "Why!?" she asked in a strained voice

"Look between our old lives and the new ones we're about to start I have come to appreciate my odd friendship with Chris and one thing I have gained from it is the knowledge of being able to look beyond the label...mostly, Ainsley still has yet to do that so for now we keep it a secret so she can get to know the real Chris Zacharius" Mark said taking a swig of his soda

"Ya I see your point" was all Allison could say in a vexed tone

"Hi guys!!" Mark and Allison turned in the direction of the voice to see Ainsley approaching them

"I expect you to take responsibility if she finds out" Allison said with a cocky smirk

"Noted" Mark whispered back in irritation

"Hey Guys!" Ainsley said completely bagless as she sat down with her friends

"Hey Ains for someone who just went shopping I'm not seeing much on your arms?" Allison pointed out

"Hey just cause I bought a new wardrobe doesn't mean I'm a Prima donna who advertises it, I put them in the trunk of the car then came back here" Ainsley said in a no nonsense tone

"So what next? We getting out of here now?" Mark asked

"Ya I just wanna quickly grab something for the road" Ainsley said as she got up and walked to a sandwich shop to order something to go


Mere moments upon laying down the ground rules the three parents had split up into groups with the girls in tow starting with Terra who was begrudgingly following her mother and already was gritting her teeth in anger as Janet bought several rage inducing pairs of jeans from Non-Ripped Rolled Hem Drawstring Jeans to Retro High Waist Denim Oxford "Mom" Jeans to Button Fly Roll Hem "Mom" Jeans. From there it only got worse with slightly tolerable moments as cargo and suspender shorts were placed in the shopping cart along with dress skirts and a couple belts

Moving further into the store Janet started buying everything from long sleeve sweaters and shirts to dress shirts "Mom do you think I could pick out some shirts and my underwear?" Terra said looking up at her eyes pleadingly in an attempt to save the situation she was forced in as much as possible

Janet simply pinched the bridge of her nose "Alright but remember my rules no crop tops, no open back tank tops, no see through shirts, no lacey underwear and certainly no string thongs as I said, I will not have my daughter dress like a tramp" Janet said matter of factly

"Yes mother" Terra said "So now you care what I wear? You never seemed to care before but I guess I should be thankful you've at least started paying attention" she muttered under her breath before heading off on her own to the undergarments section

For the first couple minutes each girl just meandered around the store pretending to care about shopping in fact this was the first time they felt emotionally exhausted by the task due to their parents limitations and inevitably just decided to play along with their new roles in life for now: Terra obviously still begrudging the situation played along with her mother's rules in the purchase of her new wardrobe but tried to reasonably accent as best she could and go for less stereotypical nerd like buying jeans to accent the button up shirts her mother already bought her instead of dress pants or suspenders - unfortunately the compromise is they had to be high-waisted or just generally belts jeans and she still did have to buy one or two pencil skirts for more formal occasions. Now the more casual wear is where she did let her guard down somewhat and embraced her new anime dweeb label buying any t-shirts she could find with anime style graphics - more specifically the ones that she had a genuine fondness for growing up watching in between purchasing more average shirts and a couple pairs of denim style and cargo rolled hem shorts. When it ultimately came down to the decision of underwear Terra however that where she hid herself away in embarrassment as her mother bought her a "childhood memories" bulk bundle of full back panties: a set of all white girl briefs with numerous childhood prints including care bears, Sesame Street, Muppets, Pooh Bear and Strawberry Shortcake, needless to say it was the highlight of the day for her for all the wrong reasons

Megan went for a bit more of a balanced approach to her wardrobe, she did go with a bit of the standard nerd formal wear for a lot of it including the classic dress pants and suspenders but for her more casual attire she chose loose fitting sweatshirts, belted shorts and skirts, striped t-shirts, skirts among other things and as far as choice in underwear she somewhat went even more conservative than her clothing choices opting for a simple package of boy short panties. The best way to describe Megan's outfit choices as a whole was tie-dye

For Lilian she was the one out of the three friends who did go in the direction of a very conservative "nerdy" wardrobe but not for lack of not wanting to look like a walking stereotype but more just with her increased "girth" as it were it was probably best to have the most coverup, now when it came to undergarments that's where she had to be begrudgingly convinced to got the underwear wit the most padding so to speak causing her to get a package of cotton underwear with ribbons on the front

