Study Group [Male Reader x Va...

By cookiekid789

126K 5.8K 1.2K

Lord Voldemort has been dead for years, killed by a then one year old Harry Potter, however, with his final b... More

Year 1 -- Cast --
Kings Cross, 1991
Journey To Hogwarts...
Fight and Flight...
Barking Mad
Shopping With McGonagall
Trololololol In The Dungeon
The Ties That Bind...
The Mirror
Nicholas Flamel
Stone Cold
An Act of Justice...
Year 2 -- Cast --
No.4 Privet Drive
Quiet Celebrations...
An Impasse...
Welcome From The Grangers...
Shopping With The Grangers [1/2]...
Shopping With The Grangers [2/2]...
This Time She's Got Me
Aftermath and Assignments...
Bounty: Bill Ashe
Diagon Alley
Quidditch With The Grangers
Back At Hogwarts
Defenceless Against The Dark Arts...
Enemies of The Heir Beware...
Bedtime Story
Asking Nicely
Gentle Persuasion...
Plan B and News...
Dear Diary
McGonagall's Decision...
Bludgers and Bones...
The First Rule About Duel Club...
Birthday (1/2)...
Birthday (2/2)
Polyjuice Palava...
Tom Riddle...
Memory Man...
Year 3: -- Cast --
An Unexpected Summer
Arrival At Azkaban
A Day In The Life...
The Dementors Vengeance...
6 Weeks Later...
Greengrass Care
Hippocratic Oath
One Man...
Law and Orders?
Paradise embodied...
The Tragedies of Life...
El Club De Los Cuerpos
Till I Collapse...
Escape To The Countryside: Revolution Special
Wits End...
Cristiano Jesus
Gunslingers and Wand Duellists...
Father Cristiano
The Demise of Denise...
Thomas Callahan
The Downfall of Ministro Aldo
Back Home...
Freedom, At What Cost?
As Green As Grass...
The Leaky Cauldron
A Sirius Talk
The Great Train... Dementor?
Back At Hogwarts Again...
Meeting With McGonagall...
Care For Magical Creatures...
Study Group...
Defence Against The Dark Arts
Boys Day In
The Paint Sized Slasher
Dementor Attack
Ravenclaws Diadem
The Firebolt
Patronus Lesson...
Dormitory Attack...
Hear All About It...
The Execution...
Bounties: Sirius and Bellatrix Black!
Barking Mad
Outlaws For Life
-- Year 3 Summer: Cast --
1 Week Later!
Open Up Your Heart...
Happy Birthday Ginny!
The Morning After
Top Broom
The Three Broomsticks
Asking For A Favour...
I Got A Plan...
I Love It When A Plan Comes Together
A New Face At The Table...
Pre-Season Quidditch Match
Y/N's Reward: Part 1
Y/N's Reward: Part 2
Y/N's Reward: Part 3
A Quiet Talk
The Mother...
A Warning
Duelling Tournament Part #2
Duelling Tournament Part #3
Narcissa Black
The Crime...
The Trial
The Sentence...
The Return
A ''Talk''
Inter Year Duelling Championship
A Spot Of Revenge...
To The Victor Go The Spoils
Sirius' Letter...
Visiting Old Friends
Preparing For The Feast...
Tour Of The Town
The Feast...
Heading Home...
Malfoy Manor
Thomas L/N...
Year 4 -- Cast --
Camping Trip
Pre-Match Warm-Up...
The Quidditch World Cup
A Favour To Ask
Terms of Service...
That's Got To Be The Best Wizard I've Ever Seen
Tournament Announcement...
Mad-eye Moody Mysteries...
Another One Off The List
The Goblet of Fire
Rita Skeeter
Anger Mismanagement
Giving A Warning...
A Change of Attire...
Desperate Measures...
The Renegade...
Look Mum, I'm Famous!
Different Types of Celebrations
The Press
Let's Dance
Bridges Burning
Never Hurt Hermione...
Shopping Date...
Yule Ball #1
Yule Ball #2
After The Ball
Silence In The Library
Teaching A Friend
Fleurs Flights of Fancy
Umbridge's Request
Bones' Bathtime
Another Prophecy
The Second Task
A Song In Passing
Brotherly Care and Narcissa's Assistance...
Back On Your Feet
Asking For A Favour...
Returning To Gringotts...
Lord Potter...
Looking For Answers...
Wednesday's Werewolf Workmate
Wednesday's Worktime Woes
Gaunt's Ring
The Maze
Graveyard Shift...
Graveyard Venom
''He's Dead, Voldemort's Dead!''
Hospital Hero, Harry
Falling For Frances Fabulous Flower...
The Old Saying...
A New Day Begins...
New Book!

Duelling Tournament Part #1

392 20 4
By cookiekid789

Y/N was in the room of requirement with Daphne who was pacing.

"Y/N, I don't know about this plan. He won't fall for the same trick twice."

"Daphne, Draco's many things, a swift learner from his mistakes is not one of them. I promise, even if I need to die in order to pull this off, I will rescue your sister, regardless of who I have to fight to get to Draco." Y/N said as Daphne smiled.