All three friends walked out of the store with their parents, emotionally exhausted from the day and while the collective thought between the three of them was to just go home, Terra also just needed a brief moment to herself "Hey mom Could I just quickly wash up to stay awake, I feel a little tired" Terra asked in a drained tone

"Sure thing honey I'll be waiting for you by the car" Linda said kissing her daughter on the cheek

All of a sudden Lilian spoke up "Mind if I go with her just in case she gets lost on her way back?" she asked in a nonchalant but nervous tone

"Of course just don't get lost yourself" Tim said teasingly as Lilian wrapped her arm around Terra and practically dragged her friend in the direction of the washrooms

"Lil what was that for? I'm just going to wash my face" Terra said slightly irritated

"I just...I don't know it's just after our encounter with Carmen I...I suddenly got this bad feeling that something might happen if you go alone" Lilian said, her entire voice and body radiating nervous energy

"Th...Thanks I guess" Terra said as for the first time during this transformation the crack of a genuine smile appeared on her face, if she was being honest she never really considered Megan or Lilian friends she secretly always just considered a means to an end to boost her own popularity but just this small little gesture made her appreciate them a little more


"Alright I'll be waiting for ya out here" Lilian said as they arrived at the mall bathroom entrances and Terra entered on the women's side

Not far away from the washrooms Mark, Allison and Ainsley were approaching Lilian's general vicinity causing Allison to stop in her tracks and narrow her eyes studying the now more obese looking girl, of course not paying attention caused Ainsley and Mark to bump into Allison "Ow hey what's the deal Alli?" Mark asked

"Mark I'm only gonna say this once if you don't want a part in what's about to happen then go wait by Ainsley's car" Allison said not taking her eyes off Lilian

"Mark quickly looked up at who Allison was focused on, instantly realized who it was and sighed "Alright make it quick" he said taking Allison's bags and walking out of the mall

Ainsley simply turning to Allison a confused look on her face "I'm confused Alli what's the deal? Who is that?"

"It's Lilian Ainsley! Which means if she's here then Terra isn't far behind probably in the washroom now" Allison said with an evil smirk plastered on her face "But I wanna have a little fun with her first" Allison said with that persistent malicious grin on her face

Without a hint of subtly Allison and Ainsley sped walk over to the fat girl, their shadows now looming over her "Hiya Lil!" was all Allison needed to say to get the former popular girl to look up in fear

"H...Hey Allison, A...A...Ainsley W...W...What C...Can I D...Do for You?" Lilian stuttered out in fear backing up against the wall

"Well you see" Allison said slamming her palm against the wall next to Allison's head "We were looking for Terra, you wouldn't happen to know where she is do you?" she continued in a sweet, condescending tone looking her straight in the eye with a fake pouty/innocent face while she grabbed onto the hem of Lillian's shirt with her free hand

"I..I don't know at this time, sh...she just said she had s...some to take of I'm just waiting for her return" Lilian panicked

"Well if that's the case lets have some fun!" Allison said lifting Lilian's shirt over her head, blinding her giving Ainsley the opportunity to slink past her into the washroom "You really have become a chunky monkey haven't you? This is great!" Allison laughed now holding Lilian in place against the wall, one arm lightly pressed against her neck while running fingers along Lilian's plump midsection with the other before curling it into a fist

"Don't blink when you feel the PUNCH BELLY!!" Allison said winding back and punching Allison in the gut leaving a noticeable fist mark

"OOAF!" Lilian grunted as she keeled over but rather than let her recover Allison simply got on top of the heavy set girl and pulled her shirt down "Don't pass out on me now we're just getting started" Allison said as she pinned Lilian's arms before she began hawking up phlegm into her mouth


Despite all the commotion outside the noise was drowned out by the running water of the tap as Terra continued to splash her face but stopped momentarily, hands still on her face, eyes peering through the gap in her fingers, the image of a blurred reflection staring back at her.