"Just do one thing for me other than saving my sister... Kick his scrawny little arse so hard he reverts back into a sperm and climbs back into his dads balls, then kick them." Daphne said as Y/N laughed before leaning in and kissing her.

"Believe me, I have enough motivation to kick Lucius in the balls as it is." Y/N said as he kissed Daphne, then Hermione and then Ginny, all of which were wearing specific duelling attire, Y/N meanwhile wore his usual clothes.

As Y/N and the girls arrived in the Great Hall that morning, his eyes looking over and glaring at Malfoy, if looks could kill, Draco would be dead.

Y/N was calm and collected as he sat down and ate his meal, Harry walked in with Cho, both of them wearing duelling attire.

As Ron walked in he was wearing some old duelling robes from his brother.

"All right Ron?" Y/N asked, noticing his bad mood.

"Other than looking a pillock, yes." Ron said as he looked to Ginny wearing a set of fresh new duelling clothes. "Where'd you get those?"

"I bought them at Hogsmeade." Ginny said.

"But how'd you get the money?"

"Y/N paid for them, along with Hermione's and Daphne's." Ginny said as Ron looked at Y/N.

"I would have bought you some Ron but I don't know your size, and you weren't there." Y/N said as Ron sighed.

"How am I ever going to impress anyone dressed like someone straight out of 1730?" Ron remarked as Y/N smirked.

"Ron, if someone is getting with you based purely on your clothes, then they're not the right one for you." Y/N said as he ate his breakfast.

As breakfast ended, professor McGonagall tapped her glass with a spoon.

"Would all of you please step outside and line up in your house groups please." McGonagall said calmly as the students all filed out, they heard the sound of the tables and benches moving.

A few moments later, McGonagall arrived.

"You can all come in now."

The Students entered to see the hall had a long stage in the middle of it, with benches along the sides of the hall.

"Welcome all to the First day of the Hogwarts duelling tournament. today, will be students coming up from third year into fourth year, tomorrow. Now then, let us begin. Daphne Greengrass and Tracey Davis will be our first contestants.

Both Tracey and Daphne stood up and approached the centre of the stage.

"Hope you're not expecting me to hold back." Tracey said.

"I'd be upset if you did." Daphne said as Tracey chuckled before they both moved to their positions.


Immediately Tracey and Daphne began their duel, the two of them both trying to throw the other off with Y/N making mental notes of what each of the two witches was doing in case he had to face her to get to Malfoy.

The two girls were pretty evenly matched until Daphne cast a wordless spell at Tracey who blocked it but failed to block the follow up spell of expelliarmus, Tracey's wand flew to Daphne's hand. As the two girls shook hands, Tracey leaned in close.

"Good job." Tracey said as the next two names were called out.

"Y/N L/N and Neville Longbottom."

Y/N and Neville approached one another.

"All right Y/N."

"Never better Nev. Look, I'm sorry, but I'm gunning for Malfoy, I can't hold my punches if you know what I mean."

"If you plan on getting him, then don't hold back." Neville said as Y/N nodded.

"... Begin!"

"Expelliarmus!" Y/N cast swiftly, his wand flourishing as Nevilles wand flew to his hand.

Hermione, Ginny, Daphne, and Y/N's friends all cheered as Y/N and Neville shook hands with one another.

"Ginny Weasley and Cho Chang."

Ginny stepped up and looked Cho dead in the eyes.

"Ready Weasley?" Cho asked as Ginny smirked.

"Oh yes I am." Ginny said with a grin.

As Ginny and Cho took up their positions their friends and families watched, with Y/N, Hermione, Daphne and a few of Ginny's friends cheering her on while Harry was cheering Cho on.

"Begin!" McGonagall said as Ginny and Cho started duelling, with Cho using her reflexes to help defend against a barrage of hexes and curses until Ginny managed to push her back far enough to the point where she could not back up any further. Ginny kept pushing however.

"Stupify-" Cho tried to cast but Ginny interrupted.


As Cho was sent flying backwards off of the stage, Ginny flourished her wand once more and used Arresto Momento to stop Cho's fall.

An hour went past as duels continued to take place, with Harry, Hermione, and Ron winning their duels, Draco Malfoy, Pansy Parkinson, Crabbe, Goyle, Blaise Zabini, Cormac McLaggen, Milicent Bulstrode being a few of the notable people who won their duels.

"We will be taking a short break and then we'll be moving onto this years group stage where the students will each have to duel all other remaining students, the one's with the best win/loss ratio will move onto the quarter finals." McGonagall announced as the room filed out, apart from Y/N and the Malfoys.

"Looks like your little Mudblood's been put in her place by a superior Pureblood. Eh, L/N." Lucius Malfoy said as Y/N's hand moved to his wand. "I wouldn't recommend that."

"Why would that be?"

"Well, we both know what happened the last time you upset a powerful family." Lucius said as Y/N laughed.

"Powerful? You really believe that? You struggled in a fight against me so you killed my little sister." Y/N remarked as Lucius scoffed.

"Those accusations were proven false."

"I wonder how that happened." Y/N said bluntly. "Today I'm gonna bruise your ego, no matter who I have to go through."

"I'll be seeing you soon L/N."

"Yes you will Draco, yes you will." Y/N said as he stood up and left, heading out to talk to Hermione and the rest of his friends...

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