Putting her glasses back on to get a clearer image of her reflection Terra simply glared back at her reflection "I'll find you Ainsley and when I do you'll be begging to have your old life back" of course Terra was so self absorbed about her predicament she failed to hear the sound of footsteps entering the washroom

"Oh really and just how pray tell are you gonna manage that shrimp stick" Terra turned in the direction of the voice, wide eyed and caught off guard by seeing a much taller and even though she wouldn't admit it openly an even more physically beautiful looking Ainsley leaning against the entranceway of the bathroom before walking with an all too familiar confidence she recognized

The closer Ainsley got to approaching her the more a new feeling boiled up inside Terra, she was afraid of Ainsley however in one last ditch attempt to remain composed and bury her fear she stood her ground, now face to face with Ainsley who lorded over her "Well what are you gonna do shrimp stick? I'm waiting for an answer" Ainsley said in a sneering tone as she grasped onto Terra's chin in a vice grip to face her which practically lifted Terra off the ground by the tips of her toes

Starring into Ainsley's eyes combined with the malicious smile on her face, the familiar feeling of fear once again overcame her and she couldn't even understand why but she was genuinely afraid of Ainsley, a thousand thoughts coursing through her mind but they all came to the same question: "Was this what it was like to be on the other side?" That singular question did allow her to muster up enough confidence back to stand up to Ainsley "Lishten, Unlessh you have a means to revershe what happened get out of my way Ainsley!" Terra said grasping onto Ainsley's arm that was holding her up

"Nah, instead" Ainsley said bringing Terra's face to her lips "Lets have some fun" Terra didn't have enough time to process the words before Ainsley had her in a headlock

Knowing what was next Terra desperately attempted to get out of Ainsley's grip but to no avail until she did the only thing she could do "I Plead with you Ainsley, Don't do this!" despite her begging being something anyone would do in this situation what scared Terra even more so is how naturally it sounded to her like this was something she had been doing her entire life to talk down a bully but even more scary to her was the tone in which she said the words: For some inexplicable reason the way she had spoken and her pronunciations in that brief moment was very nasally as if she was speaking through her nose

"What you mean "Noogie the Nerd, Noogie the Nerd, Noogie the Nerd, Noogie the Nerd!" Ainsley repeated as she scraped her fist across the top of Terra's head

"Let Go! Stop!" was all Terra could get out in the same nasally voice as the feeling of her scalp being shredded got worse

"First things first!" Ainsley said being sure to emphasize the last word as she pulled out her phone "Smile!" Ainsley said taking a selfie of herself with Terra trapped in the headlock "Okay now you're free!" she said as she tripped and pushed Terra away from her

"OWAAAA!" Terra yelled as gravity made the fall feel worse than it was but before she hit the ground her body stopped midway "Huh?" Terra was puzzled but it didn't take long for realization to hit "Oh no no no no no" Terra panicked silently as she peeked behind her to see her underwear being held by Ainsley who was smirking


"No No please don't!" begged Lilian turning her head from side to side as Allison's loogie dangled above her, of course in both a sense of cruelty and relief to Lilian Allison would always suck it back up before it broke

"Ha! Who's the cowrering loser now!?" Allison mocked sucking the loogie back up for the third time

"I AM CAN I GO NOW PLEASE!?" Lilian begged

"Sure but first!" Allison said digging the loogie out of her mouth with her finger "Let this be a warning that the rules have changed, school's gonna be a lot different for you three from this point on" Allison said sticking the booger covered finger in Lilian's ear "AUGGGH" Lilian grunted as she cringed and squirmed "Got that lardbutt?"Allison said finishing up with a smack to her belly

"Yes" Lilian whimpered "Can I go get Terra now?" She whimpered out

"You'll get her when Ainsley's done with her but I'll check" Allison said entering the bathroom

Lilian dot back up on her feet, completely defeated and utterly humiliated, she couldn't say a thing


"Please Ainsley no anything but that!" Terra was begging, still in the same position she was her body anchored by Ainsley holding onto the waistband of her underwear, pondering to herself "Shut it nerd I'm trying to decide!" Ainsley snapped causing Terra to cower in defeat

"Decide what?" Allison asked entering the bathroom and stood right in front of Terra

"Just what kind of wedgie to give this loser, I've got a thousand ideas swirling around in my head"

"Well since you've got my extra pair of hands here why not give her the snapper?" Allison grinned sadistically

"The snapper?" Ainsley questioned

"Ya it's something the jocks and cheer squad would give me and Mark all the time you start off with a few good normal wedgies then when you feel the underwear stretched out enough you pull back on the waist band and let go snapping it against her backside" Allison said poking at Terra's forehead before grasping onto her arms

Terra tensed up in absolute dread at the suggestion who looked over her shoulder at Ainsley who if looks could kill the face of absolute sadistic glee she was sporting could kill a whole room "Time...For...WEDGIE!!" Ainsley said hoisting Terra's underwear past her waist

"YAOOOW" Terra screamed aloud


"YAAAAOOOW" Among the shouts the single word and the yelps of her own pain those same feelings kept returning to her


"YAAAAOOOW" Those same feeling of the pain warping her mind, those strange feelings of feeling weak, helpless, fearful as if she had no other option but to accept her fate, that feeling that she wasn't just playing a character but becoming that character: these feelings had all but consumed her now at this point

For as if on instinct and in between yelps of pain she had yelled out a single sentence she never though she'd ever hear herself say and in the most nasally whine her mind and mouth could only say one thing "Please not my undie-roo-roos!" That single sentence whether on reflex or a way to beg for the pain to stop had sealed her fate whether she knew it or not

"Aw did you hear what she called her underwear?" Allison asked in a rhetorical mocking

"I know it's adorable, here Alli preserve the moment!" Ainsley said tossing her phone to Alli as the girl took a quick picture of Terra's next Wedgie before pushing the record button "Please let my undie-roo-roos go!" Terra screeched again in the same nasally whine as her underwear once again was jammed up her butt before Allison stopped recording and went back to holding onto Terra's arms

"Sure thing I'm about ready anyway!" Ainsley said pulling back on Terra's underwear and taking a few steps back

"No Not like that!" Terra cowered in fear and pain

"Snaparoo!" Ainsley yelled letting go of the waistband of Terra's underwear

And with one large *SNAP* and a single "YAAAAAOOOOOWWWWW" Terra's waistband painfully returned to it's original place around her waist albeit now a little disheveled cause of the wedgies

Allison pushed her down leaving her on Terra to rub the pain she was feeling all over "Ow my aching posterior" she said as she could hear one last camera flash before Ainsley kneeled down in front of her

"Take a look at all the happy memories we just made together!" Ainsley said as Terra looked up to see her cycling through the pictures and videos on her phone "You wanna know where these are going?" Ainsley asked causing that dread and fear to consume Terra

"H...Haven't you done enough Ainsley" Terra said practically trying to hold her emotions together before everything burst "I GET IT! I DESERVE THIS CAN WE JUST PLEASE STOP!" Terra yelled tears in her eyes

"Fat chance Terra! You ruined my life now I'm gonna ruin yours, by Monday on the first day of school these little memories of ours will be on every students phone to enjoy, you lost before you were ever even a player" Ainsley said as she yanked Terra's glasses off her and dropped them in a nearby toilet stall "Go fish loser" Ainsley said as she walked out with Allison.

Battered and bruised, Terra got up and slowly trudged her way to the stall the same thoughts running through her mind with each step "This is my life now" or "How am I gonna get things back to normal now? I was reckless" Terra reached into the toilet bowl and fished out her glasses before trudging over to the sink to wash them "How do I beat her now?" she asked in her mind as she lathered her lenses with soap before washing them again

Putting her glasses back on Terra stared back at her reflection once more and gritted her teeth in frustration "What do I do!?" she contemplated gripping onto the sides of the sink

"Terra you okay in here?" hearing the familiar voice Terra whipped in the direction to see Lilian "Oh my god Lilian are you okay?" she asked rushing over to her friend "Ya" Lilian said in a weak smile "Allison's just got a stronger punch than I remember" looking at her friend the anger and frustration boiled to the surface stronger than ever before calming herself down, now wasn't the time for this

"Come on lets get out of here" Terra said concerned as they walked out towards the entrance to the mall


Now safe in the passenger's seat of her mother's car Terra simply looked out the window in a daze, that same feeling of frustration but now a little more focused the only thought on her mind "I gotta find a way to fix this if for no other reason that to save my friends" Terra caught herself in surprise saying that word again before covering her eyes and giggling like an idiot "friends, jeez what have you done to me Ainsley" Terra whispered

"What was that dear?" Linda asked

"Nothing mother, it's just today has been oddly...enlightening" Terra said looking out the window with a sincere smil

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